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The Defenders: The Broken Barrelhead (1962)
Season 1, Episode 32
Illustrates what's wrong with this series -- stick with Perry Mason
18 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A speeding youth runs into and kills three people; he is represented by the Prestons. Throughout the trial we NEVER even see the deceased person's families, and their viewpoint is never expressed. This happens all too often on this show, giving some of the episodes a one-sided and unrealistic nature. (It is not, however, that unrealistic that the youth in this episode would get what amounts to slap on the wrist.) This episode is certainly not "brilliantly" scripted -- by eliminating the relatives (possibly to save money by hiring fewer actors but more likely to manipulate the viewer) it dodges the really tough questions.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Great premise with ludicrous developments
26 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show sets up a very intriguing situation but then becomes undone with its ludicrous implausibilities. Claire Danes plays a CIA agent who somehow manages to hide the fact that she's a psychotic taking drugs for her condition from her bosses -- what, no background checks in the CIA? She gets drunk with a man she suspects of being a traitor and terrorist, gives away sensitive info, and has sex with him? How did this woman ever get hired? This is stretching credulity just too far! It becomes almost a parody of a spy show!
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The Killing (2011–2014)
Interesting but vastly over-rated
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very, very deliberately-paced show that goes on .... and on and on ... and you still don't know who the killer is at the end of the first season! I watched a few episodes of season two, got impatient, and skipped to the final season two episode just to finally find out who killed Rosie. There are some interesting twists in this, but a lot of it is just plain over-familiar and certainly not unique. A Muslim teacher who is beaten and nearly killed is pretty much forgotten, and his assailant may just get away with it -- morally ambiguous, to say the least. The lead actress wears one expression throughout and makes occasional faces. Her partner fakes evidence and is never taken to task for it, not even by her. Some good things in this but is by no means a really great series that is worth all the time it takes to tell the story.
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Nerve (2013)
Dull and minor-league
15 February 2020
Honestly, some reviews go on about this film as if it were a masterpiece directed by Alfred Hitchcock or William Wyler. It's an escargot-paced "thriller" about a man who wants to track down his late wife's lover. The actors are not bad at all, but this is a very weak script with no real pay-off, and the alleged "twist" isn't really much of anything. The characters are fairly one-dimensional as well. The average rerun of "Dr. Phil" would be more entertaining.
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Watch Agatha Christie instead
26 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An Italian take-off on a country estate mystery of the type done by Agatha Christie, but while this has possibilities be warned that it's rather slow and foolish and really isn't worth nearly two hours of your time. The film's composer simply changes a few notes and uses Tchaikovsky's "Piano Concerto No. One" as his theme music. The movie has no style and is not memorable.
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Case 39 (2009)
Staggeringly unoriginal
19 October 2019
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Little girl is actually a demon or the devil and people all around her die horrible supernatural-type deaths. Sound familiar? This well-directed and very well-acted movie would be perfectly okay if "The Omen" and its many sequels and imitations had never been made, the only difference being that this is a little girl instead of a boy. Gets zero points for originality. I imagine the high ratings are from people who don't see many classic horror films.
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Idiotic and homophobic
8 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This heavily unbalanced movie presents two gay people -- a man and a woman -- who are trapped in negative relationships with unappealing partners, thus stacking the deck against the gay lifestyle. It does not present gay relationships as being normal and healthy. The two gay characters -- they are never referred to as bisexual -- get married to each other. Do they eventually recognize that they are basically gay and embark upon healthy homosexual relationships? No, instead they supposedly fall in love. The old stereotype that "you're only gay until you meet the right man -- or woman."

Honestly, I can't imagine who this would appeal to besides homophobes or self-hating homos. Its negative view of gay life, and its need to "straighten out" the gay characters to make more them palatable to mainstream audiences, makes this anti-gay flick a dated, stupid and unfunny travesty. The fact that there may be gay men and lesbians married to each other in real life -- quite pathetic in these days of gay marriage -- doesn't make this picture any less fantastic or more believable.
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Very interesting Australian film
26 June 2019
In Melbourne Detective Gina Sturrick (Leverne McDonnell) interviews Anne (Louise Siverson), when her husband's supposed mistress is found stabbed to death in a park. Gina then goes to see her therapist, Glenda (Gail Watson), who confesses something quite startling to her shrink. Meanwhile the shrink goes to see her best friend Susan ( Nina Landis), and discovers that she, too, is holding back a terrible secret. In the final segment, Gina is back in a police interview room after there's another murder. Just who is guilty of what?

I won't say much more about the plot of "Four of a Kind," as its the type of movie that should reveal its secrets to the viewer as the film goes along, but I will say that its main strength is the superb performances from a talented ensemble cast. The screenplay by Helen Collins (Id be surprised if this wasn't originally written for the stage) intelligently examines and dissects these four interesting women, making this a fascinating character study. Each segment is broken up by a brief performance by the rock-jazz group Joe Camilleri and the Black Sorrows, which is less distracting than you might imagine (their music is catchy, for one thing). "Four of a Kind" reminds me of one of Woody Allen's better pictures with its incisive characterization and its intermingling of what may seem like separate story lines. Although some may be put off by the somewhat ambiguous if insinuating ending, this is a worthwhile and unusual movie made in Australia. (read more reviews on my blog Great Old Movies.)
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Unforgotten (2015– )
FIRST SEASON: Well-done for the most part BUT problems with that wind-up!
14 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This has some excellent writing, interesting characters (the inter-racial couple, in particular) and fine acting. It is compelling and suspenseful. But I had some very negative feelings about the ending of this, the first series.

I couldn't believe that the priest, who had sex with a fifteen-year-old child, pretty much gets away with it and gets a happy ending with his family to boot! This angle is just glossed over. His out-of-wedlock daughter is the product of child molestation, for Pete's sake!

As for the gay aspects of the story, they are rather dated, smacking more of the fifties or forties than the seventies. A closet queen's wife kills two of his sex partners over the years and they both manage to cover it up. Was there no investigation into the second man's murder? Surely a trial would eventually have led to a suspect, as the closet queen was very busy with the guys. We learn a lot about the first victim -- who was either gay for pay or, more likely, bisexual -- and virtually nothing about the second gay victim or his family. Apparently the writer changed the ending at the last minute but it just doesn't quite work. Why would this guy want to spend the rest of his life with a psycho-wife who butchers gay men when he himself likes guys? Not very plausible.

And then there is the bit about the first victim supposedly having a nail driven into his hand, but this is completely forgotten. How and why did that happen?
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Sybil (1976)
Well-acted tedium of story that's been proven to be faked
10 January 2019
This begins quite well and is absorbing for the first hour, but after that all the repetitious flashbacks and slow pacing pretty much ruins it. Field is marvelous, with fine back-up from Woodward, Davis and others. But the pic often plays like a parody, especially when one reads "Sybil Exposed," in which we learn that the young lady -- the real "sybil" -- faked the whole thing.
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Murder in the First (2014–2016)
There are no gay men in all of San Francisco?
14 October 2018
I applaud the fact that the show has some diversity in its cast, what with women, African-Americans, Latinos, and even a couple of reasonably positive lesbian characters, but for a show set in San Francisco it is completely ridiculous that we never, ever see a gay male character -- not a cop, not a prosecutor, not a defense lawyer, not a suspect, not a witness, nobody, ever, -- stereotypical or non-stereotypical -- throughout three seasons! Are you kidding me?

That being said I found the first season's connected storyline to be very entertaining, with knock-put performances by Tom Felton and James Cromwell. The last two seasons added many more characters, some of which we really didn't need, and many sub-plots, some of which were interesting, making it a more traditional cop show, for better or worse.

Taye Diggs and Kathleen Robertson are okay in the leads, not bad actors, even if they seem a bit like lightweights compared to, say, Mariska Hargitay of Law and Order SVU. Robertson's model-perfect bobbed nose can be a distraction. Rafael Sbarge, Jamie Lumer, and some other cast members make a positive impression. The scripts have their head-scratching moments, but the show is not bad. With only thirty-two episodes you can binge watch it on Hulu in a number of days.
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Weak suspense item.
1 August 2018
Paging Alfred Hitchcock, who would never come up with an alleged thriller as dull and disappointing as this. The performance of Ross Martin is the only real interest, although Ford and Stefanie Powers are good, Remick less so. This starts out quite well, but it just doesn't hold up. Does not compare at all well to really great suspense films, but they were hardly Blake Edwards' specialty.
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Plot of Fear (1976)
Mediocre Italian mystery with some interesting players
29 July 2018
The reviews on this site so overpraise this movie that I wondered if they were posted as a joke. "Plot of Fear" holds the attention, has a good lead performance from Michele Placido, a good supporting turn from Eli Wallach (Tom Skeritt shows up for about two minutes), but the plot is warmed-over Argento and lacks that director's style and pacing (in his best films, that is). If you can actually figure out the ending good for you! This is not a film for gore geeks, as it's relatively bloodless, but it could have used a little more excitement and flair in its very few murder sequences. How one writer can claim that Argento's films are "bland" and then over-praise this picture as if Paolo Cavara was in his league is just ludicrous. This is only borderline giallo and not very good giallo in any case. Some good scenes but it just falls apart.
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A real stinker!
6 November 2017
Possibly director Ulmer's worst movie. I simply can't understand the bizarre raves for this terrible picture. People go on about it as if it were made by Hitchcock! The plot is obvious, there is no suspense, it's fast=paced yet still manages to be tedious, Everyone knows what's going on practically from the first so there are no surprises. Inspired by Hamlet? Give me a break! As for the acting, Lydon is okay and Warren William is wasted.
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Mediocre and forgettable comedy
6 November 2017
Some people will find something worthwhile in the most forgettable movies, and they're welcome to their opinion, but "My Son the Hero" is much more of a sow's ear than a silk purse. Some of the actors are fine, the pace is fairly fast, and it isn't awfully boring, but it's a far cry from a good, funny movie. Anyone who sees "darkness" or depth in this silly and derivative picture is seeing only what they want to see.
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Just awful!
21 August 2017
Woody Allen tries aping Federico Fellini and comes up criminally short,as Allen is no Fellini. The film has no real plot, a bad script, only a few comic touches, and is ultimately tedious to boot. If you are obsessed with the personal details of Allen's life, you might enjoy this more than the average viewer. But anyone who sees this as a masterpiece needs to see a LOT more movies!
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Stick with the original
18 August 2017
The 1949 version of this story may not have been a masterpiece, but it's certainly a better piece of film-making -- and much better acted -- than this disappointing, sloppy, and comparatively dull remake. Whether or not it's more or less faithful to the novel is besides the point -- this is a MOVIE and it should work as a movie. Penn borders on the grotesque, Law looks like he needs sleep, Clarkson will never win an Oscar for this as McCambridge did in the original because her role seems to have been left on the cutting room floor to make room for more Penn. Important scenes are just sloughed off in non-dramatic fashion so that it's almost like a parody at times. See the original!
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Algiers (1938)
Scene by scene copy of original
2 August 2017
This is basically a scene by scene copy of the previous year's French film "Pepe le Moko" starring Jean Gabin. Nevertheless, this version has the edge on the French film because of the actors -- Boyer is terrific as always, and even Lamarr makes her character more likable than in the original. The script changes are mostly minor. A nice musical score helps this version a lot as well.

Remade as "Casbah" with Tony Martin in the Boyer role!
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Doctor Mabuse (2013)
5 June 2017
An absolutely terrible, amateurish, silly take on the old Dr. Mabuse character with virtually no redeeming value. Okay, the blue screen look of the film is occasionally striking, but this is a mess when it comes to a solid script, strong characters, suspense, tension, or any coherent excitement. I felt sorry for the old "Dark Shadows" actors, of which only Kathryn Leigh Scott gives a memorable performance in a laughably under-written role.

I can only imagine that somebody got their relatives or people who worked on the film to write these rave reviews. The new Spielberg? Come on!
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Evergreen (1934)
One of the all-time worst musicals
25 October 2016
Okay, you take a fish-faced actress with a really awful voice and not that much acting ability, give her just one halfway decent song to sing, build a stupid plot around her that lacks not just a believable quality but any kind of charm or humor, and what have you got? Something that isn't even as entertaining as one of those mediocre Republic or Monogram musicals with Gale Storm or Phil Regan, both of whom sang better, and certainly looked better, than Jessie Matthews. There are about a zillion movie musicals better than this one. As for musicals by Rodgers and Hart, just about anything they did is a zillion times better than "Evergreen."
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Another Phil Regan musical
9 October 2016
Phil Regan was handsome, had a great voice, a pleasing on-screen personality, and could act well enough for this kind of stuff, but, unfortunately, his films were all made for Monogram and Republic and not MGM. "Happy Go Lucky" has a somewhat different plot than usual -- is that singer, "Happy Jack," in a Shanghai nightclub Evelyn Venable's missing fiancé, Bill, or is he just a lookalike? -- but it still doesn't amount to much. Jed Prouty of the Jones Family series is on hand as Venable's father, and we've also got Jonathan Hale, who was Robert Walker's father in "Strangers on a Train," as a family friend. The highlight of the film is Regan singing "Right or Wrong."
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If you like Lupe ...
9 January 2012
Lupe Velez fans will enjoy this minor musical in which the gal plays two roles, a recent arrival to New York named Rita, and her lookalike cousin, Maria, who is a Broadway musical star calling herself Elaine. The cousin has hidden the fact that she's married and pregnant from the producer, so Rita takes over her role while Maria goes off to have the baby. Things get amusingly complicated when the husband shows up without knowing the switch, not to mention two other guys who are interested in either Rita or Maria. Lewis Wilson, the first actor to play Batman, is in the cast, as is Gerald Mohr. Co-star Michael Duane is easily out-acted and out-personality-ed by Velez, who sings not too badly, dances well, and seems to be having a lot of fun. If you enjoy the Mexican Spitfire films you may get a minor bang out of this.
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Why wasn't Bradbury given credit?
31 August 2011
This would be an outstanding episode were it not for the fact that it seems to be an uncredited adaptation of Ray Bradbury's 1948 short story "The Crowd" -- even the title is similar. The basic plot -- accident victim sees the same people over and over again at accident scenes -- is exactly the same with a few changes. Bradbury's name appears nowhere in the credits. An oversight -- or plagiarism? Other than that this is intriguing and creepy and star David Hedison gives one of his best performances. Rather a nice adaptation all told -- it's just odd that Bradbury wasn't given an acknowledgment, especially as the story is fairly well-known.
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