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A perfect example of putting the blocks on top of each other one at a time
22 February 2014
I can't believe how impressive this movie was. When I first saw it, it just blew my mind away. Every about it was lovable. The story, the animation, the cast, the characters, the humor, it was a thrill ride. It's definitely a good film to kick of 2014, and is one that you definitely don't want to miss. You could tell that they went all out on this. It's one thing to make stop motion in general, but doing with Lego and making it that good is just impressive. And let's not forget the strong cast which includes Chris Pratt, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Will Ferrel, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, and numerous cameos including Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, and Shaq among many others. But probably the best thing about the movie was it's sense of humor. Though the first 10 minutes was quite boring and seemed like a typical animated film, the film spiraled high after wards and will keep you laughing all the way through. All of the cast members like Liam Neeson and Morgan Freeman who you would never expect to do something comedic gave it there all here, and that only made it 10x funnier. But if there's' some thing I didn't like about the movie, it would have to be the ending. I won't spoil it for you, but there's this little twist in the end that was quite un-expecting, but a bit unnecessary. With all honesty though, the ending wasn't that bad, and some of you may even like it. Overall, The Lego Movie" is a great movie that' sun for all ages.
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Definitely not "Die Hard" by any means, but definitely not terrible.
14 February 2014
When this movie first came out, it got a lot of criticism from people. Many criticized it's action sequences, others thought the story was stupid and overused, and honestly, I think they're right. There is a lot of flaws in this movie, but calling it terrible is a little to harsh. The story, as most of you could probably guess from the title, is about a group of terrorist who raids the White House and holds everyone hostage. There's a couple of twist and turns here and there throughout the movie but I won't spoil it for ya. The plot as you can see, is indeed overused. It's basically a guy running around a big building taking down the bad guys while trying to save the hostages. We've seen it in many blockbusters like "Die Hard" and "Air Force One". I'll also admit that the action sequences are really stupid. I swear every time Channing Tatum gets into a shootout he dodges every single bullet. I mean I wouldn't mind all of that if this was "The Matrix" but there's no mentioning of any of that red pill blue pill crap so it didn't really make sense. On top of that some of the dialogue in this movie could get reeaallly corny and it's makes you wanna strangle your television set. The CGI is really noticeable to. When they use real explosives in this movie, it looks good and you don't mind it. But when they try to use special effects, it looks it belonged to a video game. Despite this, I still think you should give it a shot. Why? Well despite having inaccurate action sequences, the action scenes were pretty fun. There's also a lot of funny moments in the movie that will make you chuckle a few times. And surprisingly, most of the actors did a good job portraying their roles. I especially liked Jamie Foxes performance. He was funny, cool, yet noble and serious when necessary. (Not to mention he allowed you to make a lot of Obama jokes). I kinda thought the villain in this movie was a little extreme though. I mean you do sympathize with him, but his intentions and goals are just way to over the top. And there's this one particular scene in the movie involving the news that drove me crazy. I'm not going to explain what it is, but let's just say, It's Fox News Stupid. Like I said before this movie isn't great, but if you're looking for something fun, it's definitely worth checking out.
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Frozen (I) (2013)
One of Disney's best since Beauty and the Beast. An instant classic
14 February 2014
When I first saw the trailer for "Frozen", I thought to myself, "God it's going to be torture watching this. Disney must be really desperate." But by god, when I saw the film, I was immediately blown away. Everything about the movies was just stunning. The animation, the visuals, the songs, the characters, the story, the risk that it took, it was indescribable. I'm not going to explain the whole plot of this movie because I'll be spoiling it for you and will be doing it injustice so just go watch it yourself to find out how good it is. Though I will admit that I thought the ending was a little bit corny and was done many times before, though they added a little twist to it which was nice to see. Probably the most interesting thing about this movie though is the fact that it addressed a lot of clichés and flaws that other movies have. The movies are about princesses, but they're not your typical damsel in distress that needs saving all the time. n fact, they're pretty strong willed and is willing to take action to make things right rather then waiting for a "knight in shining armor" to do it for them, and I respect that. I also thought it was funny how the movie encourages you to NOT fall in love with someone you just met instead of doing the complete opposite like most romantic movies do. All in all, It's a Disney classic that you just can't miss.
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Wtf were they smoking when they gave this movie a G rating?
17 July 2013
As you can probably tell from the summary that this movie isn't really for kids. Yet, I find it to be one of the greatest Disney film of all time. Why? Well for starters Disney took A LOT of risk with this movie. Instead of making it bright, colorful, and family friendly, "Hunchback" is dark, gritty, and surprisingly has a lot of mature themes. I'm sure everyone is familiar with the story. It's about a disfigured man named Quasimodo who lives on top of the bell towers of Notre Damme for all his life because according to his master, Claude Frollo, his "kind" is not welcomed in the streets of Paris and therefore he must spend the rest of his life isolated at the bells of Notre Dame. What made this movie so great however is because it defied the laws of Disney. In a sense, it did the same thing Nolan's "Dark Knight" trilogy did, by taking a familiar material and making it darker and thematic. But why do so many people hate "Hunchback"? It did the same thing "the Dark Knight" did, hell it even came out before the "Dark Knight". But why does everyone like the "Dark Knight" but not "Hunchback"? Why is it forgotten? Well, maybe it's because it's a Disney Movie. Maybe people were tired of the way superheroes and needed a change to the traditional campy feel of superhero movies and were happy with the changes that "The Dark Knight" offered. When people watch a Disney movie, they expect a colorful movie that's fit for the family. Not a dark film about a disfigured man that is shunned from society. You expect that from Tim Burton, not Disney. Yet again, being different isn't always bad. I'll admit, I didn't like Hunchback that much as a kid either, and it wasn't until a more recent viewing that I came to respect it. And On top of that, who could forget the most famous aspect of this movie; the villain. To describe Judge Claude Frollo would be impossible for he is far to complex and I wouldn't be able to do him justice. But one things for sure, he's perhaps one of the greatest villain that Disney created. What about the songs? For the most part, the songs were pretty good, great actually. Particularly the opening theme and the villain song. So overall, I say go check it out. It's definitely not for everybody, but if you're looking for something different or if you like a movie with a little dark twist, then you should definitely go see it. Just make sure you don't show your kids.
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Ed Wood (1994)
One of the best movies about making movies
1 March 2013
There's quite a lot to say about Ed Wood. But I guess I'll start by saying that I find it to be one of the most overlooked film in history. Why is it so overlooked? Well, no one really knows why it failed at the box office at the time even though it was a critical success. But thankfully, it has gained more fame and recognition over time, yet I still believe it's overlooked. The film is about a young movie director who has a passion for making movies even though he downright sucks at doing it. That's all I'll tell you people because the rest of the plot is really hard to explain in one review, and is super long so I really don't wanna do it. Anyways,the film is just a masterpiece. It's funny, inspiring, emotional at times, but it still gives you that warm feel-good feeling in the end. It gives viewers the message of never giving up and to do what you love no matter what others say. But what really made this movie so good are the characters that it has. Every single character in this movie has a different yet unique and memorable character trait. They were so fun to watch and you couldn't get enough of them. Of course that's do to the wonderful performances from he cast which includes Johnny Depp, Bill Murray, and best of all, Martin Landau in the role of Bela Lugosi, which I believe, is the best performance of his career. The film was directed by Tim Burton and it really showed. You could see a lot of his elements in this movie. You have that dark eerie atmosphere, and you have the characters who are different from other and are rejected by society, yet they swallow all the opinions from others and try to achieve great things. Unfortunately in real life Ed Wood never became a critically acclaimed director.... but that doesn't kill the message of the film. Sometimes you gotta face reality. Many people try to achieve great things but unfortunately, not all will succeed. And I know that whoever is reading this review might be a bit upset from what I just wrote like 2 lines ago and considering there's like a hundred more reviews on this film i'm sure not many will read it but remember this: Ed Wood may not have succeeded in making movies but he is still famous today. Why? Well for one thing his movies are so bad that people enjoy watching it because they're amusing, and also because he never gave up. He was called the worst director ever but he still made movies. Even though he didn't achieve what he hoped to achieve, he still kept trying because he loved what he did and he wanted to be remembered from it and chased his dream till the day he died. Not everyone will succeed in their goals, but if you tried and had the courage to give it your best, you will still gain a positive outcome for your attempts. You should always try to do something that you love even though it may sound improbable. But make sure it's not impossible because if you try to like jump of a building and fly or something then well, i don't know what to say. Because if you don't try, how will you know if you will succeed? And if you don't succeed, always have a back up plan. Just saying. Well anyways I highly recommend you see this movie if you haven't. It's really funny, and really inspiring, go check it out. I give it.... 5/5 stars
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A sad excuse for a film. But what did you expect from M. Night Shyamalan?
11 August 2012
Let me clarify that I'm a huge fan of "Avatar: The Last Airbender". So when I figured out that there was going to be a live action movie based on the show, I was super excited. So the day came and I went to the midnight premiere, and by god, I literally came out crying. It was that bad. I couldn't believe how disappointing the moviewas. I mean, how can you make such a bad movie based on such a great show? The plot is pretty much the same as the show, but in case you've never heard of the show, then I'll clarify it for you. Basically there's this Asian-like world were 4 nation full of people with the ability to bend elements(water,earth,fire,air) roam. Only the Avatar can master all 4 elements. When an Avatar dies, a new one is chosen. Well unfortunately, the fire nation attacked the other 3 nations, and the only that can stop them is the Avatar, but he vanished. 100 years later, a girl named Katara and her brother sokka discovered an iceberg with a young boy in it. They soon find out that this boy is the Avatar, and they go on a quest together to stop the Fire Nation. Sounds interesting right? Well it might have been a good movie if it was done well. But unfortunately, this film was directed by M. Night Shyamalan so...... It's not. The effects are pretty decent but that's all I can say. Everything in this movie is just awful! The acting is bad, the story is rushed, the dialogue is bogus, and I actually found it to be quite racist. In the original series, everyone was Asian. In the movie, only the earthbenders were Asian. The water benders were white, the fire benders were Indian, the main character was also white, and the air nomads were mixed. Are you telling me that white people can splash water, Asian people can hurl rocks, but Indian people can breathe fire?! Just because Dhalsim from Street Fighter can do it, all Indian people can?! The movie doesn't even stay true to the original series. They pronounced half of the character's names wrong. They could barely pronounce the word Avatar! On top of that, a lot of characters in the series was left out, the characters that are in the movie has no similarity to the character they're based on, but the biggest flaw of all is the bending. Everyone here is so weak! In the series the firebenders bend fire like crazy but in the movie they need a source of fire to bend. The eartbenders in the show can pretty much cause an earthquake but in the series it takes 6 guys to do some maniacal dance just to hurl one rock. There are more flaws in this film but it would take me forever to list them all. So I'm just gonna warn you to stay away from this movie and watch the show instead because the show is great and is much better than this movie. Overall rating 1/5.
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Much Better Than Micheal Bay
23 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Transformers the movie. What can I say about this movie? Well I guess I can start by saying that it is the most action packed animated film I have ever seen! That's technically what this movie is. It's just 1hr and 20min of non-stop shooting, explosion, fighting,and adventure. Well of course there's more to the plot. The film opens with a giant planet named Unicron that looks like the Death Star eating another planet. Then it shifts to the Autobots who're about to lead a shuttle to search for more energon cubes. Unfortunately for them, The evil Decepticons raids their ship and kill all the members. This really got a lot of fans angry because they saw a lot of their favorite characters die 10 minutes into the movie. The only reason they killed so many characters is so they can add new characters and release more toys. They were taking a big risk killing off so many characters. Anyway, the Decepticons takes over the ship and they are spotted by the Autobot Hot Rod. Hot Rod and some other Autobots attacks the ship, and an all out battle rages. During the battle, Optimus Prime (the leader of the Autobots)confronts Megatron(the leader of the Decepticons). They engage in an all out battles that left all fans cheering because they waited so long to see these two rivals fight to the death. After a while, It seemed that Optimus won, but Megatron played a dirty trick and wounded Optimus pretty badly. But Optimus with all the strength he had left gave Megatron one last punch that left him crippled. The Decepticons escape, and optimus with his last breath, gave the Matrix and his leadership to Ultra Magnus. Mean while, an injured Megatron gets betrayed by his minion Starscream and gets pushed off into space. There, he meets Unicron who makes Megatron one of his minions. In exchange, he gives Megatron a new and more powerful body and rename him Galvatron. He also gives Megatron 3 robots named Relector. With his new power, he kills Starscream and takes over the decepticons again. Now Unicron is forcing him to kill the Autobots and destroy the All Sparks. Now the Autobots have to face Galvatron and Unicron at the same time. I'm not gonna spoil the rest because this is where the movie gets really good. I'm a casual fan of Transformers, and I must say, this film really impressed me. Some people hate it because it had to much violent action, some random music use, and there's to many references to Star Wars. Yes there is a whole bunch of action, but that's what's awesome about it. How many movies have you seen where something blows up every 5 seconds? Yeah, sometimes the action can be a little uneven, and the animation might be laggy from time to time, but this was made in the 80s so give it some slack. There are many references to Star Wars however. Like the character Hot rod is related to Luke, Unicron looks like the Death Star, Arcee has the princess Leah hairstyle, Optimus Prime talks to Hot Rod in his ghost form much like how Ben Kenobi talks to Luke. But i didn't really mind that. So many movies copied things from Star wars up to the point that you don't care anymore. As for the music however, it is completely random. Like when Hot Rod opens the Matrix and the song "The Touch" starts playing in the background. It also has the most random use of Weird Al Yankovic's "Dare to be Stupid". They played that song when the Autobots where fighting some other random robots in some random planet. And after they made peace with those robots, they started dancing to the exact same song! Despite all these negative feature to this film, it's awesome and anyone will love it. I give it~

3.5/5 stars!
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