
6 Reviews
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Noise (I) (2007)
All roads lead to.... where?
7 July 2007
After seeing an interview with director Matthew Saville, who seemed as intelligent as any film maker you could care to name, I was interested enough to go out and track this one down. And it doesn't disappoint. Certainly visually it is wonderfully well executed, and the sound is strong too. The dialog is sharp, subtle, and at points hilarious (and supremely Australian).

Unfortunately, the downside is the disjointedness of the plot line. To me it seemed yearning to be free from a plot line as a major source of interest (and focus instead in the pure dialog and landscape - certainly I feel that's where Saville's interest is). But it wasn't. There are two driving plot lines along the whole film and something happens in every scene, even though subplots are not continued, or often resolved. To me the finale was also ultimately quite generic and futile as a point of interest.

Ultimately, the words 'interesting, but not "great"' come to mind, and it fits vaguely into a bucket with several other Australian films of the last 5 years (candy, little fish, look both ways, Japanese story, etc.) in dealing with the same demographic, themes of emptiness and loss, and being willingly obtuse (artistic?) in its presentation, even if this one does have its own thing happening a little outside of that also.
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Great artistic direction... pity about the rest.
12 June 2004
The first thing that hits you with this movie is the top quality animation. Close to Ghibli. Far better than Disney and all that crap. A good show of how 2d and 3d can be used together seamlessly.

The second thing that hits you is the attention to detail in the little gags. The oddly proportioned cyclists. Huge ships and skyscrapers. The dog that barks at every train that goes past. The old woman with her whistle. Its not just that the visuals are great, but every scene is put together so well....

Unfortunately. The plot leaves something to be desired. Not that it should be a plot focused film. But they could have done better than this. Maybe it could've made a half hour quirky story. But its a bit of a stretch for 80 minutes. Might even be more exciting on the second viewing, picking out all the small quirks than the first time focussing on an unfocused plot.

The grandma was the highlight of the characters by far. The cyclists main feature was his physique, and big nose. The dog had a bunch of unconnected dreams, which seemed to lead to nothing. The triplets were just as drab when not actually singing.

The music i found was little more than generic and imitative... I'm sure a lot of the musicians pictured at the start would be turning in their graves, if it was at all possible. Still. At least the music didn't feel the need to overblow the whole film, like Hollywood tend to.

Watch this film if you are interested in visual and acoustic direction. But all in all, its hardly a masterpiece. 8/10
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Jailbait (2000 TV Movie)
A cut above... but a cut above what?
27 January 2004
I caught this movie on late night cable last night and actually quite enjoyed it. Sure sometimes a few of its ideas are a bit silly (stupid?), but the comedy is overall great, the actors and actresses play their parts well, the direction is imaginative and pulled off well, and the storyline is quirky and totally non-generic. Reminds me of Kingpin (1996) - check that one out if you liked this.

For the life of me though - i still cant see wheather this is a 'teen movie', a 'pre-teen movie', or something for older people. It just seems to defy anything.

8/10 - with a smile :)
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Good - But Unbelievable Romance. (possible spoilers)
4 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie. Maybe it was a 'one trick pony' - (the one trick being to show things from Japanese culture that seem odd, strange, confronting to our Western sensabilities), but its one damn good trick, and i dont think anyone can argue with that. The acting is also very good. Scarlett Johanssen and Bill Murray both play their roles with a low-key subtletly that fits the movie perfectly.

Having said this, theres still plenty of a movie to argue against. The romance is simply unbelievable - both of them falling in love with each other despite the obvious age difference, despite the fact they are both married, and despite the only thing they share in common is a hatred of the place they are. The film also portrays that 'woe is me' idea that seems very stuck up upper-class. Rather than enjoying and experiencing the place they are in, the characters much prefer to stand two steps away in their 'american-ness'. The two main characters lack direction in their own lives and in a sense are only drawn togeather by their own self pity.

Still. Nice acting. Nice scenery. Quite Funny. 8 out of 10.
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Less than the sum of its parts... *SPOILERS WARNING*
23 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The crux of this film is in its central sections. 'Student adventures' that we all relate to or at least enjoy the humour of. This doesnt really make a movie-length experience though. The movie cuts from situation to situation without really developing any plot, and we realise that in the end all Xavier is going to do is end up returning to France - which is true - hence every crazy student story (the arrival of Alistair was the best for me) leads to nothing in particular but the characters memories. The ending might work if you are a fan of 'discover yourself and follow your own dreams' kind of stuff, but for me i found it a little flat. When is someone going to make a movie where a struggling art student finds happiness in working an office job and earning themselves some more money???

Still. A funny film despite my criticism. 7/10 :)
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Identity (2003)
Bad! Bad! BAAAD! *possible spoilers*
1 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I dont see how everyone could have rated this movie as high as it is. As far as im concerned its probably the most cliched, mindless thriller i think ive ever seen.

Admittedly i really did enjoy the first 10 minutes or so. The 'cut' sequences were great. Actually the direction of the whole film wasnt bad at all, my commendations to James Mangold. After the kid moves back in the car scene, i thought the whole movie was going to be something really great. Unfortunately the rest of the movie did nothing but displease....

And theres nothing easier to blame for this than the script. You get the feeling that Michael Cooney (whos last film was Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman) wrote it straight from beginning to end. It has a strong sense of momentum, but is horribly haphazardly meshed togeather in the end. It gives us every murder mystery cliche you could ever think of (psychotic ward scene, 'mass-murderer' suspect, indian burial ground, a house it is impossible to escape from till morning, a series of numbers along with everone who gets killed, etc.), but none add anything to the film. They are there for their own sake, and the film suffers as a consequence. Many many plot holes are brought out through the film (admittedly somewhat smoothed over by the sudden revelation that that the film is really told from the psycho killers perspective, not reality), and the terrible, unbelievable ending does nothing to fix them up, but just asks more questions.....

The acting was something else i could gripe about, not only from the 'unknowns' (the guy who plays the murderer brought in by the police is a standout), but also from people you expect more from (step forward Cusack and Liotta). I didnt believe anyone in their roles as 'realistic' characters, or even less as what they would be 'envisioned by the killer'.... but thats more debatable....

I often feel that a good movie is one which adds to your experience of the rest of the world.... And this film surely doesnt. Its just not coherantly presented; Cooney seems to not be capable of creating a film past the use of generic plot devices.... I dont understand how people have rated this one so highly.....

Score: *1/2 (out of ****)
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