
10 Reviews
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14 March 2020
Fear Footage (2018) is certainly not the kind of movie you'd expect to get a sequel. I stand by this due to its budget, its obscurity and that it was 17 shades of terrible. Easily the worst movie of that year it was a cringe worthy attempt at a horror that had me wincing face palming and angry that I'd given it my time. For some reason I gave this second attempt a try and once again I'm angry that I did and even more angry at the creators for thinking this constitutes as a horror movie. Badly made, badly written, badly acted, there really is no excuse for this. For the love of everything that's good in the world lets not see a third part.
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A tryhard movie
3 December 2018
The Fear Footage is a very amateurishly made found footage horror movie with overzealous creators who are pushing this thing harder than the second coming of Christ. Set over several stories as anthology's tend to do it's a very shoddy looking movie even for the genre which are notorious for looking like they were filmed by a 10yr old with an old 80's VHS camera.

The ocean of positive reviews on here are shameful and blatant, even the wording is the same. Two reviews both had the same title, two reviews have the directors name in the profile name, several all use the same terminology. It's sad people feel the need to do this but considering the quality of the movie I suppose they felt that not doing so would leave the movie vulnerable to a very low rating.

I've seen worse than the Fear Footage, in fact I've seen a lot worse but then again I watch a lot of movies now I'm retired. My advice to the creators in relation to the movie would be don't give up if this is your dream but maybe film school beckons? And in relation to the reviews and marketing, it looks desperate and is an insult to peoples intelligences.

If you are after a good found footage there is an abundance of them out there but this obscure odd little independent movie isn't one of them. I give it 2/10 for effort.
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The Matrix (1999)
Great, but drop the hype
17 October 2011
The Matrix came out and it became the latest "In" movie and justifiably so. Its exciting, it has a fantastic memorable storyline and the special effects were revolution but......why cast Keanu.

Fine the ladies dig him but nobody for a second believes that this dude can act so why cast him in such a role, Seagal could have done a better job and he is officially an oak tree.

Wooden acting on the leads behalf aside the performances are solid, especially that of Agent Smith who steals the entire film.

Sadly years later when you look at the film it hasn't really aged well, partially I'm sure due to the overwhelming hype that it received and partially because now people are asking the very same question I asked above.....why Keanu? Overall I cant deny The Matrix is a very memorable film that broke boundaries and has created more spoofs than any other. So check it out if you haven't already, alas the sequels do not live up to this but as a stand alone movie The Matrix is a tour de force of excitement and originality.
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Get Over Him
17 October 2011
Batman movies have been rather interesting. Forget Adam West and the original TV series I'm starting from Keaton and going beyond. The first two were dark and Gothic and quite frankly perfectly watchable. Then they dropped it down a few notches and made Batman Forever followed by the god awful Batman & Robin and the whole Batman movie thing had gone in a quite frankly painful to watch direction.

Then they started from scratch with Batman Begins which I thought was p*ss poor to say then very least and seemed to miss the whole point of "The" Batman for me.

Then The Dark Knight arrived, the movie started well due to the performance of Ledger as the Joker and I will agree he did the role justice and was very memorable but his death made him a martyr and the movie road on that wave beyond the success it would have originally have.

I think of the Dark Knight and I think of the bomb scene with the civilians and the cons, beyond that I struggle to think of one single scene thats beyond generic.

As far as Batman movies are concerned its the best one since Burton had the reigns but don't believe the hype, a movie shouldn't be carried on the back of one single actor...especially if a large percentage of that weight is carried because of his tragic passing.

The Dark Knight is perfectly watchable but Heath Ledgers fantastic performance in my eyes is the films downfall in the grand scheme of things.
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Everything Twilight Is Not
14 October 2011
Before Twilight we still had the forbidden vampire/human love....but thankfully there was no sparkling and there was blood....lots of it. Vampires did what they were supposed to do....kill.

Innocent Blood is a surprisingly interesting take on this notion. A peaceful female vampire who only feeds on the blood of the evil and a police officer after her after a high profile murder come together to face a common foe.

LaPaglia I always refer to as the poor mans Bill Pullman since they always remind me of one another, but for the right reasons. He is likable and this is essential for any leading man. Does LaPaglia take this opportunity and run with it? No! But he is entertaining none the less. Its our lady vamp who steals show, her performance is fantastic. She remains feminine and even fragile for most of the film but still maintains an animalistic ferocity that is required for the blood sucker role.

This movie breaks down no walls and is nothing we for the most part haven't seen before but its refreshing, well acted and with a sweet ending.

Its a shame you have to look so hard for other movies including members of the movies cast because most are excellent but badly underused within the industry.
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This film is scary for the wrong reasons....
14 September 2011
...the reason being that it was made at all. If your a wrestling fan looking for the novelty of seeing Kurt Angle, Sid Vicious and Kevin Nash outside of the ring then please realise....its not worth it. Nash and Sid are unrecognisable and rarely out of the darkness and Kurts acting is so appalling you will turn away and cringe so you wont see him much either.

In fact if you doubt that fact check out the other movies starring Kurt. He's an unbelievable athelete and in my opinion the greatest all rounder in the history of wrestling but outside the the ring he falls apart and cannot be taken seriously.

The acting is beyond awful, the special effects are preschool and the storyline is recycled. There is nothing good to say about this film and I hope all involved are ashamed of themselves.
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Neighbor (2009)
Deeply disturbing thy name is Neighbour
14 September 2011
OK good points......the lead is a stunner as she is in every film she has been in thus far.

OK thats the good points done with now lets discuss the film. The movie has no storyline and is basically just a torture movie, she toys with her prey with all manner of unpleasant tools including a very nasty scene involving a single nail......don't ask.

Alas the movie has no upsides and is deeply disturbing and made me extremely uncomfortable. I cant really recommend this to anybody beyond those who are into torture films or those looking for something very very alternative.
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Red State (2011)
Life Imitating Art Imitating Westboro Baptist Church
14 September 2011
When I heard that my favorite director was making a horror I was beyond excited. Kevin Smith himself was going to branch into my favorite genre and I couldn't wait for the trailer. The trailer was.....bizarre and didn't reveal anything but at the same time did not impress me, in fact it concerned me.

I began watching the movie with bated breath, I actually expected the worst but within seconds I was gripped as I realised that it clearly had the Westboro Baptist Church and the Phelps Family in their cross hairs when they wrote this movie.

Religion is rarely a good thing in movies and this is no exception, 3 teenage boys looking for a good time come across more religious extremists who deem their actions against the word of god and a showdown ensues.

The cast is surprising because several are fleeting, you'll see cameos by Kevin Pollak and Marc Blucas but blink and you will miss them. John Goodman is on top form as always and the members of the congregation are terrifyingly convincing in their roles.

This is a thought provoking film above all else and is scary for different reasons than most horrors. Not the jumpy type, not the creepy type but more the realistic this could be happening right now type.

A great film, a true triumph for Kevin Smith.
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Behemoth (2011 TV Movie)
Please make this the last
14 September 2011
Now I always keep up to date with the latest Scyfy Channel original film. The reason? They are cheap and cheerful and often have a lovable charm possibly because of the god awful special effects. Some have actually been surprisingly good, most pretty damn bad but still OK take your brain out entertainment....this one....neither.

The one redeeming feature of this movie was the appearance of the always fantastic X-Files alumni Smoking Man as the main characters father who you cant but feel for as he plays the token "Knows all but nobody will listen till its too late" character.

The special effects are slightly better than usual but make up less than 1% of the film. Sadly the characters aren't likable, it breaks several movie rules that infuriated me and the ending was generic and predictable.

I ask the good people at the scyfy channel to cease pounding out this lacklustre movies and instead do half the movies but with double the effort put into them
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Puts The Paranormal Activity Franchise To Shame
14 September 2011
Now we have seen it countless times since the Blair Witch,people realising that they too with a group of friends or low budget actors and a camcorder can now make a movie. We've seen the mental institution location within horror movies countless times as have we the faux documentary.....and yet this one works. In fact it doesn't only work but it quite frankly blew me away and at the same time sent chills down my spine and that is not easily done.

The premise is simple, a group are filming a Most Haunted like television show and alike the real thing they fake it and make it to be all more scary and dramatic than it really is. But as the movie goes on the real paranormal activity gets more and more intense and builds at a perfect rate that keeps you gripped.

The performances are believable and the special effects are surprisingly good since the movie decieves you into believing it was funded with a £10 note and a packet of crisps.

The film is not flawless alas and where it fails is sadly one of the most important things. Namely the ending, the ending fails to impress and that is the only thing I can knock this film for. Its ending doesn't fail to such a degree that it kills the rest of the movie but it does flick the potential cherry off the top of the otherwise perfect cake.

Even if you do not like movies of this niche within the horror genre I suggest you give it a shot. Turn the lights off and brace yourself for a surprising scare.
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