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Wallander: Saknaden (2013)
Season 3, Episode 4
22 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This last series of Wallander has been up there with all the others from Sweden. The British version comes nowhere close. As a fan of the books I do think that Krister Henriksson really 'is' Wallander. His portrayal has all the vulnerability but determination of Mankell's creation and his acting is top notch. This has been particularly so, for my wife and I, as the story line has developed around Wallander's illness. My father-in-law was a policeman and has developed Alzheimer's, fortunately not whilst he was still in the job. Nevertheless, Krister Henriksson's portrayal of the slow, vicious creep of this dreadful affliction is, I think, the most compelling depiction I have ever seen theatrically. He really should be commended and I do hope that his acting prowess in this series is recognised in some award process, somewhere, sometime. He is of course supported by a splendid cast of actors and the whole concept of Wallander, in books, film and television has, I am sure, brought tremendous entertainment to millions of people across the world. Krister Henriksson, if you ever read this, thank you. You have brought tears to our eyes but I hope that in a small way, your performances may raise the profile of this dreadful disease and help people be more compassionate, when someone has lost their way.
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Eternally Boring
22 February 2014
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Smart, chic, beautifully filmed, spectacular to view and utterly boring. This movie may be great for anyone wanting to see views of Rome but then again, if you do, why not get a travelogue? Why so many accolades have been heaped on this film is simply beyond my simple movie-goers ken. Hopefully the Americans (at the Oscars) will have more sense than the rest of the 'awards world'. Perhaps it's a bit like the Emperor's New Clothes, everyone knows there's something lacking but no one wants to say because everything's so grand. Yes, the cinematography is excellent and some of the sets stunning but most of us like a story in a film - even a documentary - and it helps if the story includes someone you can empathise with, even if you don't like them. What's the story here? Possibly, unlike the 'eternal city' life isn't eternal but then we know that don't we? Like Jep, at the age of 65 (not quite) I realise I no longer have time to do things I don't want to do. If I hadn't had to clear up the local hall after the film, I would have left before the end and probably run at and then slammed my head into a wall, just to wake up.
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9 December 2013
This is a thoroughly engaging film with stellar performances from its cast, especially Emma Thompson who is just wonderful. She must surely be at least 'nominated' for a host of awards for this role. Discovering the 'origins' of Mary Poppins wasn't exactly on my movie hit list but on a wet winter's afternoon in northern England and a wife who wanted to see the film, what was I to do? I was, in the end, so pleased that circumstance (and my wife)had taken me to the cinema. The humour is side splitting, the drama tragic - take some tissues with you because one way or the other, you will cry. Thank you to all engaged.Thank you to all engaged.Thank you to all engaged.Thank you to all engaged.Thank you to all engaged.Thank you to all engaged.Thank you to all engaged.Thank you to all engaged.Thank you to all engaged.Thank you to all engaged.
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Skyfall (2012)
8 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Had anyone putting this script together actually read an Ian Fleming 007 story? Where is the characterisation? To start with, James Bond would never wear lace up shoes but let's not get tied up with that. Despite his 'womanizing' he would certainly not make some glib joke about a drink, if his lover had just had her head blown off in front of him. This was a sick and totally un-Bondlike piece of misogynistic script writing that undermines the true literary character of 007, who would not have cared to much about the bad guy's intent to dominate the world, or kill 'M'in this case (what a weak plot)but rather his whole being would be set on avenging the girl - read the books! This could have been any 'thriller', with any 'hero' beating the bad guys - it is not a James Bond story. The good things about it? Well thank goodness JD has turned up her toes as 'M'(we all love you JD...but not as 'M'); but Ralph Fiennes as the new 'M'? Inspired!!! RF, I suspect, has read the Bond books as his portrayal came over in the movie as a 'Fleming' character. He's an excellent choice. Daniel Craig? No, sorry. Sauve, debonair, public schoolboy, Royal Naval officer...? Move on please Dan. You're a great other things. Oh, and product placement? I was worried that we were looking at the Omega watch for so long that the battery would run out! You guys in production just have to do better.
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All Right? No way!
7 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this in the UK at a community film club. It get's a 15 certificate here but if you've got a 15 year old kid, don't watch this with them, unless you really like to squirm. This is one of the most distasteful and unfunny so called comedies I've come across. It takes what should be a subject for reflection and consideration about human relationships and frailties and turns it into little more than a foul mouthed sex romp. Sadly the IMDb does not provide minus stars, so it gets a 1 from me and, incidentally, most of the other people who were with me on the night. Why this movie has attracted so many accolades is totally beyond me but I take comfort from the fact that it failed to win the most coveted awards.
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Il cielo cade (2000)
You will laugh and cry.
21 February 2006
Just discovered this, thanks to the glut of free DVDs being given away by the British press. At least 'The Independent' has taken some care with its selections and this film, I think, has been the best of all. It is an enchanting but then, tragic story which portrays some of the best and worst of human traits. The best is in the love, stoicism and courage of the family - the worst, not in the Germans per se but rather in the Nazis. A beautifully crafted film with good performances from the adults and wonderfully natural performances from the kids. It will make you laugh and cry and perhaps, even give you pause to wonder what you would do, if faced with such terrible dangers.
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The Bear (1988)
Worth the wait...
31 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this film in the late eighties, when it was released in the UK. I took my son, who was eleven then and we were both inspired by the movie, its story and its message. Neither of us has ever forgotten it. My wife didn't come because although she loves animals, she always (and I mean always), cries if an animal gets hurt in the story. We've even had to leave cinemas because my shirt has been so wet from her tears! I have spent about sixteen years now, looking in TV guides and checking video and DVD sales, in an effort to see the film again. I have never found it but also, I have never forgotten it. My wife has never forgotten it either because at intervals, in all of those years, I would at some point talk about the film with affection and awe. Imagine my surprise and pleasure, when at Christmas 2004, I received the DVD as a gift... from my wife. It had come all the way from the USA and was much appreciated. I managed to convince my wife to watch it. Yes, she cried and I think even hated me a little that night for "making" her watch it. However, the next day she spoke of the film in affectionate terms, discussing how good it actually is, what a fine message it has and what a piece of cinematic art it represents - oh, and how cute Youk was. She even plans to watch it again. This is a magnificent film and should rank amongst the greats. The confrontation at the water hole is not quite as terrifying on the DVD, as it was on the big screen but if you have a big TV, turn the volume up and hang on to one another! You may have guessed that I love this movie and I must say, I love the person who found it for me.
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Open Range (2003)
Classic, brilliant. Costner is back!
27 November 2004
This is a fine film, in which the directing and acting performances are faultless. Whilst Robert Duval steals every scene, Kevin Costner has come back home to what he does best - damn good westerns. Short on action in the early stages, this does not lessen the films entertainment worth, as the tension builds towards the final show down ...and when it comes, bam! I just wouldn't want to be the man that shot Costner's friend.

This is a thoughtful story of friendship, courage and doing what a man's gotta do. I've put my DVD next to that of the Searchers, as a western I will watch time and time again.
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