
43 Reviews
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Labyrinth (1986)
Very entertaining
17 May 2011
It's from Jim Henson and it was released 4 years after masterpiece The Dark Crystal. Even with a very different story comparisons between the two movies are inevitably going to be made. The story in Dark Crystal is more elaborate, you get more background information about the characters and the races etc. That doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy Labyrinth, on the contrary but this movie would never be able to beat the Dark Crystal in my opinion. Labyrinth is more light hearted where Dark Crystal had a more serious and dark tone. I particularly liked the part of Didymus being small he thought he could take on a huge army. he did remind me of Reeperjeep from Narnia. Than there was Udo the big hairy monster who was actually fuzzy and adorable. And not to forget Hoggle the grumpy but helpful dwarf who did care more about Sara than he wanted to admit (reminded me of Grumpy in his relationship with Snow White). Labyrinth does have human actors and not only dolls and puppets like in Dark Crystal however the human actors stay limited to Sara, the goblin king and little Toby. Sara played by Jennifer Connolly played this part well. She was first a childlike teenager on the verge of becoming a young woman still being attached to her dolls (materialistic) and fleeing into her favorite fairy tales. After her journey she learned an important lesson. I think that was shown well. Another human part that was executed amazingly was that of the goblin King played by David Bowie. Bowie is a singer and not an actor and it shows when he is singing a song, you can see the performer in him and how he tries to put the attention on him. Although not cruel he is threatening and evil and yes Bowie did this well for a non-actor. His walking on the ceiling part amazed me as a kid, I still love that today.
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Enchanted (2007)
Great mixture of fairy tale and modern world
10 May 2011
I always thought that mixing fairy tales with our daily life would make for a bad and cliché movie that only romantic comedy lovers would appreciate. I have no problem with this genre but often they tend to be boring, predictable and uninspired. This movie had indeed its overly cute stuff but that doesn't get annoying at all as it has so many funny moments that you can't find anything to complain about (at least I didn't). I thought setting the fairy tale world of Andalasia up as an animation and having its inhabitants to be real humans when they are in New York was a fantastic idea and I can't think of other movies who do such a good job at that. You will recognize references to other fairy tales such as Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty. However this story and its characters is standing very strong on his own. It's not the typical fairy tale where you know who is going to end up with who. It is something completely new. This movie is definitely worth a lot of re-watches.
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Good but feels kind of rushed
29 April 2011
This was a dark fantasy movie, I think that is the best way to describe it. The movie is based on a series of books (which I haven't read) so that's why I feel that a lot of things are left unexplained and that the movie feels pretty rushed. I would have preferred that the movie was a bit longer and provided us more background about its sub-characters such as Uncle Monty and aunt Josephine. Josephine is played by Meryl Streep who executes the part as the panicking and ever seeing accidents happening aunt marvelously. That Jim Carey plays the evil Count Olav might be a surprise since he is always type-casted as a comedy character. He does play this part well and adds humor to it, which is good. However he might not have been the best choice for this role. The children are the main center of the movie and do this well. Little Sunny was adorable as the biting toddler. Violet was pretty, smart and elegant (loved the way she dressed) and I was happy to see Emily Browning (also great in Ghost Ship) doing this role. And Klaus showed that reading and thus inheriting knowledge is pretty handy when being in danger. Intelligence doesn't make you boring at all. The story is although dark very compelling but as said before rushed. Maybe a mini series or one movie per book had been better.
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This is a wonderful adaptation
25 April 2011
I have not seen all of the Cannon Movie Tales but so far I like this one best. This fairy tale was always interesting as a kid because of the house made of cookies and candy. Which kid would not love to find that! The candy house really came across as real so well done on the makers there. The story is pretty true adaptation but more elaborated. I'm glad they didn't make the mother so cold as in the original tale where she didn't seem to care about them. Nicola Stapleton was a nice little Snow White and plays the role of Gretl eagerly well but so does Hansel. But the real star is the evil witch, she is so ugly and scary, really I wouldn't want to be trapped in that house with her even not as adult. And all that sugary food shown it makes you want to have pie and cake for real! I think the movie found the perfect balance between scary (the witch) and sweet (thanks to the songs).
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Snow White (1987)
A faithful adaptation
25 April 2011
Although it isn't as endearing or charming as Disney's animated version I must say I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I think both Nicola Stapleton and Sarah Patterson (better known for her role as Rosaleen in Company of Wolves) did a good job playing Snow White. Best part was played by the evil queen (Mia Rig) who really was evil. At least she was pretty in comparison to the evil queen from Disney who looked like a ghost (and could never be the fairest of them all). The evil queen had so many costumes in which she could disguise and transform into a totally different person. She used her disguises 3 times to kill Snow White. That's right she needed 3 attempts for that. I'm glad they showed us in this version all of these attempts so people do know it was not only the poisonous apple. I knew about a poisonous comb in one the version I have read but never knew about the corset until I saw this one. The mirror was mostly the scary thing in the movie, having that foul laugh and face. The songs are nice not great but not over the top and fitting. I was a bit disappointed by the dwarfs however, they do lack some kind of personality and too bad they have all the same sounding names ending on "iddy". I think even after multiple viewings it will be impossible to say who is who. Nevertheless this is certainly one of the best adaptations of the fairy tale.
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The Original fairy tale stretched out
24 April 2011
I tend to like the Cannon Movie Tales. This is not the best one but certainly not the worst. It is the retelling of the famous fairy tale Red Riding Hood but the story is stretched out. Red Riding Hood is named Linet but doesn't wear her red hood in most of the scenes. There is an explanation of why she should wear it though. I'm glad that they took a young girl for her role of 10-11 who still likes to believe in fairies and not a girl hitting puberty worrying about sexuality etc as they tend to do in the more adult versions. This is how I wanted the story to be displayed, the kids version of the fairy tale like I have read it. Of course it is elaborated or it would be over very quickly. There is given much more background info about Red's mother, grandmother and the wolf who is a man named Dagger. Dagger works for the evil uncle of Red who exploits his minions. And yes Red does have a father! The songs in here are maybe not the best, kind of cheesy, but it is a movie for kids. In general I'm pleased with the result and I think multiple viewings will make me appreciate it even more.
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Getting better every time I watch it
24 April 2011
I think this was the first movie I saw with school in theater. Unfortunately it would be the only true fantasy movie that we ought to see with school, all the others were pretty much prison and serious movies with no magic. Well there is no wizards in Princess Bride but there are enough elements to consider it magical. The story is a classic Romeo and Julia one but it is executed so cleverly that it is never boring. Not only are the 2 main characters Buttercup and Westley worked out well but there is also an interesting side story from subcharacter Inigo Montoya, the sympathetic Spaniard. What makes this movie so good is not only its fairy tale theme but also its humor. There are so many scenes that put a smile on my face making me want to watch it again. People who loved the old WWF wrestling will be pleased to see the appearance of Andre the Giant playing well a giant but with soft personality.
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Robin Hood (1973)
Not really accurate adaptation but sure the most fun
23 April 2011
Although I liked the concept of an outlaw stealing from the rich to help the poor the story of Robin Hood never did much to me. I found all the movie adaptations pretty rough and uninteresting, but that's how it was in those times. Disney however made this story into something more fun to watch. There are no humans in this animation but all the characters from the story are played by animals. Robin Hood and Maid Marianne are foxes, little John is a bear and prince John is a lion just to name a few. They are all humanized however and can talk. Humanized animals is a concept that often causes for fun scenes and this movie is nothing short of that. The funniest scenes in my opinion are between the Sheriff of Nottingham and his stupid guards, and not to forget the big fight at the tournament with Lady Cluck simulating some kind of rugby game. Yes Prince John is mean and cruel but he is also naive, childish (thumb-sucking) which makes him laughable. This is surely one to watch over and over again. I don't think this movie would have turned out that well had it been humans playing the characters.
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Not really good, pretty boring
23 April 2011
If you have watched Beauty and the Beast animation and think you will going to see the same story, think again. This one took place earlier and doesn't have castle personnel turned into furniture. Maybe this is a fair adaptation of the classical story but the problem is that it is pretty boring. You see Beauty walking around in the castle and having dreams about a prince. In the evening she has dinner with Beast who really doesn't look that scary or does not come across as mean (which he is supposed to be in the beginning). And than he asks do you want to marry me. I can understand that Beauty does say no as he never spends time with her during daytime. Unlike other Cannon movie Tales I didn't like this one at all. I couldn't find anything enchanting, captivating or interesting in it.
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Just wonderful
22 April 2011
Despite the serious tone of this tale Disney manages to make this one really kids friendly. Yes Beast is really scary at first and the dark scenes in the woods and castle are really creepy. I was actually really impressed how the movie makers came up with the idea of turning the other people in the castle into pieces of furniture because of the spell. It was genius how each person had become an object close to the task they were fulfilling in the castle. This makes of course for some really funny scenes. The constant squabbling between Pendule and Lumiere is priceless. Belle is pretty different from other Disney female heroes that she is not interested in romance at all (at least not until she discovers she soft side of Beast). Yes it is heartwarming how Beast changes from a coldhearted monster into a loving and tender man. Let's not forget the catchy songs which are pretty much the best parts of the movie wanting you to sing and dance along.
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If it weren't for these silly fairies I would have loved it
21 April 2011
I haven't seen this one as a kid and I have no idea why. I love this fairy tale though. Seeing it as an adult I expected something along the lines of Snow White and Cinderella.Indeed princess Aurora does have a scene where she sings and dances with some animals, which seem to be obligatory in Disney movies about princesses. But I think that's where the comparison stops. The humor is mostly provided by the fairies which is a good thing for children. The problem is not so much that the fairies are silly but that they take such an important role in the story having more screen time than princess Aurora who is supposed to be the real star. That the marriage between Aurora and prince Philip was a politically arranged one took away from the charm of how I remembered it as kid. However I liked the fact they gave him some more background than in the original fairy tale. What really disappointed me was the role of Aurora's mother which was pretty non-existent. It is completely taken over by the fairies. Scenes taking place in the castle are completely into the hands of the father. Aurora doesn't know she is a princess, doesn't have any bond with her parents while she had such a strong relationship with her mother in the original tale. Good that Maleficent was such a convincingly scary villain or otherwise I wouldn't think of ever watching this one again. Giving it a 6 seems to be much given my ranting but that is mostly because I didn't like the changes they made to the original tale. Others might have loved this different approach and it seems fresh but it wasn't for me. It wasn't a bad movie just not what I expected or hoped.
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There seems to be something missing but still loved it much
21 April 2011
Having seen Dakota Blue Richards in The Golden Compass which I loved immensely, I was excited to see her again in another fantasy movie. And while this is a fantasy movie of a different type, I must say I enjoyed this just as much. This movie has a really simple plot which develops slowly but I do think most things are explained in one way or another. However I would have loved a bit more background story about some of the characters such as Robin and his father Coeur De Noir. I have not read the book so I am sure the director left some things out that weren't developed in the movie. There is obviously a suggestion there could be a relationship between Robin and Maria. The ending seemed a bit rushed and I had loved they gave that some more attention, some more screening time. I must say that this movie was maybe not so good if Dakota didn't give such a strong performance as Maria Merryweather. The others really couldn't have carried this movie but play their role well. There is some humor in it in the characters of Miss Heliotrope (she is a little burpy) and the chef (French accent so cliché) which the children will love. I didn't find that funny but wasn't bothered with it either. The story in itself was serious and good and that was what mattered to me. And there are fantasy elements like unicorn, black lion which are mostly symbolic. It's no Chronicles of Narnia, not as overwhelming as Golden Compass or Stardust but a sweet little movie that has its place in the fantasy genre. I had no regrets seeing it.
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Surprisingly good
17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Fantasy movies taking place in our modern times and our world is usually not such a good combination for me. And although Spiderwick Chronicles is just that, it does a good job in surprising me with a pleasant story. While not exactly in the league of for example Chronicles of Narnia or the Golden Compass, it does have an interesting story that offers excitement and something new and refreshing (in my opinion). I particularly liked the fact that the 2 twin brothers were so different (one was so excited about discovering new things and the other just didn't care). And there was their older sister who might come across as mean first but which is merely frustration. When their house in the woods is invaded by invisible goblins they are forced to work together despite being so different which brings them closer together as a family. I think it's a beautiful message too that in times of need a family forgets about their daily squabbles and put up for each other actually strengthening their bound. It's maybe not a movie I would re-watch that much but it's certainly one that has a place in my collection.
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Not as good as the first one but still good
17 April 2011
The second movie in the Narnia series is a complete different story in which the Pevensie children are called upon once again to save Narnia, this time from a bunch of humans who invaded the land. I won't give too much away just saying that with only the 4 children returning to pick up their roles (and 2 other protagonists from the first one but only briefly). But the have all gotten 3 years older which leads to a more adult story. With 2 big battle scenes it started to remind me more of Lord of the Rings. Although I didn't like that too much I still liked the story and its characters presenting us with some new interesting ones such as Prince Caspian and of course the brave mouse Reepicheep. Just like in the first one all the talking animals are digital creations. I think it's pretty impossible now to make a believable conversation between humans and animals if you would make use of real animals. I was mostly disappointed with the fact that Lucy (my favorite character) didn't have that much screening time here but thus was the story. Her role was still a key factor in coming up with a solution.
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I really loved it
17 April 2011
This is the first one of a series of 3 released movies and so far I like this one the best. I cannot describe with words how much little Lucy reminded me of my childhood hoping that there would be somewhere another world filled with these extraordinary fantasy creatures. The day she discovered the wardrobe as portal to Narnia made me fell in love with this story. Although it has a few battle scenes it never focuses on them just like in Lord of the Rings. Lord of the Rings was good too but in that series you tend to forget the story because of the many battles. I liked that they put more emphasis on the plot here which I liked. If you would want to give the Narnia movies a try than I recommend you watching this one first. If you don't want to bother with too much violence I would say watch this one and not the sequel. The 4 child actors/actresses playing the Pevensie children did a really good job here coming across as believable brothers and sisters. You might not like Edmund at first but it will all come good. Too bad with growing up the story became darker too. Splendid role also by Tilda Swinton as the white witch. She just has the perfect emotionless and cold expression on her face to play such an evil character. Give this movie a try I say.
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Perfect combination of fantasy and horror
16 April 2011
At first I wasn't sure about this movie. I love fairy tales of Grimm and was a bit scared that these tales would be shred to pieces by this movie. I am not really a fan of bloody horror but I can appreciate the more subtle genre. I think this movie manages well to please lovers of both genres. The idea that the brothers Grimm were indeed or at least one of them only interested in money, thriving on the gullibility of the people was a promising one. That they were crooks at first means they might not been interested in writing fairy tales at all. And although this movie has some really scary scenes it never becomes really horrifying. I thought some of the scary scenes looked actually quite funny. But it's definitely not a parody or comedy. It has scary moments, drama, fantasy and humor. Matt Damon and Heath Ledger (RIP God bless his soul)make a believable brother pair. Although it's not a portrayal of their fairy tales you can see references to a few of their characters such as Red Riding Hood, Gretl from Hans and Gretl and the gingerbread man who looks really scary. This movie was good but not great. I don't think it's something for the pure fairy tale lovers.
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Still one of the best fantasy movies
16 April 2011
It's hard to believe that this movie was actually released in 1982. This was made in a time that movies weren't full of CGI like in today's action movies and animations. Dark Crystal takes it even one step further by not putting human actors (at least not visible) in there but only working with puppets and dolls. That the story and direction came from the brain and hands of Jim Henson (responsible for the creation of the Muppet Show) is certainly not a surprise. Not only does he and Frank Oz manage to make a whole believable fantasy world with colorful creatures and characters but also provide the viewer with an amazing adventure and much background info about the protagonists. Despite the limitations you have in expressions on puppets like for example the Gelflings, they do manage to make you feel and empathize with Jen and Kira, the 2 main characters. I guess this must have been one of these movies that has been broadcasted numerous times on TV during my childhood. Dark Crystal is and probably will always be my favorite fantasy movie and easily be one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm not sure if I want a sequel here. I don't want the magic of this movie be ruined by some cheap CGI and action. If you have the DVD I recommend you to watch the making of as well.
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Movie is much better than the rating suggests
16 April 2011
I'm devastated at the rating that this movie gets but than again I seem to have a pretty much different taste than the majority of the raters here. I don't see what problem they could have with the movie. If they don't like the story or think it's poorly done well than I can understand their reasoning. If they however loathe this movie for being anti-religious than I say to them stay away from it. I don't see this movie as propaganda against religion though even if the clergy does come out as the bad ones here. I don't think they should be hypocrite as we all know that both government and the church have done some really dark stuff to the population. And its' still happening today. But I don't think the movie is about that. It's a really enchanting story. I loved the idea of every human having a daemon, some kind of animal they could talk to sharing their feelings and pain. The movie was also very nice in visuals with the beautiful snow landscapes as a good example. I think that the young Dakota Blue Richards did a really good job playing the young hero girl Lyla. She doesn't seem to have that stardom aura over her like other child actresses or actors and I hope to see her in more movies of this kind. I was happy to see her in Secret of Moonacre giving another good performance there. Unfortunately we are not going to see her again in sequels of The Golden Compass. They are not planning to make any sequels for unclear reasons (one says didn't make enough money other say bad reception of the critics but I do hope it's the first reason). As I'm desperate to know how the story goes on I need to hope for a mini series or find some time and willingness to read the books. The story kept me enthralled all the time even if some things seemed kind of rushed and unexplained. I wished for some more background from the witches for example. But that however is only a small complaint. I also wanted to say that I loved Nicole Kidman in here, beautiful woman but playing such a split personality that you both love and hate her at the same. Every movie I saw her in she never disappoints me. If you love fantasy and good adventure I certainly recommend this one.
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Stardust (2007)
Just wonderful
15 April 2011
Stardust is just a fantasy movie like I want it to be. It does have excitement, humor, colorful characters and a good story. That it does contain magic and witchcraft is a plus too. I rather have this than the endless battle scenes you got to see in for example Lord of the Rings. There is not much fighting going on in this movie so the filmmaker concentrated could concentrate much more on the plot and does a very good job of that. The story might have been done before but it's certainly not something that I would expect in a fantasy movie. I want to give a special mention to Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert de Niro who really excel in their roles. They do have so much experience and prove despite their age they have not lost any of their great acting abilities. Michelle was perfect as the bad but beautiful witch which was not her first time in such a role as she played some kind of a witch in the Witches of Eastwick long before this one. De Niro was really funny in his role as the commander of an air ship and I really had a good laugh with one particular scene of him. Yes the humor is absurd at times like the princes who die one by one and land as ghosts into a waiting room watching the story develop as if they were sitting in theater as well. Bu that didn't bother me one thing, on the contrary it was refreshing. Okay the love story of this movie might be quite cliché and predictable but it didn't make me think of the movie less. I just love it and would recommend it to anyone who loves an entertaining movie.
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Hoodwinked! (2005)
Parodies are usually pretty poor but this one is amazing
15 April 2011
I have to admit that I was a bit wary about the fact that this movie would be a parody one Red Riding Hood, one of my favorite fairy tales. However I got curious as the animation looked quite funny. I got to see all the main characters of the fairy tale: Red Riding Hood, the grandmother, the wolf and the hunter but none of them did act much like their original character in the fairy tale. This is really good because that would have made for a short and perhaps boring story. I was surprised how much fun I had with this one, laughing out loud at times as I thought it was so funny. But what I really liked is that each of the 4 main characters gets to tell her/his version of the story and thus answering the questions you might have posed in previous versions of the story. It's like the pieces of a puzzle fall into place at the end. It reminded me a bit of the movie 11:14 (also a great movie) but this one added some good humor to it. Hoodwinked gets better every time I watch it.
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Pocahontas (I) (1995)
This one needed to grown on me
15 April 2011
Pocahontas was Disney's first attempt to have a story with people that have really lived. The problem however is that captain John Smith and Pocahontas might not ever have met in real life. I have no problem with the story at all but in this case they could have used fictional characters and not making it seem that this happened for real. The movie felt not like Disney except for the songs. The Colours of the wind is probably one of the best Disney songs ever. It's the classic Romeo an Julia story between a native girl and colonist man. This theme might have been done so many times that it gets boring at one point but I think it was done well here and makes you think, yes what if native Americans could have kept their land and culture? This movie needs multiple viewings to be liked, for me anyway.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
This is just a winner in every way.
15 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to think really hard to find anything bad to say about this movie. I guess the only thing I didn't like was the beginning where the mother of Nemo died (which we thankfully don't get to see but it's very obvious it happens). The story is a typical one where a parent is overprotective (in this case Nemo's dad) of its kid causing the kid to get rebellious and of course gets in trouble. The difference here is that it doesn't consider humans but fish. Although it's hard to find sympathy for Marlin (Nemo's dad) as he is sooooo serious and always talking, you get to admire him as the movie goes on for being so brave. Very good there is Dory, the girl who seems to forget things so easily that it actually becomes cute and funny. Every serious character needs such a backup and their chemistry proves to be working well. There is a lot of action and funny scenes in this one and has a strong story as well. This is among my favorite animated movies.
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It could have been really good but turned out average
14 April 2011
I love fantasy and fairy tales. I don't particularly like Romeo and Julia but I can stomach such a theme if the movie has something more to offer. With a fairy girl falling in love with a leprechaun boy that sounds good. I liked that particular story and the scenes that involved leprechauns and fairies were all nice to watch. The inclusion of humans as sub or main story (not really sure) who also become involved in the war between leprechauns and fairies was a bad idea in my opinion. The human characters were not likable and I couldn't care less about them but since they get involved into the fantasy world you simply cannot ignore them. I would have enjoyed it much more if they just concentrated on the fairies and leprechauns leaving the humans out completely. Second problem is the length. This story could have been easily be told in 2 hours or less. It's a pity as I loved it first time viewing but second time it dragged on and on.
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Enchanting it really is!
14 April 2011
This movie was labeled on the DVD cover "The Harry Potter for girls". I am not a fan of Harry Potter at all but I do love fairy tale and fantasy movies with an appealing story and this sounded appealing to me. When I started watching it I was immediately drawn into a fantasy world with entertaining characters and knew I was not going to be disappointed. It does refer clearly to Cinderella at 1 point which is a good fairy tale. I think it contained pretty much all the fairy tale creatures I could wish for. As the movie does have many funny moments (or at least to me it was funny) it has kind of a Shrek feeling to it but the stories are pretty different. I can see similarities in the romance however between the lead characters. Shrek is great but I liked this one better which is mostly down to personal preference. I was glad that this movie was not anything like Harry Potter and I guess this was just used as a marketing stunt. That Anne Hathaway (who played her role magnificently as usual) did stop starring as Disney princess character was kind of sad. I am hopeful she remains in fantasy movies though and was glad to see her in Alice in Wonderland of Tim Burton. I don't think it was too girly at all.
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Great ride through a wonderful fairy tale world!
14 April 2011
This mini series is actually how I want fantasy and fairy tale movies to be done. It is very long but when you have a good story and really cool characters that doesn't bother me. I rather watch this long and great adventure than watching a TV show that never ends and where each episode is a short story on its own. The main characters Virginia and her dad end up in this fairy tale world which was so fantastic that I actually wished I was there too. Despite that it is long it never gets boring. It is like a really good book, with well worked out characters which emotions are depicted perfectly. It does has fairy tale characters everyone knows such as Snow White and Cinderella, fairy tale creatures such as dwarfs, trolls and references to typical objects and scenes from famous fairy tales such as poison apple, mirror on the wall, guess my name riddle, incredible hair growth etc. The use of all these elements don't feel forced and blend together well making for a fantastic movie. Although it might not be perfect I can see no fault in it and give it the maximum score. It has fantasy, magic, humor, drama, romance. The only negative thing is that some parts might not be suitable for young children as there is mild violence in it a few times.
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