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This time they did it.
20 December 2016
For me, Star Wars ended with the First trilogy. Its the essence of my Star Wars mythology and everything afterwards its just for the fun.

Episode VII for me wasn't fun. It was this modern, soulless fun-for- everyone-even you who never watched Star Wars before typical Hollywood money maker. Whats worse, it was terrible in the technical department - acting was abysmal, script was stolen from the first one and so on and so on..

This time its the other way around - we all know whats gonna happened, so no surprise there. But, the way they are telling us this story, well, it did caught me a little bit off guard. Its respectful to Original Trilogy and the Prequel one too and its trying to fit in between 1977 and 2017 (in storytelling technique and movie industry sense) as much as possible and its mostly succeeds.

Star Wars movie (almost) without Force? Yes, its possible. Its possible with good director, fantastic actors (miles above those in New Trilogy - Kylo Ren ffs!) and more mature script. People in my movie theater were literary in shock at the ending - as I have said, way too many people are using cinema as dating places.

This one is worth watching, thats for sure.
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Directors Cut is a MUST!
11 August 2016
For two weeks now I've been completely obsessed by this movie. I'm not even a fan of these epic, historical titles, but just as Gladiator, this movie is anything but.

Sure, it could be easily mistaken for one as it offers stunning visuals, historical facts and names, but straying from real events wasn't just in the way to make movie great - its more about facing the mistakes and learning a lesson.

While it could be seen as anti-Christian and in some ways even pro-Islamic, that cant be further from the truth - for most part, Crusades were a farce, only few of them were there for a right reasons after all, and this movie points that clearly. Yes, it does portrait Great Saladin as this calm and tolerant leader, but it features some lot less too, and we see that he promised to conquer Jerusalem again, he even receives a threats to do so or else..

So don't be confused - its one thing to criticize Crusades and other entire Christianity, which in no case is happening here.

What else this movie offers? This incredible dreamscape of Kingdom of Heaven, a place to find yourself, your believes, your destiny! It showcases all these great mysteries of life and ideas of solving problems. From romance to courage, from honor to principles, it just works in deep, deep layers and it works days later after you watched movie.

Soundtrack is just as brilliant, and listening to it afterwards just making you to go back to the movie.

Casting wise, there's no mistake here, and Liam Neeson, Edvard Norton and Eva Green are on spot here. Heck, I even found respect for Bloom - hes doing just fine and one cant deny hes handsome and attractive.

This is experience that you either will understand or you wont, its as simple as that. It works great as movie, but for me it goes a lot further than that - into this great possibility for eventual happier ending for Kingdom of Heaven. Its all about it - a place for everyone who are willing to accept everything and free will to decide it.
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Worst movie I ever watched.
16 July 2016
Trust me - I'm all about America's high-school/college myths, jocks, nerds, cheer-leaders, weirdos and so on. I grown up in '90s where such movies were flourishing. I even like movies with Freddie Prinz Jr. So, things need to really be bad for me to get this much bored.

I haven't reviewed movie in a long time here @IMDb, but this one called for it - its an absolute disaster and it really shifted my perspective of my favorite hobby.

What is so essentially wrong with this one? Well - it doesn't have a plot! It revolves around typical characters who play typical roles, but in the almost two hours there's not a single moment where someone has to try for something. Everything seems to come completely effortlessly and easy, no any kind of background character profile, just bunch of dull guys hanging out and you don't get a single idea about any of them. No struggle, no passion, nothing! Movie seems incredible lifeless even in the scenes of party with loud music.

I mean, every story needs something to push things to action, even Isaac Newton defined our Universe with his Laws of Action and Reaction. Big Band theory of Universe rely on Explosion(TM) to move things around. Here, we see completely opposite of every logic we know. Not a single bad thing happened here, not even a hiccup! Strangely emotionless movie, with really bad writing, bad "jokes", especially for "comedy". Its gonna leave you with this weird feeling of emptiness and the real world will seem really far away for a second. Even now its hard for me to explain what is so wrong that I hated it. Its just so synthetic, almost seems like it was written by some early version of AI who lacks almost any kind of understanding of what makes world go around.
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South of Hell (2015)
You like Mena Suvari? Like you have other choice!
28 November 2015
If you can imagine Mena Suvari fan - thats me. I have watched everything shes done and was really looking forward for "South Of Hell". But its just huge disappointment.

First, this is so not a role for her and I keep wondering why is she keep going for completely wrong ones. Mena, you have your looks thats gonna do things for you, make it happen. This Maria role reminded me even on Buffy Summers, but Mena isn't cute - she beautiful and hence - it wont work! Second - script is just plain bad. It does have some potential, but later it goes in many directions and we have only seven episodes - not much. Third - my God, who are rest of the actors - just terrible, with few exceptions. And that wont include Lydia Hearst, who's incredible hot, but come on, just a little effort. But shes looking even good in comparison to Zachary Booth - the weak spot in this show. Everything he does is just bad to the point of comical - and he even has a role of narrator! Wow, dude, were you bored or just trying to sound cool? Don't do it again, please.

In the end, this feels, looks and IT IS - low budget, rushed project that could be better, but it wont, I cant see it getting into season two. I'm happy for opportunity to watch Mena Suvari, but she needs new manager, agent and new inspiration. She is somewhat talented and she got to offer more than just her good looks, but this is clearly not right choice and it wasn't for few years now. Going for horror after all shes done is so not promising. but thats just me speaking career-wise; in her interviews she always sounds happy about herself, and I guess thats all that matters. As a fan, I feel like she could done a lot better and she still can. Time to play grown-up woman now Mena.
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Camp X-Ray (2014)
Big surprise!
6 February 2015
After watching "American Sniper" I swerved I would never again watch anything from USA related to their most recent military campaigns, cause I couldn't stand another buying false facts and fiction as a truth. But boy, this movie blew me away.

It does carry a strong message, it has to go a great lengths, it cant be too direct, but it delivers when it really matters.

Kristen in her recent works shows that she can act and that shes willing to do more artistically challenging titles now that shes done with that teen garbage.

But real star is Peyman Moaadi, heart-aching performance. Just brilliant.

Im still wondering how this movie happened, I truly believed that "American Sniper" defined what USA market want to see, judging by it Oscar nominations and positive reviews based only on patriotism.

Camp X-Ray is not at all apolitical as some of reviewers say - nah, it is political statement, cleverly submerged under story about human species, friendship and love.

Don't miss this one!
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Don't Blink (2014)
11 October 2014
I watched this movie solely because Mena Suvari is credited as one of the main cast. Well, that isn't entirely true. But, OK, that could be subjective, so lets move on. There are so many things that have gone wrong, story wise, it seems that this script was written back in '88, but nonetheless, it completely avoids any progress in science of human psychology, as it deals with models of human behavior. Everything is very, very naive. Acting, on the other hand, is not that bad at all, we have some hot chicks (even Mena Suvari for a while) and ending is best part of the movie, its in somewhat ways "Lynchlike". But overall, I wouldn't recommended this movie to anyone.
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The Lifeguard (2013)
What a movie!
24 September 2013
I'm voting 10, solely to bring the points up, but movie isn't that great. Its around 8 at its best. But, come on, 5.5?!!

On the other hand, this is one though, SOB kinda movie. Its really hard to understand, and hard to love it. We less fortunate - we dig it and we dig it deep and completely. True beauty of this flick is in the "wholesomeness" of the Big Picture - and it seems too heavy for most American viewers to understand it. Yeah, there is age difference, but thats completely out of the point. I myself was in the similar position not that long time ago and we weren't the friends :D Thats why I could see some of the masters work by Bell - her face when Little Jason is starting his story. It goes from focusing attention to smile, but that is one really specific smile - it comes from the heart.

Let me tell you - Kristen Bell is pure magic. She already had me in Veronica Mars, but this is much better. Shes magnificent artist and now I understand why she done this movie. It fits her really well.

Also, writing is really original - no big "turnover", no "comeback", not a f***n happy ending - it ends but end is not really an end. You're left with a though of love between Leigh and Jayson, but with a kind of hope.

Like I said, most Americans defines their relationship as "statuary rape" and have a panic attack when movie didn't teach us that their this were wrong. Well, this is obviously a hard thing to swallow. Judgment is left to us, the viewers. If you need a frikin confirmation of yours beliefs, what kind of beliefs are those? ofc its immoral, questionable, unfair to the younger partner, but that was a love on a first sight.

I was really depressed in the end, especially cause I expected from the poster for this movie to be some kind of mindless fun with Veronica Mars. Hot blonde, bathing suite, underage teenagers.. Lets rock'n'roll! Lets push the boundaries really far, far away.. And this movie did it - it awakens true feelings and some painful memories and its REAL. Unlike most hollywoodesque garbage nowdays with utter boring scripts, this one feels like real life. Its ART. Its not "best movie of our times", there are a lot of flaws, but its much closer to the ART than all the Batmans in this cruel world.
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Iron Sky (2012)
Fantastic movie!
29 May 2012
It's a shame that most Americans and Germans came here to write a note of denial. They didn't "got" this movie at all - Americans just don't like to be seen as world conqueror, and Germans still have a ton of problem with their "Nazi" heritage. Yes, we all think you're both silly, and this movie gave that to us, to the rest of the world and for it - we are saluting to the makers. This is very funny movie, and its simplicity is not at all by accident - its all on purpose. The picture is on the palm of your hand. Like "Great Dictator", this one wants to show the forces of today in a different light, in a light where Warlords are something that we need to leave behind.
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Melancholia (2011)
Oh, come on!
11 December 2011
This is very good movie, technically speaking. The picture is outstanding, games of light and dark, sound design, its all there. Acting is more then great, Kirstin is doing heck of a job, shes naked with her huge tits, and all this happened to be done in non-pornographic way. But, please.. This movie is no more then weird apocalyptic drama with no turnovers.. What lacks in it is attempt to save the world, but this movie is not at all some kind of metaphor; its very straightforward, leaving little to debate about, and in the end little to review and talk. I have no idea how it happened for this movie to gain such a huge hype and praise, come on people...
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Stuck (I) (2007)
11 December 2011
First time I started to watch this movie, I was pi**ed off purely cause of Mena's style. She's looking like white chick who is from black ghetto. Then her drug dealer boyfriend appeared, and that was it. But, years later, I found myself going through this movie much easier. Its a strange story of denying and rejecting, finding truth, learning truth and some really realistic aspects of modern society through really good performance of Mena Suvari, very convincing. There are some blood & gore that wouldn't be that easy for everyone, but, then again, this is not movie for everyone. Those who look at life like some fragile, glassy window who shatters through the wind will find meaning. A strange one and a good one.
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Good one
11 December 2011
I never liked movies who exploit in any way story about criminals. I don't like criminal, criminals, story's about what made them to go into criminal, nothing at all. That includes all-time favorite, "Godfather". But, in "Brooklyn Rules" I'm finding silly but obvious enjoyment. Its not a classic one, although there are some cliché's (lots of them actually) but through the length, as we get closer to the end, it takes "this" side of life, our side, side of average human being and his righteous goals in life. It goes somewhat deep into the psychology of hard living in ghetto and it focus in willing of young man (Freddy Prince Junior) to make it through and escape from misery of cheapness and wastefulness of thug life. Casting is great, and the executions of actors are very good. Freddy is leading, followed my Mena Suvari, who is once again, nice and delightful girl from upper class and so beautiful, that you can really believe that her solely is more then enough to drive a force of change in any man who's looking for a reason to seek for salvation.
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Restitution (I) (2011)
Dear God!
30 November 2011
This is, by far, one of the worst movies I ever witnessed! I really like Mena Suvari, and shes giving too much in this movie (comparing to her colleagues), but by that effort, shes just proving that this is complete waste of time! Plot is not too original, but its not that bad (in the beginning) but ending and "twist" is disgrace. Yes, you wouldn't expect what will happen and how will end, because it doesn't make ANY sense! Lets just say one guy get killed by mob, then somebody else is trying to find out who did it. For those who are Mena's fans, sex scene is okay, but shes in bra. Probably they didn't have enough money, but nevertheless, shes gorgeous and it will help you to go through.
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