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Profoundly stupid and immature.
14 February 2023
If you're over 14 years old, oh boy are you in for a surprise watching this movie. The empty plot is stretched over an excruciating 2 hours. The story is just a vehicle for a laughably-bad villain to crush as many victims face as possible. Everyone is an absolute idiot, which destroys any sense of implication on part of the viewer. You will probably roll your eyes about a hundred times watching this. If real-world police were as inept as those guys, the world would be burning right now. It's on par for Korean movies though. Koreans love to depicts police as mentally-challenged and incompetent (as seen in "I Saw the Devil" or "The Wailing").

The plot makes no sense and the characters motivation make no sense as well. There are inconsistencies and plot-holes every 5 minutes.

The script was probably written by an edgy 12 years old. They try so hard to make the villains as villainous as possible that it comes across as deeply funny instead of disturbing. It's the idea that a child has of evil. If Anton Chigurgh from "No Country for Old Men" was an excellent villain, imagine the opposite here and you get the picture.

Avoid this at all costs. Even die-hard horror fans will have a bitter aftertaste in their mouth after watching this.
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Lights Out (II) (2016)
A movie for idiots
29 January 2018
Probably the worst big-budget horror movie I've ever seen. It's basically "Scary Movie" without the comedy aspect. Imagine that.

The characters are simple-minded idiots who make the single stupidest choice in every single dilemma they encounter. The monster has a set of rules, but never follows them.

The movie is also riddled with derivative stuff that will make you cringe. It has zero originality and copied everything that came before but in a worst way.

I give it 3 stars because the editing is good and the movie was able to screen in the projector at the theater. The rest is a train-wreck if I've ever seen one.

This director is now in my list of banned director. People who I will never watch another from again. Take your place alonside Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer and Uwe Poll please.
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Raw (2016)
Goes nowhere
29 January 2018
Great cinematography, great acting. It had such potential! The script unfortunately is lazy and doesn't know where to go. The ending doesn't explain anything and is just thrown out there.

The movie tries so much to shock you but never really succeed. It's just a lot of blood on screen.

Expected more than that.
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Boring and pretentious.
12 June 2017
The director could've cut half of the film and the story would've been the same. Long drawn-out shots of pointless stuff and expository dialogue that goes on and on forever into the abyss.

After 40 minutes max, the plot-twist becomes obvious to anybody and cuts the suspense short.

Main character is a horror-movie-tier idiot who breaks suspension of disbelief by his utter stupidity.

The positive side is the cinematography but if I only wanted that I would go watch National Geographic instead.

Watching this is like being slowly tortured and awaiting a swift death.
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Your Name. (2016)
Immature, cringy and boring
8 April 2017
Let me start by stating that this film contains the most beautiful animation ever seen in a Japanese cartoon, hence the 3/10 score.

That being said, cinematography can only account for so much in a movie. In this case, the rest is simply a train wreck.

The movie is aimed at children aged 8-16 at most. The dialogue is a cringe-fest, characters are unbelievable and the story is boring. There is no suspense, no anticipation and no character development.

The typical anime character are present here and everyone is expendable to the story, which is a mess. The intrigue is without substance and won't entice a shred of interest on behalf of the viewer. This is a rare instance where my biggest anticipation was for it to be all over.

If you've seen "Only God Forgives", expect the same kind of filmmaking: all the efforts went into the visual side of the movie. The rest is horrible. It needs a special level of immaturity to be enjoyed. Adults cannot be entertained by this.

The definition of over-hyped.
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2LDK (2003)
Surprisingly Good!
4 August 2007
Excellent film for a Saturday night. Great dialog and tension builds throughout the movie to a violent climax.

The story is minimal but only serve as the driving force to put into motion this half hour between the two girls in their apartment.

You can really identify to these characters as if you were to be trapped in such a situation (Your roommate destroying everything you have) you would go berserk trying to kill the other one.

The biggest flaw of this movie is the duration. It only last 1 hour and 7 minutes. I mean, the fighting is starting to become really good and it ends abruptly.

Too bad the film cuts at such a great part.

Another thing, Lana is hot, which adds to the greatness of this piece of Japanese cinema.
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Moon Child (2003)
Stunning cinema
9 September 2006
Perfect gunfights, perfect script, a little humor, excellent characters, Gackt, Hyde, etc... How could that failed? No way it could. The cinematography is absolutely brilliant in every way; from the epic gunfights to the depiction of that Asian-type City of God, Moon Child never let down the viewer for one minute. The dialog is perfect and you can really "feel" the emotions of the characters and all the things that they've gone through. This film accomplishes something that only a few director can do; mix vampires, gangsters, vampires, social message and masterful combat choreography all in one and make a masterpiece with it. A flawless film even though the principal characters are amateur and were singers before starting to act. Gackt depicts the perfect yakuza and no one could've best depicted the character of Sho in my opinion. The combat scenes are totally stunning and they keep your attention during the whole thing (Special Mention to the first gunfight and the final assault at the end). And, by the way, don't believe people who are saying things like: This movie discuss homosexuality or/and is homo-erotic because it's not true. It's mainly centered around the everyday life of orphans and their struggle to survive in a near-anarchy society.

Moon Child is an experience that I will never forget.
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The End to an Epic Story
2 August 2006
Simply put : This film is excellent. I loved it! This had to be made because it completes well the story of the first Azumi and extends the pleasure of viewing it. This is one of the most attractive adventures I've ever been part by watching it. But, maybe this one's good but it's nothing compare to the first which was 10 time as good as this one. But nevertheless for anyone who've seen the first need to see this sequel. The director puts a lot of heart-wrenching scenes which were in my opinion useless. They kill too much characters just to put tears in your eyes I guess. However, I loved Chiaki Kuriyama in her role as Kozue, she's very good but she's cursed to play bad-ass girls for the rest of her life. Azumi's still a pretty on the outside but cruel on the inside young girl who just wants to finish her mission so she can escape to another place. I really think Aya Ueto was the perfect choice for Azumi, no girl on this planet is the same as her and they cannot replace her because she's unique in her talent and in the impression she gives to the viewer.

I give 7.4 to this film. It's an excellent completion to this epic even though I would like a Azumi 3 to come out in the next few years.
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Average rip-off
1 August 2006
As you've probably guess by now by the synopsis and after the first viewing, this film is a big rip-off of "Ringu". Everything's the same except for one thing: Instead of a killer tape, we're given a killer phone call. The tension is well-maintained and very atmospheric but fails to gives a really good story unlike The Ring. Takashi Miike didn't pull off a masterpiece here, neither a original scary movie. At some parts in the viewing you will probably be thinking to yourself : "This is going nowhere" and you're totally right. The plot is stuck after some times and doesn't seem to be going somewhere so you will continue watching hoping for something good to come but after waiting a bit you're given the end credits sadly. The film offers a resolution for the story but doesn't resolve it like it's suppose to do it. The end is left to the interpretation of the viewer but to me it's just that it was botched and they couldn't think of a good resolution.

Now for the good points, the camera work is excellent and I loved the actors, they were excellent and gave well-acted characters. I liked the death-scenes too but the stupidity of the victims were no good to them. This movie could've been a excellent horror-thriller if it was made with a original story with something to clear up the path instead of fog to make it more difficult to understand.

Average movie with good actors but no plot. If you've seen The Ring then you don't need to see this.
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Azumi (2003)
What a ride!
30 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing, this is was this film is. Azumi's surely one of the best Japanese movie ever, tied with Battle Royale. Even the beginning when they have to kill each other is like Battle Royale. I LOVED the fights and the story even if it wasn't a big deal. The White Samurai and Azumi are the coolest characters I've seen in a long time and it will be long before I forget about them. The film is sometime sad, bright, humorous and makes you heroic at the same time which really shows the talent of the director. I have yet to see his other movie but I'm pretty that this one will be the best. You need to see this film, it will be part of your culture and makes you realize things about human life and how to deal with it, destiny and how you can't change what you are. This film is pretty hard to find except on eBay and Amazon so you know what to do to get it. Everything in this is magnificent, from the beginning fights to the amazing dialog between the White Samurai and his opponents. The end is surely one of the best I've seen in a LONG time.

Believe me, this will stick with you for year after the first view.

What a thrill ride that was!
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The best of the best
24 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far, the most amazing concert I've ever seen. The costumes, the effects and the intro will just leave you in awe. The part when he goes around with his horse and then explodes into Dybbuk is just spectacular. At half-time, Gackt proves us very nicely that he's one of the singer who care most for his fans when he gives to a girl on the stage a guitar and some pretty nice autographed stuff from the band. The gal is so hysterical that she asks him about a hug and he gives it to him. It was so nice seeing this. Even though I don't understand Japanese, I know it must have been the coolest experience when he's speaking to the crowd in the middle of the show. And his songs... ! An excellent performer who doesn't destroy his songs by performing them live, unlike some mainstream and very popular singers from here. Everything's well arranged and Gackt knows his stuff. The only and ONLY thing I didn't like in this concert was the noise of sword in Dybbuk, It engulfs the best part of the song sadly :( . But nevertheless, for any music-addicted, Gackt Diabolos Tour is a must-see!
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What a worthless piece of trash
7 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is boring beyond imagination. Nothing's good in it. After reading are lot of comments on this, I was expecting something so extreme that I've never could have seen before. Instead, I was given a Z-Movie that I could have made with my mother. The wannabe-corpse that they used was so fake you would laugh at it. And the sound effects... oh my god we heard this in old video games that were on Atari I guess. Seriously, the executioner is so ugly and laughable that you can't be serious watching this. In the end we're suppose to be shocked by seeing the psycho getting another victim but we do not give a damn about them because they're all so stupid. They're almost letting themselves be caught and cut apart. I can't believe this has more than 30 000 Yen of budget. A 6th grade project would look more realistic than this.... this.... garbage.

Avoid at all cost!! Even if someone pays you
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Audition (1999)
7 July 2006
I heard only praises about this movie and was expecting a masterpiece as some people described it. If you're really in the mood of this film then you will surely enjoy it. Maybe Asami was a little annoying sometimes but the actress is very good as a demented-psycho. The only thing that I didn't like about this was the over-slow-paced beginning that just wouldn't start off, but anyway I was rewarded half-way through. Actors are great and the "Kirikirikirikiri" line will stick with you for a long time after seeing this. Just like a lot of people are saying: this is NOT a gore-fest by any kind. Don't expect a sequel of Guinea Pig or a variant of Ichi the Killer (which is great I think). Get into this movie and you'll experience something you've never felt before. This is surely something that I will buy in the future because of it's unique feeling that it builds into you.

Put it in your "To Watch" list. It's worth the time.
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Very Atmospheric
8 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The Blair Witch Project is one of a kind in the movie industry. You will never something quite like this in any movie store. Some people hate it or love it but never ignore it. Some sequences will just leave you on the edge of your seat but you never know what's really happening. The camera's a little bit too shaky and doesn't really shows everything to the viewer, that would've make it scarier in my opinion. The ending is well done but very brutal at the same time, it ends in an abrupt way that frightens a lot of people and I know why! If you like character development and atmosphere movies then this is for you but if you're the one that will go for Halloween, Scream and Friday the 13th this is not for you. There's no action but only good scares. You really are the witness to the long walk the students are walking toward hell and death. You'll never think of the woods as a safe place after seeing this.

I highly recommend this movie but only for selected people.
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10 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I really disliked this movie for many reasons. First, the effects are horrible and laughable, the acting is horrible (Robert Patrick and Bo Hopkins were not very good in this one) and so on... This gives no honor to the first in any way, they should have stayed with the first and the third to make the perfect duo. The part where the guy is attacked by a bat in his car is so funny! Oh my, it just looked like a plastic toy that someone threw at his windshield. This film is not by any means a popcorn B-movie... it's worse! With such a low budget and with this director, you can't build a well filmed good action sequences with a lot of explosion and stuff. The first is one of my favorite action movie but this one is just... awful.

Rating: 1.4/10
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