
31 Reviews
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Gotti (2018)
28 October 2023
I just watched the Netflix documentary of John Gotti. It held my attention and left me wanting more. So what's better than a movie titled "Gotti". If I had not just watched the documentary, I would have no idea what was going on in the movie. In simple terms, it was a complete mess. It was one of those movies where for some strange reason it has to time travel. It travels back and forth, back and forth. The only way to keep track of any semblance of time was by the color of John Travolta's hair. As to Travolta he occasionally did a fair job, but there were too many scenes where it appeared he was on a talk show giving his impersonation of Gotti. There was also too much attention to one of his sons. It made it confusing. In fact, the movie should have been titled, "Son of Gotti".
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The Day Kennedy Died (2013 TV Movie)
Had some interesting moments
22 August 2023
I once heard the Kennedy motorcade in Dallas had a last minute change. Instead of continuing down Main Street it would take a right turn at Dealey Plaza and continue on Elm Street, and would pass directly in front of the school depository. Later I heard stories that the change was simply part of the many right wing conspiracy theories. In the documentary, Buel Frazier stated when he and Oswald arrived at the depository they had been informed, by another employee, that the route had been changed, that the motorcade would travel in front of the building. So if Oswald was the shooter, someone must have told him in advance of the change, since a shot from the sixth floor window of the depository would be impossible if the motorcade continued down Main Street.

Another interesting part of the documentary was a witness who recounted hearing the shots fired, that went, "bang, pause, bang, bang." I've heard this before from other witnesses. The problem is an Italian Carcano, M91/38, doesn't go "bang, pause, bang, bang." Maybe if it was a semi-automatic weapon, but not a very clumsy bolt action. I own a Carcano, and it's probably the worse military weapon ever produced. I also don't think anyone has been able to duplicate the three shots supposedly fired from the sixth floor window with a Carcano.

Last, is the false impression that Oswald, as a Marine Marksman, was an above average rifleman, and could have easily made those shots. Marksman is not an indicator he was an excellent shot. Marksman is one of three categories when qualifying with a rifle in boot camp, or basic training. The best riflemen are given an expert rating. The average is given a sharpshooter rating. The ones that can barely hit the targets, are given a Marksman rating. I know, I was a Marksman, and could barely hit the broadside of a barn.
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What a Gem
26 May 2023
I can't believe I'm the first to review this movie. To begin I had to decide, do I give it nine stars or ten stars. I want to give it ten stars, but then everyone will think I'm the directors' cousin, or some other relative, and giving it a high score only to boost his career. I can assure you that is not the case. I'm not going into any details, because I don't want to spoil any part of the plot, I'm just going to say it is very cleaver, well written and well acted. All the actors are great and their characters well crafted. But Traci Lords' character stands out, as well her portrayal of her character. It's a fun movie. There are a lot of twists, turns, and surprises. Well worth watching.
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Don't know how to rate this movie
16 May 2023
I found this movie interesting only because of items that kept appearing and disappearing. The entire movie took place on a front porch, and the main item was a sandwich. The sandwich first appeared as two halves on a plate next to a bottle of water. In a following scent it was gone. They shortly after that it appeared again only half was missing. Then it disappeared again only to reappear, this time again as a complete sandwich. There was a similar routine with a bottle of bleach. One scene the bottle was visible. The next scene it was gone, then it would mysteriously reappear again. The main point of the movie wasn't that interesting. In fact, it was stupid. So I had assumed the twist, or the surprise was the reappearing items, in some way or another. Nope. The movie ended and that was that.
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Anglerfish (2022)
One of the worse movies ever made
11 March 2023
1906 and this couple lives in the woods, miles from the nearest town, yet listen to their radio each night. So I figure they must have somehow tapped into Nicola Telsa's wireless electricity. That's the only logical possibility. While listening to the radio they do some sort of holistic, mind spiraling, new wave dance, followed by flashing lights, and this goes on for a very, very, long time. Then there is some wood chopping and a little dialogue. Each picking apart a small potato, as if near starvation, while completely ignoring two beautiful loaves of bread on the table. Then the radio is turned on again and the dancing starts followed by flashing lights, once again lasting a long time. Then a woman shows up and joins in on the weird dancing and then sleeps on the floor. I don't think I exposed any spoilers, because nothing happens. You might ask why I continued watching. All I can say is, I thought something might happen.
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Royal Jelly (2021)
One of the worse movies I've ever seen.
23 February 2023
Anyone giving this movie a good review should be ashamed. This is a terrible movie, and what makes it a horribly movie is that it could have been better. Well, maybe better, but then maybe not, thinking back on it. A lot of stuff happens but you never learn why or how it relates to the story. I got the impression they shot the entire movie and after editing it, discovered it was only 15 minutes long. So in effort to lengthen it they shot a bunch nonsense and just randomly threw it in. When they got to the actual ending they have had a complete brain freeze, because I'm not even sure there was an end, just credits suddenly showing up.
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Okay, but disappointed
24 December 2020
Growing up in Utah I spent many summers in the Uintah mountains, both north and south slope. I also had a friend that had a cabin on 36 acres that bordered Indian Land. With the exception of some Indian lore of the area, I had never heard of the happenings at the Skinwalker Ranch until just a year ago. So my interest in the movie was the Sherman family. The movie itself was entertaining, but I was disappointed about it's authenticity. What little I do know about the family, the movie was basically a fictional account.

As to the movie, I disagree with most about the mediocre acting. I thought the actors were very believable. As to the senseless ramblings, I found that possible due to the nature of film. So, after discarding any historical value, I just accepted it as a typical B rated horror movie.
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Incredibly funny and well done.
8 March 2020
The only thing more fun and more amusing than actually watching this incredible short film would to have been a member of the cast. I bet there were some historical out-takes and bloopers while filming this little gem.
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1941 (1979)
What is wrong here?
15 January 2020
I use to work with some poor soul you couldn't tell a joke too. When the punchline came he always had to question and argue about. He could never comprehend it was a joke. It's suppose to make you laugh and not to be taken seriously. I sense the same about all those that gave this movie a bad review. This is a movie you sit back, enjoy and don't even think about trying to garner some social meaning as many felt compelled to compare it to MASH. It's not that kind of movie.
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What a disappointment
28 December 2019
The movie started out great. I loved the beginning concept, but then Jaden Smith showed up as a typical annoying, spoiled, brat, that served no purpose in the plot. Then after that the movie really went down hill. What's sad is the movie had potential but turned into a typical Hollywood political stance.

The scene at the drawing board when after a few senseless scribbles mankind suddenly discovers that..... I don't want to commit a spoiler, so I will just say, if I heard 'that' one more time I was turning this disaster off and I did.

As to the acting it wouldn't be fair to criticize the actors, except maybe accepting their role, because there was nothing to really grab hold of. The parts vacillated from scene to another. The only character to shine was the robot.
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Letterkenny (2016–2023)
Brace yourselves
18 October 2019
Like Seinfeld, this sitcom is fast, well written and absolutely hilarious. You will miss a lot on the first viewing because while laughing at one gag, you miss the second and sometimes the third. The beauty though, watching it a second or third time you catch up on those you missed. My second round was by far the funniest. Again like Seinfeld, you will ask yourself, time and time again, how on earth did they think of that.
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Thought provoking
12 September 2019
This is one of those thought provoking movies. First thought is were is it going? You get a small taste of each main character, followed by a lot of silly stupidness. Soon you think, is this all this movie is about? Then suddenly something happens, don't exactly know why but it does. Then some really interesting things happen, still don't know exactly why, but getting closer. Then the clincher comes, but unfortunately with an unnecessary female annoyance, but working past that.. well it's thought provoking.

Though out the movie you get a hint of where it's going, but not exactly how. To me, it's one of those movies that gets better the more you think about it over a cup of coffee the following morning. The acting is great. One actor seems to be drawn to these type of roles, which at first made me think I'd seen this movie before. The unnecessary annoyance is pretty, also excellent actor, but in this situation, I'd rather have seen her in a bathing suit than a uniform.

I'd definitely recommend this movie.
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An all time favorite
30 August 2019
If you went back in time and on a cattle drive this is probably what it would have been like. The thing that struct me about this movie was the authenticity. I grew up with horses and tack used, and what bothered me with most westerns was portraying a historical movie with modern tack, or saddles, bridles etc. To me it was like watching a western with the cowboys on motor-scooters. I know it's a silly quirk, but it was a damper to me. Another thing was dust. Typically missing in most Hollywood westerns. You can't follow follow a few hundred cows and not get dusty.

What is also great about this movie is the cast and the characters each played. I won't list a few because they were all good. The casting director definitely deserved an A+.

Most convincing was the story-line. It's gritty, not over exaggerated, with a good ending.
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20 August 2019
I have been anxiously waiting for this movie. I am death and need CC, hence I had to wait until it's was released to cable TV. Viewing the credits I mistakenly thought Ethan Coen was the writer/directer, which added to my excitement. Just imagine, Will Ferrell, John C Reilly and Ethan Coen. What an incredible combination, although what turned out to be incredible disappointment. I later discovered my first error. It wasn't Ethan Coen, but Etah Cohen. I was heart broken thinking one of the Coen brother's had written and directed this disaster. I didn't think it was possible. So you can imagine my relief it was some one else. But, there was still the question of Ferrell and John C. Reilly. What on earth would motivate them to be a party to such a disaster? And it was a disaster. From the beginning to the ridicules scene where Watson and Homes were at the morgue, were I quickly turned it off.
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No Spoilers
12 August 2019
To start it would be impossible to write a review about this movie that contained any kind of spoiler. You need some sort of plot or a story line which this movie completely lacks. I watched 30 minutes and it was like watching 30 minutes of 20 second trailers over and over and over. It never really started and I doubt it really ever ended. What is also bothersome is they claim it had a budget of 3.8 million dollars. With that much money you could actually make a real movie, even a bad movie, and this movie doens't even rate that high.

This is one of those movies that sprung up on Tubi, so there was no cost involved with the exception of 30 minutes of my life which could have been better spent with a brain freeze eating a snow cone.
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Troll 2 (1990)
Edward Wood would have been proud
1 August 2019
You just can't make a movie this bad. It's impossible. There had to be some collaboration involved. I think the director got everyone involved and said we only have $200,000 to make this movie, so let's make it as bad a movie as we possibly can. Good acting will not be allowed, even for those of you who can actually act. As to the script, turn your manuscripts upside down and read then backwards. A total of $7.35 will go towards costumes and special effects. Not a penny more. The most expensive item in making the movie was the damn motor home. If we had it to do over we should have used pup-tents, and saved the extra money to buy beer for the crew. Unfortunately, as it is, there isn't enough money to buy beer.

All in all, it's a really horrible movie and I hope saying that hasn't violated the 'contain spoilers', clause, because horrible is the only thing good about it.
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2012: Ice Age (2011 Video)
Horrible but slightly amusing in a bad way
14 July 2019
This movie is exactly what you get with a $250,000 budget. When you divi-out money for the cast alone it explains the quality of the actors. Then you throw in a director who either doesn't know what they are doing or just disgusted having to make this disaster.

The amusing aspect of the movie is counting all the inconsistencies. Such as it's freezing and people are dying yet many of the actors fail to zip up the front of their jackets. Jets are supposedly lifting off an air craft carrier then they cut to a destroyer.

I didn't make it through the entire movie. The errors in editing, horrible acting and inconsistent plot got to be too much.
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The Nun (2018)
What's the deal?
10 April 2019
This movie had a lot of potential. Good actors, a great location, but what was the deal? The whole thing was nuns bouncing against wall. Sliding across floors. Jumping out windows. A lot of chanting, but what? What was is about and why? They should have used less money in the special affects and put more into the story line, because there was no story line. In simple terms, no plot.
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Consumption (2016)
What the...........
8 April 2019
Late at night... the movie said the Utah mountains... I grew up in Utah so I thought, what the heck, I would give it a try. Halfway through I turned it off, thinking what the heck was that all about. I then saw somebody gave it 7 stars with spoilers. Perfect, I thought. Maybe a clue as to what it's about. The reviewer had over 500 reviews. After troweling through 300 without finding the one I wanted, I gave up looking. Thought to myself, this poor soul needs to find a life.

So, my view of the movie. To begin with I doubt the two lead males could have possibly hooked up with the female leads. The girls were attractive and... well I'll leave it at that. Second, the IMDb review said the movie had a budget of 3 million dollars. Come on. Maybe $600.00 dollars to rent the mountain condo. Another $300.00 for a rental car and a hundred bucks for gas. Miscellaneous costs couldn't have been but a few thousand at most. So if this thing cost 3 million, and I was an investor, I would definitely want to see all the receipts.

In all honesty... the movie was horrible.
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Papillon (I) (2017)
Rather surprised
3 March 2019
I chanced upon this movie on Prime. My first thought was you've got to be kidding, a remake of Papillon? There are certain movies that are classics and that applies to the original with Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman. In my mind a classic should stand alone and scared, only fools would attempt to repeat. Reluctantly, I decided to watch the beginning, knowing full well I would be offended by this remake and quickly turn it off. I was surprised. It was good and I watched the entire movie. What I loved about the movie, while at the same time could have criticized, is that it was a duplicate of the original. As if from the same movie script. There were moments I thought I was actually watching Steve McQueen as Papillon. As to Louis Dega, I did not see as much Dustin Hoffman. In my eyes Rami Malek brought a certain twist to that character, But both performances were excellent.

My favorite scene from the original version was missing from the remake. Which surprised me. For this reason I dropped my rating a star. If this has been the original version I would have given the movie a 9, having to hold a perfect 10 for the original.
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The Veil (I) (2016)
Had great potential but lost it
30 January 2019
This movie had great potential and a good story-line with a decent twist. But, Hollywood stepped in and had to ruin it. Instead of the blood and gore they could have worked more on the ending as it effected the two principle players.
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Damsel (I) (2018)
My kind of western
10 January 2019
I really enjoyed this movie. I love movies with great dialog and this one is full of it. The characters are also priceless. I'm not going into the movie any further in a effort to avoid any spoilers, but I have to add this movie has one of the greatest endings of all time.
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What I personally liked about this movie and what others say about the movie I personally don't give a white mouse's behind.
9 January 2019
I keep reading reviews that the movie doesn't reach some mythical standard set by the book. Characters in the movie have failed to conform to the same characters in the book. If I had to base my opinion of the movie to the book I'm glad I didn't read the book, because I love his movie. I love it from start to finish.
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Bird Box (2018)
2 January 2019
Tuned into a lot of hype about this movie. Proved disappointing. A lot of questions needed to be answered. I also don't feel like I need to read the book to get the answers. The movie should take some responsibility in answering them.
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18 November 2018
This is a movie everyone should see once, but too difficult to see twice.
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