
7 Reviews
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Watching this episode as it airs.. Worried about the finale
15 May 2023
I am enjoying the show since it started, this season I feel some arcs are taking a bit longer than the usual momentum of MMM, so Mr/Mrs Writers., I hope you see this.. I hope you still have an opportunity to fix things, the main storyline is lingering and our lovely Mrs. Maisel is still struggling big time.. i am worried there will be a rushed sequence of unfolding events ruining a long-waited triumph for Midge. Not seeing enough build-up and properly cooked evolution of her career turnaround will really spoil the last season and leave everyone with a bitter taste, regrettably joining the unpopular club of great shows with most hated finales... Watch out writers.. you better pick up the pace in this little window remaining.
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Hear it from an Arab Muslim
2 July 2022
Ok, let's set aside some valid comments on sexism... Guys, you cannot imagine how much we value a nation where its art & media do not shy of exposing flaws & mistakes... many commentators here say that it was somehow still glorifying some sides, being lefty and stuff, still the core message is "something could have been done and you guys failed" that's a lot for many other nations outside North America and West Europe. Having said that.. I wish there was a stronger pitch on what could be the best version of counter terrorism... You just repeat over and over what is bad counter terrorism (which could very much be still practiced today) but you only scratch the surface and don't offer any real options of solutions.. there was one shallow attempt in E10 (will not reveal any spoiler here) but I wish it was that simple.
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The Angel (2018)
Should have been named "the boy who cried the wolf"
22 January 2022
Without giving away any spoilers.. Watch till end and you will get to some peace of mind. I think the filmmakers did their best, so if you are watching throughout the movie you will be utterly confused on which side Marwan is, perhaps rooting for one side over the other if you are from this part of the world. However, at the very last epilogue, the movie opens up a new possibility to understanding how this guy is a hero on both sides... thought... once you are done with the movie.. go and read the "in search of identity" for Sadat.. you might see a new yet complimenting angle of the story..
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Fiction but no fiction!
2 January 2022
Now replay the movie in your head but instead of knowing the comet will hit in 6 months it's rather uncertain and scientists say it could be tomorrow or it could be in 80 years or something... now scale down the disaster to only yourself... we are all going to die.. that's an abstract fact, the only fact that we could be 100% (and not 99.7%) certain about. See, the whole world, in fact the whole universe just cease to exist for you when you die... it's an apocalypse for every single one of us. So what are we doing about it? Unfortunately nuking death is not an option, may be someday humanity will evolve into something that can't die... but until then we (in these generations) are definitely mortals.. Are we going to "sit tight and assess" or just do the normal groceries, go by our normal lives and then wait for our commet to hit while we are sitting by our dinner tablem.
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Don't get distracted by overall ratings, it's really a wonderful movie
7 August 2020
I don't know why most Will Smith movies in the recent years are getting that harsh ratings especially from critics, but anyway my advice in general for any movie, watch the trailer, if you like it, then give the movie a go for 10 min tops and you will know if you want to continue watching or just turn it off. This movie is really good, I only gave it 7 as the writing has a number of significant loopholes that could have been avoided but the story in general is really touching and the acting from everyone is amazing.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Adding insult to injury
20 May 2019
So the whole idea for D&D writing this season was to keep surprising audience on expense of any logic in storylines as well as perhaps making unconvincing shortcuts to the glimpses of ending they heard from GRRM. Now even this is screwed up having the finale leaked almost frame by frame. Now this is a lesson to all writers; stop aiming for outthinking your fans; just keep your writing quality intact, we watch same movies and series over and over despite we know the ending because they are just good, I don't think many would do that with GOT. D&D just lost every asset they had with most of their fans. And to put it in few words, their finale writing was completely empty of any attempt to mend the damage caused by too many rushed storylines, no explanations to previous plot gaps, no rationale or back shadowing finally revealed... nothing! One final word to Disney... really?
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
It's not as shallow as we just seek happy endings!
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wonder how those who blame disappointed fans can't see the logic, and claim we only want a happy ending. On the contrary, it seems to me that GRRM already told D&D that Danny is destined to turn into a Mad queen, but they just copy pasted the ending rushing it into the 6 episode blitz with a too lame flip of behaviors that lacked any build up, and excuse me but I don't understand either how writers proponents defend their point of view saying Danny showed subtle glimpses of madness before, that's utterly overrated, I don't want to go thru details but let's just remember she chained her dragons when one was accused to burn one child, and she roasted the Tully's same way John executed those who betrayed him, including a child who was obviously lured into those action by a punch of manipulating adults, simply the underage boy had not yet taken the black to be convicted and sentenced to death like them, but we accepted it because this is medieval, so enough with the excuse that she showed signs of madness before, sorry but the writing simply sucks. I only gave 3/10 as the rest of the crew did their best to perfect the collaterals, the fights, actors, stunts... everything but the core storyline. Unfortunately GOT will grow to become a standard textbook example of how to mess up an outstanding performance just near the finish line.
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