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17 September 2023
I was a fan of the original, loved the art, jokes, could n't count the times my friends and family laughed and quoted the original.

I was excited to hear it was back, but boy, was I disappointed, the childish art, the change to the mythos Babs and Busters twins?

This is very disappointing that in this day and age with CG, and top notch art, we have to suffer this colouring book art, and terrible jokes.

Typical Max offerings for shows. I think i will go back to my streaming of the originals.

Hey, if this your jam, great. But as an old fan, this is a terrible mistake, lazy art, lazy writing.
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Not a fan of the comic line.
16 November 2021
Wow, a lot of folks are gushing on this. I am not, I like Liu , especially in Kim's Convenience. This was the typical MCU butchering wushu filmsof the past with their need of cgi.

Great that the brought the comic to movies, but what I remember of the comics was a deep dark storyline.

It is somewhat the reason I never got into Black Panther, too much chi fighting, almost like watching a video game. A shame, because I like the lead actors, but to fans I am not saying you are wrong or anything, love what you love.
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Skysurfer Strike Force (1995–1996)
Painful to watch.
1 July 2021
The show is a mess, not knowing what it wants to do. The characters are painful to watch and hear. The second season opening title is horrible.

In the 80's and 90's I enjoyed most if not all Saturday morning cartoons, kids today are missing out, and the toys. Toys only Man-Children can afford. This was gladly missed when cartoons were on.

Now, if you enjoyed it, great. My experience is to quickly forget it.
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The Crew (II) (2021)
Kevin James is funny?
16 February 2021
No, I am asking for a friend.. This another boring, KJ vehicle that sputters around lazy jokes, apparently our NF subscriptions are paying for. I understand not all comedy is for everyone but it should at least give something to remember, I watched the first episode and I was done.
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He, hard pass
16 August 2019
Trigun is a great.. Wait, what is this? What it is , is a RIP off of Trigun and Bebop, the animation is that weird hybrid of western and anime. Looks nice but like candy floss, melts away to nothing but fleeting memory. Netflix seems to be in death throws now just slinging crap around trying to be relevant, in this now streaming world. Eh, back to the review. Characters are cookie cutter cutouts of other character, oh with a transforming robot. With a little originality this could of been a knockout, but sadly it is a hard pass.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Wow. So Netflix remade V...
25 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to the show, thinking a smart, interesting series. Nope, this is no Arrival more like a V reboot. The Characters are not likable in anyway, the science makes little to no sense. Aliens were slightly different. Hopefully, a second series might be better. Altered Carbon was a better sci fi show than this. Again this is my opinion, give it a go. We all have different tastes.
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Tuca & Bertie (2019–2022)
I know I am in the minority here, but 5his was eye poison.
18 July 2019
The voices annoyed the hell out of me, the lazy animation this is almost as annoying as sausage mouth art. So tired of this artsy animation art school hip stuff. No thank you.
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What did I just watch? I want MORE!
18 July 2019
I was surprised by this Netflix One shot, I was going pass it by, as most of Netflix Canada is boring as can be. I really enjoyed the retro silliness of the PBS feel and the ads for London, USA. This, if dry wit and absurdity is not your thing, you will not enjoy. But give it a try it might surprise you.
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Wow.. just wow..l
11 March 2019
I could not be more bored with this, the character have no redeeming qualities. I am all for apocalyptic storylines and all. But this was boring, at least American Gods are still around.
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The Deep (2015– )
Started strong... End flat.
28 February 2019
I was intrigued by it one day, watching here and there, but after binging it on Netflix, a lot comes apart. Inconsistent animation, the dialogue hoakey. It is a shame, I usually take to new animation that isn't sausage mouth(ie most of the new animation nowadays) but this kind of disappoints me. Now this is my opinion, if you are a fan of it, or at least give it go. This is just not for me.
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Canadian Pickers (2011–2013)
Painful to watch.
26 January 2019
Scott and Sheldon are greedy old cruds, short changing everyone they meet east to west. This and American Pickers are good examples of the cancerous world of reality shows.Avoid it, now!
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Prisoner Zero (2016– )
I love sci fi, but this actually hurt.
21 January 2019
The story was not bad, but the bad dialogue and the faux-anime style was bad. It is a shame.
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Cavendish (2019– )
Nice, harmless fun.
12 January 2019
Just watched the first episode, might be a biased fan, but I have liked almost everything from Mark and Andy. As a fan of surreal comedy and anything set in my area well family of provinces. Beast dy, was a great start. Hopefully, the world grows bigger.
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Next Gen (I) (2018)
Well, that was.. forgettable at best.
7 September 2018
Eh, it had a third world feel of Big Hero 6 without the heart. John K was fine in it, he voice I felt was a good point, but if you are not a David Cross fan, avoid this. Almost 100% of the robots voices are his. The mother was forgettable, the kids were annoying at best, and the damnable dog was grating. What is Netflix's need to put out boring poorly animated films and shows?
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A Ghost Story (2017)
This is an odd film to rate.
30 August 2018
I watched this 3 times so far, and this is not a Hollywood movie, no jump scares for the kiddos, no gore, this is a very interesting art film. I really enjoyed it the first time watching the movie, enjoying the quiet morose feel of it. Which is strange, my usual favorite films are sci fi or comedy.. Still, as a spouse, this made me think what goes on after a loved one passes on. Sadness on both sides, especially when the ghost finds another in the house next to thier's. The next few times I watched it, it was in bits, I had a real hard time staying positive, becoming upset, and thinking what it would be in that sheet, or thinking if it was my significant other. It is very moving movie, if you are NOT into thinking movies, this is not the movie for you. But I say, give it a go, it opened my eyes.
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10 July 2018
Okay, I gotta admit I like the effects, and some of the jokes were able to make me guffaw a few times. Sure, the movie was bad, but if I remember The 1984 version stunk as well, before getting a cult following. There are worse films out there, it is not fair to blame the cast, they worked with poor writing and directing. Blame Feig, he had a formula and tried to make it fit in an already established franchise. Booo, blame him and Sony. What I would of like to see if the girls were the original GB kids, following in one of their footsteps( or at least one of characters, there is the link to GBI&II, not making cameos in the way they were handled in Feig's work. Also if it was maybe a mixed cast, male and female. Not Bridemaids with proton packs. I do feel sorry for the people who paid full price for it, I now just wait for Netflix to pick it up.
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Calm down Internets.
23 September 2016
Originally, I thought of the original GB as garbage, then I watched a few times, and it became one of my all time favorites. In my world, there is no GB 2, that was a failure in my books. Now flash forward to recently, after Ramis passing on, my hopes of a GB 3 were dashed, not because of just that but Bill Murray being a tool, and not wanting to be a part of it. The I hear this was coming out, and having an all-female cast, was intriguing at the time. Then the trailer/teaser showed up and everyone dumped on it, more and more. The internet crapped on itself. I was willing to see it, also my daughter really wanted to see it, she loves movies with female leads. Everyone just shat on this, personally, it isn't great and nothing can compare to the original, but this insane hatred is not needed. Leslie Jones got the worse of it, I agree, I am not a fan of hers, but I am not going ape ass over her performance. The weak point in this was the bad guy, he did nothing for the movie. I loved the effects on the ghosts, and Kate Mckinnon (sp, sorry)was my favorite character, and it was nice seeing Melissa play a clean mouthed , basically sweet character. Overall it isn't perfect, but it is watchable and I enjoyed it. Personally, they could have had the characters mixed sexed, and relatives to original, to bring in Peter, Egon(RIP), Winston, and Ray (Sons,&Daughters, or Nephews and Nieces, for example) Still, as I said it is, to me watchable & enjoyable.
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Departures (2008– )
Passable TV Fluff, not much else.
20 August 2016
When this was first on TV, I watched it faithfully. Mostly (90%) for Andre's Filming, the dude has a great eye. Scott, is okay as a host. Friendly to the folks he meets, and seems interested in the world he sees. Justin, is a goff, plan and simple. Also it seems he wants to joke around, and drink. Holy frack, does he drink water? In certain place he must, because his gut must be wrecked. I love junk food and drink, but I have limits. He is a force of.. I am not really sure. They do seem douchey, which is sad, because that is not the Canadian way. Also, taking a year off to travel? That is insane unless you have a HUGE bankroll. The show is hilarious when they visit North Korea. I suggest watch the VICE special on Youtube, to see a true mirror experience. What I suggest is they should redo the show a few years later, and show what Justin, Scott, and Andre have gotten from it.
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Not perfect, but a lot of fun.
10 June 2016
I was always a fan of the 80's in flux of anime for Saturday mornings, sadly the Voltron that was offered then was not a favourite of mine. Not sure, why but it didn't gel at the time. But I am pleasantly surprised with this Netflix offering, lately i have noticed the Netflix shows are very edgy(I do enjoy those as well), so this offering is a nice palate cleansing. A refreshing change, giving families something everyone can watch, not something easy as we see with Jessica Jones, Daredevil, etc. I love the interactions with the new takes of the Voltron team, and the animation is good, not the usual cheap animation that is everywhere today in shows. If it changed this crusty old school animation fan heart, give it a go. I hope it has a long life on Netflix.
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Ich! Why netflix why???
2 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My eyes! the goggles do nothing! Just watched this on Netflix, well finished it. I wonder why, because normally I love destruction-porn, but this was just bad. With the actors, I have to say I have enjoyed them in the past, but this is just horrid. I am tired of these end of the world BS movies, which we sudden fix in the last 5 minutes, and move on. No, depth, no character building. I felt I caught something 3 episodes after the character defining arc. The daughter was predictable, actually all of them were predictable. Avoid this turd like the plague. It might be Syfy, if not good god, someone stop crap like this.
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