
6 Reviews
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Real Gritty and without filter
23 July 2018
If there is a film which has the elements of something great and without the cheesiness of the usual fighting films & has its reality based harshness of the real world, this is the movie to watch. One can see the hardship of things but to lost paths & situations faced for someone to travel from the journey of addiction to supporting others like him to walk the line, the film does great with character development & in the end one is invested in Billy for good. Without the loud music or slow motion action sequences or any other things which we come to expect form film of this category, it stands out. Some may comment that its a bit slow, but thats the journey which I felt was very much required for us to feel for the guy & situation.

Loved it. Brilliant performance by Joe. could not stop thinking how did they managed & shot the film in actual prison environment & managed to make this strong piece of story. Do watch if you favour real movie stuff of unfiltered & harsh reality, may be not your type if you are the one who watches these films for large set pieces & epic music !
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This is just a goo that got into all the cracks !
22 September 2016
first of all, let me just say, after watching this movie, i was truly astonished how in modern age, a publicity team can spin a shitty job on a movie and turn in into some sort of GIRL POWER feminist thing just to cover their tracks of doing a job so marvelously wrong and people still buying that sh*t i mean , if this movie was hated just because of the girl cast, then so would be the New Star Wars which starts the most powerful female character ever to be created. but OH well, no one cares if it is marketed right. Second of all, this movie deserves all the hate it is getting. New ghost busters by Sony got made into another release just because of its fan following. this was nothing major but a goofy light comedy which all of us enjoyed in the originals. turn to the new century where nothing matters but money making for SONY, after bad feed-backs from the fans, SONY turned on the fans, the people because of whom this movie even came into existence ! but who cares ! now about the movie, its just another Unfunny, blunder of a movie which is trying the hardest to make reference to the original series and at the same time trying to shout out that "no no no, am different am different", that yeah... its different that this movie is nothing but smelly old poop. loll this movie also proves, that no matter how much talented the cast be, if the director and the studio has an agenda, then they don't even care about the acting or story telling or fans, they will just shove up the sh*t down our throats and call it women haters or just nerds who live in the basement.

wake-up call, no more, no more we will take this agenda thing from directors, studios or critics. they can go and be an A hole in their own little world of agendas.

PS: if i could, i would give -ve rating to this movie.
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Demolition (2015)
Every aspect of your life
21 June 2016
Demolition starts off as a normal movie, the same tale that has been told before of a guy loosing his wife to a tragic crash. But what comes after the next hour is something that i never saw coming. I am not a big fan of romance movies or things of that sort as i find them unnecessarily cheesy n synthetic. this movie i watched only because of Jake & he didn't disappoint. The take of the movie on the matter & life at hand is something i found profound. This movie goes in to places inside u that u didn't expect, connects to you on a plane that you didn't thing of, every loss, every heartbreak , every unsaid word of appreciation, the daily hardships of relationships, trust, keeping on keep going on, the numbness, the loneliness , you name it... this movie touches everything with a fresh breath. The acting is spot on, Jake & Chris are both amazing in their roles and the torments that comes with it. The best part of the movie which i liked , was it didn't have a motto, it was just it, the span of life everyone on us goes through after a loss .... and had no cheesy moments to make it look profound n amazing. The venting out of emotions is something everyone can relate to ,n i think if we could do ( like breaking stuff either for helping or just for breaking) we would all do the same.

It was so simple yet so insane, the mixture of the two worked for me. loved it
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Good stuff
28 May 2016
When i started this movie, i was not sure how its gonna turn out to be as there are many similar kind of these movies out there. Thurns out, this is nothing short of a genius approach to the action games/ movie making. Loved this movie. This is such a fun ride u don't want it to stop. best first person shooter movie i have seen yet. Very very funny, have a lot of amazing moments, good story line, n just some good old pump action adrenaline rush amazing sequences. Watching this, lived through all of the racing, n shooting games that i have ever played. Want more of it.

if u r into gaming, this is good stuff to watch.
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This is more than just a mere football movie
26 May 2016
PELE is probably the biggest name in the soccer history that has shaped & shifted the current playing style of modern day game. The extravagant career speaks for itself. The movie shows us the making & coming to be of PELE.

I see a lot pf people saying this movie is predictable, not so good & what not. to all of them & most importantly to all of u i say, this movie is more than just a football movie. Not every movie is supposed to be a thriller or an Avenger movie. simple things in life have a way of getting to us.

This movie is about small & humble beginnings, its about friendship , its about believing in one self, taking the risk. Movie shows us that is does not matter if u have all the resources or opportunities in the world. if u keep at it, if u find something that you are passionate about & stick to it, day by day, night after night, the results speak for itself.

Movie has amazing moments, really great camera work. one of the best for all the soccer movies out there. Even if one know nothing about the legend that PELE is, once you are into the movie, you cant resist to feel the journey he is going to make in life. I was finding myself constantly tears of joy rolling down my cheek coz i was hooked into the movie. had soo many of those watering your eyes moments that once the movie was over, i was filled with joy and happiness to have witness such a good work of art.

Acting & direction is simple & stunning. camera-work is amazing , specially in those moments you want to fell the greatness of the legend, the movie gives you that.

I'll keep going back to watching this movie , just to feel that joy of watching something beautiful in the making again & again.
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The Intern (I) (2015)
This is great, coz its simple
12 December 2015
No cheesy moments, no extra complexity, no flashy sets, no crappy lines...... two of the best people telling us to smile and relax while they r doing what they r best at. This movie works because its simple without the flashy n shallow stuff we see these days. The concept is really nice, unlike the previous intern movies this is put in the best way with a refreshing breath by the writers. Shows how success brings about changes hard to comprehend and also how old life also need craving of new. Loved every last bit of it. Niro at its recent best. Hathaway moving as always. loved it & want more like it. PS: take a note directors.
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