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Terrible title, great show.
5 June 2024
I get it Netflix, it's hard coming up with new titles, but a name like "Teenage bounty hunters" gives the vibe of a reality show with unlikeable people. Not a great dark comedy of Georgias justice system navigated by two teen girls. And the latter is the show. Blair and Sterling are comedy gold, they are funny, sharp witty and perfectly paired with the grumpy Bowser who has to put up with everything teen life has to bring.

Great cast with great chemistry, and and interesting setup. I'm glad I gave this show a chance but I probably would have done so sooner with a better title. Sorry Netflix. And Sorry to Teenage Bounty Hunters that got cancelled after the first season despite having so much potential. I would love to see Netflix pick this one up gain.
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Madame Web (2024)
This spidermovie needs to be fumigated and tossed in the trash
17 February 2024
Must be so insanely frustrating for these really talented older actresses that when finally a role that is perfect for them comes along and it goes to some nepo-baby with the acting skill of a wooden bird house. On the other hand it maybe was good we didn't get Helen Mirren or Meryl Streep playing the lead, because this movie is not just badly written, badly directed and badly shot, it's terribly casted and despite having a lot of promise on the idea of a super origin story to expand the spider-verse it just misses the mark on every single shot. This spidermovie needs to be fumigated and tossed out in the trash where it belongs. Better luck next time Sony.
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I expected just a little bit more
10 February 2024
First off, I adore Brit Marling and all her work, I have been a big fan since Another Earth and her way of writing and directing along with acting is top par, (along with Zal Batmanglij and Mike Cahill) but maybe because I am familiar with her work I expected a little bit more from this show. At the end of the first episode is was obvious who the killer was and by mid-episode three is was obvious how it was done. After that it was just a wait to get to the end and the "reveal".

Apart from that the blueprint is classic Agatha Cristie, with a bunch of strangers isolated from the world and an amateur sleuth trying to solve the "whodunit" when one of them untimely dies. The setting is interesting and the location beautiful and quite original, the show is well worth a watch if you are into classic detective stories, I just wasn't so blown way by it as I expected going in.
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Wish (II) (2023)
I think most of the people watching this film whished that they didn't pay to see it
25 January 2024
The only thing good about this film is the song This Wish, that they repeat twice just to fill out the runtime. And it seems like putting some effort into making one good song is the only thing Disney is offering up since Frozen; because the lack of story, or character development, or anything interesting at all makes this film as empty as a paperbag in the wind. The rest of the songs in the film are so terribly mashed it seems like an AI wrote them. All characters are one dimensional, they have no real drive or needs, they live in a kingdom where all are welcome regardless of race or religion and they all live for free with no worries in the world. The protagonist have nothing memorable about her nor any redeeming qualities for her actions. Instead we are supposed to agree with her actions of stealing and with that plunge her whole kingdom into disaster, just because a 17 year old with no experience of the world has an opinion. The antagonist is actually the only relatable character, a man that uses magic to keep a whole kingdom safe so that they will not have to experience the grief and loss of family like he did as a child. He doesn't even do anything bad until the point when he fears that the kingdom is under attack.

This movie has pretty colors and moving images, but that is all is has in common with the Disney classics. The animators spend way to much time trying to shoehorn in references to other, and much better, Disney films. And it grows old very fast. So does the never ending "butt" jokes, that is a low point to any script when you have nothing else to add.

I grew up in the 80/90s era, with films like "The little mermaid", "Beauty and the beast", "Aladdin"... Movies that were beautiful and inspiring and that still holds up today. Watching those pictures from those movies in the end credits of this utterly forgettable film just seems like a mockery of the immense talent that once was the powerhouse of Disney.
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While you were sleeping for teens
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie draws heavy inspiration from the film While you were Sleeping, and is in part very much a copy paste work. However this movie fails to deliver the same depth to it's main character as that one. Josephine Langford does well but is hardly convincing an intelligent computer science student, that think lying to a whole family about who she is would be a great idea. Rather than just telling Zach's family the truth and have them all play along until he regains his memory she lies for the reason that she want to hook up with his cousin. Something she doesn't follow through with but instead uses Zach as a type of rebound guy out of spite.

Drew Starkey is charming and it's easy to see why anyone would fall in love with Zach, however the movie never really let him expand his talent and it feel much like a lost opportunity to have someone as talented never deliver any deeper emotions on Zach's behalf.

The other characters are just kind of there, the movie would not be any different with or without them. Casting Andy McDowell is a throwback to the 90's rom-com era but that is also all it delivers on.

The movie is it's own kind of charming and not terrible in any way, it's perfect for when you want to watch a film you know you are going to like because it's easy and obvious, but it does not live up properly to the rom-com hype it is going for.
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Shape Island (2023– )
Not so much learning can come from this
12 September 2023
So the characters are named Square, Circle, and Triangle, despite them being a cube, a sphere, and a pyramid. And that is exactly what my 3yo said watching thins. Gave up after 5 minutes because it's dumbfoundedly created. I don't know the background to this, but it seems to me that some creator might want to revisit geometry from grade school.

After putting at least a medium amount of effort in the creation, one could hope for something better. But alas. The stories are weird, the characters wrongly named and the voice actors just kind of annoying.

Too bad, I wanted to like this as I though it would be educational.
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If something sounds too good to be true it usually is
20 August 2023
Being a university film you have to look past the obvious low budget settings like shot on campus and posters done in the school printer, and focus on the story. And the story is really good. It's original, interesting and gives you a 1984 meets the 50's vibe.

The idea that students have their college tuition paid by the government as long as they agree to join the army afterwards is well grounded in reality, even if the forced genemutation is not, it's no doubt that if such a system ever were in place the only thing preventing it would be ethic bounderies, because for the poorer population it would be the only option for higher education being in reach.

Claire Van der Linden and Drew Starkey do well as the couple that wideeyed belived everything they have been told and are far to long down the line before they start asking questions. And what do you do when you decision impact more than just yourself.

I'd love too see this as a show on Nteflix, obviously with more meat to the story but this short film could very well span a season if done right.
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Clique (2017–2018)
The writing and directing is brilliant
5 April 2020
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I'll be honest, I was not impressed by this show at first. Watching Holly and Georgia drunk-dancing and singing into a hairbrush just seemed like every into to any dozen of teen shows about friendship. Nor the following nightclub scene did much to convince me that this show was worth my time, and as Holly and Georgia go to their first class I was all about to shut it off... But then came Professor McDermits speach and I was amazed by the writing. Realizing that someone actually had spent some time doing research, and put some effort into this I did give it a chance, and I am so glad I did. This show has become one of my favourite shows. The writing and directing is brilliant. Subtle hints are dropped through out the episodes as to all the secrets of the characters and at the same time the character development is awesome. Even though I wasn't superexcited about the ending the first time I watched it it grew on me. And the show itself is still great enough to give it 10/10 stars. I really forward to see more shows by Jess Brittain if they are like this.
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
Weak, boring and stupid
16 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin, this might be the weakest possible take on a Marvel adaptation. Proving that Marvel can also miss the mark.

The two protagonists seem to aboslutly hate eachother and can't act their way out of a paperbag, they have no chemestry despite the whole show building on their friendship. When you hear the black boy that goes to a private school tell the white homless girl with a dead father and alchoholic mother "to check her privleges" you just cringe and wonder who is really this stupid, the character or the script writer?

The "villains" are one dimentional and nothing more than background noice. The Roxxon CEO needs to be portayed as evil so badly they show us that his biggest wish is to loot dollars from the pockets of drowned workers?! What? And then there is Detective Connors, that despite being protayd by a great actor, has little to work with as the character has no depth wahat so ever. The one character that actually had great potential to develop is stagnated as Baddy McBadguy through the whole first season with no explanations to his actions. A small shift comes in season two, but ths script drops the ball on that development also.

As for Mayhem, a potentially interesting character, we are left with a whiny girl that constantly about her ex boyfriend.

Inbetween the over the top writing and constant inconsistansies, the viewer is sent between rolling their eyes and hoping that it will get better. What is sad is that there are a few glimmers of actual good scriptwriting, like when Mayhem encounters Connors in The Dark, or when André is faced with his past, or when Adina has a purely honest conversation with her son's killer. All those times are almost enough to keep you interesting in the show, but it just isen't enough. A show that gives you four scenes of great writing over 20episodes is unfortuanlly not worth your time. The scrips should have had another round at the writers desk, and all we can hope for is a reboot in a few years when this outmost forgettable show has faded in to The Dark where it belongs.
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Swamp Thing (2019)
A great show that needs to be explored further
21 September 2019
I love this show a little more than i probably should. I always liked the story of Swamp Thing, and I'm also a fan of James Wan. So the combination of the two could only mean good things. And it does. This show is great, it's well casted, great productionvanlue, gives a nice story and a fresh take on the origin of Swamp Thing. Not to mention in a world very focused on the enviroment this show should have been just the perfect thing to schedule your weekly progamming around.

So what went wrong? Honestly nothing, except that WB/DC yet again can not see when they have a good thing and decided to cancel the show after only a few episodes. I usually don't reccomend people to take up a show that only has a season and was cancelled three episodes short of a full run. But this show deserve attention, if you are a fan of super heroes and the horror genre, you will definitely enjoy this. I just hope that WB gets their head out of the murky water and bring this show back.
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Stupid and with plotholes the size of space itself
15 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In the future, we have invented ways to travel to distant planets, but not pregnancy tests. The trouble begins with that one female astronaut that is shot up into space and discoveres that she is pregnant. She can't return to earth but spends her entire pregnancy on a ship, lands on the planet and dies in childbirth. Here is the first problem, (mostly regardig the idiot who wrote the script) since there were no plans for a pregnant woman to go there, there sure as h*ll won't be any baby formula up there. She can't feed the child since she is dead, and since the trip takes almost 9 months we san deduct that even a shipment would get there way to late. Ergo, out lead character would be dead within a week. Not only does he miracualasly survice, but he grows up to be an obnoxious teenanger that is rude to everyone. He then decided to go to earth, knowing it will probably kill him since he has grown up on another planet. He then sets off to earth to find his father, my guess : Gary Oldman, since it's the character that his mum is oogleing through out the first minutes of the film and also the only one that is forbidden to go up into space dispite him wanting to.

I'm saying guess, because I gave up on this film after 25 minutes of pure stupidity. The characteras are unlikable and the plot has holes the size of space. Just avoid this space garbage and go outside to watch the night sky instead.
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You (2018–2024)
3/10 is a generous rating
30 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much wrong with this show I don't even know where to begin. The characters are horrible, whiny, needy and unlikeable. Most of the actions are predictable and even the ending if you have ever watched a show like this before. I don't know if we are supposed to root for Joe and Beck or just want them both to be hit by a bus. As you just don't care about them or their on-off-on drama. Joe is supposed to be pictured as smart and cunning, but makes stupid decisions like telling a child where he hides his trophys and gets caught over and over again stalking Beck.

Whats-his-face seem to have superpowers, but only when the script tells him to. Like getting into a locked room on the third floor of a New York brownstone to return a book (that didn't really needed to be returned) but can't get into that same place when needing to return a stolen computer. He also manages to move a dead body from his basement out to the street an into the trunk of a car, and the most superpower of all is that NO ONE ends up looking for the man he killed. Despite him comming from a rich and somewhat famous family, and also had co-workers that he has a start-up buissness with. None of them seem to even notice that he is missing. Joe's other victim though, Peach, has a suicide note and all, yet her family brings in a PI. Could it be because the script said so, because that murder was at the end of the show and we need some more useless tention. Perhaps. I just don't care. The first two episodes of this show is good, enough to draw you in, but the rest is pure trash and not worth your time.

Supposedly they are making a second season, I don't care what it's about because I will not watch it. There are several shows way better than this one, I suggest you watch one of those instaed.
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Sunny Bunnies (2015– )
High quality you wouldn't expect from this type of production.
6 June 2019
This is a fun show, the bunnies come up with random events for each episode, dispite some similarities it never feel repetetive unlike other shows aimed at children. The bunnies themselfs all have different personality traits, expressive faces and rely on sounds rather than actual words to comunicate. Making this ideal for small children. The animation is beautiful, full of warm vibrant colors. The animators have taken their time to really work on the smallest details, giving you something new to discover all the time. I watched this on a 60" screen only to notice little moon rocks floting in the air as one of the characters run past. Small things that you wouldn't expect from this type of production. I feel that a few episodes are a bit lacking, but overall 90% of the materiel is just brilliant. I would reccomend this to adults with small children that want to enjoy watching something together.
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Ok film, but seems more lika a nostagia train back ten years
27 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok film, but seems more lika a nostagia train back ten years rather than adding anything new. I loved the first Avengers, it had the right mix of action, humour, interesting characters and sstory. This however was a lot of repetiton. If anything it had almost to much resemlenst to Infinity War and didn't add much new. Some scenes just seemed like copy paste, and some of the backtracking seemed unesseary. The acting was great, the characters are great. The movie held my interest but I wouldn't call it a masterpeice.

It was a nice finish to the lineup of movies we have gotten from the MCU the latest 10 years, and I do look forward to seeing more of them. But as always there are some plotholes that you can't really get past. The fact that noone noticed that Nebula is missing, including her partner who was right infront of her before teleportation. Had they just spent one single minute looking for her they would have noticed she was picked up by Thanos and had been prepared for the entire 3rd act. The idea that haweye should run the infinity stones into battle with several thousend of Thanos warriors was another thing. Why not keep them safe as far back as possible, call in anyone of the Avengers with some actual skill to keep a sheild around them. Same with the car, instead of tossing the glove like an american football so that all characters could have their 5 minutes of screentime in the end battle was just dumb, have Strange open up a portal under the car and transport it to the building. Scott, Hope and Shori could work on it, Thor could use his lighning to power it up. And at the end, the final straw was to watch Tony die from the damages, when Strange could just use the stone right in fron of him to rewind time. He has done it to an apple, so why not save Tony Stark.

Theese little things makes the film less enjoyable that it could have been. But it's still a good film and an obvious must for anyone who has seen the others.
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Aquaman (2018)
Better than I expected it to be, not as good as it ought to be
1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After years of DC failures I had no hopes for Aquaman, but to my surprise the film was good. Not as good as you'd expect a film of this magnitude should be, but worth watching. Atleast as a friday night popcorn feature.

My main problem with the film is that it doesn't really know what it want to be. As Jason Momoa tries to deliver puns without an ounce of comedic timing it seems more like a childish attempt at trying to be funny, but at the same time the film has so many random events that are darker and dumber than they should be. The scene where two frogmen are in a sinking submarine with one trapped under a heavy object seems beyond stupid as they both have breething equipment and should just wait until the room fills with water to be able to lift the object. Instead one pulls out a grenade and kills himself. Allthough it causes no harm to the submarine. This is to setup just an extra enemy of Aquaman, but one that serve no purpose at all. As he comes and goes, and then goes for good, without causing more than a water ripple in the movie overall. It makes you wonder how a script like that passes the initial reading. Same with the scene where Atlanna stands on the docks, I get that it's supposed to be a cool scene, but how long has she been standing there. 20 minutes? 2 hours? This film doesn't know what it want's to be; funny, dark, romantic... and it falls short of all of it.

The GCI is amazing though. And the films visuals are worth a view. Patrick Wilson is great as Orm, and really gives the DCEU a villain that has both depth and clear character motivation. I hope to see more of his character in the future.
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Who it's for?
19 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is the kind of movie that doesn't know who it's for and where it wants to go. Instead it's a collection of random segments that seem ill-fitted and held together by thin threads to make a film. After the initial Sherlock Gnomes pun, the movie didn't really seem to know where to go. A breif visit by the owners (now couple) of the gnomes in the original film tells us that they have moved the setting to London and need to set up their garden. Thne gnomes, led by Gnomeo and Juliet, take it upon them to fix the garden. This sets up some forced drama about men and women, and who needs the other and who can do what. All and all Gnomeo and Juliet has a quarrel and also all the gnomes have been kidnapped. Sherlock is now on the case, followed by the constantly belittled Watson. And the obvious set up for the intire film. What then follows is some sort of hunt for clues that is boring and dragged out. Studios desperate pandering to chineese audinces made this film include a long useless section in china-town and rambling on chineese culture. The all white cast of the first film prbably met som critique so another useless segment was shoehorned in, this time with Mary J Blige phoning it in as a barbie. With a musical number and more "women are better than men" chatter. We are then met with some sort of finale, but with a twist anyone with eyes saw comming. Then another everlong segment regardig a bridge.. At this point I dosed off.

Making a sequel after 7 years can be a good or a bad thing, in this case the movie is just so bland you just don't care. Gone are the interesting characters and Shakespear-puns, it have all been replaced with fart-jokes and whiny relationship drama. It's not fun enough for kids, and not interesting enough for adults. I don't know who it's for. Maybe gnomes? You'd be better off watching the first film and skip this one.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Predictable collection of clishés wrapped in pretty CGI
2 May 2018
The best thing about sci-fi is that anything is possible, and you come to expect the unexpected. This however is not true for Lost in Space. The show is more of a cookie cutout of a bunch of tired clishés. Every single event is predictable and there is aboslutly nothing new or refreshing on this take. Most of the episodes are 80% filler and only 20% moves this show forward. Most characters lack depth and the ones that don't instead seem ambivalent at best because the writers don't know what to do with them. The dialogues are poor and at best boring, at worst annoying. I find myself just tired of the characters and their forced selfcreated drama. That said I'm plesantly surprised about the character of Will, played by Maxwell Jenkins, and the fact that "the annoying kid" trope is the least annoying of the Robinson family members. Besides him, he only ones I care about is the robot and the chicken.

The show is relying heavily on production value, it does have beautiful photography and wonderful nature shots. Great set design and costumes and amazing CGI but it doesn't cover up the fact that the show lacks substance.

I can't tell if it's the script that is badly written or editing gone wrong, but there are so many instanses where the show just seem lost in space.
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Famous in Love (2017–2018)
A show about actors, where noboady can actually act
16 April 2018
A show about actors, where noboady can actually act. With the exception of Carter Jenkins, Kieth Powers and Shawn Christian, there is no one that can really act on the show. Most performances are cringeworthy and you are constatly aware they you are watching a show, a show that isn't very good. Full of non-drama drama like "Will Paige get fired" or "Will the movie be a succes" answers we allready know since the show spoils it in the first five minutes. Other than that it's mostly teen drama and all the usual clishés. Springled with random namedropping of social media and celebreties way to famous to ever be on a show like this, just to show how hip with the kids this thing is, so it all comes off as forced. You find yourself wondering why you are watching tha show at all, and then you just stop.
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Made in Abyss (2017– )
A very interesting anime clearly made for adults
25 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This anime starts off as a semi-compelling story about a young girl that want to explore a cave system known as The Abyss. During one exploration day she finds a boy who looks human but isn't. She names him Reg and together the go on an adventure to discover the abyss. So far so good, it it's a story with a mystery and lots of lore. It is drawn in a cute style and lulles you in to a false sense of security thinking that nothing bad can happen in an anime this adorable. But you would be so wrong to think that. The deeper our main characters go in the abyss, the darker the show gets. Up to the finale where you feel utterly disguited by what humans can do to others. A very interesting anime clearly made for adults, this is nothing you leave on for your kids, and I strongly urge people to keep a close look at the recomended guidelines for viewing.

The main bother about this anime is that it is slow as dirt. Many of the episodes recap big chunks of the previous episode. Given that an episode is about 20 minutes, wasting 5 or more of those on recaps looses you 25% or more of the runtime. At first I thoughts this was done to pad the runtime in lack of substance to fill 13 episodes, but the show finales without an ending and with more unsolved plotlines than solved ones.
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Water and CGI does not an instant classic make
16 March 2017
As a fan of the original Disney film (Personally I feel it's their masterpiece) I was taken aback to the fact that a new version was in the making. Still excited I had high hopes for the film. Most of was shattered in the first 10 minutes. Campy acting with badly performed singing starts off a long journey holding hands with some of the worst CGI Hollywood have managed to but to screen in ages.

A film that is over 50% GCI, should focus on making that part believable, unfortunately for this film, it's far from that. It looks like the original film was ripped apart frame by frame and the beautiful hand-painted drawings have been replaced with digital caricatures. Besides CGI that is bad, it's mostly creepy. As the little teacup boy will give me nightmares for several nights to come. Emma Watson plays the same character as she always does, with very little acting effort and very little conviction as Belle. Although I can see why she was cast in the film based on merits, she is far from the right choice for the role. Dan Stevens does alright under as some motion captured dead-eyed Beast, but his performance feels flat as well. Luke Evans makes for a great pompous Gaston, but a character that has little depth doesn't really make for a great viewing experience. Josh Gad is a great comic relief just like the original movie's LeFou. Other than that, none of the cast stands out enough for me to remember them. Human or CHI creature. I was just bored through out the whole experience. And for a project costing $160 000 000, I can see why the PR department is pushing it so hard because they really need to get some cash back on this pile of wet stinky CGI-fur!

All and all, I might be bias from really loving Disney's first adaptation. That for me marks the high-point of all their work, perfectly combining the skills of their animators along with some CGI in a majestic blend. This film however is more like the bucket you wash off your paintbrush in, it has all the same colors, but muddled with water and to thin to make a captivating story from. The film is quite frankly not worth your time, you would be better off watching the original one more time.
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Unlikable film with an even more unlikable lead
5 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this movie an extra point for Woody Harrelsson and for the witty dialogue, but besides that, there is absolutely nothing likable about this film.

Nadie is a whiny and self-centered young girl, with imaginary problems and self-created drama. Besides this film being obvious and so boring that you sigh out loud several times, there is just nothing redeeming about Nadine. I can see that she has had a rough time in life, but her father's death doesn't seem to disturb her nearly as much as her friend dating her brother. And it kind of leads you to think if this is a movie about mental health issued mistaken for a comedy, because Nadine is just angry and rude. I found it hard rooting for a girl that is just a horrible person.

The worst part about this film is the message it sends, "Your life is worth nothing if you don't have a boyfriend" because that is what is all comes down to. Krista just like Nadie have a 180 on their personality as soon as they get a steady beau. Then you can be open and social and make new friends, if you are single you are not worth anything and you should just stay in your room and get drunk. Alternatively kill yourself, because loosing a parent is not enough to put you over the edge, but your friend dating, that is want to make you jump in front of a truck. I would have wanted this script tossed in front of a truck, and I wouldn't have wasted a Sunday night watching this useless mess.
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Moana (I) (2016)
Nice tunes, OK film
7 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A good film, with great music.

Disney have gotten to the point where they no longer make movies, they make musicals. There have always been songs in Disneys films, but they were to convey something, not to hide the lack of plot. Disney has clearly spent a lot of time on the music, and the obligatory "I'll tell the audience what I want"-song is great. All the other songs sounds just a bit to much alike, with the exception of Maui's song. The first part of the film is well executed, the background of Moana's life, her relationship with her family and the world around her, hopes, dreams and wishes. It's great and emotional. But from the moment she takes off it feels more like you are watching a few shot films cut together into one. Every section so so disconnected from the rest that the plot is about as great as a 8-bit video game. There is the Disney "Minions" coconut army. There is the giant singing crab bit. There is the Te Fiti section. That is it! Inbetween those bits you have the same glue-like formula; Maui pushes Moana in the ocean, the ocean brings her back, the chicken is "derp", Moana talks about Maui's responsibility.

I liked the film, but I feel that it had more potential then what was done. The plot is weak and underdeveloped. Moana is the only character that has depth (well she better be since there are barley anyone else in the film). Maui is more of a bully older brother and his behavior gets old really fast. The chicken is a great comic relief, but really serves no purpose other than that through out the whole film. The best part is Moana's relationship with her grandmother, disregard that she comes back like a Jedi, a scene that actually made her previous death less emotional.

I don't regret watching the film, but when I look back I don't feel it was really worth going to the movies for. Unless you watch a massive IMAX 3D version, you might as well wait for the Blu-ray to come out.
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Save your time and money, don't watch this.
6 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a person that like all things zombie I feel that I can accept much. Nomatter budget or story, most zombie films have something to offer. This one however is quite frankly one of the worst things I've come across. I can handle bad acting, sans Glenn Close that is the only person in the film worth paying attention to. But the rest, I've never been so happy about a gag on child actors, just to not have to put up with their horrible non talent. Usually violence is used when you don't have narrative, and in this film it is very obvious, as random attacks on animals is what used to tug at your interest when enough violence against humans have been used. It is a zombie film after all. Or is it? Fungi infected people are more like retarded junkies on a 24/7 psycho-trip than any type of zombie. The reason this was launched as some sort of zombie film is to cash in on the zombie craze. (Just like vampires was all the rage a few years ago) And for the first time I feel that enough is enough, as someone that loves zombies I have come to the end of my rope, and I just want to hang the creators of the film in it.

Goodbye zombies, please rest in peace from now on. And save us from pieces of crap that this film is.

Save your time and your money, do not watch this film.
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Amazing film, one of the best horror films of 2016
6 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this by accident, and I am so glad I did. This is by far one of the best horror films of 2016.

Set on a high speed train traveling through South Korea on just another day, the passengers are trapped inside a fast paced metal coffin of death, along with victims from a virus outbreak. It doesn't take long until the the situation is out of control and people are forced to defend themselves against certain death any way they can. The film is a road-map into the emotions of humans in a crisis. Ans we get to watch in horror as fear and panic claims just as many lives as the infected. We follow a random selection of passengers, but we closely follow the divorced father who has brought his young daughter on the train to visit her mother on her birthday. That movement from train-car to train-car could be a step towards safety just as death, and all the traits that make up who you are could be what saves you or lead to your demise.

Amazing performances from the entire cast. Especially from young Soo-an Kim. Cinematography is great and some scenes are nothing short of astonishing. A film that constantly have your heart pounding and doesn't leave you unmoved. A must see for the horror fan.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
8 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show is for some reason called a zombie show, but be alert, because if there is a zombie in there you will miss it if you blink. What you instead will have an abundance of: Family drama. Teenangers acting out. Talking about how drugs are bad. More family drama. The whole show is just unlikable characters that do unlikeable things. Playing games during an apocalypse, putting an entire society at risk to go look at some lights, trying to talk sense into zombies, capture and torture people for hours because you feel that you are entitled to or a trained soldier missing a shot at a target standing still 6 feet away. And that's just the first few episodes. I got angry watching this show. First frustrated, then just angry. I understand that a bar has been set about zombies on TV, that you are supposed to talk about feelings and spend episodes on end debating leadership. But this show is just bad.

The only thing worth fearing is that AMC makes more of this, Fear the talking living!
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