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Eye opening documentary on the silent billion dollar industry
18 August 2016
Having seen this Documentary, it gives you an insightful view into dairy farmers life. The ability to look into the every day struggles and victories of small family owned farmers is incredible. The American dream is still alive and vibrant but it is now under attack of Big corporation. Dairy farming is a billion dollar industry that big corporation are trying to control and push the family farmers out to drive up their own profit. Th big turn in the documentary is the fact that the director Jan Haaken shows how easy it is to lose control and faith when something goes wrong. Family farmers have a hard job controlling business emotions and struggles against their relationships with their own family. Milk Men takes 4 farming families and explores the nature of their operations and their values to one another. The History of some of the families and what it means for them to be still working is truly incredible.

This is one hell of a Documentary that delivers a serious punch to the audience.
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Creation is better than destruction
28 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Lost in the Pacific is a die hard action filled movie starring Russell Wong and Brandon Routh, as the two play very different types to what they usually are. Brandon Routh plays an almost like Steven Seagal character in Under siege, a mysterious chef with former U.S elite army training, which is awesome as we get to see Brandon, be his charismatic self confident and yet a good guy type. Vincent Zhou does a great job as a director, pulling in some awesome actions scene's while balancing the seriousness and drama aspect of the film perfectly. The tempo of the film has a nice flow for most of the time, with the only real issues that I had was the CGI aspect of the film. The mutated cats had the same issues as modern day films, instead of going for to much CGI in creating artificial animals, where they become like cartoons and just stand out in the film. Overall this isn't a bad film, has some great action scenes. It has a nice story to follow and great acting from the whole ensemble. I would definitely recommend this movie to any body.
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Perfect example of how to make a great super hero film!
28 April 2016
I'm not usually keen on giving such high scores, just look at my other reviews.But at the same time, this film had a lot of expectations and a lot to make up for. Avengers 2 was pretty boring, not funny and not very entertaining movie. Plus with Batman v Superman getting released before this, Captain America: Civil war had it tough. This movie probably doesn't deserve a solid 9, but it does deserve to stand out from other comic book movies, because it should be an example of how to correctly make a super hero movie. Captain America, had more Avengers then first two Avengers film put together. It showcased new characters and gave more back story to; Black Panther, Ant-man, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Spider-man. That is a lot of new super heroes to give screen time, considering you still have the big players like Captain America, Iron-man, War Machine, Black Widow, Hawk-eye, Winter Soldier and Falcon. This film does an excellent job at handling so many heroes, not the same thing can be said for Avengers 2 or Batman V Superman, which failed to keep you balanced between 3 heroes and 2 villains.

The Marketing on the film was great, i was really going in expecting to see a full civil war between Cap and Iron-man, but the way the did it in the film was pretty good, the whole build up of the two sides was really good, and the fight between all heroes was much awesome! Yes, it really was Awesome! with many heroes using their techniques and new skills or fight scenes.

Spider-man in this film was brilliant. I really hope Sony doesn't screw it up and continue to make him work at being a better franchise. He really did a great job at being the comic relief.

The story had few hiccups, but nothing to major, as it was overlooked by the bigger picture. Moments in the film, where you would go as a critic and say "That character would not make that decision, or he is to smart to think like that" but even that wasn't as bad as seeing Ultron lose to Avengers 2 or Batman being played the whole film in Batman v Superman.

Like i said, this film might not deserve a 9/10, but it gets from me because it does deliver what so many heroes film have failed to do.
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One of the Best films of not only 2016, but of the last couple of years
21 April 2016
Had the pleasure of watching the film on the opening night. The Jungle Book action live adaptation was shot brilliantly. I can honestly say that this film was beautifully shot. Jon Favreau is becoming one of my favorite directors real quick. From the opening shot of Mowgli running through the jungle, to Baloo tricking and sitting and being Lazy. One of the best thing in the original cartoon made in 1967 and in this film 2016. nearly 40 years in the making and this is one of the best Adaptation you will ever see in your life time.

Story of this film, is very much like the original 1967 film. A child is found in the jungle by Bagheera (black panther) and is given to a pack of wolves to be raised as man cub. While he grows up, Shere Khan comes back to the jungle and reminds all the animals that men is responsible for the burning flower. He promises that he will kill Mowgli and will not spare any one who gets in his way. The coolest tribute and majestic aspect of the film, is how they portrayed the Elephants. They were the proud and the holy animals of jungle, whose presence bought joy and meaning to life, as well as the understanding of the jungle law. As mentioned in my first paragraph Baloo was one of the best and most enjoyable features of the film, from the way he was introduced into the film, to his tricks and his deception of Mowgli, to the amazing and courage's battle against Shere Khan, and lets not forget every one's favorite song "Bear necessitates". Paid so much tribute to the original film with all of the same montage scenes, makes one remember and re-live the moments of the classical film. The ending was very true it's source material and for me lacked a little bit of emotion, don't get me wrong I really enjoyed the ending, but was hoping for a more of real approach to it. A bear, panther and pack of wolves couldn't beat one tiger. Apart from that I can really honestly say that i enjoyed every minute.

Acting, the actor who played Mowgli, Neel Sethi was amazing. Neel showed a range of emotions and incredible focus considering all of his co-stars were CGI. his ability to speak with wolves and then interacting with Baloo was really on high professional level. Bill Murray did an absolutely great job as the super lazy bear, Baloo. Oh, and before I forget what a pleasure it was to hear Christopher Walken sing in the jungle book as King Louie, was also one of my favorite moments. I can not say, that there was any actors that I didn't like or found that they bought the film down, my only issue would be that Scarlett Johansson didn't really feel like Kaa, maybe cause I was still expecting to hear Winnie the Pooh voice.

Overall this was a brilliant film, exceptionally well directed, really great performance from a child actor, and brilliant job by all of the voice actors. The story was and will always be a true classic.

Hope you guys get to enjoy it too.
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Hail, Caesar! (2016)
Surprisingly a very funny and enjoyable film
17 April 2016
Watched this film with no expectations, the trailers made this film look like it was designed for the awards, it looked like art film trying to be funny. So as most movie goers i stayed away from it in the cinema and only decided to watch when it came on Blu ray and DVD.

The film was extremely well directed and written, the Coen brother's did a great job on making a very solid film which was very entertaining, to bad they were not responsible for making a good trailer.

Anyways, lets get into the review. The film is about a Hollywood fixer in the 1950's whose job is to make sure the stars of the studio maintain face and an image with the media. He is responsible for getting them out of sticky situations and is also responsible for them being well behaved and rocking up on set. Brolin does a fantastic job! I really liked him in the film, he played his character brilliantly, making the audience believe that this film was really set in that era. He has that old look about him, just my opinion, as did Alden Ehrenreich, these two castings were great. For me the odd one out was Tatum, who just doesn't feel/ look like a 1950's actor type. Story of the film was good, and very light heartened for what it was trying to convey to the audience. As bunch of guys steal the studio's most valued actor and demanded a ransom for him, Eddie (Brolin) has to uncover what is going and bring back the super star before the media gets a hold of the situation and jeopardize the whole studio. Meanwhile the studio is still running and all of the actors, directors demands still need to be met.

Acting, for most part like i wrote above acting was really good. Apart from Tatum, he felt out of place. i feel instead of Tatum, Armie Hammer would have been a much better fit. If you see the film and have seen man from U.N.C.l.E you'll know why i'm referring to him. Apart from Brolin's performance, i think Alden did an amazing job, as did Christopher Lambert in his small role.

Overall this was a very enjoyable film. with more then few laughs to keep you entertained through out the course of the film.
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from the most hyped film of 2016 to the biggest let down of 2016
24 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Don't worry i'm not going to spoil anything in this interview. But honestly,i was hoping for an amazing film centered around Batman and Superman conflict. Watched the film on Opening Night, and knew from Batman Origins that this was going to go down hill and real fast.

So, The Origins story is told again, but this time the Wayne family doesn't leave the theater from an alley way but rather from the main door, as you can see the sign behind them. The death was probably the best, there was no reason for it. It wasn't a robbery or attempted robbery it just straight murder. But if thats the case why let Bruce live?.. and the way they Kill Martha is really bad at a close up to her face there shouldn't have been a clean face left. Don't want to drag out one scene, but this film does this for all of them. So many scenes should have been cut, or even edited better but won't.

Action, The action was probably one of the worst ever! Don't believe me? re watch the desert scene and the save Martha scene, and the chase the container scene carefully. Desert fight scene literally had actors standing around Batman counting down when they should try and attack him. Seriously watch it again. One bad guy had his gun pointed at batman and was standing waiting for batman to take a step to him so he can pretend to point his gun at him and Batman disarms him. That was worse then 80's low budget movies. The chase scene of the container was arguable on the same level as Fast Five endless runway and pulling a vault behind them put together. The best bit was when Bat-mobile cut the container like a butter knife instead of overturning the vehicle, and yet the bad guy who was standing the closest to the point of impact somehow managed to dodge and not get thrown out of the container by the impact.

Story, this film felt like it tried to do George Miller, and just have bunch of cool moments hold a movie together, but they had to much of a story and tried to do build it for Justice League and the other super heroes in the DC universe. The fact that before the trial Lane finds out that Lex knows who superman is and is trying to frame him against the public, but doesn't warn him, or Batman who is suppose to be the worlds greatest detective can not figure out that he is being played by Lex and can't figure out why this superman is always saving this one particular journalist is all such ridiculous points. not to mention that the guy who is faster then speed of light, and can reverse time, lets some crazy guy hold his mother hostage and not just fly in and save her, is also not very super hero like.

Note i don't even want to go in to the fact why Batman wanted to kill Superman, and Lex Luther's ridiculous overall plan for the whole film.

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Fun Sequel for all to watch
2 March 2016
The First Kung Fu Panda was a great little film, that spawned couple of sequels and TV shows. This is the second official cinema release sequel to that film, and it starts of exactly the same way as the its predecessors with Po imaging great battles and playing with his action figures. The story in this third installment is arguable the weakest one, even can go and say that it contradicts the entire second film. Kung Fu Panda 3 revolves around Po learning how to be a panda again. It is full of his typical jokes and misunderstandings and his clumsiness. However the film does lack an interesting villain and a strong story.

Acting in the film is all animated,but the voice over acting is done extremely well. I am pleased to say that Jackie Chan has some of the funniest dialogue in the entire film, and he only has a handful of lines. Jack Black is almost now the voice you think of when thinking what would panda sound if they could talk. While Dustin Hoffman is always brilliant.

Story wise i feel that it was a bit of a let down. We found out there is another prophesy and there is another evil pupil and master that wants to rule the entire world and Po is Chosen to save him. Panda race is made out to be almost like the superior race to all other animals. Seriously not a single Panda got injured or hurt and all of them became masters of Kung Fu within a matter of days or hours. You would think if thats how easy for Panda's to become so good, how were they ever under a threat of anybody? Why would they need to hide themselves if they have all of this chi inside of them? Overall this is still a fun animated movie to watch that will provide you with more then a few laughs if you don't take it to seriously.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
brilliant story telling with amazing acting worthy of all of the Oscars
2 March 2016
This is going to be a hard review to do. On one hand, you have a film that has breathtaking cinematography and amazing practical visual effects. Not to even mention the acting. But on the other hand, you have a movie that is designed for the festival circuit. It has the long pauses between scenes, the long exposure shots of nature for you to come to terms that the film only used natural lights and there was no addition of exterior light set up. Not to mention the length time of the story could've been done in half the time.

I have been a fan of Leo for a while now. I believe that he should've won for What's eating Gilbert Grape and Blood Diamond, but it wasn't meant to be.

Acting in the Revenant is of extremely high caliber. Leonardo DiCaprio does a fantastic job showing his acting range in emotion and through use of expression rather then dialogue as it is kept to a minimum. All of the cast did a fantastic job. Tom Hardy was better then what i was expecting, i have found that in some films he has the tendency to go back and do certain traits of his own, but in this film he was really kept to his character.

Story; as most people already know that the story is based on a book by the same title. It follows the struggle of Hugh Glass as he is left for dead after a bear had mauled him. The film really allows Leo the freedom to capture our attention and grab us by the throat as we watch him growl, cough, bleed and struggle to make out one sound. The story of survival and vengeance of Hugh Glass is extremely interesting and will have your attention. However, the constant cuts to the 30 seconds clips of nature and the surrounding forests or mountain rivers are beautiful but are distracting and in some way make you lose concentration and you start to wonder how long would this film have been if it was cut properly.

This is a great film, for those who love to capture and analyse every aspect of a movie. It has incredible visual effects, great acting, incredible camera work and fantastic score. But for those who are casual movie goers and just want to watch the story and are not as intrigued by the practical side of making films, will be left looking at their watch and thinking when is this film going to end.
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
A Visual piece of no story
2 March 2016
At first i was actually excited for this film, saw an interview with Gerard Butler, where he was trying to say this was going to be his "Gladiator" and then i saw the trailer. The trailer shows what you are expecting, and that is a visual spectacular of the mythological gods and cities of ancient Egypt. It also alludes that there film is based on some story. That is a lie.

I don't usually do negative reviews. Unless the film is really terrible, and even so i like to talk about the positive aspects of that film too. So I will start with the positives. The film has some pretty cool visuals for most parts, and I do mean for most part, there are moments where it looks like you are watching cinematic clip from a game that is equivalent to PS3 graphics. The rest of the film is filled with colorful and what i'm hoping for is expensive CGI to make the film stand out on its own and bring people into the cinema to get their money back. Because honestly neither the story or the acting would do that.

Story: now i'm not really sure who wrote the script, and where was the script supervisor during production. The story was all over the place, and just to give you an idea of what i mean. Why is that gods can die? why are they bigger then humans? and if only gods are bigger then humans to showcase that they are gods, then what about their big guards? are they demi gods? why do they bleed gold? why do they not get stronger from the prayers of mortals. Why is one mortal has the speed of a god, and the strength to withhold a gods mighty punch??.. So, there are a lot of questions and plot holes to ask and cover. That's why i choose to skip over it. its simpler like that.

Acting: I really have to say that acting was pretty terrible. Not just from new comers, but even from A-list'rs like Butler,Rush and Waldau. But it wasn't as bad as the new faces that played the love couple or the actress that played the love interest of Horus.

Overall this film fails, not for it's lack of originality, but for trying to be too original and skipping over a lot of important information and key turns in the film, for allowing the film to have scenes which looked out of place and felt like they were made on Windows 97, and for really bad use of Green screen. The ride through town on the chariot is a perfect example.
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a worthy successor to the star wars franchise
28 December 2015
So watched the film once, and was really happy with it. Watched a second time and was more inspired to write this review.

So lets start at the beginning, and that is does the film live up to the hype or is every one over exaggerating? Well it certainly has that original Star Wars feel about it, not the prequels. The use of animatronics instead of CGI really payed of big time! the feel of watching action, adventure and not some political slow paced show down was also a great plus. Everything about The Force Awakens screamed that it was made by the same people as the first trilogy, although many of us know its not the case!! So in that retrospect this is a big thank you to J.J. Abrams and the writers for making a great film.

Story: the Story of Force Awakens, is very new and some what similar to the old star wars. We are given a likable hero Luke and Ray, a loud mouth/ anti hero Han and Finn, and of course we are introduced to a great villain Darth Vader and Kylo Ren. I actually prefer Kylo to Vader, as in this one film, he has had more character exposition then Anakin had in all 3 prequels and the Star Wars episode IV. Kylo Ren is a very complex villain, because he still has light in him, he wants to prove himself worthy of his bloodline, he always measures himself against his fallen grandfather, but is still young and full impatience and to much cloudiness of judgment to realize who he really is. Ray is a very mysterious character who has had to become a very quick learner to survive living on her own. she possess the force way before we are shown it. side note for those who have seen. when she touched the light saber she the location of Luke, and Ren even said it when he was probing her. "Island surrounded by water" even though she lived on Jakku.

Acting: Th acting for this film was overall great, the only real down side for me was Carrie Fisher, i felt that she was very monotoned. The use of fairly unknown actors to lead the way as the new heroes of the new franchise felt great!! because when you saw them, you had no previous attachment to those actors and so these roles made them stand out more. Harrison Ford, who is one of the most iconic actors of not only this generation, but of all time. Does a great job and really brings home his performance as Han Solo, with all of the traits that we admired in him.

Overall: this was a great film, and you can never please everybody. but the fact that this film made you feel like you are watching one of the originals is a plus!! The fact that there was always action, comedy and a good balance of adventure where all of the dialogue is broken up by action or done through movement and not speech is also a plus! the use of real location and not green screen was Amazing! Seeing foot marks left behind in the sand, and people, droids, aliens actually stand on sand and not be CGI'd into it really made me smile. And i don't hate the prequels, but just don't think it needed so much CGI, and so badly done. The Fact that we saw the personal battle of Kylo Ren within himself, through a limited minutes in one film and not over 3 films like prequels is also a great plus!

Nothing i write will change how this film will sit with you. But i hope you enjoy all the effort that was put into making a worthy follow up to the original star wars and not the prequels.
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Sandler's best film in recent times!!
14 December 2015
This was surprisingly a some what entertaining film from Adam Sandler. Coming off his Grown ups 2 and Jack and Jill (his writing and producing films) this was much better film. granted that the screenplay credit is shared with Tim Herlihy.

The film has all of the usual nonsense that you would expect to find in a Sandler film, but still manages to have more then a few decent laughs. The twist is not really a twist, the story isn't much of a story and acting isn't much of... you get the picture. But the film does uses all of these mishaps to its advantage and throws at you the light hearten humor and makes fun of its self. Each of the actors brings in something different and makes it his own. Although to no surprise Sandler like in all of his films is more super human then superman!.. but thats just him and if you've seen his films, you are use to it.

Acting in the film was pretty decent, Wolf boy from Twilight films plays himself (i haven't seen twilight or anything with wolf boy in it, so cant really judge him) but seen him being stupid and mentally handicapped for the film was extremely funny!! Terry Crews plays a pretty funny piano playing half brother from another mother to Sandler. good to see that Rob is back in Sandler's films as well.

There isn't much to write more about the film without spoiling it. Sandler makes a parody of western films has a bunch of references to the genre and at the same time makes fun of himself. This would have a better choice to make in a bigger budget with cinema release then Jack and Jill.

The story is pretty simple, Sandler grows up an orphan living with the Indians not knowing who his father is, when he shows up and gets taken by his old gang. It is up to Sandler to go and rescue him, where along the way he just keeps on bumping into his half brothers. I feel like Sandler can make more of these films, and can just keep on adding more half brothers to the mix for diversity.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Creed delivers a solid knockout a great legacy of rocky films
27 November 2015
Had the pleasure to watch the film at the opening night. The cinema was packed and the film had a lot of hype to live up to. Rocky was an amazing film, and this had to be a solid movie for it to set down with all of the Rocky fans. The movie didn't only live up the hype, but it also deliver a very beautiful KO!!

Creed is probably the best boxing movies to have been made in the last 20+ years, Yes, i'm not joking it knockouts all of its competitors in the first round! The story is very compelling and touching. As the audience you become worried and start to cheer for Creed through his struggles and his fights against his own demons, to top it off Stallone's performance as aging and now more human then ever Rocky is just heart melting, and you can not but help to feel so sad and so sorry for him.

Acting in the film was great by the entire cast. Stallone had an incredible performance playing Rocky for the seventh time. Probably on par with his performance from the fist Rocky which gave him a nod for the Oscars. Michael B Jordan does an incredible job portraying a young man trying to come to terms with who he really is. All of the cast does a great job!

Story: this has to be one of the best Rocky films. The story is very close to original, in terms of being creative and showcasing something new. Adonis is young boxer who felt that he was betrayed by every one, and that he has no family. As young kid he was kicked around foster homes, and ended up in juvenile center until Mary Anne took him in. When he grows up, he wants to prove to the world that he is worthy of his father's name, but doesn't want to use the family name to open all the doors, he calls himself Adonis Johnson. Rocky is now an old and fragile man, who is waiting for Father Time to take him, he no longer has a purpose and you can clearly see it trough Stallone's performance. The two become a real family and give one an other a purpose to live and a purpose to fight again. What else i love about the film, is that how true it was to real boxing. From the line where Rocky says he is to old to do the hand pads, to the main event only happening because of the name and the fall of the other fighter, to the special bout that was put in place with the number 4 seed, and all of the time in between. Creed with its two main fights spread over a 9 month, so around 36 weeks. Southpaw had 5 fights spread over 30-32 weeks. Which one seems like more realistic?

There are tons of references to the original Rocky films, which was fantastic to see and hear. To Apollo's older son, to Micky's Gym, Pauli's obsession with dirty magazines, 1 in a million shot to become the champion, the chicken race, the restaurant, the flashback montages, city of Philadelphia and its streets, life quotes by Rocky, rocky theme music remixed for new generation and then the original at the end. going the distance against the champion and losing in a split decision, and probably many more that i can not remember right now.

Great film, and great continuation of the Rocky Legacy.
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The Forger (2014)
good family drama film centered around a paint heist
23 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was actually a decent film to watch. Don't be mistaken it is not an action movie about a heist job. This is a film about the length that a father will go to be there for his sick child.

John Travolta plays a forger who has 10 month left on his sentence, but decided to do a dirty deal with a gangster to get him out earlier. While this comes as a surprise to most other characters, it is later revealed that he had to do it. Keegan played Anson Mount, is the guy that got him out and is now asking John to forge a masterpiece in exchange for his services. This is where the plot thickness (LOL) John meets and realizes that Abigail Spenceris who plays agent Paisley is a cop, this intrigues her and she starts to follow him. Without going into to much detail of the film, John's character Raymond is only trying to be a good father. He is doing everything he can to help his son while his own life is getting more and more dangerous.

The acting in this film was for most part great. John Travolta does a great job, Raymond has some very unique trait marks that are very different to all other characters that John has played over his great career. Anson at first seemed like the wrong guy, but by the middle of the film when the plot gets revealed you realize that his character is suppose to be like that. Abigail was a bit of a waste in this film, she does a good job as the DEA agent, but can't say that she was great, every one else did what they were paid to do.

The negative of the film, is that you can see that this wasn't a big budget film and that locations were pretty terrible. They used a school as a prison. hahaha.... and some acting was below average, i just don't want to write names.

The story was interesting, had a lot of meaning, and the main character is some-one we all can relate in one sense or another.
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Legend (I) (2015)
Great cast, good film Hardy solid performance
22 October 2015
Watched the film Yesterday. Tom Hardy's performance is good, he really showcased his acting ability playing both Kray's brother. The film tells the story of London's two twins who had held the streets in their hand, and terrorized the locals and the police in any way they wanted. But as film, I can not say that it was great, it really felt that there wasn't much of a point to it. All it was is random scenes that were pasted together of "Someone's" life, there was no build up of tension nor did the film have really any direction that it was trying to head in. Can't say that the film will be remembered down the track or is considered to be on the same level as other gangster films like godfather or good fellas.

Acting: Apart from Tom Hardy's good performance, Emma Browning is great as the fragile wife or Reggie Kray. She is absolutely brilliant. Although Hardy had more screen time and had the chance to showcase his acting range playing two roles, it was Emma's performance that stole the film.
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a very entertaining film for a cast of 3
17 October 2015
Had the chance to check this film out yesterday and all I can say is this is a very underrated film. Although I haven't read the book, so I can not compare one to the other, I really did enjoy the world and the slow tension building of the film.

Story: John, Ann and Caleb are the what is to be believed the last remaining people on Earth in the wake of a disaster. Ann is young daughter of the pastor, who is played by Margot Robbie, through out the film she comes across as innocence and purity.

John is the stranger who has a dark past, he was a good man, but in the wake of the disaster he has had to do dark deeds. He comes across as logical and then jealous, but he stands for love and honesty. Finally we have Caleb, who is the mystery in the film, his role is made to look a lot like the Antagonist of the film as well representing lust, his arrival is what makes John express jealousy towards him. He is also a southerner and has Christian values like Ann, and lastly he is closer to her age then John. Ann and Caleb hit off, and half the film we experience the tension as if John is the third wheel, and is only around for his brain, because he has a plan. As Ann starts to feel much more comfortable with Caleb, who is also a believer, she falls for lust and sleeps with Caleb. The end of the film is left to your own imagination.

Although the Director has stated that he did make one suggestion heavier then the other.

Acting in this film was really great! Especially from Margot Robbie, she really was convincing as a young women coming into her adulthood, her body language and the way she portrayed herself in front of the camera was very true to her character. Chris Pine was great playing opposite of what his usual roles are. and Chiwetel Ejiofor was also a great cast for the film.

The film really builds the tension nicely, and makes you wander which is it going. The possibility of different endings is huge, so you will never be bored. Also, you wouldn't even notice that the dog disappears half way through the movie.
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The Martian (2015)
A great welcome back film by Ridley Scott
9 October 2015
Hey guys, watched this film last week and was to busy to do a review then, but here i go...

The film is great! it starts of with an introduction to all of the crew for the Ares III and we get thrown into their conversation and their relationship with each other. Then the unexpected sandstorm and boom... we have our lonely martian Matt Damon who is for the third time has to be rescued by Hollywood.

Story: If only Ridley Scott had this good of a story for Prometheus or at least a story that made sense like this one. Even the decision no to tell the remaining Ares III crew members that Mark is still alive is a reasonable decision that makes sense.Mark's ability to grow and then subdivide his food and document everything is all logical and believable. The story and the direction of the film is really enjoyable and pleasing to the eyes.

Acting is great here, especially from Matt Damon, this is probably one of his best performances. The supporting cast is also great Jeff Daniels has a great role and is very serious. Donald Glover reminded me of his co-star from Community Danny Pudi, the character Rich Purnell is super smart who is super weird and quirky...

Overall this is a very enjoyable film, with very few hiccups, but great story, great acting, great editing and really awesome pacing!!! Hope Ridley follows this up with his Blade Runner sequel and Prometheus sequel.
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Suits: Faith (2015)
Season 5, Episode 10
As episode reviews go, i don't like to do them, but DAMN!
29 August 2015
I was starting to lose interest in the show, and was only watching to see how will it end. This season they did start to change few things around, which sparked an interest with me, and then previous episode conclusion made me think, what a fitting end it would be if the show went out it in style. I remember discussing and telling my friends that if I was the writer i would finish the show in the next episode, but he told me that it got approved for 6th season, never the less this was my image:

Harvey see's that there is more to life then his law career, and agrees to Forstman's term and resigns and starts to live his life. Mike resigns because of what Trevor told him and that frees him as well as relieving all of the stress on Rachel. Hardman looses all of his remaining respect as everyone's sees that his words and contracts are meaningless. Louis is left stunned and rushes to Jessica, and the closing scene is Jessica standing all alone in her conference room, realizing that this is now her only life. That apart from this firm she has nothing. Jessica starts to cry.

The whole meaning is that every one got what they deserve, Jessica's obsession with having a law firm, had driven every one away from her, but she is undoubtedly the queen bee there. Litt is still a named partner, but is left reflecting his own life and what is he going to do next. Harvey understands what is the meaning of life and is finally truly happy and free, and Mike is no longer concerned about his past, or his fraudulent life.

I know that it not exactly how it ended, but it was still a great episode, and this leads into the whole of the sixth season is about the trial of Mike Ross and his future.
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Southpaw (2015)
This tries to be Rocky for the new generations
25 August 2015
I want to start off, by saying that i am a HUGE fan of Boxing. and if this wasn't about boxing, i'd probably give this film a 4 or 5.

Southpaw had more then few problems with its story and its continuity. The cinematography and choreography were good, but far from being the best. Many boxing films have much more entertaining fights then Southpaw.

Story: Billy Hope is presented as an almost like Rocky character. Never explained why he is always dopey, slow and has a speech impairment. One could argue that it is because it is stated that he has no defense and lets his opponents just hit him so that he can fire up. Sounds like Rocky, except that Rocky tries show defense, but is more of a street brawler. both use same tactics. Hard punches, counter punches.

1. Miguel at the beginning and midpoint of the film, is not your typical bad guy, he shows a lot of respect for Billy, from clapping when he wins, to telling his idiot friend to shut up during the charity, his antics and media cries are all done to try and secure the fight against him, but there are clear signs of respect to him. But then the character just flips a 180.

2. At the charity, there were many reporters with their cameras who were not only following Billy as he was leaving, but also others who were doing an interview with Miguel. The probability that not a single one of those camera captured the shooting is ridiculous. Even if they were focused on the two men fight, they were being pushed back making all of their shots a wide angle shots, meaning capturing more of the space.

3.Billy never questions as to where his millions of dollars disappeared to, in less then one month after his wife's death.

4. every one turning their back on him. Not Curtis Jackson, but his so called close friends that he grew up with, all but one. Plus, the fact that he is so famous and can't get a single ad/ interview/ or commentator line of work is ridiculous, at least in Rocky it was because he couldn't read, but he tried. Here it's because he is just useless.

5. the daughter's strength and her version of depression. Now granted i am not an a child psychologist, but a young girl whose is very (super) close to her parents wouldn't be so strong (non- crying) as she was, yes she had one tear, and wasn't sleeping. But she was laughing and was always calm in all of her scenes. Even as to be calm enough to go and play outside with other kids, and do homework.

6. The ever lasting black eye. Black eye lasts up 14 days, assuming its a boxing injury lasts up to 30 days. After his loss to Turay where his has it again and his daughter is taken away from him. he is then told to have 30 days to get his act together, however during the second court scene he still has a black eye, and in his 3rd court scene it is still there, it is still there again 11 weeks later when he fights Miguel. That's some magic right there. near 14 weeks of having a black eye.

7. he has 3 title shots, there are 4 title shots, all within the period of one year. to be exact, all within the period of around 30 weeks. Thats impossible!!! and just stupid. How?... his first fight was day 1. He wins, remains the champion (Title fight 1) 2 weeks later is the charity, Wife dies, 2 weeks maybe less (presumed, as he still has all fresh wounds) later he signs the papers with Curtis to fight against Turay in 8 weeks. this puts the fight against Turay at around 11-14 weeks after day 1, he loses to Turay (Title fight #2). Hits the tree. Given 30 days (Court) with out his daughter. he is then given another 30 days. At which point Turay fights and loses to Miguel (Title fight #3) this puts this fight at around 16-17 weeks after day 1. 30 more days past for the Court, even though he agrees to the fight before the third court hearing. he is given 6 weeks to train. So if we take another 30 days which 5 weeks plus 6 weeks of training and add them to the 16-17 weeks past day 1. Billy fights Miguel 27-28 weeks after day 1. I'm not even going into the whole debate about the 1 year suspension. 4 title fights under 30 weeks is impossible.

Like I said this film tries to be Rocky of the new generation, but fails, Rocky was more consistent, we were told that Rocky wasn't all there. His brain was slow, we were told that he was a brawler growing up, that's why he fights a certain way. Billy is slow because either he is on drugs, or he has been hit so many times, we are not sure, or is it because he doesn't know what to say as he is depressed. He has had 43 fights, no losses but never learned how to defend himself. He grew up with friends that were his whole family, but then they all disappeared, even though they themselves have no families, so they should be super close. He has 3 pro fights, 1 charity even within 30 week period, there are 4 title shots within 30 week period. His promoter is a very cliché bad guy. His daughter's depression is almost non- existent. Making the other boxer use low punches and making him cliché is just stupid, why? Miguel's whole motivation was to get in the ring with him, and he did it.
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Boston Legal: Son of the Defender (2007)
Season 3, Episode 18
A Classical episode and brilliant acting
23 August 2015
There is no doubt that i am a fan of Boston Legal, even though it did start to make to much fun of itself and the legal practice by the end of the show 5th season. This episode takes us back to Danny Crane'first trial case, and the emotional stress that it caused not only to the patrons involved in the case, but also the beginning of the incredible career that Danny Crane had.

This episode was an amazing portrayal and evidence of how great of an actor William Shatner really is. The episode took archive footage from "Studio One in Hollywood" from the episode of "The defender Part one & two" it is great to see, how much William Shatner can embark and bring emotion two different characters but make them the same emotional traits with over 50 years of a gap "The Defender" aired 27th of Feb 1957, Boston Legal, Son of the Defender April 3, 2007

The story of the son plotting "Justice"/ revenge on the "killer" and Danny Crane was a brilliant story and executed very dramatically with less humor then usual for Boston Legal. The second story involving Alan Shore was less then exciting premises of a local politician being caught red handed with a prostitute, was not one of my favorite, The politicians was very over the top, but it didn't matter. This was Danny Cranes time to shine, and did he!!
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MCU killing good movies for good
19 August 2015
Before i went to see this film, i saw all of the negative reviews and the shocking 3.2 rating on IMDb... So i went there to see what was so wrong with the film.

Fantastic Four, is an underrated comic universe movie, that does not deserve so much negativity. F4 has a an interesting take on the origins of the F4 team, and probably one of the most complicated and relatable villains in Comic-book universe, but apparently no one saw that. So, we have Iron man 3's Aldrich Killian who is just a nerd, that becomes a super villain because he got stood up by Tony, Avengers 2 Ultron, is just a robot, that wants to destroy the world because humans don't have the capacity to live together, but instead of creating chaos through his ability to manipulate any and all software he decides to take a village far enough into the sky to drop it. I guess all of the Nukes that Russia, U.S.A, China, North Korea and other countries isn't enough. F4 villain is Victor Von Doom, while the 2005 was a cliché Rich guy out looking for revenge because he didn't get the world. This Victor Von Doom, is against Corporation corruption, societies lack of empathy for destroying our own planet, and Government manipulation. If you break down his character he actually becomes a anti hero and a villain per-say. He only tries to destroy Earth after the Corporation makes the deal with the government to try and create bunch of super soldiers and exploit the 4th dimension, and killing that planet. Victor was never shown as a simple bad guy out for revenge, instead he always expressed his concern and his hatred for corruption, pollution and people being used. So in terms of the Villains F4 did a great job.

Now the only sort of negative thing i can say about the film, or agree with others, is that the chemistry just wasn't there between the actors, and the origins of some of the characters was bad. Johnny Storm felt completely out of tune with the rest of them, so did Ben Grimm. Victor and Reed had the best chemistry by far. So those are my only two criticisms about the film, the origins and exploration of some of the characters and actors chemistry on screen. I can also throw in there, the "How they got their powers" thing. It was kinda lame, but F4 is the much more out there comic series.

I think this movie got such a low review, because it was serious and that made it seem out of place. People are now use to having Marvel films make fun of themselves, having inside jokes about their own existence, where F4 took more of a DC road. F4 was presented as a more serious and dark toned comic book film.
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Foxcatcher (2014)
Amazing performance By Mark Ruffalo and Steve Carell
12 August 2015
Brilliant performance by the supporting Cast, a intriguing true story, but has a very slow tempo that makes this film feel like its more then 4 hours long.

Let me first say, i was not a fan of Tatum in the film. There, he often broke character, and you can see that he wanted to break out a smile half the time he was on screen. Also the fact that he just kept on pushing his lower jaw out and slightly squinting his eye brows, didn't change the fact that he spoke and had all of his own mannerisms. His only good performance was in the hotel scene, where he was breaking down, but even then we didn't see his face.

Mark Ruffalo was by far the best actor! He stole the film with his excellent performance. Just look at the way he walked, carried his body in this film compared to Avengers. Look at his mannerisms, his little personal character traits, this is was great acting is. his Nominations for Oscars was well deserved.

Steve Carell was also great in the film, although he did have a lot of prosthetic over his face, he still came across as the Golden Eagle rather then Carell playing the Coach. I can not say, and will not say that he was better then Mark, because he wasn't. But he did demonstrate that he has a variety of acting abilities in this film.

Now as for the film, and what i believe was the reason why this film is a 5/10. The story was interesting, and is based on the real events surrounding John du Pont and the Schultz brothers, but as a film, it felt at most to be dragging on. Not Much was happening, the tension was building very, very slow. and makes you look on your watch to see how much of time has passed. The not so subtle direction of suggestions of some kind of relationship between John and Mark, just felt awkward and pushed down the viewers throat.

I can honestly say that i did want to walk away from the film, but only stayed to watch more of Mark's brilliant acting and Carell's great performance. Now i know some might say, this is not an entertainment popcorn flick, and that's fine, but if i can sit and watch 12 angry men all day on repeat and not get bored. Then i should do the same for this. Not feel like "When is this going to end"
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Ant-Man (2015)
we finally see people realize that this is the end of good movies
30 July 2015
So, i was thinking. Do i ruin this movie for all of the MCU die hard fan boys or should i go easy on them?...

Well i decided to go easy on them, for now. Ant-Man another addition to Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and it uses the exact same formula as every other film before it. Its kind of Why fix something if its not broken?... Well the formula and success of Marvel films is slowly killing the film industry. How you ask? thanks to its huge popularity and their die hard fans people are starting forgive their films plot holes, continuity errors, poor acting and really bad dialogue that is only purpose is to provide cheap jokes at the expense of the film.

Acting: I have nothing against Paul Rudd, but he is not an action or a serious actor, yes he can be okay to good actor, but not great. His performance in Ant-Man reminded me of his character in almost all of his other films. Not to mention that Corey Stoll and Evangeline Lilly were incredibly bad, and please don't even want to go near the David Dastmalchian Russian accent computer tech, that only spoke to make you laugh at his accent.

Story: is exact same as Iron man, except imagine that Tony was to old to be Iron man and so he needed some one young, trustworthy and who would not be bent on world domination. But lets take it to prospective for those defending the film. We are given over 20-30 minutes of the film time to show how Rudd is training and getting use to the suit and all of its unique abilities and its strength and weaknesses. e.g first time he used, he got sucked up by a vacuum, wind blew him, he didn't know how to use it or control it to fight somebody, because that required certain timing and skill. But when all seems lost and the bad guy decides that his only chance is at putting on the costume, and DAMN!!! that has to be a world record speed!! But he is also instantly aware of all of the timings, and knows everything about the difference of being small and or big. Not only that he is actually better at handling himself then a felon who has had specific training for this exact purpose. But hey its just a film. Now lets get to the worlds most St*pid cops in Movie history. There is funny st*pid and then there is just plain st*pid.

I really hope people realize that films like this are hurting movie industry, because as long as people give them good reviews and continue to support them. Studios will be willing to keep on making half attempts movies, while true movies which people write great scripts, have great actors go unnoticed.
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Minions (2015)
not a classic, but has more then few decent laughing moments
14 July 2015
So, watched the "Minions" today, and was surprised that this film has so much love and so many great reviews. I mean don't get me wrong, i think a child will love the film and the little rascals that the minions are. But....

The film starts off with narration and origin story of the minions and what is their purpose in life. That quickly grows a little to tiring, it was a good concept when it was part of the opening credits, but feels like it dragged on a little bit. Then we are introduced to our 3 main heroes, Bob, Kevin and Stuart. The three stooges of the minion world. Now, there is no point in going into details about it as the film is mainly for kids, so Kevin, Bob and Stuart go on an adventure to find the tribes their new boss. Which takes them to England.

Now i know that little kids probably found the whole film very enjoyable, seeing the little yellow minions talk in their language and run around, for me as an adult, i found that only a handful of scenes had me truly laughing like i was a child.

For that i give the film a modest 5/10 stars. Although not the funniest film of the year, it certainly had some of the funniest scenes of the year.
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Stargate SG-1: Ripple Effect (2006)
Season 9, Episode 13
Love Stargate!! but this was just very bad writing
6 July 2015
Hey guys, you know that i usually review movies, or series as a whole, but being a huge Stargate fan and re watching all of it back to back, just had to review this really poorly and "Fun" but stupid episode of SG1 Season 9 episode 13. So why do i love and hate this episode? Well i love it, because we got to see many variations of SG1, although they should have mixed it up more and included Jack on one of the teams, also could've shown more interaction that each one has with their different selves. The reason i hated it, and was surprised at how badly the episode was written was because in season 3 episode 6 "Point of View" Stargate world clearly establishes a law, that no two person can exist in one universe! Carter started to suffer entropic cascade failure at the cellular level because their were two of her in one reality. However in this episode there is stated that there are 18 Different SG1 teams at Stargate command, and by multi verse theory law, that universe should destroy it self, or have all of the duplicates die off. But we do not see that, and there is no mention of any one starting to suffer from being in one universe.

I love Stargate, but i did feel that this episode was poorly written and could have been avoided.
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Jurassic World? more like Cliché World! this movie is just terrible
23 June 2015
First i have to say, that this film goes out of its way to include as many cliché Hollywood moments that it can think of.

1. Stupid and delusional characters (all of them)

2. Worried Parents

3. Parents getting divorced and kid is emotional about it.

4. Family member (Aunt) is to busy at work to look after kids

5. Incompetent Baby sitter 6. Kids runs away from Baby sitter, and baby sitter doesn't notify anyone. (yeah they will be alright on an island with Dinosaurs)

7.Military guy wants Dinosaurs to be used as weapons

8. Scientist create a new specie, knowing what it is capable of doing, and doesn't tell any one.

9. The hero and the Aunt had a bad date

10. Worst time calling.

11. All super smart scientist in the base with ability to "Track" a dinosaur in LIVE TIME!!! just assume that it escaped its containment. Allowing the Super Smart to Dinosaur to escape its containment on their mistake.

12. We are prepared for this situation. No need to alarm the visitors.

13. Instead of killing and taking this issue seriously lets try and capture it with TASERS!!! A dinosaur that can camouflage, THINK, take out its own tracker! decrease its Thermal heat as to avoid any tracking. YES!!! A Dinosaur that set up its own escape!! SHOULD EASILY BE CAUGHT USING TASERS AND 6 MEN.

14. Raptors are dogs?!! NO!! They are extremely dangerous Hunting Dinosaurs. CAN NOT BE TRAINED!

15. 2 kids manage to bring a 22 year old abandoned jeep back to life! Yep, the Battery didn't die and we all know that fuel can last 22 years.

16. There was only 1 helicopter pilot in the whole Island! Luckily the owner of the park (Simone Masrani) is just about to get his pilot license

17. The owner of the park, who doesn't care for profits and is doing it purely for the mankind employees Claire, who is complete opposite and sees this as only a profit making business and doesn't care for the dinosaurs. WHY??!! They have two very clearly different Ideologies

18. Lets free the Raptors to search for this killing dinosaur. Why the rap-tors straight away just don't jump the other humans is simply stupid. Only Owen is their "Alpha" When he has hands in the air, and they some what familiar with Berry, But all of the rest of the humans are Mercenaries that just arrived on the island, there is no connection between them and the Raptors.

19. Indominus Rex is also part Raptor so he talks to the Raptors gang and their go after the humans.

20... Lets Skip a few the Raptor gang instead of killing Owen and the human, remember him and show emotion and so try and defend him.

21. With over 20,000 people on the island, Lets release T-REX as well, after all Dinosaurs can sense when some one is in danger and so can. help humans instead of simply just eating them.

22. T-REX and Raptor "BLUE' actually the most likable character aside from Chris's Owen, join forces to take down this bad boy.

23. Parents are holding hands (not getting a divorce)

24. The Hero gets the girl.

This list can be endless, but i feel like you get the picture.
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