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Complete and utter lack of scientific evidence
5 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love watching random documentaries to learn new things so I was open to this documentary but be EXTREMELY CAREFUL believing the allegations made in this documentary.

It claims you can heal yourself with large doses of vitamins but it has ZERO scientific evidence in the documentary to back it up. It claims large doses of vitamin C could cure alzheimer's disease but it wouldn't be hard to get 100 alzheimer's patients to take large doses of vitamin C and see what how many are cured. Something as simple as 100 alzheimer's patients took large doses of vitamin C for 30 days and 60 of them were cured would be some sort of measurement if this simple test was shown in the documentary. But in this entire documentary there is absolutely zero proof. Just useless accounts from people that say I took something and my symptoms disappeared. It is just utter jibberish self diagnosis. If this so called respected documentary maker was serious, it wouldn't have been hard to find some sort of evidence to back up these ridiculous claims.

The documentary also claims no one has ever overdosed or died from over consumption of vitamins but that is a complete and utter lie. One google search and it will give you a number of cases where people have died from over consumption of vitamins. Maybe not vitamin C because a doctor explained to me that this was a water soluble thing that excess vitamin C would just be filtered by my liver and discreet in urine but other vitamins can definitely kill you.

The documentary also claims these people that make these outrageous claims have nothing to gain from it. It's hilarious because they're clearly publishing books that claims number 1 best seller so they're clearly using this to make money. Even if they weren't getting monetary reward for making these claims, it is not the first person to make outrageous claims for attention, to be recognised, famous or to be followed and be listened to.

Sad thing is having a balanced diet and taking some sort of vitamins probably is a good thing but there complete lack of scientific evidence or evidence of any kind while making such outrageous claims does the complete opposite and makes people lose complete faith in what they are saying. The claims made in this documentary are dangerous and preys on old or sick people desperate for a solution which is horrible. Take what is said in this doco with a grain of salt cause it has absolutely nothing to back it up.
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Rest in peace
20 July 2018
I fell in love with Robin Williams before I even knew who Robin Williams was. He will forever be the bat in Ferngully and than Genie in Aladdin before I was old enough to work out he was real person. I know he had his demons but I've never know a person in the history of this world that spent so much time and effort in making others happy. The countless people that smiled and laughed thanks to him. He was a true gift to the world. Wish the ending was different but it is what it is. May he Rest In Peace. Thank you for the joy you brought into our lives and thank you to his family for sharing him with us.
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Sad pathetic cast of repeat failed dancers
17 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The very beginning of the movie says it all and this movie is filled with a sad bunch of pathetic dancers that haven't been able to transcend from the very tacky dance movie to anything meaningful so they continue to grasp at this franchise and shame on the producers of recycling a cast that don't even remotely have the talent of real dancers or actors.

Same cast from the last 3-4 movies all still pushing the exact same moves without the flare or innovation that is coming out of real crews in the world right now. I mean seriously the robot guy again. Yeah lets see his 1 move again and give him another 10 second clip of him doing his head trick. Same lame tricks from breakers that don't even remotely cut it. How about you hire dancers that work their ass off from Battle of the Year. Oh wait, they wouldn't be caught in such a lame movie. It would be degrading to their art. And Moose. Again? Yeah same half ass attempt at popping.

The choreography in this movie is just sad. Absolutely no wow factor. Same old moves and lacks anything even remotely innovative and in honesty that's what we really watch the movie for. We know the storyline is going to be crap. We know the acting will be horrible. They are dancers, not actors. We get it but the dancing is really bad and that's what all the reviews are on about. If you look back at You Got Served. The storyline sucked but the choreography from a movie that is 10 years old absolutely DESTROYS any choreography from the last 3 Step Up movies.

Really hope this franchise dies off cause it's just sad to see the state of dance represented this way.
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The Following: Guilt (2013)
Season 1, Episode 10
Hate when it's just silly
4 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A US Marshal is under attack in a hotel room. He pulls his gun out ready for the gunmen. He stands behind the door while the gunmen standing in front of the door try to use the room key. Both gunmen are CLEARLY in front of the door. From looking at the previous video feed from the security cameras, you would also know they both stand in front of the door. Instead of doing something like I don't know, shoot them through the door, the US Marshal stands there waiting for them to come in. The gunmen then shoot the door and kill the US Marshal. This is just an insult to the intelligence of the US Marshals. As if they would have been this careless. When shows are this ridiculous, it just ruins it.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
This movie is awful and ridiculous
24 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had all the elements to be an amazing movie. Giant robots vs monsters, what's there not to like. However due to some to a complete lack of intelligence in the putting together a decent story line, this movie was just sad.

Horrible, HORRIBLE Australian accents, bad acting, and robots that don't use any weapons until they're being defeated. Why would a robot use towers, cranes, cargo containers and a cargo ship as weapons WHEN IT HAS A BUILT IN SWORD! How ridiculous stupid.

How people this dumb get to right a script and how dumb people are willing to pass this through truly amazes me.
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Grey's Anatomy: Song Beneath the Song (2011)
Season 7, Episode 18
Worst episode of any TV series ever produced in life
27 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm in awe at how amazingly BAD this episode was. Whoever thought that making a musical out of Grey's Anatomy should be fired and be banned from Hollywood or making any sort of production that anyone in the world might see.

After I think the 5th song I just couldn't continue. I had to walk away otherwise I think I couldn't watch TV for the rest of my life.

The previous episode you could tell the car accident was going to happen. It was a perfect lead in to edge of your seat drama and the constantly bad songs ruined both the show and the original songs.

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Gary Unmarried (2008–2010)
Can't believe this show was canceled
20 March 2012
This show is really well written and has an excellent witty humour that is so hard to find.

The relationships between Gary and Allison works so well. Gary plays this simple man's man that works as a tradie, loves his beer and sports. Allison plays an uptight ex-wife that was in charge of everything and continues to nag at Gary. The sub-relationships with the kids and other characters compliment it perfectly meaning a great overall comedy.

There's a few surprising reviews I've read complaining about the fact the acting isn't perfectly Oscar worthy brilliance. I mean seriously, this is a sitcom that's suppose to be light hearted. It's not The Hurt Locker. Some people have these preconceived opinions of particular actors and won't like them regardless of what they're in.

Personally I find the humour in this very smart and funny. I'm really disappointed that this show was canceled as after only 2 seasons you're left a bit high and dry.
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Failed from get go
23 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Dave Gorman has a constant go at everything from "The Man" including the car he would, gas he put in, food he ate and places he stayed. Unfortunately like a typical hippie, he's incapable of doing anything mildly intelligent.

It could have been the fact he didn't even bother to plan his route or have any plan in fact that made him fail.

It could have been the fact he didn't have the intelligence to use one or two jerry cans that could have easily resolved his fuel problems.

Or it could have been the fact he failed from the very, VERY beginning after he landed by using his mobile that was connected to "The Man" AT&T or Verizon network and paying them for all the calls including the initial call to the person selling the car.
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Absolutely breathtaking
21 February 2012
Words can not describe the beauty, brilliance and passion behind this movie.

The cinematography in this movie is world class and the quality of the picture in this movie clearly proves this. Combine this with a great director along with the vision of world class snowboarders and you have a snowboarding movie second to none. At a number of moments in the movie, I thought I could touch the snow it was that high def.

There's just nothing more I can say except go and watch it. Great movie for an outdoor enthusiast or a snow lover but if your as fanatically as snowboarding as I am than it's a must own movie that you will be sure to leave on repeat. (That's if you don't get too jealous watching these guys shred some of the most amazing runs you've ever seen.) Seriously thank you to Red Bull for investing so much money so this brilliant movie could be made.
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Watchable but just
5 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I am amazed at how much of this movie was shot in front of a green screen. There's just SOOOO much CGI in this and it's not even good CGI.

The storyline is bad and the dialog is horrible. There's no depth in the characters or the plot and the acting is just bad. I can't work out if this movie is suppose to be a thriller, drama or a comedy but I'm swaying to a really poor comedy.

The action, stunts and fighting in this is so unrealistic and unbelievable. Milady runs through a tunnel with shooting spike balls and all she does is run and slide on her knees and gets past everything. Later she goes through some room that has fishing line all through it which apparently is razor sharp. How does she get through it? Simple. She just does a dive jump and misses all of it which of courseeeeeee would happen. The fighting between the musketeers and guards are slow and badly rehearsed. It was like they did all the scenes in slow motion in case they accidentally hit each other than sped it up to try and make it look normal.

This movie is like a very bad and cheap version of Pirates of the Caribbean except there's no way a sequel will be made.
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