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Night Court (2023– )
The vibe is gone..
24 January 2023
Given the track record of "rebooted" classic sitcoms, I really didn't have high hopes for the "Night Court", but somehow, I was still disappointed. "Night Court" makes wrong turns at just about every level; The original blended dry humor with slapstick. The new version comes off as silly & forced. Melissa Rauch makes a valiant effort playing the daughter of Judge Harry Stone, but she lacks the comic timing & charm of Harry Anderson. John Larroquette returns as a kinder, gentler Dan Fielding, but as a defense attorney this time, it takes an arrow out of his quiver. Gone are the snarky comments about defendants, which is part of what gave the original the "vibe" that doesn't exist here.
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A hot mess
29 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While watching "Inside Daisy Clover" I occasionally had to remind myself that the titular character is 15, and the movie is set in the mid 1930's. And that is a major problem. Its the director's job to take the viewer to a time & place, and director Robert Mulligan gives us a movie that at times could be set in the 50's or 60's. Another failure is casting Natalie Wood. While she's beautiful & talented, I just don't buy her as a 15 year old.

The rest of the cast does their best with the rather cliched material, Robert Redford plays Daisy''s love interest, an uber charming, poetry spouting fellow actor (who we find out also likes boys) that abandons Daisy on their honeymoon. Theres also Christopher Plummer as the suave, ruthless, studio boss who signs Daisy to a 5 year contract.

As you might guess, Daisy can't handle her sudden fame and melts down trying to dub vocals for a song about the Circus. (oooh symbolism) one of the final scenes has Daisy trying to off herself by doing the head in the oven bit, only to be constantly interrupted., which I'm sure was intended as dark comedy, but just ends being tedious, and missing the mark. Much like the movie.
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Parks and Recreation: Jerry's Painting (2011)
Season 3, Episode 11
My thoughts on Jerry,..
5 October 2022
He's clumsy, and much older than his co-workers clearly takes a lot of crap from his co-workers, Tom Haverford in particular. But aside from his rather dubious work life, Jerry has an idyllic personal life, (Gorgeous wife & daughters, talented artist & musician) In a couple of episodes we see Jerry get revenge against Tom he in a rather passive aggresive manner. In this particular episode Jerry puts a somewhat unflattering image of Tom in his painting., which is there for all of Pawnee to see. Its as if Jerry knew this would make Tom him go ballistic. And it does. And I loved every minute of it.
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Parks and Recreation: Dave Returns (2012)
Season 4, Episode 15
A weak entry,..
30 May 2022
In an otherwise stellar 4th season. Louis CK's cringeworthy Dave character from season 2 is back, for reasons that are beyond me. The whole "campaign song" B plot is only mildly amusing.
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M*A*S*H: Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde (1973)
Season 2, Episode 5
Casulties of war.
7 February 2022
It's no secret that Alan Alda more or less "took over" the show in the later seasons, but you can see hints of whats to come in episodes like this.

Everyone is putting in long hours in the O. R. but only Hawkeye, like always seems to suffer ill effects. He wanders around the camp. Babbling semi coherently, & being a general nuisance, while an entire hospital staff seems to be unable to sedate him.

This episode almost seems like a precursor to the much maligned "Hawkeye" in season 4, with Alda's stream of conciousness blathering & scenery chewing. As we'll find out in the next few episodes, MASH is at it's best as an ensemble show.
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Seinfeld: The Little Kicks (1996)
Season 8, Episode 4
The downslide begins....
17 January 2022
Up until season eight, Seinfeld drew upon everyday minutiae for comedy. Sure some of the humor could be rather broad. But from this episode on, it becomes downright cartoonish. Larry David is sorely missed.

Elaine's storyline is plausible enough, even though its a bit over the top. But the Jerry making bootleg videos thing is silly, and pretty far-fetched, even by "Friends" standards..
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M*A*S*H: Dear Sis (1978)
Season 7, Episode 14
Dear sis,..
21 December 2021
Follows the frequent "letters to/from home" theme that's been so prevalent over the past few seasons. Alan Alda writes & directs this one, and it's a much weaker entry than "Dear Mildred", "Dear Peg", or any of the "Mail calls".

Some of the problems here include: Potter's blase', cavalier attitude when Fr Mulcahy is accosted by a frightened soldier in OR seems very out of character. And of course the tepid humor that's a far cry from seasons past.
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King of the Hill: Glen Peggy Glen Ross (2007)
Season 11, Episode 6
King me..
16 December 2021
The later seasons of "King of the hill" show that the writers might be running out of ideas, but in this particular episode, there's fertile ground in the much needed skewering of the real estate business. Peggy and her oversized ego square off against the even larger ego of realtor Chris Sizemore (Chris Eliot), If you arent chuckling, you're rolling your eyes at these two.
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Two and a Half Men: Walnuts and Demerol (2006)
Season 4, Episode 11
8 December 2021
.. Christmas episodes can get maudlin, with too much sentimentality, but this is "Two & a half men" we're dealing with.

There's alcohol, cheap sex (and possible incest), family dysfunction all present & accounted for. Charlie's attempt for a Christmas eve hookup may be the main storyline, but it's the supporting cast that shines, From Ryan Styles ogling the gorgeous dimwit Kandi (who also sings Christmas carols) to Jake getting hammered on eggnog, and of course Berta gleefuly watching it all, it's a top 3 episode for season 4 (which is saying something) and a top 5 for the whole series.
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M*A*S*H: Say No More (1983)
Season 11, Episode 12
A far cry,..
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
.. From it's glory days when MASH could blend comedy & drama, "Say no more" is at best overly melodramatic, and at it's worst, unwatchable.

The main plot involving the General who has a son at the 4077th in grave condition, and as always Hawkeye, isn't bad, but occasionally marred by hammy overacting, which has been a series trademark since season 8.

The subplot has Margaret's plans to visit a famous doctor at a conference nixed by her getting laryngitis, which not only robs her of her voice, but also the ability to form complete sentences, making her sound like a combinaton of Tonto & Frankenstein.
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M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell and Amen (1983)
Season 11, Episode 16
About what you'd expect,..
13 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
.. If you'd been watching the past three seasons. Melodramatic and Overwrought, thanks in large part to Alda's heavy handed directing.

The main story here is Hawkeye's flipping out after watching a woman smother her baby. A traumatic experience to be sure, but it begs the question why the other 20-odd people on the bus who witness the same thing, somehow emerge from the ordeal unscathed?

Another problem is there's way too much going on; Charles & Margaret are involved in not one, but two subplots, BJ's unnecessary discharge snafu, Father Mulcahy's hearing loss and Klinger feverish search for Soon Lee's family, the latter two seem to resonate the most.

The best scene is the farewell dinner, where everyone reveals their future plans. Some are funny, some are deeply moving (Bigelow saying she's had enough), and incredibly ironic (Klinger staying in Korea)

As a previous reviewer said, "It could've been much more"..I have to agree.
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King of the Hill: Yankee Hankee (2001)
Season 5, Episode 10
Cotton at his lowest?
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hank Hill's world is full of people who have questionable character (Buck, Dale, even Peggy) but there's no one as despicable as his own father. In this episode, aside from being his usual obnoxious self, Cotton tries to set Hank up to take the fall for an attempted assassination of Fidel Castro. Kinda hard to feel sorry for Hank in this one., as he goes along with their abuse..
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Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1992 Video Game)
All through this movie,..
4 October 2021
I found myself asking; "why couldn't they divert the flights to Reagan/National? Or Baltimore/Washington Intl.? Or even Richmond?
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The Beverly Hillbillies: Elly's First Date (1962)
Season 1, Episode 9
a first season clunker,...
2 October 2021
I realize that Louis Nye was a big name in 1962, but the idea of his character, who's clearly pushing 40, dating Elly, who is in her teens, is kinda creepy.
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Grannys corn squeezin's strike again
30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Clampetts mistake the new neighbor's maid (Kathleen Freeman) for their new neighbor. Because they think she's really down to earth for a "millionaire". Jed & Granny take an instant liking to her. Granny even tries to doctor Aggie's back with her "rheumatiz medicine", and the fun begins. Kathleen Freeman is great in everything she does, and the sight of her totally hammered & doing the hula is gold.
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The Beverly Hillbillies: The Possum Parade (1965)
Season 4, Episode 6
One of the best episodes..
30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've always thought that great sitcoms do their best work during the 3rd & 4th seasons, and the "Beverly Hillbillies" is no exception. This episode checks all the boxes. Granny's nemesis, Mrs Drysdale becomes an unwitting candidate for Possum Queen, complete with a brilliant "attack ad" orchestrated by her husband. Of course Mrs D eventually finds out, in the middle of Grannys campaign rally, and yes, is mortified. Great stuff.
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Count Me In (2021)
Enjoyable, but woefully incomplete..
16 September 2021
Even thought I'm not really a Neil Peart fan, leaving him out of this documentary is virtually a hate crime. Lots of other Iconic drummers are left out, especially the session guys (Blaine, Palmer, Gordon, Porcaro, Purdie, all the Motown drummers). All of the above mentioned would have been much more satisfying than the inordinate amount of screen time devoted to Nicko McBrain, Chad Smith, and the parade of obscure drummers we see here.
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Parks and Recreation: Moving Up: Part 1 (2014)
Season 6, Episode 21
Sort of a mixed bag...
15 September 2021
For me, Ben, Leslie & Andy's time in California seems a bit flat, with the exception the scene were Ben plays the hilariously convoluted "Cones of Dunshire" vs the Grizl crew. Tom's bistro gets off to a rocky start & loses his investor, due in part to Jerry/Larry's botching of the menus among other things, (I have a theory that Jerry actually does this intentionally as a passive-aggresive way of getting back at Tom.) a decent episode but it pales in comparison to part two.
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Parks and Recreation: Moving Up: Part 2 (2014)
Season 6, Episode 22
Pulling out all the stops..
15 September 2021
I'm not throwing shade at part 1 of this two part season finale, It's just that part two is just so good. We see virtually every secondary character make an appearance, and it doesn't seem forced at all. It's amazang how much this show has grown from season 1.
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Just doesn't feel right
5 September 2021
Season 3 begins with Jed buying Mammoth studios, and for the next few episodes, most of the action takes place away from the mansion. Sure, there's laughs, but something about these episodes don't seem right.
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Parks and Recreation: The Set Up (2010)
Season 2, Episode 13
Kind of a yawner..
4 September 2021
After Leslie's cringy blind date experience, she's back in a similar situation.

I guess it's a matter of personal taste, but I just don't find "uncomfortable humor" all that appealing. We do see Jean Ralphio for the first time. Sure he's irritating, but he put some energy into an otherwise boring episode.
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Parks and Recreation: Sister City (2009)
Season 2, Episode 5
Viva Pawnee!
4 September 2021
The reason why I really liked this episode isn't Just Fred Amisen's obnoxious foreign dignitary, It's that it's the first episode that resembles the "Parks & recreation" we would know & love. Up until now there's been a bit too much focus on Tom. In "Sister city" the rest of Leslie's aren't furniture, they have great lines, and we learn more about them, Including Tom, who's smarminess is really starting to emerge. Plus the Leslie/Dave (who have zero chemistry IMO) & Ann/Mark storylines are kinda pushed to the side.
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Parks and Recreation: Doppelgängers (2013)
Season 6, Episode 4
A decent episode,..
30 August 2021
It's a toss-up which match-up is funnier; April & Tynnifer? Or Ron & Ron...one thing is for sure, the one-note Craig character wears out his welcome early on. Why he became a permanent addition has me scratching my head.
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Parks and Recreation: The Stakeout (2009)
Season 2, Episode 2
A bit of a letdown,..
30 August 2021
..after a strong season two opener. Where "Pawnee zoo" takes a giant step forward, "Stakeout" takes a half step back. A lackluster appearance from Louis CK doesnt help, but "Stakeout" is still better than anything in season 1.
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M*A*S*H: Dear Mildred (1975)
Season 4, Episode 7
One of the best,..
30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
..episodes of the Series. As we saw in "Change of Command", Potter has a softer, more human side, but unfortunately Radar still hasn't bonded with him. While Potter writes home to Mildred on their Anniversary a stray wounded horse comes to Radars attention, and he enlists Hawkeye & BJ to help. Meanwhile, Frank & hot lips, suck-ups that they are, try to get a bust of the colonel carved by Richard Lee Sung, who steals every scene he's in. The best scene in the episode is when Radar, knowing Potter will find out about the horse, decides to make it an anniversary gift for his boss. And just to keep things from getting too maudlin, Potter slips in some manure...
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