4 Reviews
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Felidae (1994)
Something different.
12 January 2013
As an animation fan, it's always good to seek out those that may have slipped through the net. In relation to what animation actually comes out in Uk cinemas, the numbers are most definitely poor compared to the cinema's in Europe and Asia - spending time in France allowed me to see many ore animated films, of which many were fantastic, only to have them never aired in the UK.

Felidae is an example. First off, it's age of release makes it an unlikely purchase at the DVD store, but it's an interesting and ambitious example of 2d animation from Germany that deserves recognition. Up there with Watership Down and Plague Dogs, Felidae is a ghoulishly gory tale of murder amongst a cast of cats. The animation is good, the concept well rounded and the general narrative an interesting one.

However the vivisection sequences and violence may leave some audiences upset and scratching their heads. Felidae is not a children's film, and contains a rather novel sex scene that left me a little surprised - the character designs seem to suggest a younger target audience then the narrative allows. Aside from the gore, I doubt children would be able to follow the story without being frightened. I strongly recommend that the film is seen in German with subtitles as well, as the lip syncing is an impressive achievement, somewhat cheapened by the rather poor English dubbing.

Overall the film is an impressive achievement, though in my opinion, over ambitious. It tries hard to develop adult ideas but fails to balance them with characters that you empathise with. The dream sequences are expertly achieved and an example of fantastic art but some of the character designs left me underwhelmed.

Credit where credit is due, Felidae tries hard to be dark and different and deserves a look.
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Dark Whimsy
24 August 2012
Not to be confused with family viewing, The Suicide Shop is filled with politically incorrect humour throughout that goes against the expected, including death, depression and nudity. That said, it is done well with comedy and has a wonderful French soundtrack.

Those less accustomed to the wider range of animation in Europe may be left a bit baffled (or even insulted) by the narrative and design. There are many times that the references to suicide could be deemed offensive for those of a more sensitive nature. The animation is stylised and might not sit well with some. Equally there is something lacking in the ending that does not fit the tone instilled throughout.

The Suicide Shop is however unashamedly bold in its genre - it is funny, heartwarming and wonderfully grim at times. A great film to watch for something different and aesthetically entertaining. I do not know if there is an English dub, but I strongly recommend the french version.
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Not bad, actually!
1 February 2012
As a rather cynical horror movie viewer, I often rip to shreds 'scary' films. This one, though the ending was a little disappointing, remained entertaining and - unusually for horror - fairly believable. The relationship between the father and his children was jarred but sensitive, and as the daughter becomes increasingly strange his responses are also believable. The film was bold in that it showed the 'monster' very clearly within the first quarter of the film and left the audience stewing in uncertainty as to what it was for plenty of time after. There are plenty of creepy moments too, though not so many jump out of your seat moments. It's more of a thriller then a horror. The acting is firmly grounded in character development and the steady conclusion that reveals is well paced. The girl also manages to be creepy and miserable without being annoying. My only criticism would be the 'indian burial ground' in that is seemed too obvious to give the rather quirky mystery justice. Recommended viewing, though I cannot speak for the Japanese original that I have yet to see.
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Charming but a little Lacking
1 February 2012
The animation is very accomplished and clearly comprised of great talent, but the narrative sadly lets the film down. Though a clear narrative around the monster, there is a lack of character development with side characters being introduced before main characters, and too many tangents that go unfulfilled. Ultimately this makes the film a little boring, ending rather suddenly after uncertain attempts at romance. Despite an optimistic approach to music (with dance sequences being clearly the best parts of the film) there are only three or four songs, and it would have benefited from having singing throughout if it was going to use it at all (especially with the monster). The use of American voices is, in my opinion, rather forced, and the film would do better to have subtitles and be left in French as previously intended. All this said it was good fun, and I would recommend it as a wonderful example of french animation. Then again, from a completely blunt aspect, it does not have the promising narrative and scripting of its Pixar/Dreamworks rivals. In short - the monster is endearing. The other characters really have no place in the plot line.
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