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Amazing film
22 November 2021
From start to finish this had my husband and I in snitches. I'm a massive fan of the 'Rise I'd the foot solider' films and I have to say this was the funniest! I loved seeing more of Charlotte in this film as we only got snippet in the last one, loved how she played the lads of each other, she plays the role so well, proper little badun!. It was nice to see Andrew and Nick play roles in this film, Both of them are very good at directing/producing/writing but also good at acting too. The story is brilliantly written, and as for the end... I like how they did that (after credits) - they kept it real and British! And last by no means least... Craig Fairbrass gets better with age' all in all a cracking film... well done!
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Class film
22 November 2021
I had already seen the firs two movies based on the essex boys and the range rover murders, 'essex boys' was good but wasn't very truthfull and 'rise of the footsoldier' a brilliant movie and one of my favourites. So i was looking forward to 'bonded by blood' and it didn't disappoint, the cast was brilliant in there role's, the story was accurate, and the movie was also very funny, terry stone and tamer hassan were great together, and the scenes with tamer hassan and Vincent Regan was very tense. The movie looks a lot classier than 'rise of the footsoldier' and 'essex boys' and it's better made, the movie dosen't rely on ultra violence every few minutes unlike 'rise of the footsoldier' although there is still plenty of violence here, instead the movie focuses on the relationship of tamer hassan and Vincent Regan's characters 'pat Tate' and 'mickey Steele', and when they fall out, the movie get's very tense. Where as 'rise of the footsoldier' took a very realistic almost documentary approach to the material, 'bonded by blood' plays out more like a thriller, and if you didn't already know the story, you would't really know whitch way this was gonna go, but that aside, the movie sticks to the facts and presents them to you, sure there are some things that are left out of the movie, but 'rise of the footsoldier' already showed them, and why repeat the same thing over again. This is the most cinematic of the three essex boys movie's and probably has the best cast, it's a very nasty and violent story, and if your familiar with it, then you are gonna have an idea of what your expecting. The movie is quite violent, but toned down from 'rise of the footsoldier', more violent than 'essex boys though, and anybody expecting the very realistic and accurate range rover murders like in 'rise of the footsoldier' will be very disappointed, the murder does happen here, but it's quick, short and to the point, and the movie has a good ending that shows that this whole saga ruined many lifes. Fans of British gangster movies should definitely check it out, and ignore all the negative feedback from people that wanted an over blown violent romp like 'rise of the footsoldier', and remember that is one of my favourite films, but anybody wanting a solid British gangster movie, should definitely check this out. There are three other movies based on the essex boys and the range rover murders namely 2000's essex boys, 2007's rise of the footsoldier, and 2013's the fall of the essex boys.
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Outstanding film
22 November 2021
If you are like me, you forgot about the other films. There is no character build up for Eddie (Simon Phillips) but there really doesn't need to be as it develops nicely. There are flashbacks to the earlier films in the beginning, but it didn't really help me, and I have seen the films. It isn't until they mention the credit card scam, that I recalled the movies, which really wasn't necessary to enjoy this feature. Phew!

Eddie helps Mike avenge the killing of his wife by going against Russian mobster Dimitri (Akbar Kurtha). Not to give too much away, but Mike dies in the first scene. Damien (Josh Myers) who claims to be a friend of Mike's wants Eddie to tell him who was Mike's killer. Eddie balks at the idea, but then the title "Revenge in Rio" kinda lets you know what naming a book "Return of the King."

Be that as it may, Simon Phillips plays a great Eddie, reminding me of a British Paul Giamatti. The film is best described as an entertaining light crime drama.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Sephora Venites.
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22 November 2021
Ike Jacobs (Nick Nevern) has fallen on hard times. His friend Eddie (Simon Philips) offers him a job as a driver. He reluctantly accepts and wants to be sure he is not running drugs. As it turns out he is part of a credit card ring that steals information, manufactures cards, then uses the ATM machine to extract cash. They are stealing from banks.

The story includes Mike's girlfriend (Rita Ramnani), his love for football, and the involvement of law enforcement because guys putting cards into ATMs, taking out cash, and trying not to get caught doesn't even pass for entertainment on U-Tube.

The film claims it is based on a true story. This is a crime drama light on action but can still hold your interest. 3 1/2 stars.
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Vendetta (I) (2013)
22 November 2021
You can certainly tell when one is addressing a mentally-voluptuous, veteran collector of vainglorious celluloid villainy, when said stalwart individual proudly extols the ballistic, B-movie virtues of a criminally underrepresented, street-tough, British-made, blood n' thunder, vengeance-fueled thriller like 'Vendetta'. TV icon, Danny Dyer is a true credit to his craft, delivering a feisty, larger-than-life, yet entirely sympathetic, finely nuanced performance as a single-minded, emotionally-damaged, highly-trained ex-military misfit who has returned home after an especially fraught tour of duty to an anything but heart-warming welcome. The seemingly lawless, drug-raddled, thug-run city streets he is now confronted with, proving to be no less of a clear and present danger to him than the brutal war zones he only just narrowly survived. When the appointed system all-too readily turns a blind eye to the iniquitous perpetrators of violent street crime, and when an indifferent police force remains cruelly deaf to the victim's needful cries for justice, it is only the most righteous who will have the indomitable spirit to bloodily pluck out the offending orbs of those that have maligned them so egregiously! Because even the most broken, beleaguered and disenfranchised of men, with a glimmer of love in his heart can still make a difference! While it has often been said that two wrongs don't make a right, but if by enjoying Danny Dyer's righteously revenging bloodbath is wrong, I never want to be right again!
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Age of Kill (2015)
Loved it
22 November 2021
There are several glaring errors with the concept of Sam Blake being ex-special forces, not least that he chooses to take down a target from a multi-story car park, in the middle of the day. He is then so surprised by the appearance of Mr and Mrs Average, returning to their car, he completely loses his composure, makes a big scene and wheel-spins out of the building leaving two frightened and confused eyewitnesses and - more importantly - his spent cartridge case (or evidence, as forensic services like to call it).

But the biggest fail, in my opinion, was him walking into a battle-cruiser (boozer) carrying his lo-tech sniper rifle (albeit in a flight case), following his mark into the karzy (toilets) and going through a very prolonged punch-up with him; in black ops terms, the equivalent of strapping a large number of pots, pans, bells and cymbals to your kit before commencing a covert op. After he's finally managed to neutralise the target, he comes back out of the bogs (toilets) and is recognised by one of the customers. He immediately pulls out a Glock (never heard of a silencer, Mr Green Beret?) and leaves the nuclear sub (pub) with no sign of the big black gun case with which he had arrived - presumably a bit of a handicap for a crack-shot sniper with several target left on his to-do list.
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22 November 2021
Well the plot and acting wasn't something that would occur in the real word, but the characters are really likable, love the plot shift.. is fun to watch on a very good d.
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Enjoyable gangsters
22 November 2021
Not going to rehash the plot line but my expectations were minimal at first but the movie surprised me. But then again i'm an old fart like the protagonist and i've been around the street a few times myself mates.

Sit back and enjoy the relationship between these former bad boys reunited to avenge the death of one of their own. It's brimming with hilarity.

Might not be your cup of tea but i enjoyed the show. Of course you'll be cheering for the lads to give those ruffians a good thrashing.

Happy viewing.

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Pretty damned good
22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OK it's not going to win any Oscars but I've seen a lot worse, biggest surprise was Casey Batchelor acting skills, she's actually a good actress. Plot wasn't the best but it had it's good moments. Worth a watch if you want to pass an hour or so just don't be expecting too much out of it though

Get out here and buy it's on the shelves you tow rag Mike!!!
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Puke worthy
22 November 2021
2/10 the harder i puked Which west is this? Which like seriously which?

A modern western movie, thats the most ridiculous statement of justification i read for this movie.

Lets keep the west to the west. Thats all i can about this super excited actors playing the western cowboys.
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Midsommar (2019)
Utter dreck
22 November 2021
This is not a good movie by any stretch of the imagination. First of all the acting is horrendous. Especially the lead female, but all the Americans are horrible actors..

Next, with in the first 10 minutes of the movie, you know exactly where this is all heading. The directing is fine and the setting is lush but man that bad acting brings the film down.

The black guy and the husband or boyfriend or whatever he was are OK, but man that girl sucks.

The movie could also benefit for a running tim that is half its length.
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22 November 2021
What we get is not really a Krays film, but a Frank Mitchell story that features The Krays and for the most, this film belong to Josh Myers ( Screwed, Anti-Social) with his brilliant portrayal of Frank 'The Mad Axeman' as he tiptoes beautifully the super fine line between gentle giant and extremely scary mentally disturbed individual. I genuinely was on edge with the scenes when Frank would switch at the blink of an eye and whoever he was having a dialogue with would either make it to the next scene, or they might not be seen for the rest of the film. There are so many 'gem' scenes in this film, such as one involving Frank and his Mother, and another involving one of the Krays henchmen Albert Donoghue (wonderfully played by Chris Ellison who fits perfectly into this film) arranging a 'bedroom date' for Frank to keep him company. The film doesn't hold back its brutality that's for sure so be prepared. The film can be difficult to watch as noone will watch this film and like Frank Mitchell (id be worried if you did) but this is fantastic drama but also has a few perfectly placed nuggets of humour which in some ways lighten the tone of the film (when its needed) but also help to make you even more nervous for some of the characters when the humour is used in potentially dangerous situations.
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The Bezonians (2021)
22 November 2021
The is has all the shades of a guy Ritchie film but back when guy Ritchie was young and hungry.

The acting is great, the direction is spot on, the characters are all fleshed out brilliantly and the action has a brutal intensity,

Well done to all concerned for his effort. I predict great things for this crew.
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Belfast (2021)
Hey Ken, please go back to acting , you look like a partially cooked dough nut
22 November 2021
From the credits it went downhill. It is very disjointed. The movie is based upon a very somber history of the religious battles in Belfast. However it tries very hard to be funny, but in my opinion did not succeed. The Irish accents were very difficult to understand.
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Well connected brat gets to direct crud
22 November 2021
Probably a truely interesting man for that time during the early 20th century. But this flick just makes him look off-his-rocker. And the whole happiness and bliss in the perfect country cottage is just honey coated sentimental glop. And then the tragedy ! Such melodrama! And the rest of the flick just stumbles to a conclusion. I never was aware of the electrical life outside of him speaking the word elecricity.

I became bored with his recurring 'mental water hallucinations' and Mr. Wain is just annoying. Good luck enjoying this Crud.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
High Adventure
22 November 2021
I saw "Jungle Cruise", starring Dwayne Johnson-Ballers_tv, Baywatch_2017; Emily Blunt-the Quiet Place movies, The Wolfman_2010; Edgar Ramirez-Point Break_2015, The Bourne Ultimatum and Jesse Plemons-Judas and the Black Messiah, Battleship.

In case you haven't heard-and I don't see how you haven't, but-this movie is based on the Disneyland amusement park ride. On the ride, a skipper takes a group of people through the jungle on a boat ride that is surrounded by wild animals and nasty natives. And all the time, the skipper tells bad jokes or puns-some are so bad they are good. And just because it's a Disney movie doesn't mean it is suitable for little kids, because it's not-it's rated 'PG-13'. There are some scenes that might frighten little ones, as well as some of the bigger ones, too-my wife was squeezing my arm on several occasions. Dwayne plays the skipper that is hired by Emily-a sort of Indiana Jane-to be a guide to take her down the river in pursuit of a magical flower that grows only in a certain area of the Amazon. Edgar plays a conquistador that failed in his quest 400 years earlier to find the flower and Jesse plays a Nazi trying to find the flower to help Germany win the war-this story takes place around 1917. The effects are good and the story has a nice twist near the end and if you are a Metallica fan-like me-you will hear a new version of 'Nothing Else Matters'.

It's rated "PG-13" for adventure violence and has a running time of 2 hours & 7 minutes.
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Free Guy (2021)
22 November 2021
If you like video games comedy and action then you'll love Free Guy.

This movie came out of nowhere to have legs and make moolah.

She is gorgeous and he's funny , what is not to like in this film people.

Get watching.
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Dull as Ditch
22 November 2021
I turned off the movie after an hour. It was a struggle to watch. Hard to believe that the same guy that made the awesome Scott Pilgrim and Shaun of the Dead made this drivel. It was marketed as a horror, but why?

Also, the forced insertion of the black guy / white girl romance felt so jarring and out of place that it played a large role in sinking the movie for me. Why must so many movies, ads and series these days force this agenda down our throats? It's everywhere now. If the movie itself was actually decent then maybe I wouldn't have minded so much I guess. But the movie is mediocre and has nothing gripping or engaging about it, even at various points feeling very low budget shlock. The only notable feature for me was that the girl was from Redruth, Cornwall... which is where I grew up. To be fair, the first 30 minutes seemed to be somewhat promising, but it quickly degrades.

I would advise Edgar Wright to stick to his strengths, that which being comedy.

The casting is also puzzling. The main 2 actresses do a decent job with the material, but the rest of the cast is quite bad, especially the Doctor Who guy.

I would pass on this one, and that's disappointing to have to say as I was really liking forward to this as I love a good horror and Edgar Wright has made some great films in the p.
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Ma (I) (2019)
Octavia ma ma Mia
20 November 2021
Ma: Teenagers do stupid things, in slasher films, even in this psychological horror thriller. Ma (Octavia Spencer) acts strange and gives enough warning signs for any rational person to avoid her. But when have 16 year olds ever been rational. I remember the days when Juliette Lewis was always a teen threatened by psychos bur now she is 40-something Erica who moves back to small town Ohio with her daughter Maggie (Diana Silvers). Maggie soon meets up with Andy (Corey Fogelmanis) and his friends. They meet middle-aged Ma who agrees to buy alcohol for the gang. Soon ma is hosting parties not just for them but for students from all over town.

Ma is more than just a lonely older woman, from flashbacks we see she is carrying a grudge and a desire for vengeance for events which occurred decades ago. The threat, fear, and violence gradually build up so that when a shockingly violent event occurs you are less startled, like a lobster in slowly heating water you have become inured. But there are some shocking scenes in this film and it certainly isn't for the fainthearted. A failing is that too much of Ma's motivation is revealed or at least hinted at early on in the movie; it would also have helped if Ma's manipulative behaviour had been more implicit. Still a good thriller which morphs into frightening horror. Directed and co-written by Tate Taylor on a budget of only $5 million. 8/1.
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Mountain Dew
20 November 2021
I was actually quite amazed at how funny, smart and terrific "Harold And Kumar Go To White Castle" was. I was actually preparing myself for the stupidest movie imaginable. While this movie DOES have it's juvenile moments, it's also filled with some REALLY clever ideas and lines that made this one extremely enjoyable. This movie is about two stoners (with actual bright futures), who after a night of toking, get the munchies and decide that White Castle is the only way to go! Thus, this begins a SERIOUSLY funny road trip with racist cops, raccoons and uh, Neil Patrick Harris met along the way! John Cho and Kal Penn do a great job as the title stoners here, but they are almost eclipsed by the great supporting cast. Look for breakout Canadian actor (and personal fave) Dov Tiefeenbach as a particularly zonked weed dealer). But I think my favorite characters are the EXTREEEEEME dudes who do nothing but do EXTREEEEEME sports, eat EXTREEEEME Doritos and drink Mountain Dew! They also say "Extreme" a lot. These guys gave me the extreme giggles. They were great. A real surprise, this is something I wouldn't mind owning.
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Dude love it dude
20 November 2021
This is the story of Jesse and Chester, a couple of guys in their twenties that are best friends and roommates. They also smoke so much weed that they are in a state of permanent stupor. They get up to go see their girlfriends and find that Jesse's car has gone missing, along with whatever anniversary gift they have for their ladies. They go on an adventure to track down the events of the previous night which leads them to a plot to protect the universe.

Disclaimer; this is a stupid movie. This is a shut your brain off and laugh for about a solid hour kind of movie. Nothing about this movie screams Casablanca or Citizen Cane. If you lack the ability to just shut down and laugh then you should avoid this movi.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
The script is poor
18 November 2021
The storyline IS something out of that time period though and that's not necessarily a good thing. It could have been if handled properly but the script is clunky and the film overstays its welcome by a good thirty minutes. Had they trimmed the script and tightened it, it could have been an "okay" film but I almost gave up an hour into the film. At the hour and a half point there is an obvious twist which IS fun for about 5 minutes. Had this been at the end of the film (like the franchise "Saw" does) then unexpecting audience members would walk out with shock and have something to talk about. But no, the film carries on to try and wrap things up... Except it doesn't wrap things up and I can't say "why" because it will ruin it for people.

It's a shame this film turned out to be so lacklustre because I had high hopes for it but, honestly, this is such a misfire I don't understand how it even came to be.
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Stop making these films please
18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why do people keep watching these films? Why do people keep talking about how excited they are to see The Conjuring each year? You saw the past seven films, surely by now you should know better. This is the same derivative Conjuring film we've come to expect and I shouldn't even have to type this review. You should have known by the title that this one was not worth your time, or anyone else's for that matter.

"You love it, don't you? Keep watching our trite movies and shoveling that popcorn down your gullets." <-- That's what they're thinking as you continue to support these absolutely embarrassing excuses for films. They don't view you as a person when you watch these films. You're merely data, and they think they're entitled to your time and money.

Thankfully it's a step up from The Nun, The Curse of La Loorona, and Annabelle, but unfortunately it's not good enough to earn a 1/10 from me. Except on these sites where 1/10 is the lowest I'm allowed to rate such moist trash.
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Paul & his wife continue destroying cinema
18 November 2021
From beginning to end I had no idea what was going on, what was happening from moment to moment, or why any confusing thing that happened occurred.

Having never played the video game I don't know what it's about, but from this movie and the title I think it might be about stabbing dragons and dinosaurs with knives.

Also judging by this movie the game had no real plot or reason for events, just here's some stuff to stab, now go stab it. So I'm going to assume it was a faithful adaptation of a game that was probably more about gameplay than story.

Starring Milla Jovovich as the most kick-ass super powered protagonist in a limp-wristed video game adaptation I was not even remotely surprised it was by Paul WS Anderson. It has literally everything you would expect from him, and nothing else.
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Bad direction
18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Literally nothing about the WHY of their characters, zero exploration of their motivations. Just cliche. And it all adds up to a big fat nothing. I cannot stress enough that the reason Sopranos worked is because it took the time to explore each character, even relatively minor ones. They were all crafted with love, and the stories benefited tremendously for it. These characters... were not.

And yes a big part of it could be blamed on the time limitation. But that's why this story should have either been a miniseries -- so the writers had time to develop the characters properly -- or a simple character study of young Tony with his father and uncles, without trying to cram in a morality play about the Newark riots AND introductions to the entire extended family, each with their own mini-stories to follow.

I cannot believe David Chase allowed this. Was he behind on his mortgage or something, because it's obviously a cheap cash-grab. Very sad.
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