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Baldr Force EXE (2006– )
Not bad but not good
27 April 2024
I don't believe it deserves as low as a rating as it has on here but I'm not going to defend it all that much either.

Here we have a virtual world meets Mech hybrid and that pretty much sums it up. There's no new concepts or anything really new or unique it's just a group of hackers that go into the net and fight against some government entity and a larger more brooding enemy then presents itself in the form of a virus blah blah blah. The plot is uninspired, one doesn't really develop any attachment to any of the characters, the cg is not stellar but am a fan of the Gatling guns on the mechs so there's that.

There's really not a lot to say about this anime. I know it's an OVA but it's a little too underdeveloped but again it's not all that bad. The antagonists are delightfully diabolical, it has that late eighties early nineties devilry cry attitude towards some of the violence and sexual situations ...which let's be honest is what we are looking for in an OVA...well sometimes ...mostly.

It brings nothing new to the table but it also doesn't take anything away. If you're looking to kill some time, feel a lil geeky, there's worse that you can watch 6.7/10.
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Wow! What a delightful surprise
26 April 2024
From the very start I thought I was going to be watching a girl's slice of life melodrama or something given the cover art and the opening theme song but it was also really hard to tell what I was getting into given the wacky title. I mean "Wonder Egg Prioority" ? Only you Japan.

The beginning starts off as one would expect: slow and mopey but almost immediately takes a this brutal right hook. It immediately adds fantasy, sci-fi action into this mix that was initially presented as a boo-hoo woe me kind of show. AND... said action is quite brutal and visually spectacular. This whole show is animated so beautifully. Every individual episode feels like part one of an OVA at least. The animation studio is CloverWorks who is apparently rocking it (Ex: SpyxFamily. Darling in the Franxxx) . I can't stress how good this show looks.

The writing keeps you engaged and tackles some serious issues without becoming too melodramatic and instead squeezes some brutal, gorgeous imagery in-between to cleanse the mental pallet. Not to say that it cops-out from acknowledging feelings, it actually at times felt like hints of Evangelion and some Satoshi Kon on its tackling of reality, self, and depression. Totally give this a try! 8.28/10.
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Lupin III: Part III (1984–1985)
Inconsistant but has a sweet end theme
25 April 2024
I'm not too sure why keep giving Lupin the Third a try but it is what it is. Maybe because of it's lasting impact on anime (I mean i don't think we would have Cowboy Bebop if not for Lupin so thanks a ton for that Lupin) also Miyazaki showed all of us how good a Lupin the third story can be if handled appropriately. This iteration of Lupin had it's pros. The first 20 episodes or so were actually pretty good. The storylines were more mature and the slapstick and ridiculous action sequences were not so cartoonish and over the top as in lagter episodes.

As the series progresses the animation and storylines become more inconsistent. Some episodes are just drawn badly it looks like a rush job or idk something happened. But when the animators are taking their time it looks prettty good direction and all. I am one of the few who actually dig the color scheme of this version of Lupin although a fan of how Jigen looks. His hair is too poofy. It dont look right. Jigen is still a cool cat and fujiko is much more well-rounded as a character not just this devious vixen as she is usually portrayed.

If you're a fan of the series. I would say give this a try, if not just watch the first few episodes.
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Great animation
29 March 2024
This is on of the better origin stories that if watched not because like any lupin movies after trhe original series does it provid a form of nostalgia but it isnt afraid to diverge in style and tone from it's source material similar to the superior Catle of Cagliostro made by the great Miyazaki. But i really had to say i was delightfully suprised by how much i enjoyed this not so film, film.

Like Detective Conan, Naruto or even One Piece. The Lupin series have become almost iconic. But with these long lasting series comes the inevitable affect of inconsistency through-out the series. That's why the movies all something to look forward to. You might not have the strongest storyline but you ccan almost certainly bet that atleast the animation wont be sloppy and this movie really impressed me with it's animation. The action sequences were pretty cool and refrained from too much of the slapstick tropes that Lupin the Third series was somewhat known for (and in my opinion plagued with. It took much more of a film noir type of feel which i really appritated especially given that this is about a hip group of self-made these and given in the perspective of the gunwielding smoking Jigen (lol). The animation's only flaws came in the scenes with Goema which speaking as a big fan of swordfights and swordplay, he always lets me down with that bs of sword that cuts thru anything

It felt really cool seeing these characters in a more gritty down to earth type of way. And should give it a definite watch if your a fan of the series. I personally think the show and characters are alright but i doubt we would've ever had Spike Spiegel if not for Lupin the Third

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a well animated episode
24 March 2024
As it would be expected from a successful anime series, this movie hits on all the leveles, if you are a fan of the series that is. The animation stand out a lot but you cant help but feeel that the story is just a stand-in episode.there was so much action sequences (specifically with cars) that really made me gush and long for the old school style of animation. I enjoyed the level of violence that this film took but at the end of the day for better or worse this series is about traffic cops so...yeah not so exciting or sexy. The makers of this film. Knew to stay true to its source material but unfortunately its source material was rather dull drawn out banality If you're gonna make a movie give it a compelling plot. Again; the animation was on point but the storyline was quite bland.
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You're Under Arrest! (1994–1995)
vroom vroom with your nineties animation
8 January 2024
I'm a big sucker for nineties animation. Drawn by hand no CG (Chef's kiss) plus, since it was made in the nineties, there is still the lack to tend to western sensibilities. I know it might sound clique but anime is now more "main stream".

The concept of this OVA is rather simple which is another reason why I like it. It cuts straight to the point, doesn't pretend to be more than it is. It keeps it simple and clean (shout out to all my Kingdom Hearts fans). These two opposing characters get buddied up as partners and end up becoming somewhat badass traffic cops together. As much of a badass of a traffic cop one can be. I mean no guns small cars. But as I said in the beginning the animation does numbers. They storylines are a tad cheesy but the racing scenes truly remind me of watching Initial D for the first time. And since its an OVA it really helps its only a few episodes long.

I haven't seen the series yet but if you liked initial d or hajime ippo give this a go.
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The Bridge (I) (2013–2014)
A delightful surprise
30 June 2023
I was initially under the impression that I was watching the original but soon found I was watching the American counterpart. Still good and poignant I had severe doubts giving the fact that it has to do with the Mexican-American border and mainstream Hollywood has a tendency to white-wash roles and the general writing but aside from one or two instances the characters who spoke Spanish were actually Spanish speaking and it succeeded in humanizing rather than demonize it's subject matter. My only true qualm about this show is that it's main character is supposedly autistic and that fact became less and less as a believable thing. Not to say I'm a professional when it comes to autism but she certainly became much more involved and active in her relationships as the season went along. Though that and the strange editing in-between seasons (Season 2 was more like season 1.5 plus 'half a season) this a really good show I stumbled upon by mistake 7.38/10.
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Dune (1984)
David Lynch's worst outing
29 June 2023
It's hard to pinpoint just one thing that makes this an almost unbearable shipwreck. Is it the corny acting? The dated visual effects? The scatter-brained rushed story-telling? Take your pick.

Yes the studio interference made this one of David Lynch's biggest woes but he had no business taking on a big-budget....anything. Lynch should stick to short intimate weird human introspective. This ends up feeling like an attempt by a glue-sniffing junior to make a Terry Gilliam film. The CGI is a complete joke and almost insulting even for TV standards let alone a big movie release. Kyle Maclachlan's acting makes me want to laugh (in a bad way) but the set designs have a spark of true genius. That last part is probably the only good thing I got out of the poor excuse for a movie 4.6/10.
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Chernobyl (2019)
28 June 2023
Wow. Just wow. Not since Game of Thrones have I been this not only addicted but incredibly impressed by a show. It's short compelling and sweet. I'm not to sure about it's historical accuracy but it was so terribly entertaining and produced and ...acted. I can't give this anymore praise and if you haven't seen it you are doing yourself a disservice.

This is skillfully handled in terms of the writing and it's multifaceted character development. Some of the best actors show up to play ball here and you can almost feel the radiation and claustrophobia. My only regret is that it wasn't longer but it very effectively told the story that it wanted to tell and left me thinking about the human plight.

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Manhattan (2014–2015)
Not quite history
28 June 2023
When I heard there was a television show being filmed in my hometown of Santa Fe I wads like "what? Really? What show?" they told me they were going to put it on the WGN I was like "what channel is that?". Now given the fact that it aired in any obscure network with not the largest of budgets this did relatively well.

There was a surprising amount of talent backing this up. Sam Shaw of 'Masters o0f Sex' fame was the show runner. John Benjamin Hickey did an outstanding job as the lead and the rest of the cast actually have some acting chops. The low quality of the production gets in the way at times but all in all its fairly solid. Yes, the historical accuracy is well not really there and it tends to focus more on the interpersonal melodrama of the people living in this secluded town. So if you're looking for something informative and factual this is not really it (yet another reason why it should have aired in the History Channel) you'll probably have better luck with Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer but for what it is, it was pretty solid.
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Hand-drawn animation. of the 90's is grand
22 June 2023
Just think of anime other Inuyasha, Bleach or Naruto movie and you'll get the basic concept/plot. But image those side ops made with mid 90's top grade animation. I'm talking detailed explosions, blood, dismemberments, moody cityscapes and general 90's anime movie lighting [chef's kiss] A new enemy introduced to disrupt the well documented life of that of our beloved protagonist to make a godd story (and a quick buck for the producers) but the story is non-canon. But unlike those other movies this was more akin to the early Dragon Ball Z movies where it was a cheesy set up to get all these characters together (whom we already know but for the sake of the three people coming in to watch this movie withiout knowing who they were) come together to face a new foe but that foe turns out to be rather well thought out or pretty cool; have a side story even. Saying that, this wouldve worked better as a mini arc. Not that it felt rushed but this really didnt feel like a movie but a half of a story. (which i wouldnt have minded hearing

The only thing was that the character designs were really weak for the newcomers. These new malicious entities looked like they all borrowed outfits from an esentric rock lobster.

It's rewally worth it for the old school anime feel and lack of CG . Handdrawn animation is best always.
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Kroll Show (2013–2015)
Nick Kroll's remind me of Georgia O'Keefe paintings
22 June 2023
This is one of the better skit shows post Chappelle Show.

Nick Kroll is surprisingly funny and yes it took the success of his wildly popular Netflix show Big Mouth for me to even further investigate his comedic in devours, I'm glad I stubbled across this little hidden gem.

The main difference between this and other skit comedy shows is instead of keeping it vague and open to a broader promise of diversity because he makes more 'characters' every other skit revolves around one of the same characters.

Don't get me wrong some characters are hilarious (personally a big fan of Liz and Armound) but other characters can be "eh" or not your cup of tee and I guess that's where the shows main flaw is. Once you're not a fan of a particular skit you're just going to ride it out because the same character is coming back the next episode.

Was good for some big laughs just got a little played out ps what was the deal with these awkward in-between moments interviewing guests and writers? That didn't work for me.

All in all I give it 6.4 knee slaps to of 10.
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Hemlock Grove (2013–2015)
Thank goodness for Jean Grey
22 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting another Vampire Diaries, Twilight nonsense but I was delightfully surprised. It ended feeling like more of a low budget American Horror story knock-off but still better than the aforementioned debacles. It started off pretty well with it's mysterious atmosphere which left you wondering what new element or ghoul or secret this show will throw at you next . Because it had werewolves, some weird hunter lady, some succubus-like character played by Jean Grey! And just a general curiosity inspiring feel that makes you feel like "what the heck is going on in this town" As the show progressing though it became very obvious that the writers even didn't know where they were going with this and what aspects they wanted to focus on like either the werewolf dude main character and his bromance with the creepy boy or maybe the big building with its creepy secrets or any other number of things. It was juggling around too many things and didn't have the appropriate talent to handle this task. This included the acting. The two main characters were very poorly played along with a handful of others. It became rather eyeballing and pretty unbearable at points. I was rather disappointed by that Bill boy who plays IT in the movie IT but I'll chop that up to writing The setting is intriguing and the goriness is fantastical not to mention some pretty great practical effects (like when the werewolf transformation happens). This is a nice detour from the typical high budget Hollywood blah blah blahs and a good fix for those fans of campy horror flicks just close your eyes once the emotional depth is attempting to be dug up. 4.7/10.
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No dreams inspired by this team
21 June 2023
If you watched the Last Dance and got a glimpse of what true inspiration looks like don't expect to get anything out of this.

This documentary just shows how the Dream Team was abominable and the new US team a disappointment and a boring ego driven spectacle. Every player is simply unremarkable and has little to no charisma (aside from Dwayne Wade). Same with the coaches. There really seemed to be no heart in this. And by the end you feel unaccomplished and like you simply sat through an hour of drab conversations and some okay highlight reels.

Was the goal of this film to show a "good" comeback story? Feed off these basketball documentary trends? Remind people that modern day basketball players are human? Maybe be patriot? Whatever the goal it failed.

Was an okay watch as a backdrop to cooking 6.36/10.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
The new Battlestar Gallactica
11 June 2023
Woah! Talk about bingeworthy Sci-fi. Jeez. This really took me by surprise not just for it's visual splendor but by it's compelling story and world building.

I walked into this not expecting very much and walked out with eyeballs full of magnificence and a head full of ...well, wonder. There are few sci-fi shows that live up to my expectations of what sci-fi should be and this indeed proved to be one of them. Of course it's not without it's flaws much like Star Wars it's only true weaknesses are it's drawn out political aspects and either poorly acted or straight up bad characters.

Yes it's a little drawn out, some character arcs are worthless tedious aggravating messes but when it shine it's truly one of the funnest rides on television. Not perfect or great but a really fun addicting ride. Worth the watch.
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Demon Prince Enma (2006–2007)
His hat needs more air time
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Basically Demon Prince Enma is about group of demon hunters in modern day Japan consisting of a Kappa, a fire demon wizard looking fellow (Enma), and a snow wizard gal in a Kimono (Yukihime). Why people don't really make more of a deal about people looking like these walking about beats me, maybe they accept it as cosplay which in one episode when the Kappa goes to this night club he explains that he tells people its a suit but whatever not really all that important. This demon hunting squad is quite terrible to be honest. They often let the demon go threw a couple of victims before corning the demon and ...asking it whether it wants to turn itself in or die.... REALLY?

Anyway the limited action is pretty sucky. It's basically Enma dodging and aiming his wand maybe missing a time or two the kappa maybe giving some distraction and yukihime (the only one with some real talent) arriving tardy. Im telling you the team is pretty weak. Oh, except for Enma's hat. His hat is pretty cool and quite informative...but is only awake for short periods of yeah pretty weak team.

This is a short OVA based on some older manga and not too old anime which im not planning on watching but i don't think it's really needed to watch or read sense its more like a stand-alone OVA. That said, it could do with just a tad of background or even attempt character developement. It basically feels like a campy horror movie where characters are there just to experience and react to this unfortunate spooky circumstancdes. You really dont get attached or fond of any character (again, aside from the hat).

SSpeaking of it being similar to a campy horror movies; the BLOOD. It really does not shy away from blood and some trully gruesome spooky scenes. The spooky tone of the OVA is due to some really good art direction that keeps its scens and the enviroment dark or dim and the color pallet which is similar to that of the original Boogiepop Phantom. The tone is also masterfully hadled by it's director who also directed Elfen Lied which means he also does not shy away from female nudity. (Not sure why i added that in but i did) He also likes to work with CG but the CG used is under-developed and clashing with the animation. Also it looks quite silly.

The first episode is so so. The second one is really the reason to watch. The last two episodes seem different than the last two. It takes a turn and not for the better. Rather than being an individual case file it a two parter about yukihime being possesed and abducting folk. In those episodes we are introduced to three unnecessary new characters. The end twist is good but not sure worth hearing the lame stories of these two random gals which for no reason other than extending the story are introduced.

All in all, it's okay and if you're looking for something spooky and not hair-pulling terrifying this a good little fix.
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MacGruber (2021)
Surprisingly Hilarious
8 June 2023
Wow. I did not expect this to be THIS funny. I never saw the original skits or the movie but did see snippets of each which do this masterclass in comedy a disservice. I'm serious, every other line is a belly buster it almost seems like if Anchorman was made into a series but as opposed to anchorman the plot/ story of this is although not intricate is enough to carry it out 9 episodes without seeming tired or like they are trying to fill in time to get to the conclusion of its premise.

I love that it was only 8 or so episodes long in this age of every series having at least twelve or more. It almost seems like this weird's dumb. Anyway, Will Forte is hilarious, and Kristen Wig is remarkable tag team. Their ongoing joke of describing their sexual exploits is phenomenally comfortable, the violence is over the top, bloody and perfect. Oh and Sam Elliot shows up. This was the biggest surprise of my watches this month. I give it a 8.68/10.
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Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
Not sure if I'm going to stick around
8 June 2023
There really need to be more tv shows failed by the awesome might of Netflix based on rather obscure comic books. Though it took me a while to get into (mainly due to the overt use of narration) after a couple of episodes I eventually did. The tone is delightfully dark yet playful and isn't afraid of a little murder or too. Yeah the story gets over the top especially later on but it's based on a comic what do you expect?

Now the downside: there was a famous director that once said to never try to direct children or animals this has hybrid children animals so it was doomed to suffer in the acting department from the get go. The main actor isn't terrible though his character continuously makes decisions and emotes in increasingly cringe-worthy fashions but once more hybrid children enter the fold it really sinks the ship (I'm looking at you zoo kids! I'm looking at you!).

The lil animatronic beaver boy Bobby is beyond adorable and perhaps the best actor amongst the kids. The Big Guy and the Dr Eggman-esque villain are also a plus.

Definitely on a downward spiral season three is going to come out sometime later this year not terribly invested to catch the ending 7.26/10.
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Modern Love (2019–2021)
I should have known
6 June 2023
After being consistently annoyed or disappointed by the pretentiousness of these "I live in New York" movies and tv shows (I realize that a number of people will stop reading after that line) I again found myself annoyed and disappointed by this series.

I understand that each episode is based of essays for the New York time but (bleh) to overt use of narration. Bleh I say!

The only real reason I gave this a go was for the Tina Fey episode which was good but every other one was almost like pulling teeth for me. Aside from the Anne Hathaway one which took a delightful turn. Yes it may boast a plethora of famous actors and charming stories or what not but really we just watched it for Tina. Just give the people what they want: another show starring Tina Fey.

I dropped this after episode 6.
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Should have been shorter
6 June 2023
Well once you make something with the Blade Runner moniker you have to tread very lightly in some rather large shoes and this did a rather good job. I dont really believe it gets the amount of dislike that it does especially if you don't drop it midway (which I was tempted to do).

The animation which although im not a huge fan of CG is actually pretty phenomenal aside from some character designs (those who know, know). And the music direction Im not a hundred percent sure but for the ambient music used I'm pretty sure someone borrowed Vengalis' synth pad so the music was on point aside of course for the ending theme songs (kinda lame) The action sequences especially in the later episodes were very well choreographed I was really happy bout how fluid and somewhat realistic they turned out. Like really though.

In closing if you make it through the hump you won't feel completely swindled. The story is a little weak in the middle but all in all it didn't make me or Ripley Scott cry.

I give it a 6.52/10 = watch it if you want I guess.
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High Noon (1952)
shoot out was worth it
15 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I first must say this: i care not for westerns. now that that's out of the way, this was pretty fair. I can't say I cared too much for Gary Cooper's performance. It seemed stale. (i was gonna add a clever simile but I'm drawing a blank here.) Grace Kelly is beautiful and amazing and this lawyer fellow played by a Mr Otto Kruger was simply superb, totally stomping the yard all over Cooper's acting and totally introducing me to now one of my new favorite supporting actors (Kruger where hast thou been? Supporting some lesser actors?) He shoulda been in some lead roles! The story made me reminisce of Tombstone (a movie that's a little too close to my bosom. I was thinking of applying a restraining order on it at some point..mainly on Val Kilmer) only to my gleeful surprise the the marshal received no help xcept for his wife at the end. iT WAS THE GREAT BADASS story of one against many for that one has the only pair of cajones in the entire town (You're all cowards townsfolk! Cowards!). And as I proclaimed in the summary, the shoot out was indeed worth the build up... it's actually quite a short movie...maybe that's why I liked it. There wasn't very much dilly dallying. Side-qualm: The musical score is a bit much and heavy with the cheddar in terms of lyrics. but its bearable . It looks nice, it's concise and has some grand supporting actors 6.7 / 10
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oh pesci, you and your yutes
6 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was actually surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie. Joe Pesci (am i spelling that wrong?) is a delightful fiery munchkin and Marissa Tomei does a great job at speaking rather loudly. the plot is.. well rather simple like most comedies (comedies aren't usually my cup of tea) but it really doesn't grow stale. I had a lot of fun with Pesci's obliviousness of legal procedures. His obliviousness wasn't hyperbolized to the point where if one really thinks about it you would wonder 'what is this fellow doing as an attorney? this is complete balderdash! arg!!!!' like lesser writers would of done * see Liar Liar*. I kinda felt like I was learning alongside Pesci and trying to prove their innocence myself which was fun. I'm a sucker for any story which tugs at the heartstrings of my schoolboy crush on critical thinking and detective work. *i'm blushing just thinking about solving a case....what? ain't nothing' weird about that. There was a delightful sinister vibe concerning the case and the peeps accusing the defendants for a while which at the end turns out to be nothing more than a teaser but it added to the fun of the film. The music is cheesy, the resolution is a tad absurd (marissa tomei knowing that much about cars, tire tracks, and every car model ever? really? come on.) and ...well.. actually thats about it for the flaws. All in all a fun movie. Not great but fun. 6.9/10 haha yutes
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Match Point (2005)
Haven't i seen this before?
5 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Is it just me or did monsieur Allen recycle an idea and add a murder scene? That aside it is definitely one of the best looking pictures he has done (Scarlett Johansen may have to take some credit for this fact... she pretty... ). The cast are all quite swell and quite delightfully British but i think the fact that it does have a British cast and it takes place in the UK gives it a little bit of undeserved suaveness. I feel people ranked this much higher due to its 'sleek' smart blah blah blah but the fact is that if this was an American cast uttering these lines people wouldn't be quite so impressed and/or dismiss the lack of humour (i'm using the u cause thats the way they do it across the sea) in a Woody Allen movie. All in all though a good movie that tackles those tough and saucy issues of fidelity, economic standing and whether Scarlett Johansen is just a bad actress with a dashing looking face (and other parts too) or...well one cant concentrate looking at such a beautiful face. Dammit Scarlett you deceptecon !!!! 7.4/ 10
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