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True Detective: Night Country: Part 4 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 4
Even Jodie Foster Can't Hold Up This Show
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have to believe Jodie yelled "Cut!!" A billion times and asked for a recast and fought with everyone involved in this dumpster fire of a season. The acting around her is so so so bad. Kali Reis is so terrible that I laughed out loud this episode saying, "This is so bad, so so bad!" despite the coping/reacting to the grim death of her sister.

Aside from Jodie Foster's character, it is hard to buy-in to anyone and care about them. I like the setting, how it is shot and the weaving in of supernatural forces at work, but the writing and poor acting truly sinks this. All these characters are intersecting in a disjointed way that is not building character development well let alone moving along the story. It almost gives a Twin Peaks vibe in moments where it's trying to be something, especially with Fiona Shaw's character (who is compelling in all of her scenes so far).

Will i keep watching? Probably. After this episode going off the rails, it's hard to look away lol.
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School Spirits (2023– )
Stopped After 1 Episode
8 December 2023
Not sure if these 10/10 reviews were bought? I just find it very hard ti believe anyone would think this is a perfect homerun. The acting is so bad it's distracting, and I got the instant sensation that this will be a rehash of so many other similar shows and movies. Think 13 Reasons Why meets Roar, throw in a stereotypical gay guy checking every sad, tragic stereotype box and you've likely got a forgettable, been done story. Something to pass the time, not sure why Netflix would invest in something like this, but the platform is going toward trash tv and more mediocre original shows than not.
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The New Owners Have rRuined The Place
19 October 2023
I had to stop watching once I saw the 2 Parker Brothers Ouija boards on the mantel and the raggedy ann doll in a case like Anbabelle was kept by the Warren's. Like, c'mon! The place is creepy enough without these two opportunists decorating for Halloween like 12 year olds. Shocked the original family sold to them. When i saw the overall 3.8 rating here, i never should have attempted. I blame a tik toker hyping this up lol.

Anyway, go watch the buzzfeed episode on this house; way more interesting and they have the lights off so you don't have to see the garage sale spooky decor all over the house.
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Glass Onion (2022)
If Bad Acting Was Intentional To Throw Us Off The Scent, They Nailed It!
30 December 2022
My expectations going into this were mid-range, having seen the first movie a few times and feeling that fell just a bit short of a really good whodunit. I was immediately distracted by the bad acting (I don't remember Kate Hudson being this bad?), and Edward Norton and Daniel Craig could barely hold them up (maybe the budget was blown mostly on them). I found myself not caring who did it and stayed until the end as it all unraveled into stupidness. This needed better character actors and a more believable foundation-everyone seemed glee-ridden to get the box from Miles but then resentment at being beholden to him later on as things (awkwardly and clumsily and ham-handedly) unfolded. Again, better actors could have delivered here) Solid idea, bad supporting cast and a collapse at the end that really sunk it for me.
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This could have had broader appeal with the right bones in place
7 October 2022
I came into this not knowing anything about Anthony Bourdain except that he had something to do with food and travel and killed himself. I figured this documentary was a great way to go further and learn. As I write this now I'm still unsure about what made him famous and what made his shows so important, which means this documentary failed to really frame and land that. More telling us (all those fans closing in his world) than showing us. Yes, they showed him talking to important celebrity interviewers and with celebrities in general, but i never got why. For someone who had no idea who he was up until he made headlines for killing himself, I was questioning whether I lived under a rock and this man was living a fan and paparazzi-riddled life of the likes of Michael Jackson or his fame in a smaller circle was simply more than he wanted. The people interviewed were compelling and added very different and candid perspectives. I think in this case having the ample footage and outtakes they did of Anthony beckons the question of how much should they have used as it felt like they kinda went ham on it and it was eventually distracting and not serving any intention, and certainly not the intention of framing why this man was important enough to make this documentary. He smoked, he traveled, he ate different foods but I'm sure there has to be more that just wasn't driven home, or you have to come to this a fan to appreciate it.
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The bigger question: why is anyone talking to Chris Wallace?
6 October 2022
I was pleased to see the 3.6 rating when I googled this after watching episodes. I half-heartedly made it through the interview with Shania Twain, then listened to Alex Rodriguez's ego and him fall all over Warren Buffet...a I stopped listening to it and felt pretty disgusted. It occurred to me as I looked at the rest that I don't care about what any of these people are up to, and not confident Chris Wallace was going to make me care with the right questions. The two I watched struck me as very curated and scripted, lacking any real moments that come from curve ball questions or the right follow-up questions. Add on the tone and cadence of Chris' voice that harkens back to broadcasting yonder and should have died with Cronkite, and I am left wondering who gave this the green light.
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Uncoupled (2022–2023)
Disappointed In Neil Patrick Harris
3 October 2022
I made it twenty minutes before I was choking on all the stereotypes, pretension and hackneyed narratives and relationships. It's 2022 and I still feel like I'm in the 90s watching a show portraying gay men and the people around them as they always have. It's damaging, representative of few and should not be supported. I wish we could get to a stage where writers don't pander to what straight people think gay is to gain viewership. I expected much more, and for someone who took awhile to be publicly out, I expected Neil to want to have impact with a role as a gay man, not step into a vapid stereotype and keep this narrow view of gay men going that actually keeps more men closeted who don't see themselves represented often enough in movies and tv.
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One thing I know for sure: I've had my fill of home birthing scenes
27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think the scene in which Laena has the wherewithal to get to her dragon for suicide by fire is the ceiling of medieval birthing (even though it is inaccurate to the book in which she wanted one last ride before her death). So, can we just be done with birthing scenes for the season?

At the end of episode 5, the king seems to be at death's door, the queen arrives dressed in defiance and into episode 6 and 10 years later and the king is muddling along with that pesky cough and thinning long hair and no real strife or war or plotting the whole time? C'mon! Also, were new actors really needed given the amazing effects of make-up to age the queen and princess? Or better yet they just could not have aged a day like Daemon and Criston. Must have a good skincare routine.

Another reviewer mentioned not being able to connect to anyone, and I fully agree. If this show was cancelled after this episode, I'd be very okay. The same writers that ran GOT into the ground seem to be dropping the ball on details and continuity as well as casting (and a mediocre cast can't be buoyed up by lack of tight and compelling writing). I watch to watch but not left desperate for Sunday at 9pm EST.
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House of the Dragon: King of the Narrow Sea (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Bad Cinemax After Hours Soft Core Porn
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How is this getting a good rating?! An hour wasted that does not move the plot along, bad sex scenes, overreaction from the king and ends with the princess drinking the Plan B tea. The princess is not sexy at all and the acting keeps her one dimensional and boring (a more dynamic actor was needed here) Literally that is all that happened in this episode instead of the proper character development needed. What were the writers thinking? Give me a Theon Greyjoy sex with a prostitute scene any day over this after hours medieval themed porn. Not sure why this episode frittered away time that could have been used to deepen characters.
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American Horror Stories: Facelift (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
Had Potential
26 August 2022
I agree with the Death Becomes her vibes; evident in the details of set and costuming. Sadly, it takes a wrong turn and falls very flat. I'd make a comparison to Hitchcock and The Twilight Zone, but that would be giving it too much credit. Not enough character development to care and a missed opportunity to reimagine the cost of chasing youth in a more compelling and realistic way.
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Gayle Wasn't In It
16 July 2022
That's all.

Boring. This ensemble does not pull off breaking into song; Family Guy somehow does. I wanted this to feel like the show but bring the BIG, and it did not even bring the elements of it's top episodes. No dedicated fan should be able to get through this and think, WOW!
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Grace and Frankie (2015–2022)
when they were "tricked" into a retirement community...
7 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The writers could not seem to recover what i think was a critical error in having the audience believe these two would be duped into moving into a retirement community by their kids. It was a definite turning point, and not in a good way. After that it just got more far-fetched and Robert's theater life was pulled into focus to give more to the Robert/Sol storyline, and i found myself either not paying attention or fast-forwarding through. The Brianna/Grace business nemesis's dynamic also went too far. Throw in some flashback scenes that fall flat and you've got this muddled show barely hanging together that could have stayed smart and tight all the way through. This show is the only thing that comes close to Golden Girls and the writers frittered it away and i don't know why. Hopefully the final episodes will bring the show back to it's roots.
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i kept telling myself to stay with it and it'll get better...
21 March 2022
If you care about the excruciating details of how every person came to have a hand in this show, this is for you. I just couldn't keep with it even though i wanted ti know what sank the show.
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