
73 Reviews
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Ali (2001)
13 April 2024
As someone who was never much of a boxing fan, I watched this movie hoping to learn more about Ali. The problem is, the movie didn't help at all. I spent a great deal of the movie on the internet Googling things trying to find out the significance of something or why something happened. I couldn't tell, most of the time, if the director disliked Ali, or if it was assumed that the entire audience were super fans and knew everything they needed to know to understand the movie. I also spent a great deal of the movie speculating on what a terrible husband Ali must have been to go through so many wives in such a short period of time. I could have done without any of that, really.
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Not worth wasting my time on
13 March 2024
Less than five minutes in, I had zero sympathy for this stupid dog and his idiot owners who let him run wild and did nothing to stop his ridiculous behavior. I could care less, at five minutes, what happens to him. There's no reason for an animal to be allowed to act like this in your house. I stopped watching at seven minutes, since I could tell it was not going to get any better. The idiot people let their stupid dog get taken away, I assume into servitude and hardship. I don't care. It's a Jack London story, so the dog will turn out ok in the end, if I remember correctly. It's a waste of time. I'm sure there was a better movie made 50 years ago, so go watch that one.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
I like a good stupid plot, but...
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first three quarters of the movie was pretty entertaining, but the further I got into it, the more I kept getting distracted by thinking about how stupid it was getting. My first problem was looking into the food vat and not being able to tell what I was supposed to be seeing. I have to google what the food was made from to find out it was cockroaches, which made absolutely no sense at all in the context of the horror scene it was turned into, since the whole time, you are expecting worse.

My next biggest problem was the security dude fighting a horde of partygoers who have turned hostile for no reason. One guy is fending them all off, and then a bit later, there's no horde.

Then, the final solution to the inhumanity of the prison train is to wreck it and presumably kill everyone but a woman and a small boy to live in the cold until they die or the polar bear eats them. Will they breed when he's old enough? Who knows, but that's what we were left with. No reasonable person can possibly watch this and be satisfied.

There were other stupid things, like a perfectly coiffed beard after 18 years in a cesspool, but if the preceding ones don't turn you off, you'll be happy with the rest.
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Audition (1999)
Boring and senseless
17 December 2023
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The first one hour and twenty minutes of this movie are nap time since absolutely nothing at all happens. And then it just keeps not happening. And then more of nothing. Over and over. Lots of repetitive nothingness. Then there's a dream sequence where all kinds of creepy things are shown to explain what's going on, yet the man having the dream can't possibly know anything he's dreaming about. It just doesn't make any sense and if you are not brain dead, it breaks the movie. You keep wondering why they are showing you things he can't know. Then, at the end, you have five minutes of actual drama and horror.
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The Two Jakes (1990)
Should have stuck with what worked
30 November 2022
This is what you get when you think you know what you're doing and you want to start running things. 16 years later, riding on the coattails of a masterpiece, Jack thinks he's going to do it the right way and instead of doing what worked the first time, he messes it all up. Chinatown was one of the few movies from the 70s that didn't look like it was filmed in the 70s. This movie from the 90s looks like a hot mess. Nicholson is old and has the creepy Shining look at this point instead of the dashing leading man he was in the 70s. The movie is boring and hard to watch as a sequel when you have seen a masterpiece it is based on.
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Horrible acting and dialogue
24 November 2022
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I can't believe all the rave reviews on here for this. The dialogue is ridiculous and that's not referring to the 80s lingo, but "groovy" wasn't even in use in the mid 80s. The dialogue was just ridiculous. Things were being said just to say things and not for any other purpose. Then there's all the idiotic thing Petersen's character does. The back window of a car gets shot out, so he will replace the glass and he's covered. Except that glass doesn't stop bullets. There's another hole in the car somewhere. He's driving 90 miles an hour on the freeway going the wrong direction and misses a thousand oncoming cars. But the whole time, he's 5 feet from the correct traffic lane and all he has to do is cross the median and he's going the right direction and home free, but he never does. The gunplay is typical 80 over dramatic and totally impractical. And the ending is just stupid, the partner is in 100X more trouble than he was when he went to the lawyer and now he's just gonna take Petersen's place...This was hard to watch.
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Gangsters in a clown car
19 September 2022
Was this supposed to be a comedy, or do all British gangsters ride around packed in a clown car like sardines? This does explain why they were all incompetent morons, but it doesn't explain why so many reviewers are raving about this amateurish pile of garbage. Oh, if you like long meandering walks in pastures with ridiculous soundtracks, this is for you, there must have been 20 minutes of that. Meanwhile, the guy who is seeking vengeance on everyone seems like he really could care less if he gets the job done or not. He seems really bored with the whole idea of it. The simpleton brother seems like the only person in the movie who had a clue. He should have been running the clown gang.
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More Blair Witch wannabe failure
25 August 2022
Or success if you like garbage shaky filmed movies. These kinds of movies are for people with no imagination so they can rely on this gimmick instead of acting and quality filmmaking. The dialog is ridiculous most of the time, there is no need for much of it, it is the contrived work of an amateur who is just copying things from other movies. This is very painful to watch and a waste of time.
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Chill out Bridges
24 August 2022
Jeff Bridges idea of conveying tension and emotion is to just yell. He yells at everyone. He yells at his girlfriend for no reason. He yells at the FBI dude. He yells at his neighbor. He never has a reason for yelling, except toward the end, but by then, you can't tell anything has changed, because he's never stopped yelling. I can still hear him, he's yelling right now.
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Chernobyl (2019– )
Why is everyone British?
1 August 2022
This doesn't make any sense. Everyone is named Comrade, but they are all British. A bunch of British people took over the country and blew up their nuclear plant?
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The Haunting of Hill House: Witness Marks (2018)
Season 1, Episode 8
That's how you react, really?
31 July 2022
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So every review on here is talking about how scary and great it was and I just watched Shirley drive her car off the road because of it and then I watched her stand there and calmly listen to a ten minute speech from her sister. How incredibly stupid and unbelievable is her reaction to a shrieking ghost blasting in from the rear seat? And all of you think this is really great, huh? Ridiculous.
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The Magician (I) (2005)
The Blair Witch Magician
30 July 2022
Maybe if I hadn't watched Mr. Inbetween first, I'd have liked this better, but that show was an amazing 10/10 and this seems to just be practice. The dialog is amateurish, mainly the guy filming, he's really annoying. This movie had potential, but Blair Witching anything automatically ruins it. Also, I was hoping for some back story, but this is just a sloppy version of the TV show.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Bring on the sequel!
21 July 2022
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As some others have said, it was way too long because of the pointless, boring filibusters. But overall, I enjoyed it. The only other problem I had with it is that although they think they saved the two kids, both of them will reanimate when they eventually die. I suppose the girl saying she couldn't feel her legs any more was supposed to resolve that, but without an explanation, I'm not buying it. You made the rules, you need to follow them. Bring on the 3/10 sequel!
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Alias: ... 1... (2005)
Season 5, Episode 2
Time travel?
22 June 2022
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In this episode, the gang defies physics and time travels to the other side of the planet to board an aircraft that has been in flight an undetermined amount of time. Just about as impossible as hot chicks being able to fight.
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Ridiculously unrealistic
17 January 2022
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In any court un America, this guy would have been banned from ever having contact with the kid again, yet it turns out he's not even really her father and he'll be visiting soon? Typical Lifetime type drivel written by an airhead.

It puts the lotion in the basket!
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Revenger (2018)
Kung Fu Island
12 November 2021
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Cop gets a life sentence for killing the murderer of his family and winds up on Kung Fu Island searching for the man he killed...He spends most of his time saving the life of a little girl (5 times) and her mother while the rest of the "good guys" act like clowns. Cop gets fatally wounded by a poison arrow and less than an hour later, thanks to Korean acupuncture and spit poultices, he is back in fighting form. When he finds the guy he killed, they have a kung fu showdown and when the bad guy is losing, he eats some spinach, but he doesn't get strong like Popeye. I won't spoil it by telling you who wins the kung fu showdown. Having said that, this movie has some of the best, unique fight cinematography I have ever seen.
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The Loft (2014)
Glaring plot hole and convenient ending
15 September 2021
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The movie was ok except that I was left wondering why Anne showed up at the loft ringing the phone wanting to buy the place. Why? Why would she have done that? And the swap up at the end where Phil goes to jail instead of Vincent? There is no way that could have happened without everyone but Vincent getting a murder accomplice charge. Legally, whatever Phil did after they set a conspiracy in motion falls on all of them.
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The Saint: The Careful Terrorist (1962)
Season 1, Episode 3
Why is Hoppy here?
15 July 2021
I agree with others who have said that Hoppy is annoying. There is no way a guy like Simon would employ a moron like Hoppy. The guy is just too stupid to be believable. It's like he just sits around thinking of the most stupid things he can say. You have to wonder how stupid the producers of this show thought the audience was at the time, that they would think this guy is funny. He's so stupid it's not even humorous. A guy this stupid wouldn't have been able to survive in the 60s without getting himself killed. Every time he appears in a scene, I hate this episode more and more. I swear, if he's in any more episodes, I'm going to quit watching this.
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Antichrist (2009)
No redeeming value.
11 July 2021
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Here you go: Hours and hours of senseless, monotonous scenes where nothing happens. XXX pornography. Genital mutilation (male and female). Torture. Animal gore. Nothing whatsoever about an antichrist. So if you need all that in one package, all filmed in Blaire Witch handheld style, this is your thing. You must be an "art" aficionado.
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Communism 101
5 July 2021
Watch and learn. This is what you get when 1/7 of the earth's population sit back and do nothing except be indoctrinated. You get the government you deserve. As for the kids who are sold off to adoption, I'm not sure what the complaint is. At least they don't have to be communists any more. I found it odd that Josef Mengele (the Angel of Death) was "just following orders" and the lady who admitted to killing 60,000 babies said the same thing. Communists have no value for human life.
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Fatman (2020)
28 April 2021
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The older and grittier Mel Gibson gets, the better he gets. Portraying Santa as a man of vengeance who can bring down God's wrath was a fantastic idea. I almost skipped this due to the terrible rating (how is it so low with all the positive reviews?) because I normally never watch anything below a 6. Great movie and not at all what I feared it would be.
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Crime bosses constantly crying???
25 April 2021
I don't know how anyone can take this foolishness seriously. Crime bosses constantly crying to their inferiors, constantly being told what to do by them...this is a joke. It's bad enough Asians act like clowns in serious movies, but this is ridiculous.
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Danger Close (2019)
Ragnar Lothbrok Goes to Vietnam
3 March 2021
Only the 2nd thing I've seen Fimmel do, but it seems like Ragnar just got a haircut and didn't miss a beat switching conflicts. Unique subject matter, but overall, pretty boring for a war movie.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Unfortunately, she lives...
15 February 2021
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This woman was such a rude jerk, it was easy to root for the psycho to get her. Any father who's ever been divorced knows what was going through this guy's mind. At least she learned her lesson in the end.
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The Upside (2017)
A typical inferior Hollywood remake
7 February 2021
As far as Hollywood remakes go, this was probably better than most, especially considering the original is one of the best French movies ever made. I suppose greed is what's responsible for Hollywood making movies that don't need to be made. As well as the reason Dell had to make a racial issue out of everything in the beginning. If you've seen the original, the Senegal caregiver Driss didn't find it necessary to make everything a racial issue. More importantly, since the real life caregiver was actually a middle eastern man. I suppose Hollywood needed to make Kevin racist to give him street cred, to make him edgy, right? It's amazing how Hollywood calls anything they don't like racist, but can never see it when they're doing it.
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