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4 April 2022
If there's one thing I could add to the Pantheon of knowledge already contained inside the acclaimed best seller The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, it would be this: They don't make movies like this anymore.

Thanks for all the fish.
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5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is such a mess my god... as much as I actually enjoyed the content of this episode; Luke training Grogu, the emotion of Din having to leave, Cobb Vanth, Ahsoka, Cad Bane reveal, it's all conceptually great, but I can't help but be disappointed by how this show's been handled overall.

The best explanation I can give is that it's just messy. The Bobba Fett episodes tell two different stories at the same time, but with clunky transitions. One story I actually enjoy where Bobba Fett gets indoctrinated by the Tuskens; that's fairly interesting, but the other story with the Pykes is just plain boring. There are so many more ways they could have taken that story line to make it more exciting, it's frustrating. 1st, don't have Bobba just be some sweet nice guy trying to do the right thing all the time. He's been a villain since the original trilogy, at least give him a nice edge when someone tries to assassinate him and not have him just casually enter into negotiations like it's not a big deal. 2nd, the Pykes need to impact the story enough or do something drastic enough to gain interest, they do nothing of the sort until this episode, but I'd argue it came way too late and in an already packed episode. 3rd, don't add in pointless scenes and characters like the Espa Vespas. And also don't fill those pointless moments with pointless standing around in a room and having superfluous dialogue, only to eventually cap it off with a boring chase scene.

All this leads me to this episode. Like I said I actually enjoyed most of the content here, but because they're cramming in all these characters and plot threads into a single episode, it feels underwhelming. Because we didn't actually have enough time to appreciate what was going on in each given arc, things falls flat. It just moves on to the next random thing. And it doesn't help that the main catalyst of the show (I.e the Pykes) is so dull.

The only solution I can think of has to do with cleaning up all the episodes into more of a segmented but developed whole. Cut everything down with the Tuskens to 1 episode, then have 1 or 2 episodes building up the Pykes, 1 episode with Cobb Vanth leading to the reveal of Cad Bane, 1 Mando episode leading into an episode with Luke and Grogu, etc. And then after you've set up and established all these unique arcs, have them finally come together by the end. It would have made a very scrambled batch of ideas feel a lot more streamlined and cohesive when you eventually realize that all these plot lines are inevitably converging on the same point.

In conclusion, this episode had enough good moments for me to warrant giving it a 6/10, but it was so hampered down by the overall execution of this show so far, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.
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Venom (2018)
I still don't understand why people like this movie
16 October 2021
I respect different people opinions for sure, you can like whatever you want of course, but I did not find this movie enjoyable.

For me it's extremely cheesy, lazy, lacks a clear direction, and full of I think unintentionally funny moments? That's the thing, it's a very confusing film when it comes to it's intentions and tone, because I'm not sure if Venom really know's if it's a goofy movie that benefits from knowing what it is, or it's just plain bad.
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Three Christs (2017)
Truly Misguided
27 September 2021
The complexity of the source material should not be portrayed in the "uplifting" manor that this film presents. It's honestly disgusting. Treating human beings like rats should be depicted with more nuance and subtlety, not bloated theatrics.
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DC is taking some risks
6 August 2021
The suicide squad marks a pivotal turning point for DC. If they can do sort of the opposite of what Marvel does, which is it specifically cater to a pg-13 audience and take less risks in the process, then they have a certain advantage over Marvel.

It's not like I hate Marvel, I'm an MCU fan. But I admit they don't scratch that certain itch I have like how The Suicide Squad, Joker, and the upcoming Batman movie (hopefully) does.

If DC continues this streak of more bold and unique films looking for a mature audience, that's a legitimate market, and Disney had a reason to be scared of that if DC pulls it off.
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Sasquatch (2021)
A mystery in the truest form
7 May 2021
Really incredible true crime docu-series.

Starting with the premise of a supposed Sasquatch murder of 3 men in California, this docu-series slowly turns into a much more real and terrifying mystery.

Those looking for a deep dive into the unsubstantiated theory's of Sasquatch himself, can go look in the very real trash bin that is "Finding Bigfoot", because this is not that.

But those looking for an intriguing, scary, intense, sad, deep, thoughtful, and shiver inducing tale of murder and paranoia, should look no further.

I learned a lot, and that's the sign of a good documentary.
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When everything falls apart
7 February 2021
Peter Jackson knew these movies wouldn't be good, he had to have.

I'm not dissin' you Peter! hey, I really love you man, but the money you and that company made off those movies can't buy back disappointment.
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Game of Thrones: What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
Season 2, Episode 3
Tryrion is absolute legend
4 February 2021
Seriously. Watching him troll all of the Lannisters is very satisfying.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 12: The Siege (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
Another side quest
24 November 2020
At this point I feel like the writers are trying to make these episodes boring. There's no real conflict or tension, you know everyone will be alright, which makes me feel like there's nothing for me to worry about or get invested into.

This episode gets a point for clearing up what the empire wanted with baby Yoda, but still this was all ready assumed and therefore not a surprise. Also gets point for visuals, production design, cgi, etc. but this side quest of the week stuff is only just boring me to the point I might stop watching.
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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 (2020 Video Game)
7 September 2020
It's a little overwhelming how good this game is. Classic feel with perfect modern touches. I'm addicted.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Chaos Walking
28 May 2020
To the casual viewer, this experience of a movie will shock and surprise. I can see many viewers faces wrinkle with disgust from the very realistic picture of this mans life, because it's not easy to watch. But wow is it fascinating.

Rarely does a movie capture my attention this viscerally to the point where I don't see the movie anymore, I'm living the experience. From the intense direction, and the unnoticeably masterful editing, a good movie is warranted by how well all of the tools are used to expand the unique story being told, and all of those tools were firing on all cylinders for Uncut Gems.

For me, it might be a masterpiece. What points I give this movie for realism, I do find this particular characters life to be almost too chaotic, maybe to the point of being unrealistic. But at the same, that's what makes it so much fun to watch.

My only warning goes to the average movie goer looking for a lighthearted drama, because this is not that. This ones a little more intense.

9/10 might change to a 10
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Chef (2014)
Starts off strong...
18 December 2019
But as it progresses the whole thing falls apart and gets way too cheesy. There's Zero conflict in the later half, boring characters, and just too sentimental for my taste.
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
Good ideas handled poorly
7 June 2019
The main problems with this episode for me really just have to do with tone and pacing.

The episode starts off serious and then ends like a Disney comedy. I don't care if it is a Disney comedy, I just have expectations as an audience member that were completely reversed in the last 20 minutes of a 60 minute episode. Because most of it is somber and dreadful you're assuming it'll end the same right?

So that brings me to pacing. If the first 40 minutes were cut down to the first 10 minutes, and the last 20 minutes were the actual bulk of the episode, that would solve the issue for me. The whole time watching I was waiting for the hook of the episode, and like finding gold it finally came, but just way too late. It also didn't help that the last 20 minutes contain some hilarious cringe. Because the serious story introduced still has to play out in this new fun tone, it just comes off as plain weird.

Just goes to show that a rush of genuinely fantastic ideas can't go anywhere if the execution isn't there.
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