
71 Reviews
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"Not sure I needed to mention that this is a Spoiler."
28 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Portrayal of Gust Force wind conditions far from consistent, sometimes the snow and drifting so fierce you could not see very far while other times you could see for quite some distance.

Sometimes the boat was severely rocking, while at other times boat was not rocking at all.

I have only seen 1 other movie depicting procedure and execution of Coast Guard Rescue missions on the high seas and that was the Guardian.

Judging from portrayal of Coast Guard mission protocol was executed in movie The Guardian , from what I have been told from an uncle by marriage who is a retired Coastie, my sister's 1st husband, and 2nd husband both of which are former Coasties I whole heartedly affirm that the events were depicted fairly accurately.

My rating 1st and foremost was determined by the portrayal of courage, heroism, and perseverance by both the surviving crew of the Pendleton and the Coast Guard Rescue team.
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The 5th Wave (2016)
If there is a sequel, resolving the issue of genocide of the
7 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
If there is a sequel, resolving the issue of genocide of the human race, may revise my rating.

If there is a sequel, resolving the issue of genocide of the human race, may revise my rating.

If there is a sequel, resolving the issue of genocide of the human race, may revise my rating.

If there is a sequel, resolving the issue of genocide of the human race, may revise my rating.

If there is a sequel, resolving the issue of genocide of the human race, may revise my rating.
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You other members have no taste in regards to cinematography.
2 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
You other members have no taste in regards to cinematography.

Average rating of 5 point whatever, if it were not for Michael Madsen growing a pair towards the very end of the movie and killing that fat slob there would have been no redemption for that lame plot.

I wonder how the law enforcement officers of Romania's outback would appreciate the average cop being portrayed as bought and paid for by the organized crime bosses.

You other members have no taste in regards to cinematography.

Average rating of 5 point whatever, if it were not for Michael Madsen growing a pair towards the very end of the movie and killing that fat slob there would have been no redemption for that lame plot.
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Aloha (I) (2015)
"What really makes me see RED."
23 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I did not realize that there was Hawaiians that whined as much as the mainland natives in regards to the European ancestors of Caucasian U.S. citizens taking their land from them. My opinion is when the topic is modern day comforts and conveniences the credit goes to people of European decent, so fine, if you want your land back we take back all the modern day comforts conveniences (Any and everything made from processed, forged metal, glass, cut lumber, woven fabric, cut, processed lumber, paper, Card games, dice games (point?, no more casinos) vaccines, topical medicines.

Natives were still using things made of sticks and stones, clothing themselves in animal pelts, I would say they received adequate pay for what we took.

"Hey!, natives, want a little cheese (also attributed to people of European decent) to go with your whine."
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Stargate SG-1: Metamorphosis (2003)
Season 6, Episode 16
Reason for me trashing this episode.
22 April 2016
Nirrti's comment about Jonas being so genetically different than humans from earth is bull, such a difference in genetic traits would take at least 500,000, certainly far longer than a mere 3,000, did the screen writers research the topic on any scale?, highly improbable.

Nirrti's comment about Jonas being so genetically different than humans from earth is bull, such a difference in genetic traits would take at least 500,000, certainly far longer than a mere 3,000, did the screen writers research the topic on any scale?, highly improbable.

Nirrti's comment about Jonas being so genetically different than humans from earth is bull, such a difference in genetic traits would take at least 500,000, certainly far longer than a mere 3,000, did the screen writers research the topic on any scale?, highly improbable.
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People who rated this movie higher than 1 clearly
21 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
People who rated this movie higher than 1 clearly never had to deal with people with mental illness.

What was the moral of the story?, proof that our system is screwed up? Sad fact is that unless you have Federal and State governments, and the Judicial system working together to commit the mentally ill to mental institutions, people who cannot or will not (i.e.) refuse to seek treatment and follow their doctor's advice homelessness will continue the same holds true for those with chemical dependency and self medicating mentally ill.

My former and now deceased fiancé suffered from the symptoms of Bipolar Depression and PTSD, I met her back in late 2013 when she lived in the apartment right below mine, she immediately told me about her mental illnesses, she failed to tell me that the symptoms were far from under control.

My mentally ill former fiancé self medicated, she drank liquor that intensified the symptoms of her Bipolar Depressionand she smoke Marijuana, since the primary symptom of PTSD is Paranoid Schizophrenia the THC intensified her paranoia.

My mentally ill former, and now deceased fiancé tried committing suicide overdosing on Lithium kicked in my apt. door, wrecking door and door frame, spent 7-9 days at county mental hospital, was evicted from the apt. complex I still reside at.

A year later my former and now deceased fiancé, 9 mos. earlier we both mutually agreed that due to her illness she was unable to maintain a serious relationship with any man, as I was saying she attempted suicide a 2nd time, this time she tried by overdosing on Latuda and Lamictal, I was not present at the time, yes she was institutionalized for a time, but unaware of how long.

October 10, 2015, 7 mos. from her 2nd attempt at her 2nd attempt at committing suicide, she was living with a couple who knew what her mental issues were, the man in the relationship has mental issues of his own, as I was saying he had a loaded handgun laying around which she found, shot herself in the head killing herself.

My former fiancé was only 41 yrs. old, if the court system had had her committed to an institution where she was under 24/7 supervision and forced to take medication to treat her symptoms she would still be with me.

I learned absolutely nothing enlightening from this movie.
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Prom Ride (2015)
I proclaim that all the Screen Writers for this movie
19 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I proclaim that all the Screen Writers for this movie and all those who rated it higher than a 1 should have been shot to promote evolution, please! someone do so before they commit the offense again.

I proclaim that all the Screen Writers for this movie and all those who rated it higher than a 1 should have been shot to promote evolution, please! someone do so before they commit the offense again.

I proclaim that all the Screen Writers for this movie and all those who rated it higher than a 1 should have been shot to promote evolution, please! someone do so before they commit the offense again.

I proclaim that all the Screen Writers for this movie and all those who rated it higher than a 1 should have been shot to promote evolution, please! someone do so before they commit the offense again.
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"So sick of all the paranormal movies scripts made into movies."
12 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"So sick of all the paranormal movies scripts made into movies." At 1st I thought the movie description of the psychiatrist proving the woman's claim of seeing ghosts was no more than at best her experiencing hallucinations, when I realize the plot was not heading that way, I lost complete interest, bad enough I had to try to keep up with the subtitles.

Time to start repeating myself, because I have nothing more to say.

At 1st I thought the movie description of the psychiatrist proving the woman's claim of seeing ghosts was no more than at best her experiencing hallucinations, when I realize the plot was not heading that way, I lost complete interest, bad enough I had to try to keep up with the subtitles.
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Stargate SG-1: Nightwalkers (2002)
Season 6, Episode 5
Excuse me, but I thought 1 had to have Naquadah in their blood
7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Excuse me, but I thought 1 had to have Naquadah in their blood for their eyes to glow, yet if I recall Major Carter mentioned that the cloned Gao'uld parasites had no Naquadah in their blood, thus no glowing eyes.

Excuse me, but I thought 1 had to have Naquadah in their blood for their eyes to glow, yet if I recall Major Carter mentioned that the cloned Gao'uld parasites had no Naquadah in their blood, thus no glowing eyes.

Excuse me, but I thought 1 had to have Naquadah in their blood for their eyes to glow, yet if I recall Major Carter mentioned that the cloned Gao'uld parasites had no Naquadah in their blood, thus no glowing eyes.
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Stargate SG-1: Frozen (2002)
Season 6, Episode 4
I cannot believe that this episode was rated so highly.
7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Really humans 50 million years in the past, sorry!, but archeology, paleontology, and geology have proved humans evolved on this planet, my opinion has absolutely nothing to do with any religious beliefs, merely rational deduction, seeding of a planet would mean humans my have some genetic similarities with race that contributed the basic DNA building blocks, but there would be noticeable physical characteristics.

I never did buy into that existence of the ancients story line, even more unbelievable than pyramids being used as alien spacecraft landing pads, or mere uncivilized humans overthrowing the Gao'uld, if it were not the way that 1 distinguished the base plot line from episode plot line and the portrayal of the individual characters SG, that is SG-1, Atlantis, and SGU would not have had any redeeming qualities at all.
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Convergence (I) (2015)
"completely awful"
18 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Yet again people who have not really been guilty of being wicked, but because they did not have much faith they need to prove they are worthy of making it onto a plane of existence far better than the 1 on which us lowly humans reside.

What was the average rating, 4.3, same as the IQ of those who rated it that high.

Yet again people who have not really been guilty of being wicked, but because they did not have much faith they need to prove they are worthy of making it onto a plane of existence far better than the 1 on which us lowly humans reside.

What was the average rating, 4.3, same as the IQ of those who rated it that high.
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Trumbo (2015)
1 of the best movies I have ever seen.
17 February 2016
Dalton Trumbo and the rest of the Blacklist 10 were the only patriotic heroes in the motion picture industry which for all intensive purposes was Hollywood, CA.

Truly an inspirational movie of dignity as in not backing down in regards to their Civil Rights being violated, true patriots.

To an extent reminds me of how when G Dubbs was sending troops to Iraq after Saddam Hussein and his family were no longer a threat and when Osama had all his money frozen, from that point on all our troops were doing was security detail for the Middle East business ventures of this nation's wealthy.

That is what happens when people other people pay attention to trash the establishment, as in standing up for the rights of the common man, if you attempt to organize/create/support unions and the rights of the majority of this nation's labor force you are a Communist, in all sincerity they were Socialist who still abided by the articles of the U.S. Constitution and defended and promoted Civil Rights.
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Meadowland (2015)
I am simply going to state the obvious.
13 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The movie ending left you hanging, as in, is that all?, that alone deserves knocking off a 1/2 point, then take into consideration how squirly Olivia Wildes's character became and the fact she was unfaithful to her movie role husband played by Luke Wilson.

Here comes the part where everything that needs to be said has been said, but IMDb has their stupid rule of 10 lines minimum.

No 1 and I mean know 1 in regards for cinemagraphic art would have rated this movie higher than a 5.

Sad thing is that even though Olivia Wilde is not an experienced movie producer judging from the garbage I have seen put out by those who are tells me it would not have made a difference.

If as it is said that manure runs down hill poorly written (Screen Writers), or poorly directed, character roles portrayals are all reflections of a poorly produced movie.
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The Veil (I) (2016)
Anyone who would not have rated this movie with a decimal
9 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who would not have rated this movie with a decimal point with an infinite amount of zeros following it is a illogical as those who wrote the script.

Is it possible for me to define how absolutely unbelievable the plot to the movie is.

I myself do not believe in the influence of paranormal forces acting upon the living whether those forces be good or bad, I believe mankind creates instances of good, or even divine and/or bad or even evil.

I certainly do not believe that corporeal beings can separate their spirits from their body by temporarily killing themselves, or killing themselves and their spirits remaining on our plane of existence long after their death as in their bodies have been decaying for quite sometime, and then killing and taking the bodies of others sometime in the future.

This movie did absolutely nothing for Thomas Jane's or Jessica Alba's reputations.
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Night of the Wild (2015 TV Movie)
If it were possible to rate a movie lower than a 1
8 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
1st of all let me say that anyone who did rate the movie higher than a 1 is a complete idiot.

In my opinion if it were possible to rate a movie plot lower than a 1 this 1 would have received a decimal point followed by Googolplex zeros.

It should be a crime punishable by death to write scripts as bad as the movie Screen Writers for SyFy any/all Screen Writers that compose such garbage should forfeit their lives.

Everything to define what cinemagraphic garbage this movie is has already been stated.
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Ascension (2014)
The people responsible for average rating of this movie are
20 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The people responsible for average rating of this movie are imbeciles. Mankind's scientific and technological knowledge did not even make it possible to probe into deep space and most definitely did not approach what would have been needed to make it to a star system with a planet suitable to support human life. There was not propulsion system capable of propelling a space craft a undetermined amount of time and distance. With no reference points such as where a planet would be in it's orbit around it's sun no possible way to determine trajectory window. Those in charge of selecting who would go certainly would not choose a Beauty pageant judge, nor would there be any possible way you could hide such a major undertaking from the general public. Reality check for the Screen Writers of this movie and the morons who gave it such a high rating.
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I will be very interested to discover
22 September 2015
I will be very interested to discover if IMDb will post this review or not. The posts that I had gone to describing as bluntly as: it sucked were apparently were denied, yet again in their irrational and rude behavior as not even telling me they were denied and why. So what to write about Mission To Mars, instead of going back to using the Species plot scenario, or creating a new Mars exploration movie, here is a novel idea. Mission to Mars was interesting in that it centered around what appears to be from earth a face, being the last hold out of a race that evolved on Mars before it was hit by a asteroid making it completely inhabitable. The Martians were advanced enough to have created the chemicals, or basic molecules hardy enough to survive the severe environment of primordial earth. The last scene we saw was Terri, Phil, and Luke on their way back to earth and Jim on his way to another planet in a galaxy where the former inhabitants of Mars went to. Now I see they are coming out with a sequel to Independence Day, I would really enjoy a sequel to Mission To Mars as well.
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
Only habitable environments to men being the British Isles
17 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Only habitable environments left to mankind being the British isles, space stations, space craft, and some place referred to as the colony. Who to blame for such a unbelievably stupid plot, I guess the Producer, Directors, Screen Writers, and the Science consultants they consulted with. The United Kingdom would have been every bit as contaminated by the chemical warfare as every place else. As always those imbeciles that were responsible for the average rate being somewhere between 6 and 7 have no knowledge of what true cinematographic art is and only bestowed such a high rating to the movie because of the Special Effects, same type of people that stupidly made J.J. Abrams version of Star Trek so popular.
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CA is and always will be the biggest liability this nation has.
28 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Earthquakes, brush fires, land slides, mud slides, public service costs far exceeding that of the state budget leaving the the federal government to cover the costs of damages and health care for la cockroaches. As for saving the New Orleans area from a hurricane on the scale of Katrina, should not have been rebuilt after the occurrence. I certainly do not believe we have the technology to control the weather, more likely we would create a situation where weather would run amok. Nor is it possible for viruses to survive in the Ionosphere either, do not believe that viruses are capable of surviving in an electrically charged environment anymore than multicelled organisms are. Science fiction should be completely devoid of personal relationship lines, no lovey dovey nonsense.
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Looper (2012)
"No spoilers will be shown, in your wildest."
11 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Very disappointing ending, just because Joe from the present shot and killed himself preventing future Joe from killing Sarah does not guarantee that Seth would not grow up to be the Rainmaker, the kid had a very short fuse. Very disappointing ending, just because Joe from the present shot and killed himself preventing future Joe from killing Sarah does not guarantee that Seth would not grow up to be the Rainmaker, the kid had a very short fuse. My review does not contain enough lines, yet I repeated all that needs to be said about the movie. Very disappointing ending, just because Joe from the present shot and killed himself preventing future Joe from killing Sarah does not guarantee that Seth would not grow up to be the Rainmaker, the kid had a very short fuse.
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Ravenous (1999)
7 really?!
19 May 2014
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Come on now miraculously surviving deep puncture wounds, severe gun shot wounds, 1 moment almost completely bled out, the next complete healed no wound at all. There has been cases where stranded out in the wilderness members dying of malnutrition, frost bite, dehydration, etc., and surviving members had to eat the dead to survive they did not acquire such unbelievable healing powers, nor did they turn ravenous over eating human flesh.

Movie just a little too hokey in my opinion. Unbelievably stupid, unbelievably stupid, unbelievably stupid, unbelievably stupid, etc., etc., etc..
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OHMS (1980 TV Movie)
Oh my!, just how do those tree hugging weirdos from CA
14 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my! just how do those tree hugging weirdos from CA protect themselves from all the electromagnetic energy there has to be emitted from the high voltage power lines crisscrossing across the state. More motor vehicles per capita in nation than any other state, hence the heavy, thick smog, as is the case with water the vast majority is piped in from some place else. In CA at least 98% of their electricity is piped in from AZ, or the Baja peninsula of Mexico, 14 yrs. ago there was part of the city of San Diego that was a Mobile phone dead zone, because the majority of the people residing in that part did not want to deface the pristine beauty of their neighborhood. I remember an article a few yrs. back where the spoiled, pompous elite of the Cape Cod/Nantucket Island/ Martha's Vineyard region of MA strongly protested against a power company erecting some electricity generating windmills to provide electricity less expensive than whatever means electricity was being provided at the time. As for the problem those who protest electricity generating windmills I have only heard complaints about the excessive noise, which in reality is most likely no worse than those disease carrying flying manure spreading Morning Doves, wake a person 2 hrs. before dawn, shame they do not have a way to lure them to a device like a bug zapper, accept these devices would produce enough of an electrical charge to vaporize all members of the pigeon family. Way more money than common sense, especially in CA, and communities like Greenwich Village, CT, Cape Cod/Nantucket Island/Martha's Vineyard, MA, Long Island, NY, etc.. Wralthy ranting about not being eco-friendly, always easier the larger King's Ransom you happen to be sitting on. Had this past Thursday's episode of Parenthood recorded to my DVR, had to scoff at this elderly couple in the apt. bldg. Sarah manages whining about how cold it was without any heat, what?, a frigid 55 degrees, then again the actress playing Sarah had arms wrapped around herself tightly Hello Hollywood Screen Writers, instead of trying to convince people across the nation of that which is no true come and visit the Frozen Tundra, that is northeastern WI, to be more precise 12 blocks south of Lambeau field.
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Dracula (2013–2014)
Alright, let me start by saying I am heart broken due to Victoria Smurfett
14 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Alright , let me start by saying I am heart broken due to Victoria Smurfett being married. My apologies to her co-actresses, but she is by far the most enticing woman in the series. Certainly hope that Van Helsing fails in creating a serum that allows Tepes to survive exposure to sunlight rather than burning his flesh off his bones, he would be able create a whole army of blood sucking vermin. Now, onto that pseudoscience/technology. Is it possible to create light from electricity in the air?, yes!, certainly, if you do not mind dying a miserable death from Cancer. If you can find it watch the movie Ohms, if I recall it was made for regular network television. Go ahead and, not quite certain here either, I believe it is the cathode end of a florescent tube up towards 750,000 to 1,000, 000 volt power lines, oh yes they will glow. Electromagnetism can create magnificent things, can also mess with your DNA. what year is it?, forgive me, more than 1 detail I am not quite sure of, somewhat irrelevant, since generators capable producing that much electrical energy cables carrying that many volts did not exist until the 1940s. If anyone already knows all the facts to those doubts, my cynicism doubts I have to the implausibility of such technology, please!, enlighten me, otherwise I choose to remain the skeptic. What is the deal with Renfield?, in the original Brom Stoker's novel was he not a mentally disturbed patient committed to Bedlam, had a thing for eating live insects, and was he not Caucasian.
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The Tall Man (2012)
That many children abducted in that short of period, and none found, too unbelievable.
4 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let make it quite clear, I have major issues with the IMDb marketing staff, it may be the IT/TS staff that write and lay out the domain format, but it does not go into operation before it is approved by Marketing department. Great character portrayals, especially by Jessica Biels. Plot kept everyone guessing, sociopath, switch hitting pedophile, black market adoption. Merely group of good Samaratans removing children from a completely depressing environment and giving them to people who are capable of providing them with opportunities they would not have had in that Ghost Town. Now onto my problem with the movie. No mines of any kind within at least 100 mile radius of Seattle/Tacoma, Amber Alerts, photographs of the missing children in every retail store and Post Office across the nation.
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Exploding Sun (2013 TV Movie)
seb_bergunder, did I get that correct?
30 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
He is correct about the discrepancies in delays of data transmissions, the heat and that puny Scaler drive system which I still am incapable of wrapping my head around, physics is a subject way beyond me. From my reckoning the Scaler drive system, I believe due to the fact it is fiction, thus pseudoscience even if is spelled differently than the imbecile Screen Writers spelled it is of no relevance. I digress, my most accurate approximation it is a Ion drive, or something very close. Said reviewer is absolutely correct without some kind of energy force field that ship and it's tiny little engine would have burnt up way before it got that close to the Sun. Was watching it on Netflix, like if that should not have alerted me to the fact how bad the movie would be. Damn! If I press the Home button of this Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 to reduce to go back to Netflix application to confirm their number scale rating system I will lose all details of my opinion of the viewpoints by another to the movie. If I recall Netflix uses a scale of 1-5, and apparently more than 50% of those who rated gave it a 3, the other 50% dropping it to a 2. Whoever designed the software for Netflix are morons, because their software is not compatible at least not for accessing their online support staff from the domain, because whenever I attempt the process I am informed that I need to download the most recent version of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari, my browser being Chrome, believe my tablet is set to automatically download any recent versions. I was informed by Samsung representative 1 working the Samsung Smart device section at the local Best Buy that to Chat with a Netflix representative online you need to do so through the Application, she tried to show me how, but I forgot, do not feel like a complete idiot considering I spoke with another Samsung rep. and was clueless as well. Has no 1 noticed this movie could very well pass as a made for Sy-Fy Network movie if it were not for the length of it. Never heard of a made for Sy-Fy Network that ran longer than an hr. and 40/45 minutes, but then again I ceased watching their poorly written, directed, produced, characters poorly portrayed character movies a long time ago.
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