
20 Reviews
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Them (IV) (2021)
Perfect example of critics vs public!
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, this review is more about the average viewer vs I guess Hollywood elite perception of what is good and what is not. The pace of this movie is snail like. It is filled with scenes like someone standing alone in a park, thinking to themselves, or remembering, or speaking telepathically with someone else who is standing alone in another park, or in a bridge. The faces show a range of emotion from slightly confused to that of a frog about to tongue slap a fly! Action scenes include a few people walking somewhere, or getting out of bed, or approaching another person standing alone in a park or on a bridge. The only action comes near the end of the film when they PLAY THE ENTIRE MOVIE IN FAST REVERSE. How someone could praise this is so beyond me much less receive awards?

Spoiler alert: DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME.
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Netflix are you serious?
28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is awful! It's a lot like that bad Spike TV show 1000 Ways to Die. Here's something I have an issue with, the Narrator. If you're going to soak for a living, maybe learn how words are pronounced? "PitCAN Island" instead of Pitcairn, res-spirit-tory health instead of respiratory!

The production values are also low when it comes to original content. Most of what I've seen seems like stock footage "B roll" stuff.

Another off putting thing to me is, they are listing the 72 worst places to live, but they don't follow any order!

Okay 72 worst places to live, let's start with, you guessed it, number 31!
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Wow has gotten sooo boring!
29 July 2022
This show used to be great. It dealt with sex crimes and special victims. Lately it seems like they think it's better if it white collar sex crimes.

The only park for me was an occasional crossover episode with "Organized Crime"
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Almost interesting
29 July 2022
Sensational enough crimes, but told so poorly, it was hard to watch and even harder to listen to.

I wish the film companies would hire linguistic experts when preparing a 2nd audio track. We don't speak that way. It's hard to understand the accept when in addition to hard to decipher words are combination of phrases that we don't use or terms we don't understand.
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Love, Death & Robots: Jibaro (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
Eye candy, brain candy
30 May 2022
I'm 61 years old. When I was a kid video games were in basically a primordial stage. A single block of pixels would bounce back and forth across the screen. Now I see "Jibaro" and all myself, was this even CGI? AMAZING graphics or augmented reality. Wonderful ideas here!
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Mike Myers most underrated of our time
16 May 2022
I learned something growing up. Some people think the Three Stooges are hilarious, and some think they are just stupid. If you liked the Austin Powers movies, you'll probably like this. The jokes are similar, the voices are Shrek like. This is Myer's style. I like it. I love it!
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The Batman (2022)
Reinvent the wheel and you get this
21 April 2022
Casting was AWFUL from top to bottom. Tim Burton's camp is preferred to this. Also the basically is no billionaire playboy angle. This Bruce is broken and goth. He likes more like a vampire here than in those awful "Twilight Saga" drab.
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Almost a good idea
24 December 2021
Bad acting? Sure! Bad production? Obviously! Good idea? Almost. This feels like a Lifetime version of the Matrix. Maybe it's missing that brotherly chemistry from the earlier incarnations.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
Shame! What a shame
7 June 2021
Someone that likes scifi probably dosen't really care about the characters in the first place, much less the relationships between them! In addition, half the production is in English, the other half French. PICK A LANE, I don't watch TV so that I can read!
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People of Earth (2016–2017)
1 June 2021
This show had some potential. Probably would have succeeded if the lead had any talent, or charisma, or at least looked like he was awake!
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Love dogs, love movies, hate this!
24 February 2021
Saw this on Showtime. So glad I didn't go to see it. This lacks even decent writing. There is tons of room for comedy. This attempts humor with read end sniffing humor. Full of one dimensional characters. In my opinion, this should be in lifetime not Showtime
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Kansas (1988)
So not worth watching
17 February 2021
Similar review here. Bad acting, bad story, unlikable characters, bad direction. Love scenes with close ups of heavy farm equipment
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One of the most memorable episodes-"The Painted Mirrow"
9 February 2021
The story is fantastic, true horror-mystical-scifi. Stop animation was decent for the day. My only problem is they obviously spent the whole budget on the animation. There are two or three shots of the actors that are recycled MANY TIMES. These shots are usually reused as filler with big gaps in the dialog. It leaves you feeling as if you are dreaming a nightmare!. I was 12 when It first aired, it has stayed with me these 48 years.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
A vision of a vision
21 July 2020
I wasn't looking forward to this series. I was barely a fan of the original. That show was a classic though, and to me, it's success rests mainly on Raymond Burr's broad shoulders. His voice, look, and talent. This one has talent EVERYWHERE! To me, the acting across the board is probably the best thing in tv this year. Rhyss as the lead is fantastic! The look from costumes, lighting, to timeless sets is flawless. Timothy Van Patten struck gold on "The Sopranos" was the driving force behind "Boardwalk Empire" and now has honed his skills to perfection. Season one looks like back story for the character we knew. Now, I get it, now I understand Perry Mason
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I'm agog!
28 February 2020
I think something as simple as this observation really applies. Different strokes? I am very open to many forms of comedy. Im having a HUGE HARD time getting through the 1st episode! It's all style and no substance. Maybe it gets better, but, I don't know if I can endure
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Mother! (2017)
23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Symbolism, analogies, metaphors?!? This film has it all! Ah yes, also nausea and baby eating cannibalism! It's been a long time since I've seen such a pretentious pile o dung!
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Little (I) (2019)
Surprisingly funny
8 December 2019
Great cast and some well written off the wall lines really highlight the all to familiar "adult turns young again" vehicle. The low production values are almost overpowering and begged me to turn the channel
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Maybe it's an acquired taste
13 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I DO NOT understand the haters of this movie. I found it fresh, surprising, and compelling. I liked the performances as well as the story. The director skillfully gets you emotionally attached to characters and then shoots them in the face! Loved it!
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Quote from Billy Madison " We are all dumber for having heard it!"
26 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing that strikes me about this movie is, why does it look SO bad? Is it the feel or style they are going for? I dunno, it just looks bad. Maybe they are trying to Vaseline screen the aging stars, who are all in great shape by the way, or are they saving on film? Do they even use film anymore? SPOILER ALERT Virtually every action scene here is over the top and totally unbelievable except for a short scene with Jet Li. The initial escape scene makes NO SENSE! Sly gets shot while going down a seemingly infinite zip line? Statham's got his back so he stays behind while they are surround and the rest of the team continues the escape on the water high speed style. Out of nowhere Sly and Jason are rescued by fledgling team member snipers them out of the situation. Sly grunts "Time for plan b" back to the water chase. Jet skis, for no apparent reason appear from nowhere and the team abandons the boat. Just when all is lost, Stallone and Statham zoom overhead in the plane they arrived in. How is this plan b? Wouldn't the boats and jet ski's be plan b. Jet skis shoot into the ramp of the plane as the plane struggles get get enough lift to take off before they crash into a huge damn. Hey, since we are having trouble gaining altitude, let's head for the HIGHEST POINT on the dam! Most of the action scenes pretty much follow this level of nonsense. Oh well, maybe the writing is good? Nope! Back story for the newbie team member to make us care about him when he gets killed pretty much goes like this, "So, how did you get into this line of work?" " I was in Afganistan for three years when my platoon got trapped in the oil zone. By the time we got out, four of my friends were dead. When I got back to base, they had shot the dog I was taking care of, so, I'd had enough killing for the day"! That's it? That's the best the writes of this mega budget could come up with? Also to the character, since you had enough killing you decided to become a mercenary where you would kill people all day! Speaking of death, I read a stunt man died making this POS. people die everyday, on the subway, in their sleep, lots o reasons, but honestly, I can't think of a bigger waste of life than to die for this movie.
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Wow, I blame Spiderman 3!
17 July 2012
This version can be summed up like a joke about 9/11, "Too Soon?" I'm a HUGE fan of superhero movies and even cartoons, and even thought I couldn't get enough of them, until now. Iron Man was awesome, Iron Man II though, ugh, just okay. "The Avengers" was AWESOME, and "The Amazing Spiderman" just okay. Producers of this movie didn't learn from "The Return of Superman" about how NOT to make a super hero movie, really how to make ANY movie. Shouldn't a movie have a decent story? Is that so much to ask? Sure, you throw in some young good looking people (Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone), and then balance it with some older talented ones (Martin Sheen, Sally Field) and there's your cast boy, well lets add some CGI, and a romance that NO ONE CARES ABOUT! After putting these things together, they think they have a movie. Well, I guess they do. I guess people will pay to see it, like I did. Well, if you are bored, and you like action, and a quickly thrown together sketch of how Peter Parker became Spiderman, go see this. For my money though, Spider Man II, Iron Man, and The Avengers are light years beyond this endeavor.
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