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Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Season 3 is one of the finest examples of how Executive Producers that love something make something great.
21 April 2023
Alex "The Franchise Killer" Kurtzman has never come off as someone who has ever liked Star Trek. Much like Stuart Baird who directed ST: Nemesis Alex is only here for the job. He doesn't love Star Trek and has actually stated it in interviews in the past just like Baird did.

That's the problem with ST: Discovery and the first two seasons of ST: Picard. Alex (the show runner and Ex. Producer) made Star Trek his way not the way the fans wanted, and honestly Star Trek has been just terrible outside of ST: Strange New Worlds season 1.

Finally, Alex was pushed aside and Terry Mateaus who loves Star Trek got to make the love letter not only he wanted to make but the fans wanted for TNG.

Is Season 3 perfect...absolutely not...but it is so well written and acted and produced that it is the best 10 episodes we have had since ST: Deep Space Nine was on the air in the late 1990s.

The emotional depth of this show is absolutely incredible. As a fan of Star Trek and someone who watched TNG every Sunday from 1989-1994 as a family together, this show means a lot to me because it was one of only 4-5 shows my family ever watched all of us together.

I cannot tell you how many times I absolutely ugly cried during this show. The series finale could be a top 5 Star Trek episode of all-time maybe even top 3, and I'm talking out of 800+ episodes.

Terry gave not only the fans the send off of the TNG cast that the fans always wanted and the characters deserved, but it is an origin story as well for what is to come.

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This movie is way better than what people are saying. Ben Foster and Chris Pine once again show they are two of the finest actors in the business.
7 October 2022
Not sure why people are not liking this movie as much. I thought it was great.

Not only was it a fun and intense thriller but Chris Pine and Ben Foster once again show why they are two of the best actors in the business right now.

The only weakness is the very end on who lives and who dies I was a little disappointed on one particular death but overall I thought the movie really kept me on my toes. If a movie keeps me from looking at my phone or making me look at my watch it's doing a pretty good job entertaining me. I didn't want to look at my phone or look at my watch while watching this movie. I would watch them paint a fence that's how entertaining they are. Honestly, I would give this movie a try I watched it on Paramount plus and really enjoyed it. I think you would too.
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Turning Red (2022)
If you have children and a family then you will love this movie
17 March 2022
I will be pretty honest I am surprised by some of the reviews can comments this movie is getting. These people clearly do not have teenage girls in their lives, because as a father of four girls 16, 14, 12, and 9, I can tell you we sat down as a family and absolutely loved this movie.

We laughed, we cried, we saw parts of each of those girls in everyone in our family. Even my wife loved it from beginning to end.

This is a great family movie and is absolutely hilarious! I cannot remember the last movie I laughed out loud over and over especially concerning the first 20 minutes of the movie.

Teenage boys probably won't enjoy it as much as teenage girls would I get that, but holy cow people do not trash this movie just to do it.

There are great lessons in this movie that every girl needs to hear such as don't judge yourself, the importance of picking good friends, and remembering that no matter how hard it may seem your family will always be the most important thing in your life.

This movie is a must watch and the more family you have to watch it with you the more you will enjoy it.

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Let's be honest if this was making fun of Joe Biden it would be trashed everywhere.
26 October 2020
I watched it. I thought it was funny at times, but it pales in comparison to the masterpiece that was the first film.

The mocumentary aspect of the first film is completely lost here, and it is just a structured movie like Bruno was.

Bottom line, if this was about Joe Biden the critics would be giving it 5/10's as well. The only reason it is getting "rave" reviews is because it is about Donald Trump and those that associate with the Republican party.

Is it worth a watch? Sure. I was entertained but outside of that it is one time watch for me.
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Ignored DS9 the first time. Watched the entire series three times in nine years. This documentary is the perfect bookend.
7 July 2020
Like a lot of Star Trek fans I grew up watching TNG as a kid. It was one of the few shows my entire family watched every Sunday as a family. Finally, in 1993 DS9 came on and it aired right after TNG every Sunday so we watched it.

By the time season 3 rolled around I was in my mid-teens and was more interested in spending time with friends and playing sports in high school, so I did not watch Deep Space Nine again....until it hit Netflix in 2011 for the first time.

The first show of the Star Trek's that went live on Netflix was Deep Space Nine. Wow...just wow. It was obvious to me my young teen self under appreciated those first two seasons and then the rest of the series. It was amazing.

Then in 2016 I watched the entire series again. One episode everyday when I hit the treadmill. The 44 minute episodes were perfect amount of time for my daily workout with my IPAD.

I finally watched the series for the third time because of the Cornavirus pandemic, and powered through the entire series in about three months.

I just finished the series yesterday and watched the Documentary today for the first time. What a bookend.

Ira did an amazing job on this documentary. It did not feel overwhelming but sweet and sincere and enough to make me feel great again about the franchise. Not a huge fan of Ira's politics, but I am the type that still respects other people's beliefs.

Overall, Deep Space Nine is one of the greatest TV shows of all-time and thee best Star Trek series.

This documentary series is a must watch for any fan. Highly recommend. 9/10.


My wife and I asked each other of all the Star Trek crews which one would you want to belong to and hang out with. Both of us simultaneously said, "DEEP SPACE NINE".
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The Andy Griffith Show (1960–1968)
The greatest TV-show ever created.
2 January 2017
It is pretty simple.

This is a TV show that is not offense and can be watched by any age with any family.

The stories are wholesome and entertaining.

TV shows that are safe for families really do not exist anymore.

This is a show that anyone can watch and enjoy it.

Seasons 1-5 of course are the best of the series, and I would say focus on those seasons. Ironically as long as the show is black and white you cannot go wrong.

Seasons 6+ you no longer have Don Knotts which really changes the function of the show which is a shame. Fortunately you do get 4-5 episodes in which ole Barney does come back, so make sure you at least watch each of those episodes.
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