
10 Reviews
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Mommy (I) (2014)
almost perfect
5 March 2023
This film is so near perfect its criminal. Acting, dialogue, feeling...all top tier, incredible stuff. Beautiful stuff even. But i cant help but feel like this was just a tad too long, which is funny, because looking back i cant think of one scene that didnt need to be in it? Every last second was worthy of being featured and yet the 1hr54 mark i paused to go to the toilet and gasped when i calculated 25 more minutes left. Now what i will say, is that upon pressing play again, the 25 minutes were well worth it...but still, all in all maybe slightly too long of a runtime. Another teeny tiny issue i had is kyla. She was introduced as a sketchy character, there clearly was something there but it just kinda was never cleared up? Unless i missed it a fool and im supposed to put the pieces to the puzzle together myself and come up with the most obvious conclusion. In which case, scrap this last point and focus on everything else.

Please watch !!!!! You will enjoy.
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Tamara Drewe (2010)
could have been better
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First half was worthy of a 7, maybe even an 8 but the second half dragged (it really didnt need to go on for so long) and tamara really was just a horrible character. Jody and nicholas too, all 3 characters made it almost unbearable to go on. In fact theyre all terrible in this film, except the american one who did provide the most comic relief. Sob story also wasnt enough for me to sympathise with tamara and try to excuse her actions. And the dreary wife dont get me started, taking him back do instantly ? I can only watch someone be a fool for so long.

Its saying i need 18 more characters help.
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let me be honest
16 September 2022
Ok so, the first half of this movie was amazing. The thrill was there, performances were solid, everything was set up for a brilliant fast paced film, but then it just kind of wandered off a bit and turned into something completely different. A lot of unrealistic moments towards the end which knocks some points off but there's also a tearjerker moment that adds some back. Main awards go to si wan as the villain who did exceptionally good, and then of course the rest of the cast did well to match. Overall i'd say watch, you're not going to be disappointed but you will feel some things just didnt need to happen.
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Love it when japanese romance films get it right
30 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
TMI** im currently pmsing so that probably explains why but boy oh boy did i cry a bucket full of tears. I just really love when the japanese romance scene gets it right, enough of the mysterious illnesses guys. This film proves you dont need death to get your audience to cry for the next week. Just create beautiful characters, amazing dialogue and a realistic storyline that we all hope ends up being fairytale like instead. Oh how i loved this film. And i loved both main characters equally, which is why i understood them both equally and i wanted them both to get what they wanted.

SPOILER** i had a thought during the hug towards the end to stop the movie there and pretend that was their reconciliation and they went off and got married, but it was too much of a beautiful story and i thought that would be a disservice so i carried on, and then the goodbye wave broke me. It broke me i tell you, however im so so happy i watched this and ill watch it again next month to re-cry a bucket full of tears.
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enjoyable but not great
26 December 2021
Oh man theres no denying this is a visually stunning film, its a complete spectacle but thats kind of where the good ends. I suppose i could have loved this, i should have loved this ? In fact...i wanted to love this, but the truth is there is just something missing. I dont know if it was the story or the cast but i was nowhere near as enthralled as i should have been. However, it might be good to note though that i really cannot take to margot robbie and that probably explains why i thought her version of jane was the most drab thing ive ever seen. There was just no emotion . They sexied her up but forgot to tell her how to act at the same time. Also tbh the cgi was mostly terrible. There was a good scene with lions that looked promising as they looked really real but no, all the other animals were pretty bad, especially the gorillas which is a shame because they were the main part. Anyway, its worth a watch for how much of a show it puts on but do remember it could have been better.
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7/10 and heres why
18 December 2021
10/10 for action 4/10 for the corny dialogue 4/10 for the overall cheesiness 10/10 for nostalgia lets be real, marvel movies are known for being corny so that aside this was a really great film, but it was only able to be this enjoyable because of the nostalgia of bringing back old characters that we grew up with. Of COURSE we're going to go crazy at GREEN GOBLIN AND SANDMAN ??????? Tobey maguire ???? Helloooooo ? Its been almost 20 years why wouldnt we be crying ? Cheap way to build a buzz in my opinion but it worked because i loved it.
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my heart cant take this
25 May 2021
Name a sexier character than tae goo. You cant! That voice, the heart, the.....everything! Im in love, and in heartbreak. Please.

I dont know how the makers did it but they've managed to create the most romantic film ive ever watched whilst having a total of 0 romance scenes. It was beautiful, brutal and just all round amazing. If you like grit, heart and violence then you you'll love this. If you don't like bleak, slow action films then you should still love this because it's a fantastic film either way.
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Recalled (2021)
worth it for how it all wraps up at the end
24 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first 50 minutes i spent thinking this is basically just a slightly more confusing version of Secret Obsession on netflix (and almost any other memory loss thriller) but then the twist kicked in and i started to piece all the pieces together and so once everything started to fall into place i was finally able to sit up and really enjoy it. The photograph scene at the end was especially a lot !!!

"you dont want to send me off?" "should i not?" those words, both heart fluttering and heart breaking. However, despite the fast paced last 30 minutes i am quite confused as to what to rate this, did i hate it? Im not sure, i just know i definitely didnt love it.

6.5/10? 7 for the acting? I really dont know.
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actors did extremely well
19 September 2020
I would have given this at least 9 stars but there were a few ridiculous/unbelievable scenes towards the end, but its an action movie at the end of the day so we can excuse that I suppose. Minus that, the actors were perfect. Each one did a stellar job. The fight scenes were also really well done, not overly gory but not wimpy either...exactly what I like. Anyway, if you like action films and you don't mind a few silly mishaps here and there, watch this. if you don't like action films, still watch this for the performances alone.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Acting extraordinaire Joaquin once again proving why the Phoenix family is one of the most talented in hollywood !
4 October 2019
Okay so, I went into this film finding myself quite bored 10 minutes in. Not because the film itself was boring, but because I had gone into it expecting carnage from the getgo despite literally knowing it's supposed to be a backstory. Once I got myself over that thanks to the wonderful lead actor, I realised that this film is fantastic and at that point it was literally based sheerly on his performance alone. It was well and truly magnificent. It was everything you want and deserve from a Joker portrayal...and then even more. It's not a superhero movie, so dont expect tonnes of action. the film's more of a psychological expect tonnes of madness (am i allowed to say that?). All in all, very powerful film, if not for the script and storyline then most definitely for the oscar worthy acting. Also I have GOT to talk about that talk show scene!!!! amazing stuff. amazing!!!! amazing !!!! amazing!! work!!! I really do hate to compare but it's clearly the Heath Ledger hospital scene of this movie. A massive round of applause to all involved, but especially the beyond talented Joaquin Phoenix.
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