
23 Reviews
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Child's Play (2019)
Chucky For The New Generation!
22 June 2019
I'm a huge fan of the Mancini's Child's Play/Chucky series and went into this movie without any expectations nor read any reviews, and found myself pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this film.

This is a great re-imagining of the Mancini's cult classic - with a twist! New ideas for movies nowadays can be difficult since every thing has been done before, but I admire this film's creativity to fit more of the current generation.

Instead of the black magic/voodoo stuff from the original Child's Play, this took on a more modern route with a technological twist.

Child's Play did well with its comedic feel while maintaining the darker elements.
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Silly Movie But Entertaining
20 June 2019
For a TV movie, Leprechaun Returns does pretty well! It is by no means an amazing movie, but it's very similar to the older Leprechaun movies with Warwick Davis. The new actor portraying him is pretty good too!

This movie isn't mind-blowing or anything you haven't seen before, but it seems as though they've tried to take a more comedic route, which I find amusing. Some jokes are funny while others are a solid miss.

Don't choose this movie to watch if you have different options, but Leprechaun Returns is worth a watch when you have some time to spare.
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Alright Movie, not what I expected
1 August 2017
I was going through Netflix finding a horror movie to watch (In the horror section), and I stumbled upon a thumbnail of a young girl and what looks like a promising movie.

From reading the description and because of the genre section it was in, I was expecting a lot more of something that falls into the supernatural realm - but that's where I was wrong. Honestly, this movie wasn't half bad, but it falls within drama more than any other genre.

It wasn't a low budget movie, and the atmosphere of this film was great. It fell short of my expectations because I thought it would be something more intense or creepy, but it turned out to be more of a mystery-drama.

I can see many people enjoying the film, but the people I watched it with had mix feelings. Half of them thought it was "alright," and the other half found it pretty boring.

Worth a watch? Not really, but if you have spare time, it's not bad to check it out.
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Pet (I) (2016)
Intriguing Movie, but lacked a little something
4 December 2016
I've seen the trailer for this movie a while ago and it captivated my attention, so I was interested in seeing this film, but held no high expectations for it.

From the trailer and the poster of this movie, I had an idea of what this movie might be, but I was a little surprised when it started developing into something I didn't quite expect. Not to say it's bad, the storyline was very interesting.

The start of the movie had a great creepy-stalker vibe to it, and as the movie progresses, it really grabbed my attention and I was curious to see how it would further develop. The two leads, Ksenia Solo (Holly) and Dominic Monaghan (Seth) both gave great performances; I also really like the concept of this story. The only issue I have for Pet, was that it didn't feel like it fully developed into anything. Sure, the story and characters were entertaining to watch, but I couldn't help but feel like the movie could have gotten more interesting or added more "events" that took place.

Overall, it's a solid psychological movie. I liked the idea of it, but wish there was more done to it. Around midway through the film, it just felt like things were at a standstill and nothing more was going to happen.

I'd recommend watching it if you have the time, it didn't feel like a waste of time at all. I only wished that there was more done that could have made this movie much more entertaining of a watch, as half the movie didn't feel like much happened.
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Don't Breathe (2016)
Intense Thriller
27 August 2016
At the end of the day, this movie did its job for its genre as a thriller. It was entertaining, captivating, and there were no dull moments for this film.

Most movies tend to start out really slow or have a slow burning effect, but Don't Breathe held an air of suspense for the majority of its screen time. The characters were great for this film; the movie did a good job of introducing the characters and giving you snippets of some of the motives and types of people they were. Stephen Lang was an amazing choice to play the old man. I couldn't help but feel a little bad for the blind man at the beginning, but the more you see him in action and learn about him, the more dangerous and scary he appears.

As with most horror and thriller movies, the storyline was not extraordinary or totally unique, but, it's an intense movie that was very gripping and kept you on the edge of your seat.

The only flaw of this movie were some obvious "smarter" choices the characters could of made, but for the most part, there were't many times where I was bothered by their decisions - considering the situation they're stuck in.

In conclusion, the story was okay, the set-up was okay. Most of the elements were just decent, but it was how they used everything and executed them for this film, creating a thrilling and gripping movie. It's fun and entertaining, and if you enjoy suspenseful films, definitely give it a watch!
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Decent movie, but many factors in the film were unnecessary
23 August 2016
I can not emphasize more that many elements in this film were not needed or completely unnecessary. The first film was fun and entertaining, but you can't say the same for this sequel.

To start on a positive note, this isn't a bad movie as some reviews have made it out to be. It is quite decent and it's somewhat entertaining. I felt there were several scenes in this movie that was very fun to watch, and at the same time, captivating. The new Horsemen is a great character, and I really liked this person! The acting was good, as expected from the cast just like the first movie.

My main issue with Now You See Me 2 was that it contained extra "fluff" that wasn't needed. There is a certain character they introduced in this film that did nothing for the movie. If you were to completely remove this person, the movie wouldn't even change. Additionally, this character was just plain annoying and his role took up time and space in this film. Several times in the film they would explain or show you how the tricks were made, and often times, you do not need to hear or see it to know how they did it. Aside from SOME great tricks and illusions, the majority of the magic show this movie presented were insignificant and easily forgotten.

Overall, okay movie - great cast, except for the one unnecessary character. The movie is decent to watch and had scenes and moments where it shined, but there were far more things that could have been removed, and in place, they could have added better and more entertaining tricks and illusions as the first movie did.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Entertaining and enjoyable despite some flaws!
4 August 2016
For starters, I am both a Marvel and DC fan, but I'll admit that DCU movies have not been that good lately when compared to MCU movies. Nonetheless, I found this movie entertaining and enjoyable. I found movies like Man of Steel just "okay" and Batman V. Superman was over decent; still, I was still hyped for the Suicide Squad and was excited to see what they would offer.

Every movie has its flaws, and I tried my best to stay away from reading reviews before watching this movie. Your best bet is to just go in blind and not hold any expectations and see how this movie will affect you. I was excited because of their direction with a DC movie that has a cast of all villains/anti-heroes, but I was also a little skeptical seeing how DC movies have been a bit lacking lately.

I really liked this movie, of course it has its cons like any other film. I love all the characters, the action was fun to watch, and it made me laugh several times throughout the movie. My biggest issue with the Suicide Squad was mainly about how they chose to focus on the characters. Some characters got a lot more screen time and had occasions where their background was explored a little more deeply, while some characters didn't get that much time or focus.

Realistically, the cast was large so it would be more confusing and overbearing if they took too much time with each character. (That's also a double-edged sword though, in my opinion). I wish they would have given more screen time or backstory to the other characters, as I really loved Boomerang and Katana, but they didn't have much of an opportunity to be explored more. You do get a good amount of Harley Quinn and Deadshot, which is nothing to complain about as they're also both great characters.

Overall, pretty good movie. It was entertaining and enjoyable, and I love all the characters. I wished they would give more time to other members of the squad instead of focusing on just a few too much. Some action scenes felt satisfying while some felt just mediocre. A tip would be to try and not hold any expectations or have your mind be painted by critics or other viewers, go see it and decide yourself! Despite some minor flaws here and there, you'll find an entertaining summer movie.
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Beautiful Movie
30 October 2015
All movies has it's flaws, but besides that, Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal is a visually-pleasing movie. The CGI isn't perfect, but it does its job. It most certainly is better than other Chinese movies when it comes to the animations.

The story is mostly a drama/fantasy surrounding the subject of heaven and hell, demons and gods. I didn't really enjoy the movie at the start, but I'm glad I watched through the entire film.

The movie itself is good, and the story line stays interesting and entertaining. I would definitely recommend trying this movie out especially if you love mythical creatures.
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Entertaining, but just okay.
18 October 2015
I started watching this without any high expectations, and was only going off the other reviews. If this was compared to the Trick r' Treat movie, it would fall terribly short. Trick R' Treat had good tales/stories, and some were actually creepy. Tales of Halloween was cheesy the majority of the time, and you get the occasional chuckle here and there, but that's really it.

Of all the short stories, I only found one that was good and had a nice unsettling feeling to it. Don't get me wrong, the other stories were pretty decent, but a couple were downright ridiculous and seem to have no effort put into it.

This film was okay for what it is, and it's something fun to watch near or during Halloween; however, if I had to choose between watching and not watching, I wouldn't have watched it. It wasn't that good to waste and hour something on. I'd personally only recommend this film if you have nothing else to watch, because the negatives of this film were more numerous than the positives.
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Scream Queens (2015–2016)
Entertaining, funny, and enjoyable
25 September 2015
People really need to stop taking this show so seriously. Scream Queens is obviously more of a comedy than it is horror, so I wouldn't expect it to be taken so deeply. It plays off a horror-show vibe, and is quite bloody. The show, however, has more of a comedic tone.

Keep in mind, Scream Queens is clearly a satire, so I don't understand those who pry too deep into it. The show reminds me a lot of Mean Girls (the type of characters, dialogue, and comedy) that happens to be put into something similar to a Ryan Murphy's American Horror Story episode.

I do understand why some people may not like it, especially because SC seems to mostly appeal to a certain age group. I am sure not everyone is going to like it, I can see it will appeal more to younger audiences or young adults more than it will to the older age group. But the point is, the show is so ridiculously stupid at times (and they acknowledge it), that it's funny!

The personalities of the characters in the show are by far the most entertaining thing to watch. Scream Queens seems to exaggerate and mock a lot of themes in horror movies. They purposely point out stupid things, and it's quite fun to see! If you like overly- exaggerated characters, snarky remarks, and horror satire, I recommend giving it a try. Try watching it for the fun of it, it's a show to be taken lightly and is entertaining as well as funny.
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Did I watch an entirely different movie from the majority of these reviewers?
27 August 2015
As always, I always go to IMDb to look at reviews before I watch a movie. Although I am a huge horror movie fan, I've only recently gotten interested in these found footage films. That being said, I've never wanted to STOP watching a movie before. Not because it was too scary, but because it was pretty...boring.

Of course, this is my personal view on the matter and many people could enjoy this movie, I can believe that. Grave Encounters wasn't scary, and I've seen some found footage horror films that are WAY better than this.

Pros: +Location/Environment +Effects +Cast members were pretty decent

Cons: -Not scary -Boring -Didn't even creep me out at the slightest -Mostly they're just running around screaming and cussing 80% of the time

Even with really bad movies, I'm very loose on how I rate my movies. When they're bad but I didn't feel like it wasted my time, I still give it at least a 5/10. This movie received a 4/10 because I didn't get anything from this film whatsoever. The only thing I like about this movie was the beginning, and how it started off pretty funny. Probably the "scariest" part in this film was when one of the actors ate a rat. I watched this with my cousin who thought the movie was okay. Overall, it's kind of bad in my opinion - I was expecting a horror movie to, at the very least, give me the creeps. Grave Encounters didn't give me the scare, suspense, or thrill that I sought from it. I get more of a thrilling sensation getting a glass of water in the middle of the night.
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Unfriended (2014)
Pretty good!
25 August 2015
I watched this a while back but never got around to writing a review. For starters, I watched a movie before this one called, "The Den." It's VERY similar to this movie, so if you like Unfriended, then I would suggest you try the other movie (it's not supernatural, though, but still a horror/thriller).

This movie really isn't for everyone. It seems to be those movies that fall on either you enjoyed it or you hate it. I watched this movie with a few of my friends, and one of them simply hated the way the movie was made (all on the laptop screen). If you don't like the sound of that, I still suggest you try this movie out anyway because you might just like it!

The reason why I find this movie clever is because it really uses the modern aspects with the use of Skype, Facebook, messenger, videos, etc in the horror movie. We all have our secrets or whatever, and the last thing you want to happen is for it to be exposed. The movie also uses this element, and it's almost relevant to everyone nowadays: we use a lot of social media...or electronics.

A horror movie like this, even though it is centered around watching a laptop screen and friends skyping one another, is still very entertaining. It wasn't necessarily scary for me personally, but it built a ton of suspense and keeps you interested in finding out more or what will happen next.

Of course, not all horror movies have a solid story line nowadays. The reason why I gave this an 8/10 was because it's entertaining and fun to watch, but I fail to see the scare factor. Overall, great movie. I recommend it, but just know the style of this film isn't for everyone.
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V/H/S (2012)
Review from someone that doesn't really enjoy "found footage" films...
25 August 2015
To start off, I was hesitant to watch this movie because I don't personally enjoy these types of "found footage" films; but upon recommendations, I decided to watch it anyway. As a horror movie lover, I decided to try all horror movies no matter what the style of it is.

Let me start off with the cons first: This movie is a collection of short horror video-footages. Half of the footages or films weren't even scary. To be as vague as possible, I only found 3 of the stories to be creepy, while the others gave me no suspense or thrill. I understand that these are found-footages type of films, but there are times when the camera shakes and spins a lot, which can induce headaches to people not used to these films.

Pros: I actually got creeped out by some of the footages. A couple gave me this unsettling feeling. Most types of movies in this genre shoots for cheap/fake jump scares, but I found this movie really focusing on the scary element than by using a loud noise to make you jump! Some parts in the movie I even wanted to look away. I don't get scared easily and nothing made me jump, but this movie is good at making you feel on-edge and a little creeped out.

In all, I would recommend this movie if you don't mind the video style. Even though half of the footages aren't scary, the ones that are eerie are definitely worth a watch.
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Housebound (2014)
This movie never took off...
30 November 2014
I had high hopes for this horror/comedy movie based off the reviews I've read. Usually, I don't know many successful horror/comedy movies, but the one's that are good, are quite rare. The beginning of this movie was entertaining and funny, I thought the whole movie was going to be like this, but I was wrong. It never really "took off" for me. In the middle of the movie, only a few things that happened that was considered funny, and there were slight jump scares; besides that, it was pretty boring. It wasn't until near the end of the movie when the entertainment picked back up.

I was watching this with my friends and family and none of them enjoyed it, some even fell asleep. Personally, this movie was just okay. I wish it was more funnier, but I found myself most of the time- just waiting for something to happen. Don't get me wrong, this movie wasn't bad, and I thought it had huge potential.

Some people may enjoy it, but I found it pretty slow half way into the movie.
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Ouija (II) (2014)
Pretty good, but has faults
23 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give a very honest review- starting with the trailer. The trailer was pretty misleading based off the fact that certain things that happened in the trailer wasn't in the movie at all, which is kind of okay, since nothing really spoiled the movie. The beginning of the story was alright, and it didn't catch speed until near the middle to the end - where it got entertaining.

The story itself was decent, it's not deep (but what horror nowadays is, am I right?) Don't expect the story to be mind-blowing. I will say, I adore Olivia Cooke, who plays the lead in the movie, but she didn't meet my expectations in this movie...her acting was, for a lack of a better word, lacking.

IF you enjoy jump scares, this movie is definitely for you. Ouija has jump scares through out the movie, which made it a pretty entertaining watch.

Overall, decent movie, nice jump-scares, okay-acting, but too abrupt of an ending. The movie as a whole was not bad, but the ending was a little disappointing to me. It seemed to end pretty quickly; I wished it was dragged out a little bit longer.

Should you watch in theaters? Yes, if you are into the jump-scares. It's not the best movie, but it isn't the worst either. Besides that, wait to rent it.

Ouija had a lot of potential, but I personally thought that it could have been better if they tweaked the ending. There were several unresolved problems, and it's kind of weird that you barely see these kids' parents at all besides the beginning of the movie. Like, seriously, where are these kids' parents?
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Annabelle (I) (2014)
Good movie
5 October 2014
For those that compared this movie to the Conjuring, you will probably be disappointed. The movie plays out very similar to Insidious, so if you enjoy that one, you will enjoy Annabelle.

Do not compare this movie with The Conjuring, it isn't similar to that one much at all. People consider Annabelle to be the sequel, but in reality, it's more of a spin-off. They are making The Conjuring part 2 after all.

When I went to go watch this movie, I lost excitement after reading the negative reviews - most of them saying the movie was boring and nothing happened. To my surprise, the movie wasn't like the reviews at all. I enjoyed the movie, and something DOES happen throughout the movie. You won't be sitting there waiting 30 minutes for something to happen.

My only complaint with this movie (many people didn't like this either) was that the doll didn't really move. Many others expected it to be like Chucky, but in actuality, the doll was being "haunted" and there are demons involved. If you watch this movie expecting it to walk around on its own and killing people, you will not be content. However, if you're into creepy dolls or enjoy jump-scares, I recommend this movie.
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It was not terrible!
3 October 2014
Like several others here, I am a huge fan of the old Leprechaun series along with Warwick Davis (I find him entertaining and funny).

For starters, when I saw that this movie was out, I honestly thought it would be the old-style Leprechaun movies that starred Davis, but from further review-readings, I learned that the producers or makers of the movie didn't want to do anything with the older movies. So, this is a new spin off/re-boot, from what I am guessing.

If you watch the movie thinking "OMG THIS LEPRECHAUN MOVIE IS GONNA BE LIKE THE OLD SCHOOL ONES," then I am sorry to say, you will be very disappointed. This movie is serious compared to the comical previous Leprechaun movies. Watch this movie without any strings tied to Warwick Davis, and you'll have a more pleasant experience with the movie.

That aside, this movie was wasn't amazing, but it wasn't horrible either. The story, characters, dialogue, the new Leprechaun/creature/thing was fine. What was really stupid in the movie is that you will notice repetition of how the characters get trapped, gets chased, then that repeated throughout the entire movie.

Watch it if you have the time. I thought it was a fun watch, there wasn't any slow, boring parts - so that was good! But, like I said, you will see the same thing happen over and over in this movie, and the only difference is the setting.
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Coherence (2013)
Interesting Sci-Fi Movie
26 September 2014
When I first heard of this movie, I was quite excited to see it because of its plot and some recommendations from my family members who have already seen it. Of course, before watching any movie, I checked out the trailer only to find myself disappointed on the way the movie was filmed. I watched it anyway to give it a try, and I would have to say I am surprised how good this movie turned out. If you enjoy Sci-fi movies, or are interested in thrillers and mysteries, I would really recommend.

This movie is not confusing as some people say it is, but it could be a bit hard to follow if you're not paying attention. The plot and idea of this film was entertaining; my only complaint is that I dislike the way this movie was filmed (it's shaky and moves around a lot - check out the trailer to see what I mean). If you are okay with "found-footage" films, this movie will be no problem for you- however, this is NOT a found-footage-type film. About 10 minutes in, the shakiness of the filming style no longer bothered me.

Watch it, it's very entertaining!
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I Like This Movie
13 July 2014
"I'll Follow You Down" is a decent movie that contains pleasant actors. I didn't have much of a high expectation for this movie, nor did I know what it was about when I first saw it, but found myself involved with the story line as well as its characters. It's an adequate drama/mystery/time travel movie that has an overall good story development and message.

The movie centers a lot around family, and a mystery that has to do with a boy's missing father. Although the movie caught my attention from the beginning, I did find the middle part of the story a bit slow, but it got more interesting as the movie progresses - and it carried all the way through the rest of the movie. I recommend watching this if you're into a bit of time traveling, mystery, and drama.
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Wolf Creek 2 (2013)
1 June 2014
This movie was not amazing but it certainly wasn't bad. It's pretty entertaining with some action, chases, and gore.

The only thing I have against this film was that the main character does really illogical things the majority of the time, which makes it a frustrating watch. I found myself getting upset over some things that seemed really common sense that the character would not catch on (and I usually don't get upset over these types of things). Because of his mistakes and lack of cleverness, the movie lasted as long as it did, or it would have ended within an hour into the movie.

Overall, it is a fairly decent thriller - especially if you're into some violence and gore.

The first Wolf Creek was better in my opinion.
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Chatroom (2010)
1 June 2014
I am going to admit that I had high expectations for this movie from reading the short description that it had, one of my favorite actor is in it, and the decent amount of reviews it had.

In reality, this movie did not make a great delivery. Sure, the actors and actresses are pretty great in this movie and the story overall is decent... I just didn't feel very captivated with how the movie was portrayed. It wasn't as interesting as I expected it to be. At some points, it seemed as though the movie was all over the place.

This movie, I would recommend to watch anyway because I did like the overall message. The way the movie played out just wasn't that entertaining to me though.
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Panic Button (2011)
Was not entertaining
18 April 2014
For a low budget film, this movie is just okay.

I found the story line lacking and that it was not interesting at all. The actors/actresses executed their parts alright, but I saw nothing very captivating throughout the whole film.

Dialogue was below decent, I felt it was more like a college/high school play. I honestly gave this movie the benefit of the doubt after hearing from other people telling me that it wasn't a good movie.

The only reason why I even finished this movie - was to see the ending. In all, I felt this movie wasted my time. Story was pretty boring !

If you're into some action and are curious of the story line, I'd give it a go. Besides that, I would not recommend.
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Oculus (2013)
This movie is decent...
18 April 2014
I really love horror movies, but this one was personally not for me. I went to go watch with one of my friend and we both found it pretty confusing at times. It was a lot of going back and forth from past and present.

The movie was okay, but there was no real "scare" factor besides minor jump scares. Most of the time, the characters do absurd things which makes it almost comedic at times.

I recommend skipping this film and waiting until it's available for rent. If you get scared easily, watch this film. But if you're looking for something that will constantly keep you at the edge of your seat, then this isn't the movie for you.
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