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The Hustle (I) (2019)
Dirty & Rotten
30 May 2019
The exact same way Ghostbusters was ruined by Ghostbusters2016, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was ruined by this flick. Simply awful.
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Thought provoking.
8 February 2014
Stay at home mum and bored housewife Rachel (Kahryn Hayn) tired of kindergarten mom meet ups and help-the-homeless functions receives a boost to her non-existent sex drive when she's jokingly given a lap dance at a strip club courtesy of her workaholic husband Jeff (Josh Radnor). Curious to unravel more of her newly discovered eroticism she secretly revisits the strip bar only to "accidentally" bump into the young woman named Whitney (Juno Temple) who gave her the lap dance and they begin chatting. Many coffees later Rachel slowly becomes aware of Whitney's empowering hold of her own femininity and they soon become friends and, coupled with a cry for help with her own life, Rachel sees an opportunity to help Whitney break free of her inappropriate lifestyle by inviting her into her home and offering Whitney a small position as a live in nanny. When Whitney's OTHER job as a classy escort comes to light things begin to effect Rachel's moral compass and the already precarious family relationship.

Written and directed by Jill Soloway Afternoon Delight is essentially centered on one woman who is desperate for release emotionally, sexually and physically. Working on many levels, this film continually addresses the deep issues most married couples experience and has the ability to keep the mood upbeat and funny. While actually a reasonably good flick the difficulty in portraying the emotional elements onto screen made it hard to become engrossing. Good performances all round.
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Homefront (I) (2013)
A 90's action film with a bit more smack.
5 February 2014
Statham plays an ex undercover DEA agent who quit the force due to the avoidable death of a meth head biker during a drug bust. He decides to settle down in rural Louisiana with his 10 year old daughter. After his daughter deals with a school bully the furious boy's mother (Bosworth) turns to her crazy meth cooking brother (Franco) to spare the boys embarrassment. Events escalate and Stathams history with a biker gang comes back for vengeance.

The plot is as old as they get, and within the first 5 minutes the film has 'Stallone' written all over it. Screen written by Stallone we're frequently treated with some great little big-guy-picks-on-little-guy fight scenes as you'd expect from a Stallone/Statham film but the film fails to dish out that testosterone finale we'd expect from those two.

Kate Bosworth plays a fantastic meth-head red-neck mother and almost steals the show had she had more appearances. Franco shows he has the ability to play a more sinister darker role but doesn't quite deliver. Winona Rider was simply awful as Franco's waitress girlfriend, but we're told she's actually an ex biker chick. Having seen every episode of Sons of Anarchy the two franchises clearly have a different definition for Biker-chick. It was nice to see Clancy Brown appear as the mediating Sheriff and he performs his role adequately. Statham is...well.... Statham. Just as you'd expect. Why break something that works.

Homefront should please most Statham fans but there's nothing new here in this action flick and feels more like a film dragged from the early 90's.
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The Counselor (2013)
Dark and obscure.
2 February 2014
Fassbender plays the 'not-too-bothered-about-getting-my-hands-dirty' lawyer who just wants to make his girlfriend (Cruz) happy, so dips his toe into the drug cartel business with his friend (Javier Bardem) and business partner (Pitt) which he consequently regrets.

After heaving a sigh of relief when this film finally ended, the first thing that sprang to mind was "Don't shoot the messenger." Ridley Scott being the messenger. The acclaimed director did his best with what he had to work with. A vague plot and completely unnecessarily lengthy and puzzling dialogue. A dialogue so lengthy Tarantino would be proud of, or in this case, not proud of, since Tarintino's dialogue has the ability to grip you. The plot itself is simple but buried among layers of mysterious and sometimes gruesome scenes.

Frequently the film drew me in but then abruptly let me go which I began to become aware of and soon became frustrated with.

The first 5 minutes of the film I found totally unnecessary.

If you like noir-ish films such as The Departed or No Country For Old Men this could be you.
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Gravity (2013)
Stunningly pretty, but dull as dishwater
2 February 2014
Relying on CGI and breath taking shots doesn't cut it for me. Sorry. Felt nothing for George Clooneys character and very little for Sandra Bullocks character (Mission specialist Dr Ryan Stone) who's first space mission turns spectacularly disastrous. Although the cinematic sequence WERE breath taking I didn't have the pleasure of watching this in 3D or at an IMAX and couldn't help thinking how much I was missing out on visually. That said, visuals aren't the be all and end all to a great movie.

Gravity is one of those films that should rely on facts and reality but was too far fetched to be enjoyed. I felt this film was comparable to Redfords 'All is lost'.

Nice touch by having Ed Harris voicing mission control. (see Apollo 13)
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