
12 Reviews
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Miss Sloane (2016)
Worth an easy 8/10 - Pro gun folk are manipulating it
27 January 2017
So many users are getting their knickers in a twist. They are giving this excellent movie with great twists a low rating because the story is about gun law, and sides with, yes you guessed it, anti gun lobbyists. All the 1/10s own a gun lol.

It's actually not about gun law at all. Gun law has only been used as the subject of the day, to put the point across about dirty politicians and lobbyists.

This movie is terrific. It's complicated at the start, but soon starts to make sense.

The main character is terrific. Cold, hard and calculating. Great job!

I can't say anymore because I never include spoilers. Just trust me.

Whether you're for or against guns, that's not the point. This is a political thriller folks. Sit back, relax and enjoy it!'s not a true story. Don't take it so seriously.

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Well written, engrossing and perfectly paced
12 December 2016
Looking at some user reviews for The Accountant, I guess some people just didn't get it. But since I don't write reviews with spoilers, I'm not going to attempt to help you understand. I will just say watch it again and pay more attention!

This is one of the best movies I've seen. The plot is slightly complicated but shouldn't pose a problem for real movie fans. It has everything. A great plot, emotion, action and believable twists.

The character acting from Affleck is believable, though I'm not generally his biggest fan. His calm will creep you out to your core!

It's nice to see Anna Kendrick in this (purrrrr). She is a decent actress when she gets good movies like this and 50/50.

I mentioned twists. There are two!

The first I didn't see coming. I didn't see the second one coming either, though I thought I should have. I'm a little disappointed in myself for that one. But then again, if I had, it would have been a disappointment!

Go ahead and watch this movie. You won't be disappointed.

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Well this movie brought the racists out to play on IMDb - Look at the 1* reviews !
16 September 2015
Straight Outta Compton is the true story (with some artistic license I'm sure) of a group of friends who make it big in the music business through rap.

The movie shows what life was like for these kids in Compton. Dealing with the constant harassment from the powers that be that want to put them down and keep them down so they will work minimum wage in some factory or fast food outlet.

But these boys are talented. They are also angry, which is clear when you hear their material. I'm white British. I'm not particularly a rap fan, but talent is talent, and they had bucket loads.

I'm so glad this film was made. It's a story the world needs to see. I also hope in annoys the hell out of the U.S. establishment.

I really don't understand why so many people have given this 1*. Most excuses have been....

Violence, bad language and sex!

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Southpaw (2015)
Don't plagiarism rules apply to movies?
15 September 2015
So Southpaw is Rocky, Rocky V and a little Cinderella Man rolled into one!

At no point in this film did I connect with it. All the way through it just reminded me of Rocky. Very disappointing! Not one minute of this movie excited me, stirred emotions or surprised me. I knew exactly how it was going to end.

Forrest Whitaker gives a good performance but not his best. Jake is also good but again not great. The rest of the cast is mediocre.

If you watch this you're going to feel so let down. I really wouldn't bother. It's 2 hours I won't get back!

Watch Cinderella Man instead....fantastic flick :-)
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I feel robbed
30 August 2015
OK I'm not going to spoil it for those of you that have to see it like I had to but there are so many flaws in Terminator Genisys that I really do feel robbed.

There is a sniff of a great film here but they went too far. My god I want to explain why but I've never wanted to write a review containing spoilers and I'm not going to start now.

The fact that the acting is amateur at best, the special effects are average and the script is also average isn't the point. As a true Terminator fan I can oversee that as long as the plot makes sense, which it of course doesn't.

If you're a massive T1 and T2 fan.....DON'T WATCH IT. Just stick with those and forget Genisys was ever made!
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A Solid Movie
19 June 2015
So many of you need to learn two very important things about IMDb.

1. How to rate a movie.

Some of you gave this movie 1 star. Are you people stupid? Echelon Conspiracy isn't too bad. I agree the actors aren't the best you'll ever see. I agree the production and direction could have been a lot better and I also agree that it's not the most original storyline too.

Listen people.....what the heck do you want from a low budget movie. I think this movie is solid enough DESPITE those things. When watching it, I didn't get bored and I saw it through to quite an unexpected and enjoyable ending. It has a cool far fetched plot, a car chase and a beautiful woman who lucky boy Shane gets to see naked! There are a few movies out there that deserve 1 or 2 stars but this isn't one of them. Just because you don't like a film very much, it doesn't give you the right to attempt to drastically lower it's rating. You need to be objective and give a realistic mark. I have a great example for you all.....

The Shawshank Redemption. Load up this movies ratings please. It obviously has a high rating. Now click on view all reviews then select 'HATED IT'.

Look how many people have given it 1 star. Ridiculous, isn't it? Let's make IMDb a better site by giving correct ratings. I and many others use this site to find good movies to watch on a regular basis.

2. If you disagree with the above....DON'T USE IMDb!!!!!!
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Divergent (2014)
Divergent feels average but is somehow compelling
4 June 2015
Divergent is a very frustrating film. I'm giving it 5/10 because it feels just too average.

I wouldn't call the story/plot original. The premise has kind of been done before albeit in different ways.

The acting is average even from the Shailene Woodley (who I rate). Kate Winslett is a flop. Ashley Judd would have played Kate's part much better and come to think of it, Kate Winslett would have played Ashley Judd's part better too.

Because I generally like this genre of movie, I will be giving the sequel a go. I hope it's better because there are two more coming after that too!
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Very entertaining
4 June 2015
I do think some reviewers get carried away when they like a movie. Some movies deserve 8 to 10/10 but this isn't one of them even though I had a riot watching it.

The comic book style suited this movie. The comedy is good....even from Mr. Stiff Colin Firth. I really enjoyed watching him try his hand at a silly role for once.

This movie definitely has a Kick-Ass vibe. It's very violent but not gory in the slightest.

This movie won't be for everyone so if you see my review and didn't like films such as Kick-Ass, then stay away.
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Never took my eyes of the screen
4 June 2015
It's impossible to write a review without spoilers for this movie so I'll simply say....

Fantastic Cast, Emotional story, Well written but average direction (hence 9/10 not 10)

For me the direction in the first half could have been better but you'll forget about it after a while. The ending could have been better too. The Director has missed a trick here. When you watch it (and love it still) you'll know what I mean and think about the ending you actually wanted.

All that said, you have to see this movie!
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The Normal Heart (2014 TV Movie)
Gripping and emotional to the core
23 April 2015
Firstly, I want to talk about the haters. I read most of your reviews and I conclude that none of you have the intelligence to understand a film with this subject matter. One reviewer even went so far to say that Jim Parsons can't give a good performance in a drama because he can't show emotion. I think you need to not compare other roles he acts to Sheldon Cooper.

The only reason I found this film is because I wanted to see Jim in a role other than Sheldon. I looked up his filmography and picked this one. I thought Jim was very good. He plays a character that clearly doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve because too many of his friends die. If he did, it would drive him crazy. His scene at the end though, blatantly shows that he's full of emotion and sentiment. I found his role quite touching.

As for the film in general, great performances from many of the cast, excellent script and an emotional true to life story make this film a must see.

Fantastic for a TV movie 9/10.

Peace & Love xxx
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Ever fallen asleep at the cinema?
20 February 2014
I have.....twice! The first time was in 2001. Can anyone guess what I went to see? That's right, I saw (well didn't see actually) Lord Of The Rings The Fellowship so on and so forth.

The second was of course American Hustle. I did try folks, but I couldn't stop it happening :-(

All the hype surrounding this film is too much. Possible Oscar winner, Critics saying it's 10/10 and because it stars Christian Bale, it must be good! Nope....sorry again folks but this movie is an even bigger let down than LOTR's was.

It's so slow, there's no plot (no decent one anyway), the dialogue is dispassionate, Christian Bale looks ridiculous, the soundtrack is poor, so all in all it's just plain boring.

For those of you that hate spoilers....don't worry, I missed the ending. Maybe it had a twist, but I don't see how. I was busy snoring, bugging other cinema goers I'm sure.

Please don't go and watch'll regret it! Watch Dallas Buyers Club that's 10/10 :-)
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Man of Steel (2013)
Truly disappointed
28 July 2013
I have to agree with the critics on this one. Man Of Steel just doesn't compare to the original Superman films.

1. The movie is all about special effects. They are too fast and jerky which makes the action scenes very hard to follow. Was it really necessary to have so much destruction? There are too many spaceships and scenes in space and what was with the laser eyes? They were more fire than laser....ridiculous!

2. The majority of the acting is amateur. Russell Crowe is average, Amy Adams (Lois Lane) should be put in a soap opera, Henry Cavil as Superman has no screen presence whatsoever and Michael Shannon as General Zod was awful.

3. Where was the hero factor? In Superman, didn't you all get tingles and goose bumps when he first turns into Superman, catches Lois and then the helicopter?

Superman films should be Cert U or PG. All I can manage to give it is 3/10 folks....
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