
19 Reviews
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The Old Way (2023)
No "The Unforgiven" but....
13 January 2023
Well as my heading says.this is no Unforgiven...No PaleRider, But is a great hour and a half for anybody who loves the Western Genre.

The standout in this is the young girl.."Ryan Kiera Armstrong"...She steals every scene she is in.

Nicolas Cage really has faded as an actor,and i really can not figure out why.

But the saving grace here is that for every scene that he butchers in this movie he is saved by the acting chops showed by this young lady.

The supporting cast tend to be very mediocre,but they do their jobs.

Put your brain into neutral and enjoy a average western that highlights the talents of an up and coming young actress.
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Extraction (2020)
Hemsworth is a god...but this time its not Thor!
30 April 2020
Quite frankly he carries this movie alone on his broad shoulders. The villain truly is one dimensional... The support cast with the exception of Rudhraksh Jaiswal (the young son Ovi) are very predictable and have no real character growth...

BUT i found myself absolutely riveted by the almost continuous action sequences! It almost felt like a John Woo film...and i mean that with the highest praise. If you dont mind putting your brain in neutral and just enjoy the ride you will love this movie!!
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Danger Close (2019)
Lest We Forget..
8 November 2019
This movie lacked big name stars... This movie lacked big budget... This movie lacked the soundtrack... This movie lacked promotion and media amp...

But what this movie did not lack is Heart! As a gen X kid from Australia i grew up with stories of our diggers in WW2 and Vietnam,and it is so satisfying to see them finally get some credit. I can honestly say that by the end i was sitting here in tears.

Lest we forget!
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Wow..just WOW!
1 October 2019
This is without a doubt one of the saddest,most beautifully filmed little movies i have ever seen. The little actress who plays the lead is an absolute star in the making. I am sitting here an hour after watching it still moved almost to tears just thinking about it.
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Light of My Life (I) (2019)
The Road for dads of daughters....
10 August 2019
This was a real slow burn,but i cant help but be effected by it. As the father of two girls this really struck home with me. Both of the leads carry their roles amazingly,and especially Anna Pniowsky,who for such a young actress really steals every scene. Really hoping for a sequel!!
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Papillon (I) (2017)
Do yourself a favour...see the original.
4 November 2018
I realise that this is only 17mins shorter than the original,yet somehow it feels like a Readers Digest Condensed version. Both Hunnam and Malek do their best,but lets face it they dont compare at all to McQueen and Hoffman. All in all i wish they had left this classic alone,and will always pretend they did and never think of this movie again.
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Perfect...and i mean PERFECT horror series!!
21 October 2018
I never dreamed that Netflix would be able to produce an atmospheric horror of this quality! I dont wont to give any spoilers away so i will keep this short and sweet.... Never have i felt so moved by a horror story...jump scares,tears,edge of the seat tension, this series brings it all. Watch it!!
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Horror movie for Millenials...
3 October 2018
The sheer though that somebody may take over your social media may be enough to drive generation M into a frenzy....And in the first movie it kind of worked. Lets be fair though. If your going to watch this do it on a laptop,as it lends a kind of authenticity to the movie that i think you would miss out on with a big screen. Unlike the first movie though this does not come across as a unique idea. The scares are rare,and the tension that may have been built with the online aspect of this movie is lost because of the fact that the original movie gave away the concept... And quite frankly,as somebody who frequents TOR this movie was an insult to the dark web.
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Black '47 (2018)
Beautiful shot historical epic.
1 October 2018
What an amazing piece of film making on show here. Its essentially a Western set to the back drop of The Irish Potato famine. That this period has never really been depicted before really is sad,as its a time that should never be forgotten. Both the leads in James Frecheville as Feeney,and Hugo Weaving as Hannah are simply masterful. Whilst we may be used to Weaving putting in such a great roll Frecheville is a relative newcomer.But judging from the intensity that he brings to this part he will be around for a long time. This should be required viewing to anybody who studies English history. Bravo.
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This movie has a soul..
30 September 2018
Rarely do i become as attached to a couple of main characters in a movie as i found myself to be in this beautiful sad tale . The two main actors manage to grab at your heart strings and put a tear in your eye,but both manage to do so in such an understated way that it almost takes you by surprise that you all of a sudden really care about these two characters. Thomasin McKenzie is an absolute revelation!..Such a mature and beautiful performance from such a young actress is such a rare thing these days.She conveys with a simple look or gesture more than a whole fistful of dialogue could ever say. There is no good or evil in this movie,no "bad guys"..just movie with a simple message,beautifully shot. I will be surprised if this movie leaves Oscars week without a trace.
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Standoff (I) (2016)
No Oscars..No cgi ..but damn what a great movie!
19 September 2018
I went into this totally expecting a very middle of the road flick... But i was surprised no end by how invested you become in this movie! The characters might only be very loosely thrown at us,and yet you cant hep feeling attached to them. The wounded vet... The heartless hitman.... And of course the innocent victim... And yet this flick finds a heart to it that i cant explain!!!
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Summer of 84 (2018)
It really does.
15 September 2018
I lived these times...i was 13 in 1984,so i get it. But i think the problem with this flick is that it doesnt know where it stands. Its not really sure if it wants to be Stranger Things/IT/Halloween or its own sub genre... Ive got to admit when it turned darker in the last third i enjoyed it more,as quite frankly the synth/pop soundtrack of the first hour or so was doing my head in!.... And the Stand By Me/8mm vibe was also driving me nuts! But when it took a turn to the more violent and disturbed movies of the 80's it was a change for the better...and i would even seek out a sequel if it continued with this vibe.
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Occupation (2018)
Thank you Independence Day/Red Dawn & the Australian Army!!
14 September 2018 can see where the writers/directors have gotten their inspiration from. But you have to forgive them this for the fact that they have also given us an extremely enjoyable movie right here!! The budget they have had to play with is probably 5% of what Hollywood has to use,and yet they have offered us a great character driven sci/fi adventure. The ensemble cast is nothing if not stellar,and you will pick out actors from movies as diverse as Romper Stomper/Once were warriors/Muriels Wedding and many more! I'm not going to give any plot spoilers away,but if you enjoy your scifi you will love this!! And also it was great to get Temuera Morrison back in full on Jake The Muss mode!!!!
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It just dies as soon as its clear they survive...
29 August 2018
I bought into this,i really did. The cinematography is amazing,the characters are believable,and yeh the dog is cute. But somehow,as soon as the survival action dies in this film,so does the interest. I gave this film a 6* because for about 60% of the movie i was really enjoying myself. But then the predictability set in and the brain went to sleep. I just wish Elba and Winslet were still stuck in the least THAT was enjoyable.
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Stephanie (I) (2017)
Great atmospheric horror
27 August 2018
I cant believe how much this movie has flown under the radar! Is it going to win But it has an originality about it that deserves a lot more credit and attention than it is currently recieving. It didn't feel the need to make every scene feel like a set up to an adrenaline rush,and yet you constantly find yourself on the edge of your seat. In a tiny cast Frank Grillo is his usual dependable self. But the credit in carrying this title has to go to the little girl Shree Crooks! This girl displays some acting prowess that leading ladies twice her age would be proud off. I dont want to say too much so as to give plot twists away,but her understated acting is masterfull! Do yourself a favour and check this out next time youve got a spare hour or two. And without a doubt we will be seeing more of Shree in the years to come.
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Adrift (I) (2018)
Great solid movie.
19 August 2018
Without a doubt Shailene Woodley carries this movie. But she does it in such a masterful way that the other cast are not over shadowed by her. Its a true story int the truest sense,and the feeling and emotion that it brings with it magnify the enjoyment of the movie. It does not have the usual hollywood cliches or licence to exaggerate that hollywood "true" stories do so actually sticks to the actual story very well. And also thank you Hollywood for letting us see "Triss" in a bikini! ;)
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Nothing REMAINS of the directors career after this...
18 August 2018
One day we will be given a post apocalyptic movie that we all desire... But today is not that day. This movie tried hard,but failed due i think mostly to budget...or lack off. Given a decent director and budget this could have been a great movie,but instead felt like somebody spent their summer vacation with 20 friends trying to cram every movie of this genre into 90 mins. The one standout was Lulu Antariksa as Anna. She almost managed to give this movie some emotion and atmosphere,but was held back by other actors who gave performances that where outstandingly bad. This movie had an almost "The Last Of Us" or even ""The Road" feel to it,and given a decent budget,a decent director and a decent supporting cast i really think it could have worked...and she alone moved my rating from 2* up to 4*.
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Time Trap (2017)
Fun Movie if you suspend your disbelief
17 August 2018
This belongs more in the category of Goonies than sci/fi. But if you can forgive it that then it is a fun B movie that is a great way to put the brain in neutral and enjoy the ride. The story itself is kind of cliche,and the characters themselves never really get developed beyond what you need to know... But beyond that it is an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours. The young actors may not be destined for Oscars,but they all do a very adequate job. There are several plot holes that could do your head in if you think about them too much...but if you do that then this movie is not for you. Enjoyable way to spend 87 mins :)
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Upgrade (2018)
Do not believe the rave reviews
14 August 2018
I hate knocking this film,i really do. I am Australian who loves home grown movies,I am a fan of sci/fi horror,and i love it when low budget films knock it out off the park. But this Film was a disaster!! The acting was wooden,the plot was very average,and most of all any so called twists were predictable from about the 10 min mark. How so many people are fawning over this pic and giving it a 10/10 or even a 8/10 has got me bamboozled! There was NO horror(unless you count a couple of blink and you'll miss them death moves) There was NO action(unless you call a couple of 50mph car chases on a motorway action. But yeh,i suppose if you consider somthing set 10 years in the future to be sci/fi,then there was that. I will expect to check back in a few days and watch the ratings tumble as the fake reviews are replaced by the real life reality of a very very average movie.
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