
50 Reviews
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Elsbeth (2024– )
Formulaic with episodic memory
8 April 2024
I'll start by saying I have always liked Carrie Preston. She plays quirky well and her smile lights up a room.

The concept of the show is good, and it has the continuing corruption investigation arc giving it continuity. The problem is that with a continuing arc you can not then have episodic memory. This was the problem with Quincy. Every week Quincy would declare that what his boss thought was an accident or suicide was in reality murder. His boss would then tell Quincy that he was full of crap, ignoring the 100+ previous episodes where Quincy said the same thing and was eventually proven correct. I've seen three episodes now where that same formula was used.

Also, crime scenes are tightly controlled. The police do not wait until after some (to them) random person walks in and contaminates the crime scene to usher them out with a stern warning. In real life Elsbeth would never have been allowed past the perimeter.
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Smallville (2001–2017)
The same story over and over
20 February 2024
Having ignored this series for many years I thought it was time to see what it had to offer. I'm disappointed in the lack of variety, and ignorance of the source material. I'm midway through episode 12 of season 1 and every episode has been a minor variant of "someone comes in contact with kryptonite and develops mysterious powers". Maybe once or twice, but every episode? Is that the best the writers can do?

As for the ignorance part, as far as I know (I haven't read the comics in years), kryptonite does not bestow powers. It affects Superman by making him weaker and, as I seem to recall, after many years of exposure, made Lex Luthor quite ill.

And the powers seem oddly specific. A fat girl becomes thin (with consequences). A boy who feels invisible becomes invisible.

Then, of course, we have the stereotypes. All jocks are bullies. I'll give it a 5.0 but only for the two leads.
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Poker Face (2023– )
Started good then went quickly down hill
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I started out wanting to like Poker Face. I know it is billed as a comedy/crime/drama, but even under the rules of any one of the three it still has to make sense. We are long past the stage of accepting infinite zoom/enhance in the various CSI incarnations and we should be far less forgiving of glaring forensic errors, and especially basic physics errors. As an example, vapor from dry ice flows downward, as is evident in the scene in Exit Stage Death, yet the vapor somehow rises from beneath the trap door and upward through the floorboards onto the stage.

In the episode, Rest in Metal, the camera that the drummer mounts to record his feet are pointing backward at him, yet somehow it manages to record the shoes of the other band members in the opposite direction.

But the most glaring problem is asking us to accept that a woman as intelligent and insightful as Charlie is shown to be is still somehow stupid enough to approach the killer in private and basically say (on more than one occasion) "You committed murder and I have proof that I will take to the cops as soon as I leave this room."
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Frasier (2023– )
25 October 2023
Whereas the original series had great writing, great acting, great characters, and great rapport between those characters, the reboot has none of the these. Instead it has the dreadful laugh track from Big Bang Theory and characters that are at best annoying. The characters of Eve and David are one-dimensional caricatures. I cringed every time they appeared on screen. Olivia is just pathetic and Alan is a poor substitute for John Mahoney. I watched episodes one and two, giving the show time to find its legs. But episode three was the worst excuse for comedy I have seen in recent memory. While Frasier Crane was always quirky he at least was relatable. The reboot has taken his worst qualities and dialled them up to eleven. He is Dr. Smith from the original Lost in Space minus the evil.

It is possible to still create a great sitcom, as proven by The Good Place. I think I'll just rewatch that and the original Frasier to see how comedy should be done.
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I'm done with Marvel movies
8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
GotG 1 was terrific. GotG 2 was OK. This chapter is just a waste of time.

Primarily, this movie suffers from the same rot that permeates most Marvel movies over the last few years. It just doesn't make sense.

How, for example, would Nebula know that Rocket's reaction to the med pack was a result of High Evolutionary tech?

How did Adam Warlock go from being skewered by Nebula to being back with the High Evolutionary?

How is it that except for being stabbed in the back, Adam Warlock was easily more than a match for essentially everyone in their first confrontation but clearly inferior to the power of the High Evolutionary, yet the Guardians are able to defeat the H. E.?

We've seen this so many times in other movies. Captain America is no match against Hulk. Hulk is no match against Thanos, yet Cap can stop a punch from Thanos and hold his ground.

I'm done with Marvel movies and situational abilities.
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Pure Fun
6 August 2023
I have to admit that my first thought was "this is the stupidest episode of all the Star Treks ever. And that's even considering The Omega Glory and Spock's Brain. The given "explanation" for the musical numbers was even more contrived than usual.

But then I did a quick mental adjustment. Even TOS had its silly moments. This episode was just pure fun all around. And I imagine the cast had a blast doing it. The musical numbers were absolutely first rate and there was just enough lamp-shading that almost, but not quite, broke the fourth wall.

And without giving any spoilers, the Klingon scene (you know which one) was the icing on the cake.

Well done.
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Babylon 5 (1993–1998)
Could have been so much better
21 December 2022
There have been several comments to the effect that because Deep Space 9 premiered 1-2 months before Babylon 5, B5 was therefore a rip-off of DS9. In fact, B5 was pitched to the network before DS9 was created. The network execs peppered the creators of B5 with questions as to "how are you planning to do ...". They then took these ideas and created DS9 while B5 languished in limbo.

Having said that, I have to agree with the majority of the bad reviews. The acting on B5 is wooden, the characters are stereotypical, and the dialog sounds like it was created by taking the corniest lines of dialog from old film noir detective movies. There are many scenes where when Garibaldi speaks I imagine the lines are being delivered by Jack Webb in Dragnet.

I will point out that some of the initial affection for B5 was due to the special effects being done on an Amiga coupled with the Video Toaster by NewTek. Until recently, special effects had to be done using models and computer controlled cameras. This required a lot of matting as can easily be seen in the original Star Trek (exterior effects in currently aired ST:TOS episodes have since been re-done digitally). B5 was groundbreaking at the time. Of course modern digital effects make the earlier attempts pale in comparison. This is not the fault of the production team. It's simply a limitation of the available technology and budget.

Andreas Katsulas, of course, is awesome.
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Man vs. Bee (2022)
Epic fail
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a great admirer of just about everything Rowan Atkinson has done. I first saw him in Mr. Bean and loved the quirkiness and creativity. Following that I binged on Black Adder and was likewise impressed and amused. His work as a dramatic actor in Maigret is engaging.

But Man vs Bee is neither clever nor entertaining. Rather, it is stress inducing. I couldn't even make it through the first episode. It is a series of mishaps, all resulting from the ineptitude of his character. For example, you know that as soon as the manual is introduced that something will happen to it. Everything that happens is telegraphed. Valuable and easily breakable art objects placed on narrow, unstable pedestals, in a house with a dog? Seriously?

Like cringe comedy, another unfortunate modern trend, Man vs Bee just falls flat.
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This is a bad movie
1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From the top - the haircut. That thing looks like it was molded out of plastic, spray painted, then glued onto the good doctor's head. It is an abomination, but at least after a fight or two it gets tossled and thankfully remains that way for the rest of the movie.

This is a movie about magic, as one would expect from a movie about the master of the mystic arts. But that doesn't mean it can forego rules or logic. And intelligent characters shouldn't just get stupid. Even at the beginning of his training the doctor could create portals to quickly move vast distances in an instant. So why would he not use this ability when trying to escape Wanda? Why stand in the tunnels, patiently waiting for Wanda to break through the door instead of teleporting to a place of safety?

Why does Reed Richards, the smartest man in the world according to Mordo, tell Wanda the one thing she needs to do to render Black Bolt powerless? He is apparently the only one who could have defeated Wanda and Reed just threw him under the bus. Doesn't seem like a smart thing to do.

And finally, quoting the good doctor, "The Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. She can rewrite reality as she chooses and is prophesized to either rule or annihilate the cosmos." If this is the case then why was she so ineffective against Thanos? It seems to me she could have taken care of him the way you or I might swat a fly.

But this is a problem with all Marvel movies it seems. Hulk is almost infinitely stronger than Captain America and Thanos can easily defeat Hulk. Yet Captain America is shown resisting a direct assault by Thanos. The relative power and abilities of the characters are defined as "whatever is necessary for a particular scene".
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Great season with one minor flaw
16 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is another fine chapter in the Bosch series that I have enjoyed for years starting with the original books. Titus Welliver, of course, is superbly cast as Bosch. My only problem with this season is in the closing moments of the final episode where Maddie commits the sin of "unexplained stupidity". It's already been established that she is intelligent, and has learned a great deal about proper police procedure both from her T. O. and her father. She has already displayed a concern for safety - her own and others'. She is aware of the existence of the serial rapist, as well as his M. O. of obtaining access by cutting a window screen. How then can we explain why she would leave her window open, allowing the rapist to easily get into her residence? It makes as much sense as having a cop back into a room simply because the plot requires it. It is completely out of character.
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A Timeless Classic
26 May 2022
This is a movie that will never look dated. Its only flaw is that it was made from a version of the novel that was missing the last chapter. The original book was written in three parts of seven chapters each. The movie ends with chapter six of part three. By doing this (intentionally or not), Kubrick denies the redemption aspect of the story.
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Star Trek: Picard: Farewell (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
Does not disappoint
9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the Picard/Q scene I've been waiting 30 years to see. It confirms what I always thought. After a few appearances in STTNG I always felt that Q had some sort of affection toward Picard.
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Enlightening and disturbing
18 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For anyone who ever wondered "how could this happen", watch this movie. Genetic blind chance, and denial explain a lot. While it takes some time to get a handle on how the story unfolds due to the non-linear narrative, it pays off to see it through.

My only complaint would be the over-use of the colour red. I get the symbolism and foreshadowing. I don't need the director to beat me over the head with it. Might as well just have a giant sign saying THERE WILL BE BLOOD!!!!!
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Season Four Has Lost Its Way
30 March 2022
It took a few episodes of season one before I was hooked. The story arc through the first three seasons was interesting and the characters were well written and entertaining. That all goes away in season four where Midge's career has come to a standstill. Season four seems to have no forward momentum at all, and now we are just treated to characters who talk non-stop rapid-fire. It would be one thing if the dialog was interesting, but unfortunately it's just annoying.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Season 4 is slipping
14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So far season 2 has been the best of the series. While season 4 has an interesting story arc, I am seeing far too much time spent on characters having heart to heart discussions. This is Star Trek, not group therapy. It seems no crisis is too dire or time critical that time can't be taken for inappropriate (in the moment) conversation. Billions of lives are at stake but let's pause for several minutes to tug at the old heart strings, or perhaps just to pad the show out to a full episode.

Season 5 was not as disappointing as season 4, however, it still disappoints. On the plus side there was a lot less touchy-feely stuff and I was able to just fast forward through the scenes with Saru and T'Rina without (I imagine) missing anything of substance. But characters still do, or do not, do things which make no sense. For example, while in full Breen uniform in the Breen ship where time is of the essence, Burnham still takes time to have a heart to heart talk with Book.

But the biggest problem is that when Mol is on Discovery, the remainder of the season could have been cut short by having T'Rina take the required info from Mol with a mind meld (exactly what Spock does in The Undiscovered Country), then making her forget that same info, like what Spock did in Requiem for Methuselah.

I'm not sorry there will be no season 6.
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The title nails it
14 March 2022
After enjoying Meaghan Rath's performance in the last season of Rogue I was looking forward to seeing how she would handle comedy. This, however, was so bad I couldn't even make it through the first episode. She went from competent detective to incompetent parent. Yes, children, in this sad excuse for a sitcom, ruin everything. The children were completely out of control, mostly due to the complete lack of parenting. I'm old-school. I believe a comedy should make you laugh. This show just made me want to reach for something to relieve my anxiety.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Started strong but went downhill
10 March 2022
This series started out strong but got weirder and weaker over time to the point where season four just plodded along. Bill Pullman is a fine actor but I quickly grew tired of the silly half-smile he seemed to have frozen on his face for a good portion of the show.

The producers used a common and time-worn hack. If you can't build tension by creative writing and plot, then build it by slowly increasing the volume of the musical score. Most scenes would have benefited by having no musical score at all.

And to call what they had "a musical score" is a complete misnomer. Instead of actual music, they decided to go with some sort of whiny, irritating, ambient sound. This proved not only annoying, but my hearing aids seemed to amplify it out of proportion to the dialog.

As a final note to all TV/movie producers, background music is called "background" for a reason. It should not be so loud that we have to struggle to hear what the actors are saying. A pinch of salt enhances the flavour of a dish. A pound of salt destroys it.
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2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is what great sci-fi is all about - ideas. Not lasers and space battles, but ideas. If special effects and action is you idea of proper sci-fi then this movie is likely not for you.

This is a movie based on a story by Jerome Bixby, who might be remembered by most as the author behind the Star Trek (TOS) episode, Requiem for Methuselah (and several others). There has always been speculation as to whether or not John Oldman is supposed to be the same character as Flint from that episode.
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Rick and Morty: Rickmurai Jack (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
I used to love this show
25 November 2021
But it really jumped the shark this season. It used to be clever and original. Now, the writers and animators just seem to throw any idea that pops into their drug addled brains onto the screen. There is no attempt at any kind of story telling.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Well Told Story
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An intriguing story, well told, but at times it gets a little slow. The pacing could have been tightened up a bit (pointless scenes of Stella swimming, for example). Having said that, the characters and events are very believable. Some things are implied but not explained. For example, we are led to believe that Jim Burns is a survivor of the same boys' institute where Paul was abused as a young teen. If this series had been done in the US, Paul would have escaped the hospital and died in a fiery crash or a hail of bullets after a lengthy and pointless car chase. His death in the actual series was believable. Other than the pacing, my only criticism is that Gillian Anderson wore only one expression on her face for all three seasons.
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Argo (2012)
Not a bad thriller
13 November 2021
Not bad except for the 90% that was made up so the Americans could take all the credit for rescuing the hostages. But this is to be expected (see Iron Will). At least they gave the Canadians a nod in passing when it came time to collect the Oscar.
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Check out the movie first
7 November 2021
I suggest you watch the excellent horror/comedy movie The Cabin in the Woods and then decide for yourself whether or not this series rips off the premise.
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Foundation (2021– )
An Insult to the Source
31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've read the Foundation Trilogy, plus the additional novels including the Elijah Bailey/R Daneel Olivaw "prequels" at least three times over the last fifty years. I am now into another reading of the original trilogy. I found this necessary to reassure myself that my now ancient brain was not mis-remembering the original material.

The TV series shares only the odd name and the idea of psychohistory with the source. Everything else has been scrapped. One of the major ideas, violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, has beem completely tossed out the window in favour of suicide bombers, gun battles, and crashing spaceships. Asimov would never have approved.

A tenet of Asimov's fiction writing was that things had to make sense. How then does it make sense that Gaal dives from a dock at the edge of a building to retrieve an item underwater, then resurfaces in the middle of a watery expanse to climb back into a boat? How is it that the Huntress can escape her handcuffs by detonating an EMP device? And why is it that all of the guards have disappeared leaving only Salvor Hardin to deal with her? How is it that an Imperial battleship can be taken down by effectively lobbing a rock at it, especially when it has already been established that the Empire has shield technology?

Nothing makes sense. But why should it? It was written by Hollywood hacks who have no appreciation for great science fiction, and no respect for the masters.
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Dr. Death (2021–2023)
Amazing performance by JJ
24 October 2021
You'll hate Joshua Jackson's character. And this isn't easy after all the likeable characters he is known for portraying. Fortunately, I had my L5-S1 disc removed in Canada (1978) where hospitals are not run for profit.
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Family Feud Canada (2019– )
Family Feud's Classier Northern Cousin
20 October 2021
Why would someone hire Gerry Dee? Anyone who has watched the American version with Steve Harvey should know the answer. The American version heavily favours questions that elicit answers with a lot of sexual and scatalogical innuendo. I watch Family Feud to be entertained. I am not entertained when an answer is revealed to be "poop chute".

Now let's talk about hosts. Gerry Dee is pleasant and amusing. While he occasionally pokes fun at the contestants (and himself), he is never excessive or mean spirited. Steve Harvey, on the other hand, frequently comes down just shy of calling the contestants retarded. He typically follows a stupid answer with an equally stupid open mouthed gape. And when a contestant says something even mildly amusing he will double over in laughter and practically roll on the floor. This type of shucking and jiving should have died decades ago.

And a final word on the survey questions - you will likely never see questions designed merely to stroke the host's ego on Family Feud Canada. Too many questions on the American version refer to how smart, handsome, sexy, funny, etc. Steve Harvey is. I think we are a little classier than that in the Great White North.
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