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Pennyworth (2019–2022)
Not Alfred pennyworth origin
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm disappointed to report that the third season of Pennyworth has taken a devastating creative misstep, one that has single-handedly diminished the show's overall value. The writers' ill-advised decision to introduce a Wayne daughter, a character that never existed in the original narrative, has resulted in a staggering 4-star drop in my rating.

While the characters themselves remain endearing and entertaining, the writing in the last season has been nothing short of catastrophic. It's a shame, really, as the show had so much potential. Instead, the writers have made a series of baffling choices that have ultimately led to the downfall of the series.

One can't help but wonder what prompted this creative direction. Did the writers genuinely believe that introducing a new, unrelated character would somehow enrich the story? Did they think that fans would be oblivious to the blatant disregard for the original narrative? It's a mystery, and one that has left me, and likely many others, feeling disillusioned and disappointed.

It's time for the writers to take a step back, reassess their approach, and stop making careless decisions that undermine the very foundation of the show. The characters, the setting, and the premise all had so much promise, but it's been squandered by a lack of respect for the source material and a seeming disregard for the audience's expectations.

Ultimately, the third season of Pennyworth is a prime example of how not to handle a beloved franchise. It's a cautionary tale of what happens when writers get too big for their britches and begin to believe that they can fix what ain't broke. Newsflash: sometimes, less is more, and sometimes, it's better to stick to the original recipe rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.
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This movie is 45 minutes too long.
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Rebel Moon - Part Two is the second installment in Zack Snyder's Netflix sci-fi franchise. While the movie has its moments, it falls short in several areas, including excessive runtime and unnecessary filler content.

  • Good acting: The cast delivers solid performances, showcasing their talent and commitment to their roles.

  • Exciting action: The action sequences in Rebel Moon - Part Two are well-executed and provide thrilling moments for viewers.

  • Excessive runtime: The movie suffers from being 45 minutes too long, resulting in unnecessary filler content that detracts from the overall experience.

  • Lack of focus: The film includes singing and dancing scenes that feel out of place and contribute to the excessive runtime.

  • Limited character development: Despite a talented cast, the characters in Rebel Moon - Part Two lack depth and fail to establish a strong emotional connection with the audience.

  • Pacing issues: The rushed timeline of the villagers' preparation for battle feels unrealistic and undermines the sense of tension and believability.

Conclusion: Rebel Moon - Part Two has its strengths, including good acting and exciting action sequences. However, the excessive runtime, lack of focus, and limited character development hinder the overall enjoyment of the film. The movie could have benefited from tighter editing and a more focused narrative.
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Damsel (2024)
A Perfect Adventure for Young Girls and Family-Friendly Fun
16 March 2024
Damsel is a visually stunning film that offers a mesmerizing dark fantasy aesthetic and provides a perfect adventure for young girls and offers family-friendly fun for all. Its mesmerizing dark fantasy aesthetic, combined with the firm and empowering character, creates an enchanting experience. Damsel is perfectly designed to cater to the adventures of young girls. Elodie character empowers young viewers, showing them that they can be strong, independent, and capable of overcoming challenges. While some negative reviews may have missed the context of this film's intended audience or maybe they think that you girls don't need female adventurous characters, Damsel delivers an entertaining and captivating story that is entertaining for fathers and their daughters.
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Dampyr (2022)
Well done movie
24 November 2023
Dampyr impresses with its low-budget charm, featuring commendable acting and well-coordinated direction. The script and dialogue strike a pleasing balance, complemented by seamless scene cuts. The actors deliver smooth, natural performances, creating a comfortable and engaging viewing experience. The set design, enhanced by green screen and special effects, adds an equally satisfying dimension to the film. Dampyr exudes a Marvel Comics Blade vibe, placing its superhero in a thrilling war zone. The film's narrative and atmosphere evoke the intense, action-packed essence reminiscent of the iconic Blade series, offering a captivating experience for fans of the genre.
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The Mother (2023)
The mother did I watch?
21 May 2023
Jennifer Lopez's venture into the action genre, "The Mother," unfortunately falls flat on multiple fronts. While Lopez showcases her acting prowess, the film's screenplay and the disjointed sequencing of events hamper its overall impact. It leaves one wondering if the production team either overspent on star power or failed to invest sufficient thought into crafting a cohesive plot.

The script lacks depth and fails to provide a compelling narrative that engages viewers. It feels rushed and poorly developed, with scenes that appear disjointed and disconnected from each other. This lack of coherence makes it difficult to become fully invested in the story, diminishing the overall viewing experience.

One of the major obstacles the film faces is the believability of Jennifer Lopez as a tough military woman. Despite her undeniable talent as an actress, there seems to be a disconnect between her portrayal and the character she is meant to embody. This discrepancy makes it challenging to suspend disbelief and fully embrace her role, hindering the immersion necessary for a successful action film.

Moreover, "The Mother" suffers from questionable plot decisions and underdeveloped supporting characters. The narrative fails to provide meaningful arcs or depth to the individuals surrounding Lopez's character, resulting in a lack of emotional investment in their journeys. This oversight further weakens the impact of the story, leaving audiences detached and unengaged.

While it is admirable that Jennifer Lopez attempted to explore a new genre, "The Mother" ultimately misses the mark. Despite her commendable acting skills, the film's subpar script, disjointed storytelling, and questionable casting choices hinder its potential for success. It lacks the necessary cohesion and believability required for an impactful action flick, ultimately leaving viewers wanting more.
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Bloody Hell (2020)
Hell Yeah!!!
13 January 2023
The writing, directing and acting in this movie was fantastic. This is a horror comedy that is up there what other great movies of its kind. I enjoyed the fact that even in the tired like different country you have these backwater crazies. With a lot of movies coming out, it always seem to have a underlining, political statement; this movie is just macabre entertainment. Ben O'Toole, who plays Rex, is a former soldier who has an alter ego voice that protects him from harm, but can also get him into trouble. It's Freud's ID that guides the super ego. This is definitely a Tuesday or Wednesday night movie.
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Green Snake (2019)
To much drawn out drama
26 December 2021
I like great animation and this movie is it. The Chinese sure do love their drama, but the drama is too drawn out for an American audience. I think it could have been cut down to a 90 min movie. However, if you like drawn-out storylines and fantasy escapism then this movie just might be for you.
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Hellbound (2021– )
Two eps to long
22 November 2021
The first 3 eps were good, but when act two started I lost interest. I endured to watch, but at the end of the sixth eps, I realized that eps 4, 5, and 6 could have been cut down to one eps and save the audience some pain. I'm sure there will be a series two, but I pray that they make it with less filler.
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Halloween II (2009)
Part 2 just as bad as Part 1
31 October 2021
OMG! I cannot believe anyone wanted to see this drawn out film. It was, once again, 40 min to long. I gave one star for all the boobs, one star for the actors that could act and one star for the cinematography. The story got stupid when visions of mommy come into the picture and those teenagers cannot act. All in all this doesn't belong in the Halloween film vault.
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Halloween (2007)
I don't get the high praise
30 October 2021
Perhaps people gave this movie high praise because it's Rob Zombie. The fact that Danny Trejo was in it gives this movie an automatic 2 stars and all the boob scenes give it 2 more. Beyond that it was painful to watch. Forty-two minutes of ground work to explain the evolution of Mikey and then the rest of the movie was just meh. But I said I would watch all the Halloween movies and that's what I'm doing, so the two remakes by Zombie and part of that. Now I will say the older actors are great, direction is good as well as the set. The young actors, teens, have no depth.
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Old Henry (2021)
Finally a Western that worth watching since COVID
14 October 2021
Potsy Ponciroli you did a fantastic job in writing a story that isn't filled with WOKE BS and is just a good old Western. It's a rare treat to watch something for pure enjoyment and some kind of sick underlying agenda. I look forward to more of your projects.
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I finally got around to watching and I am glad I didn't pay for it.
10 October 2021
This is a horrible and predictable story. From the opening introduction words, "I hear voices and I must search the galaxy." To lame homage of not finishing the obstacle course. Think Luke not completing his training. Then you have Rey being from house Slytherin and healing a snake thing, to using dark force powers. Kidnapping was predictable but the choppy nature of the first 50 minutes shows how uninteresting this story appears to be. Then Zorii was beyond lame, "I like you REY." I can see why Disney went to Disney Plus to try and revive life into the franchise, because this movie killed it.
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What a crap story...
20 August 2021
This WHAT IF... is awful. What happen Disney? You had to actually think of a story and couldn't do a flip of one already done like EPS1? Who approved this sissy garbage? Jeez you people are beyond stupid.
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Medium (2005–2011)
Binge watching
9 August 2021
There is a reason why I never watched this series when it was first on. The main actor, Patricia, sucks. I cannot stand her and her daughters. They are all just horrible. I blame the writing, and they are annoying in every single eps. The father, DA and cop are all great. The parents needs to spank their kids and dang it Joe; you should have slapped Alisson a few time to knock some common sense into her.

Bridget is the most annoying of the whole bunch. Now, beyond all the annoying women in this series; some of the stories are really good and I can only assume the audience for this were women who are equally annoying in their own life. -ha

If you don't mind watching people that ain't got the common sense that God gave a chicken, then you will be able to watch this show completely.
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Cypher (2021– )
To much BS
3 May 2021
The best way to watch this series is to watch Eps 1 and 2 and then the last 2 eps. In fact you could just watch 1, 2 and 6. This show is so lame and predictable you will lose interest. I'll point out that the acting is horrible, the writing is worse and why are the wife and child so stupid? The ex-wife needed to be slapped at least once per episode.
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COVID Tracking SHOTs, WOKE and Mac Beta Boy
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well this series has hit a new low with the BLM BS lie it just pushed. Wake up people and do your own research and you will find that the MSM has lied to you given the facts. MacGyver is a simp of a man. The only reason this got 3 stars from is the tracking system. I think the nut jobs that think the COVID vaccine is some kind of tracking shot that rewrites your RDNA. I'm sure the next episode will have another current event lie.
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Cypher: Deadman Walking (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Acting hasn't improved
21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The script is predictable and the acting hasn't improved. But at least this eps didn't score any lower then the first episode. The garage and car chase scene reminded me of amateur movie making you see on YouTube. Deadman walking was a zombie of an episode that leads you to believe that there might be another traitor in the agency. Sadly I think that the writers will "surprise" us with the special agent in charge being the bad guy. Will episode three make this show better or will I just have to jump to episode eight and waste no more of my time? TBD
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Cypher: The Code (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Bad acting
21 March 2021
The story is interesting but the acting is horrible. Parts of the story feels like some 7th grade thought "hey let's do this." All in all the first eps dropped from potential to a 4. The only person that can act is the special agent in charge. Even though he is older is still see Leo from Charmed.
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WandaVision: Now in Color (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Finally on Par
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In this EPS we are getting to the Marvel Comic story and pushing pass the nonsense. It on par because the prego sense was overdone, but good enough to what makes a comic book story come to life. The end scene made me think of "under the dome" storyline which will give this entire series 5 from this point on. However, Sentient World Observation and Response Department (SWORD) appears to be involved with means that the event is not of Earth, but perhaps one of the stones or better yet LOKI. My expectation for issue 4, is to bring in the antagonist or a glimpse into SWORD.
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Game Therapy (2015)
Fun movie for video game Therapy
17 January 2021
This movie is about a geek trying to go from introvert to extrovert. The computer simulation concept has great scenes, cosplay and good direction. The acting for a dub movie is good as well. Building confidence is the key point of this movie, breaking away from the video game world and being a part of the real world. This movie had good writing, acting and direction. The writing went south when they had sex. I know in America no MALE would have acted like that. From this point on the plot fails to keep me interested. I found it humorous that the young lady assumed she could just movie into her boyfriends parents house. It's not his house. I'm rooting for the bad guy.

All in all this wasn't a bad movie, just wish it had a better second half.

PS: The after mediation scene with his brother was funny.
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WOW. What crap
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this movie. But the writing was a blend of William Shatner Gremlins meets Tales from the Crypt. The crude way the airmen addressed her was completely unrealistic. You have two officers on this flight and the crudeness would never have been tolerated. The entire movie is basically in the lower gunner bubble. You know what was in the package and big middle finger from the people that made this atrocity to it audience.
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WandaVision: Don't Touch That Dial (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Still sub par
16 January 2021
The Bewitched and I love lucy theme isn't my thing. However, I think they are in the Mind Stone and perhaps trying to bring back Vision from his destruction by Thanos. Now that they got pass the magic skit the show picked up a little. Emma Caulfield Ford (Dottie) reminded me of Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And it was enjoyable. Sadly, Vision having a "malfunction" because of gum was again, bad writing. The magic show was funny so I gave it one more star than Eps 1.
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I hate all of you writers and producers
16 January 2021
You killed the only character that was even worth watching this show. I watch it because MacGyver because of Jack and I continued watching it so I could make fun of the bad writing and rip it. But now! Now! I hope you cancel this crap.
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Bewitched or I love Lucy Marvel Style?
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First I love the sexist toast rub. Woman's place is in the kitchen. Unless your name is Wanda. The laugh track was very unnecessary, but the one SWIMMINGLY thing about eps 1 was Debra Jo Rupp. She played Mrs. Hart and is always a class act. Wanda doesn't have Bewitched powers, but from what I can tell of this story is they have been sucked into some kind of alternative universe. So things can be changed up and that's why they can't recall anything. I'm sure the story will get better, but for now this was subpar.
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Can't write? Rip off other movies.
17 December 2020
BAD WRITING with a John wick hotel ripoff and a team building exercise. The wireless hack in the Zurich building has no rogue detection? Seriously a high tech bad guy facility has that turned off? Did anyone else catch the "under the weather" phrase? This show is so stupid for a MacGyver. Just all around bad writing. How many movies can they rip off to make this eps? I counted four. The hostage room is the a holiday room express room. -ha
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