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Perfectly fitting for Halloween
18 October 2016
This film is THE Halloween film. I don't care about the other film which is actually called Halloween.

Basically this story takes place in a generic American town where it is Halloween. Throughout the film we follow 5 different stories that intersect at times (for example there's a scene where characters from story A bump into characters from story B) but they basically have nothing to do with each other. Adding to this things are not always in chronological order. This may sound like it's overwritten and confusing but it's really not and it all makes sense.

The film is generally lighthearted. It was not meant to be serious but is Halloween serious? No, Halloween is fun and this film captures that. This doesn't mean that this film is a B film, no not by a long shot.

There are obviously serious horror aspects, people will die (brutally) sometimes, some of the stories are pretty morbid but in the end it always seems to take dark yet humorous ending.

I seriously recommend this for any fan of the holiday.
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8 September 2016
Wow this sucks. If Olympus Has Fallen is a Da Vinci masterpiece, this is Da Vinci's retarded neighbour Luigi's crayon scribblings.

The whole feel of the film is so off. The characters played by Tatum and Foxx are not to be taken seriously. In that I mean the actors are clearly just... half-assing it. The music score at some points, I swear, comes from Home Alone. The plot, at first, seems OK enough... embittered US state servants and soldiers, feeling hurt for their loss (think of the plot from The Rock), take over the white house and then demand money. Have some integrity! DON'T WATCH THIS: WATCH OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN.
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Better alternatives to this film!
27 May 2016
This film is basically that type of film most of us growing up have seen: a group of delinquent/reject/loser kid stereotypes are involved in some sport. They suck badly. Along comes an unlikely coach. Insert about an hour of the same jokes you'd expect, for example how gross the fat kid is, how unsporty the nerd is, etc. Along comes an aloof/rebellious outsider who is amazing and comes to help the team out. They make it to the finals where they battle the other team, most certainly made up of mean bully types with a narcissist for a coach! We have seen this formula in a number of films: The Big Green, The Mighty Ducks, Little Giants, and even the adult Chinese film Shaolin Soccer to name a few. It's not a bad formula and while not super complex it is nonetheless usually enjoyable and amusing. However this film has a pacing issue I felt. Some things just didn't click as well as these other films. It made me think how some scenes were just overstaying their welcome.

Basically it's this: if you are wanting to watch the kids team underdog trope then you're better off with Mighty Ducks or Little Giants. If you want to watch Billy Bob Thornton make some comedy with some kids then watch Bad Santa.
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Leviathan (1989)
Alien + The Thing + The Abyss = Leviathan
27 May 2016
Having read the title, just take a moment to imagine what kind of film this would entail. I'm sure you can do that easily enough if you're a fan of such films. Now set this film in some underwater labs.

Basically: a team of scientists/drillers (like the crew from Alien and the scientists from The Thing) are in some underwater labs (a setting like in The Abyss or The Sphere) and then they discover a sunken Soviet ship (like the Norwegian base in The Thing) with a secret which thrusts them into danger (again like in The Thing).

Now you may think that because I'm making these comparisons that I think this film is a terrible rip-off of all these films. Maybe. After all The Thing and Alien came out well before this film. BUT! I'm not complaining.

Leviathan has a strong cast of characters, brilliant effect on par with The Thing (thanks to Stan Winston again) and an engaging story line.

It has some flaws (I cannot say what due to spoilers) which are irritating enough that you will be sure to rank this film below Alien, The Abyss, The Thing. But if you enjoyed those films you will find some enjoyment in this film, I promise!
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Better than the newer Titanic
14 May 2016
I am admittedly fickle when it comes to old movies. Generally I struggle to appreciate them with their old style acting, poor effect, poor audio and video quality. This film overcame that although it obviously doesn't have the effects and sound/audio quality of the more modern Titanic release.

The big difference, which I feel makes this movie superior, is that this film cuts out the romance and has a more ensemble cast. The Titanic was a massive tragedy that fascinates people to this day. So why focus on two people who essentially just hooked up? This film is better in that it focuses on a little bit of everything AND it does it's best to keep with what were the facts regarding that night at the time.

The acting is pretty good and there are relatable characters. One will even make you laugh sometimes. The effects are not brilliant but it's tolerable.

I definitely say that despite its age it is the better film. Watch the modern Titanic for the cool digital effects. Watch this film for a better Titanic story.
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Not the average horror/occult film.
23 April 2016
As of writing this I can think of many, many horror films that are coming out lately: Conjuring, Insidious, Sinister, The Possession, Babadook, and numerous exorcism based films. They all tend to be quite similar: jump scares, freaky imagery, etc. Well The Witch is not at all like these films.

The film is set about 400 years ago in a very religious and puritanical world. A man and his family are banished from a community and set up a small farm on the edge of a forest. Eventually supernatural problems occur...

Now don't think that it will be like the other horror films I listed. This film is slower and doesn't really feature anything too out there like spider-walking little girls or red-faced demons. Nonetheless it is quite thrilling for a horror fan who appreciates something different. And I don't think this is too much of a spoiler but this isn't a film where the protagonists can just shout about the power of Christ to make the antagonists run away. So it's refreshing in that way.

Technically the film is very well made. The acting is good, the scenery is believable and you really get the feeling that it is historically accurate.

I recommend it but do realize that it's a divisive film seemingly; some say its really scary (including Stephen King) and some say its so boring.
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Very boring
14 February 2016
This film is seriously dull.

Whenever a fantasy film or game is made with it's own internal mythos it MUST be interesting because every character, plot, etc. is set in this mythos and it is where you immerse yourself for a few hours. The mythos of this film... is so bland and generic that you just do not care.

Lately there have been a lot of similar films (Priest, Hanzel & Gretyl, Van Helsing, Hellboy, Underworld) that all share some similarities (one hero against an attempt of a villain to rise up and mess the world up). While this in itself can be dull if you see it in film after film these films I mentioned are NOT (in my opinion) dull because the mythos of the film is very interesting. It's engrossing. You care. After watching you may imagine living in that world. Not here its just so not fleshed out, nothing is fully explained, it's like they know their world is so generic that you'll be filling in the massive mythos gaps as you go.

The acting is generic, the storyline is meh, the one plot twist is introduced and concluded and forgotten in about 2 minutes if that, and... ya, sorry just skip. Even if you're a Vin Diesel fan just don't bother go watch Riddick again or something.

2/10 - 1 just for Vin Diesel and another 1 because the visuals were pretty nice at times.
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Sweet Whip (2013)
Came for the sex scenes, stayed for the plot.
19 December 2015
I got this film because it's about BDSM and has Japanese girls in it (particularly Yuki Mamiya). I heard it was graphic, which it is, definitely beyond what western viewers would be okay with, which is another point that interested me.

I expected a flimsy story line but eventually I got into the story. It's basically about a 17 year old school girl who gets kidnapped one day by her neighbour who has a basement in his home where he rapes her repeatedly and how later in life she works in an S&M club since she seemingly has developed a taste for abuse.

The film does a lot of narration over the scenes to explain her character and how she deals with what happened to her.

You really do sympathize with Naoko, particularly when she is younger as it is something that happens in real life. In that way it can be comparable to the infamous rape scene in Irreversible. Thus you do get wrapped up into it.

It is done in a... not mediocre style but... well given the premise you would picture a story with a lot more moping and scenes showing how broken Naoko is in everyday life. Oscar bait. It isn't that at all if you get me.

I recommend the film if you are mature enough to not get offended by graphic and sadistic sex and can appreciate the monologue of a person struggle with their trauma. It isn't too brilliantly written but it is done well enough.
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Severe disappointment.
24 October 2015
This film was the most hyped Dragonball film in a long time mainly because Frieza returns. Also there is a new Dragonball series running adding to the whole atmosphere and excitement of Dragonball but this film severely disappointed me. I have been a Dragonball fan for like over 10 years.

The main problem with this film is that it feels like a copy/paste job of every other film. Ever. If you have watched any other Dragonball film you can predict the results and the steps that happen to reach the ending. This goes for the plot and story progression so that you could write it yourself. Frieza returns, supporting cast fumble around until the big fish (Goku/Vegeta) show up and they fight with very expected results. And without spoiling anything the film is resolved using a plot mechanic that was literally used previously in films and the series.

And frankly the whole Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan forms (red and blue respectfully) are nothing more than desperate palette swaps to keep up the idea of power progression that is such a worn out element even starting in the original Dragonball. The design of these forms are just... lazy. As for Frieza's new design, it's also just another palette swap.

Another poor issue is the canon of Dragonball by now. Super Saiyan was always implied to be so damn strong and just having a SS fighting on a planet leads to severe damage to it. But now these apparently insanely god like being are fighting and it has the same effect on the surroundings as fights in early DBZ. It's just wrong.

On the good side it's the best looking graphically speaking though I have seen way more awesome scenes in the main series. The sound is on point and features a kick-ass song from Maximum the Hormone.

I give it 3/10. As a hardcore DB fan who has literally watched everything DB related by now... there is no real reason to ever watch this. It brings absolutely nothing new to the table. You will get more enjoyment writing your own fanfic or re-watching older films.
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An OK adventure/comedy about the Cthulhu Mythos
9 March 2015
This is a light-hearted "nerd-based" film about two friends, one of whom is a descendant of the actual H.P. Lovecraft who get wrapped up in a conspiracy about cultists wanting to wake Cthulhu using a magical amulet. The go on an adventure together, later meeting amusing characters and Lovecraftian monsters all done in B-grade level effects.

The characters are somewhat bland and simply fill out their allotted roles. The comedy is rather in the light-hearted area rather than seriously funny. The effects are a mixed bag - not convincing but full on B grade like you'd expect from a low budget film. It has some amusing points but yeah, nothing amazing.

5/10 because it's average.
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Dracula (1931)
Classic Gothic Cinema!
23 September 2012
Firstly I may be biased here. I have a strong fancy for Gothic literature, film, and music. This film is very much that: Gothic. So therefore I approve it thoroughly. This is a film from a different era. It's 1931. Only in 1922 did the now famous Nosferatu come out in it's full silent German expressionist glory but this film is with sound and lost the distorted look of expressionism. It's a classic just by these merits. But there are some things that a modern viewer might raise an eyebrow at: no music, the acting style, the flow of the film....

The acting is of a different kind. The actors/actresses don't overact but exude the energy of their characters. Dracula is very Dracula, Renfield is very insane, and so on. They are exactly what they are cast as and that's good. The scenery is amazing.

There are a few faults with the film which snapped me out of the dream. Some scene transitions were very fast; by that I mean the story seemed to be told too fast and the transition of events weren't fully elaborated. I knew what happened, having read the book and seen many other Dracula films, but I felt that it should have slowed down some parts. I really wanted to see more and more but at these times was thinking "okay, that's happening already, no set up to it?"

At times I laughed out aloud at some ridiculous parts such as a wasp/bee coming out of an apparent "mini coffin", armadillos lurking the castle, and Dracula's stare which occasionally went from being soul crushing to being absurd.

The sets are amazing. At times you have to pause the film to admire it even though it is in a grainy sepia tone.

All in all you have to watch this. The fact you looked up Dracula on here demands it because like Nosferatu this is a key point in the story that is Dracula.

9/10... -1 because of the speed of the film and the armadillos.
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Tarantula (1955)
Good, not great, but worth viewing.
20 September 2012
This is one of those films which you see the poster, hear the gist of it and think, "yeeeeahhh!" because you already have an idea of what enjoyment you'll find in the film. The plot of the film is pretty predictable: science + nature = disaster. That's a somewhat common theme in other films too.

A real tarantula is used to portray the monster (with occasional use of animatronics). Using trick photography and miniature sets at times this is achieved. This works well as tarantulas are creepy and unnerving even as nature intended so seeing one portrayed so massively really works. Even by today's CGI standards it looks unnerving.

The characters aren't really important here but they fill their roles satisfactorily. The story could do with a little more and the writing too. Just a touch more to flesh out the story and such.

I recommend this mainly to those who like spider-based films (e.g. Eight Legged Freaks, Arachnophobia, etc) and fans of "big creatures vs. man" films.
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