
115 Reviews
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Fallout (2024– )
Fellout Of My Couch
20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I Fellout of my couch because i had fallen asleep in episode three. Was it because it was boring? Was it because it was insipid? Was it because it was so contrived? Was it because all the actors were bland, not only unbelievable but unrelatable? I am convinced it was of all the above.

Pro: Looks bright and colorful.

Cons: CG is smeared on some of the creatures and looks almost as bad as the Scorpion King movie. Too plastic and silly moving. Especially the mutated bear. It looks awful.

Walton Goggings is Walton no matter the role. Whether it be in The Shield, SOA, Fallout, He is always going to be Walton.

The lead is silly, annoying and unbelievable

The music is atrocious. At first it is novel and cute but by the middle of episode one the Yankovich style covers get really old really fast. The rest of the old re-hashed songs of the 40s and 50s just get mind numbingly trite.

The writing in very lazy. We have to go here to see this but first have to do this and see that before we can actually do anything. Just terribly lazy.

The rest of the cast is exactly what we Hollywood has been directed to feed us.... No substance or relatable traits.

Easy pass on this one.
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Echo (2023–2024)
Just Bad
12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A young girl with a major attitude problem runs around destroying other people's property, maiming and killing other people but yet, she is supposed to be a "Hero". This plot is so laughable and unrealistic in every sense other the matter. The direction and fight choreography is worse than Netflix Iron Fist. The over all plot is just as shallow and unoriginal. "You hurt me so I have to behave poorly." Yup that's the plot.

At one point said horrible person even decides to take on one of Marvel's biggest and baddest City villains. Yet, this unseasoned, untrained, unfocused, mustache laden female succeds where Spiderman and Daredevil have failed, numerous times. Why? We don't know why, other than she is so full of angst and terribleness that it supposedly drives her. Leaving the rest of the viewers to agape in wonder at how this thing was even made. Kevin Feige was right, Echo is terrible. It is not and was not releaseable. However Disney had to try to make its money back somehow.
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Big On The Charm
27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I found this to be a charming movie. It's not a Bigfoot horror or Bigfoot hunting movie. It's a story of a man and healing.

Basically a man mouring his wife goes out on a hike of self discovery and bufferfly catching. Along the way he falls into situations that make him rethink his past and heal his heart.

It is not a fast paced movie or exciting movie, but decently paced. The lead is goofy and funny and he does his part well, whether he is standing around in his tighty whites or struggling to climb a steep hill. He just makes it all so believable and entirely possible.

The rest of the cast is just peachy, the little we get to see them, but they add just enough information to make this a feel good watch.

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My Trip to Annoyingville
17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers

Where to begin. Take three highly hip and annoying American teens and give them a Best Buy camera and watch the IQs fall. Rapidly.

Yes it is your typical fakeumentary style video. It's awful, just awful. The characters spend most of the time yelling and screaming for no reason what so ever. Not because there is something happening, but because it is what youngsters do now days. Just yell for no reason because they think it will make people pay attention to them. Then they made the decision to plaster emojis and words all over the screen thinking it would make this more interesting or authentic. It doesn't. It makes it more unwatchable and leaves me wondering if this is what they spent their student loans on instead of an education.

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The Last of Us (2023– )
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Derivative boring slog fest of video game stupidity and nonsense.

There is nothing new or refreshing here. It's just another attempt to recreate The Walking Deads success with nearly none of the soul or talent. It's darn near a clone of TWD, angry women, tragic males, snotty kids, even the music is this faux country/bluegrass garbage. All so unoriginal

Basically a walking musroom takes over the world and the few walking non mushrooms walk around alot with a snotty insufferable brat doing stupid and unnecessary things. While doing said things they maintain perfect dentistry, foundation makeup and stylish clothing. Even though 20 years of the fungalpocolypse has passed their cotton clothing stays great, technology works, there's electricity and people still do drugs and there's plenty of alcohol. Meanwhile, Pedro Pascal looks just as constipated here as he does in everything else he does.

On the upside, the annoying girl in the beginning becomes less annoying 15 minutes into the show.

The End.
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American Horror Story: Multiply Thy Pain (2023)
Season 12, Episode 1
It's a Real Horror Alright
24 September 2023
Just like nothing to do with the Kartrashians, it is a real trainwreck of vapidness and silliness. I will not be able to watch the rest of this or support the series as long as they have these talentless hacks on just to promote their empty and ego driven empire. It's a shame really. I use to love these series and the great stories. But, with his newest dive into pop culture trash they have really lowered themselves to less writing and drive to more flash, plastic and drivel.

I would suggest to everyone to just bypass this all togther because it is not going to get any better or improve in its quality what so ever.

/whatever AHS.
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Heartland Homicide (2022– )
So Off The Hook Wrong.
11 August 2023
There are so many things wrong with this show it isn't funny. First the crimes are simplified and distilled to the point they actually repeat the plot of the episode 4 times in the same episode. Talk about lack of creative ability and decent writing. Also the two people I'm about to talk about add nothing intelligent to the show. They just expound simple common sense like "the police will gather evidence and put it in a bag." Or a "forensic specialist will conduct an autopsy to search of clues." NO!! Really!?

Then there are the two creepy women on the show. Benji is the most annoying irritating sounding individual since Fran Drescher. She is almost a cross of Fran Drescher and Rosanne. She just horrible in every single way.

Then there is Creepy Kim. Her face has been botoxed to death from her hairline to upper lip. Her entire face has no movement. Not her nose, eyebrows, cheeks or areas around her eyes. It is just stiff rubber. Then her annunciation goes beyond Canadian, it's just weird how "off" she is. Not only in looks but sound.

All of these thing's together make this more of a twilight zone experience than crime show. It's just a cheese fest of annoyance.
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Exception (2022– )
An Exception
18 October 2022
At first glance I almost didn't give this a chance. Then I started it. I was immediately turned off by the stiff ultra cheap imported animation that is generally and genuinely cold and boring. The difference in the art style and art deco themes made the animation easier to deal with but albeit slightly.

As I progressed I became surprised by the story. In general it has several plots and subplots running throughout and some of the ideas are very fresh and welcoming. The writing is good and the voice acting is generally pretty good and somewhat convincing for a production like this on Netflix.

It could have been awfulf but instead was very decent and kept my attention.
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Better Than Some
7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this with my typical Netflix apprehension along with my usual King apprehension. King movie adaptions are generally abysmal save for IT and the original Stand.

What we get here is a decent human interest story between a boy and an old man. Sutherland is generally disturbing but likeable in this role and he does a terrific job playing a secretive and veild person.

The young man does a great job playing a meek young man with an average life at home and at school.

But that is where it ends. There is no real emotion involved or attached to the writing and the pace is very stagnant and still.

It worth putting on your list for a quiet night or day.
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Bros (I) (2022)
Don't Speak For Me
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a 56 yer old gay male I found this time to be very embarassing and stereotypical. It does not represent me or most of the gay males I know orr have known throughout my life, even after living in San Francisco for 23 years. It's just in bad taste in so many ways. The drug use, the overblown effemininity, rampant sex . All of it was just discouraging.

I now see that those involved are crying phobia and victimization. That certainly isn't the case. They made a mediocre film about a very streamlined and targeted demographic aimed at a limited interest audience. Plain and simple.

It's a simply boy meets boy loves story wrapped in sad attempts at humor by marginalizing everyone who isn't a male even though 90% of males in the film act nelly and effeminate. I really thought the gay community was past this. But the creators of this horror show have shown me that we haven't.
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Implanted (2021)
Interesting Attempt
28 September 2022
I found this little indie film to be quite interesting and a very decent attempt to do a story that has been done numerous times a little differently. I think they did a good job at exploring the idea better than some others movies out there as well.

It is not a face paced action junkie flashing light CGI mess that so many people have been programmed to like in the SciFi genre. Instead we take a plausible idea and expand on it slowly at first so the viewer can get to know the lead character, which is a nice change.

The lead does a terrific job at the role and rarely has anyone else to interact with and when she does it is only briefly. All in all I think it is a fairly decent little production.
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Monster (2022– )
Holy Moly!
22 September 2022
Holy moly this was intense, creepy, disturbing and terrifying from the start to the finish. Based of course on the true Jeffery Dahmer case of kidnapping, murder and cannibalism.

Evan does a very convincing and disturbing job playing Jeffery Dahmer. His looks and demeanor, the way he talks and even moves is just disturbing. Absolutely convincing and all around terrific job playing this role. Absolutely stunning performance.

The writing and production are top notch and professional and even the simple music is haunting and matches the story and scenes.

The rest of the cast is very competent and talented and play their roles very well. But Niecy Nash steals the spot for best female performance. Brilliant and emotional.

All around I would say watch it.
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My Son Hunter (2022)
Note the cast
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off this is supposed to be satire but satire is generally funny. So they miss that mark right out of the gate. The writing and direction is very sophomoric and general production value below average.

Next we get a bunch of people making things up that are just borderline defamation and slander but they try to hide it as supposition. Here again they miss that mark of making anything coherent or probable much less prove anything.

It's a sad state when you spend millions on a poorly written, produced and cast political movie when that money could have been used to actually help people.

Then there's the cast. Not especially known for anything or even being of much talent. The only person of any note whatsoever is Gina Corano. I believe she was cast as the Man Thing a while back but got fired for her rabid and rancid views and not being easy to work with. Also, note that this politically produced film is composed of 30% Russian citizens and stake holders. Seriously you can't make this stuff up.
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Wow. That Was A Creepfest.
16 September 2022
Wowzer¡ I just watched this tonight. It's not a horror film but definitely a big ole thriller. I didn't know what to expect from one scene to the next as it was pretty intense 10 minutes into it.

All the acting is great. Even the children actors were good, which isn't usually the case. I found the adults acting to be on spot and stable through out. I especially liked how the police weren't portrayed as total jackomoes too. It was a pleasant surprise.

Then there is the ending. What the hell¡ The last 10 minutes totally caught me off guard as things were revealed and played out. A very nice job for this type of movie. I'd say watch it!
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The Field (II) (2019)
12 September 2022
It's nowhere near as bad as the last two reviewers. Yes it is deeply flawed but still interesting. Yes it does drag a bit but again is saved by the overall interesting story.

Veronica Cartwright is awesome as usual and play a very sympathetic strange old lady. But she does it very well.

Barry Bostwick is well. Barry Bostwick.

Not a lot is resolved by the end of the movies but enough is if you have paid attention to the town clerk conversation and looked at the photos they find in the attic and barn.

Other than that I would say it is worth a sit through when you want something quieter and strange or are exhausted of all the terrible stuporhero nonsense that is out there.
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Honestly. It is Ok.
8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off i love how Amazon is only allowing mainline high reviews. That says a lot right there. Like, their lack of confidence in the series itself.

It looks great! The CGI, makeup and costumes are top notch work and should be recognized for that alone. It is the rest that falls apart and seems disingenuous and shallow.

The series takes place long before The Hobbit or Return of the king. Galadriel is a young elf full of violence, inexperience and judgement. She also inst very smart. She also has the penchant for over narrating to the point you feel like "why don't I just get a book on tape".

The rest is very forced and empty feeling to me. There are those that give this a wide range of freedom because it's "Fan Fic" . I call bullocks on that because I don't believe a fan would take all the glaring liberties with Tolkiens works and the world's he had created.

It isn't about race or inclusiveness it is about how it is handled and presented to the viewers. When it is forced and pandering it's insensitive and insulting not only to the minorities but to viewers intelligence. If you wish to include different humanoid races into this world then just do it. But don't force it upon us by creating new main characters just to pander and cater. This really has become a disgraceful procedure in Hollywood that needs to be called to light.

As for the rest of this story, we will see. I was hopeful and now I'm just "Oh another episode come out. I must have forgotten".
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Thank You
4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So I went into this with zero expectations. What I found a a pretty typical teen slasher movie with a few slight differences and notions. First off the entire cast is Latino. Awesome! Not once does the script or actors or director shove that fact down the viewers throat. Instead, what I found is that it did not matter what race, culture, lifestyle is in the movie at all. It is how it is fed to us and how patronizing it can be.. In this case it was handled wonderfully and unassumingly. Which is the opposite of just about any other television and film production company out there.

Next. What we get is a fairly typical teens go to a cabin and someone is picking them off one by one. As the story develops and the bodies start to pile up we are hit with the Scream or I know what you did last summer kind of plot twist.
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Me Time (2022)
No Humor And Too Much Hart
28 August 2022
Sigh. Why must Netflix insist on using Kevin Hart in things. He is a horrible actor and marginal comic at best. Period. Wahlberg can and does have some comedic timing and proper presentation. He also has a strange kind of innocence about him that can mesh with just about any genre.

Here none of the above works. It's, slow, lazy and just plain out dumb. I honestly don't think another cast could have saved it either. It is just that empty and dumb. Plus it's a plot that has been used numerous times in the past dozen years or so. A middle aged person finds himself home alone for the first time in God knows how long and hilarity never ensues. Even after he runs into an old school / work chum. Their adventures over the next couple of days just get dumber and more insipid as time goes by.

Please just skip this train wreck.
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One Of The Better
28 August 2022
This is one of the better contemporary made Anime. It doesn't have the stilted jagged poorly produced animation styles that have arisen lately. The story is very generic and typical of anime but the artwork is decent and very colorful and the voice acting is decent, if not a tad overly melodramatic. In some ways the plot reminds me of Blood +, which is one of my favorites. Definitely easier to sit through than a lot of the newer stuff. Like Jaeger, Ultraman, Seldonia or the awful Netflix Godzilla anime. Wow that was just impossible to enjoy on any level.

I'd say give it a shot. It's worth it if you enjoy anime on any level.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Deleted and Cancelled Evil
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is my second review of this abysmal show. The other review obviously triggered someone even though it was within the guidelines.

This show was a PC pandering mess from two separate eggs from different donors sharing a womb to explain racially different sisters to a racially different father. Just an insulting pandering mess. Some executive somewhere thought it would be good to sign off on this idea because it covered all lifestyle and cultural difference as cheaply as possible.

In general the writing is just poorly executed and very convoluted, which in the end, ends up not even telling a story at all. Just sloppy.

The CGI was equally as bad and the story silly and trite in typical Netflix teen drama. Why can't a show just be about people and things and stuff and things without all the filler cultural nonsense?
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2000 Mules (2022)
2000 Something or Others.
24 August 2022
First keep in mind this was created by a felon that was pardoned by the big orange thing.

This has to be the best faux news yet. The unclear jerking video loops. The unclear photos. The complete lack of any substantiated evidence. It simply amazing how people will watch this stuff and take it serious. The ACTORS, yes, Actors, There's even one named Metaxas! LOLROF, SERIOUSLY, are terrible and stumble over their own words and can't form a clear coherent thought or lead a clear trail to anything. It's really amusing.
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The Sandman (2022– )
It Certainly Put Me To Sleep
24 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently, my last review upset someone, it was deleted even though it complied with all standards.

So on to the show

It is a snore fest of bad CGI, poor directing, large stretches of boredom and even worse writing. Yes I said writing. Gaiman is only a mediocre writer, and it really shows here. In what ways?

Ther is a lot of walking around rooms and hallways talking about nothing that matters. Then there is more walking around and whining. Followed by another scene of Bad CGI and attempts at humor that you can see coming a mile away and aren't funny or even smile inducing. It's just a mish mash of ambiguous gender, alternate sexualities and boredom all wrapped up in mediocre writing. Because Gaiman is a mediocre writer at his best.
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Cruiser (2016)
Cruising For Jesus
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a slaughter film veiled with way too much Christian mythology. Some demon possessed a dude steals a cop car and he drives around debating "God" with a whiney woman in the back seat in between killing people that have broke the law. Whatever.
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I'm Not Quite Sure
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Strange movie with a plot all over place. Aliens, Deamons, Satan, Mad Scientists. It's all here. So I'll give them credit for that. The dialog is horrendous and acting terrible. There are a few really strange people. Like the commander with too much mascara or the guy with the ever changing deep voice that obviously isn't his and the lead female that needs to wax her upper lip, daily!
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Prey (VI) (2021)
Super Lazy Deliverance
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an updated German version with an Asian thrown in for PC measure of the classic Deliverance. There is nothing new, refreshing or necessary about this film.

Netflix wonders why it's going broke.
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