
3 Reviews
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Wicker Park (2004)
Is Wicker Park worth your money?
5 September 2004
Wicker Park Pretty much keeps you guessing the whole time.When your watching the movie you would think you have it all figured out you'll be surprised how wrong you could be.This is one of the best movies i've watched this year. The most entertaining movie i've watched this year is most definitely this one it actually keeped me guessing up till the end.Even though this is to be a physcological thriller it is also funny here and there and is also kind of sad.With this said Wicker Park is definitely worth your money.This is not really a family movie but it's good and with Josh Hartnett in it even better.Don't wait to long to watch it,you'll like it.
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18 July 2004
This movie is a great movie for people who like bush or dislike him.I never liked him before this movie came out.I tried to be reasonable because of course being the president of the u.s is not easy.By watching this movie most of my suspicions were true some, people might think other wise but i would rather not have George bush as a president any more.This movie really really opens up your eyes by letting you know so many things you would think a human being is not capable of.Even though people think this is all fake unfortunately it's not.Their is a very touching story of a mother who lost her son in the war.It breaks your heart to see things like that especially when they are not the only ones.We will probably never have a perfect president but i really think all that has happened in the last four years could of been prevented.Actually maybe not all things could have been prevented but at least most. This movie is not hurting anybody it's just showing the other side of the story.My opinion is that if none of this were true president bush would not of made such a big deal of it. Because by doing so it kind of showed me he had something to hide that he didn't want the American people to know. So go watch this movie and see the other side.
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The Notebook (2004)
why to watch the notebook?
10 July 2004
hello IMDb users if you haven't watched this movie i encourage you to do it now. this movie is not just a chick flick but also something you could watch and enjoy female or male. yes it does make you cry but that's not all there are some parts that are quite funny, it's dramatic, it's just such a moving story that if you put yourself in their shoes you might not be able to handle it. it is very interesting that you you don't even want to stand up while watching it.Ryan Gosling and Rachel Mc Adams do such a wonderful job they are like the perfect couple so it makes it look like something that could actually i strongly encourage you to go watch it now you will love it.
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