
40 Reviews
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The Beekeeper (2024)
The Best
23 March 2024
I think this is the best movie Jason has ever made, l first watched this at the Vue Cinema Cleveleys, and l was really taken with is, he is so cool as The Beekeeper (Adam Clay) as the movie continues you start to understand what a Beekeeper is, l always though The Bank Job was his best but this film is so much better, l have watched it 3 times since l got home, and l will keep watching it, without giving anything away the ending has left it open for a sequel and l hope they do another one in the near future, but in the mean time l give this film 10/10 it is the only film l have ever given a 10, if you have not seen it yet you will not be disappointed.
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Golden Vampires
18 January 2024
I have just bought myself a factory sealed Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires, l just love this film, l once watched an interview with Peter Cushing, he was so funny laughing away talking about Legend...he said "well my dear l had no idea what this film is about, l just did as l was told and got paid and came home, there was a lovely man called Mr Forbes-Robinson who played Dracula he was very good" and l thought Forbes-Robinson was good but dubbed by David de Kyser, I thought that Mr Forbes-Robinson did a good job as Dracula at time he had the look of Chris Lee, oh and the kung fu fights were really good..l give this film 9/10.
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What do people want
19 October 2023
What do people want, l stayed with it for a while, and l thought it was ok, what l did like is that it's set in England and not in the US like most alien films.

The special effects weren't too bad l was ok with the Aliens, and like the 3 leads, the thing is we have been so used to big movie alien film that something made in the UK is a bit unusual, so people are comparing with multi million dollar films which is wrong.

Just give it a chance, ok if you don't like it turn it off, it does seem strange though to see English Country side instead of American or any other country being invaded by aliens, l've given it 8.
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Not as good
20 July 2022
Nat as good as l thought it would be, too long winded, l have waited a long time to see this film and not happy with it, the acting is good, but too many sub plots to hold the attention, it gets bogged down, my advice is to watch it then go and watch 'The Man Who Never Was' a better and superior film.
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Murder on the Home Front (2013 TV Movie)
25 April 2021
This is by far one of the best films of it's kind around, it kept me on the edge of my seat right from the start, yet is was filmed in 2013, but l have never heard of it till now, it was a great drama, a fantastic mystery, and a little hint of comedy, all in all a great film.

Dr. Collins was one of the first type to think that DNA could help catch any killer, Patrick Kennedy was superb, A well deserved 10/10.
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Not as Bad as some have written
17 April 2021
It's not often l put reviews on IMDB but l just wonder what people want, having read quite a few reviews on the film l just wonder if most of the negative reviewers are besotted with Bruce Willis and other actions stars.

This is not a bad film at all, it won't win any awards, they go to arty farty films, but this is quite good, plenty of action, a very bold story line which has always made me wonder if this kind of thing could happen, the acting was good, the music was good but did not hamper the film, just sit back and enjoy it.
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Solar Impact (2019)
What do people want
20 October 2020
What do people want this is not best film l have seen on the subject but it's not as bad as people are saying, yes it's cheap, the acting won't win Oscars, but it's a dam sight better the Cloverfield, the special FX are ok, not brill but ok, it looked as though London was really hit by something, it's a bit gory but so it the Walking Dead, give it a chance.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
It's ok
10 August 2019
What the hell do people want from a Bond film, there are so many negative comments on this film, they all seem to want an arty farty Bond including the script, they also don't like Christopher Waltz's Blofeld but l think he plays it really well with a dark menacing quite voice. The only character that people seem to agree on is Ben Whishaw's Q, he's really good and has some excellent lines. Then there is Daniel Craig not my ideal Bond, but l enjoyed Skyfall, and S.P.E.C.T.R.E.. of course the best Bond by far Sean Connery, l also liked Pierce Brosnan in fact the sword fight between Bond and Gustav Graves in Die another Day, but to wind up this review back to Craig maybe not the best Bond but l would never call him a weirdo as someone on this site did.
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Last Knights (2015)
9 June 2019
Last Knights is an excellent film, do not take notice of any negative comments on here, it builds up the tension really well, and l for one did not see what would happen, a really good surprise and unexpected, Clive Owen is great, and Morgan Freeman is wonderful l liked his beard and moustache, Cliff Curtis is a great, l have only seen him in 2 or 3 films but he always give a solid performance, all in all Last Knights is super and l give it a big 10
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2 May 2019
At last a film about Robin Hood that is gritty, no fancy costumes, just really good acting and a good story well written, well directed, l must admit l had not seen any of the actors only Brian Blessed as Tuck, and using actors who are not all that well know made it more realistic, of course my favourite Robin Hood is still Errol Flynn but that was Hollywood, this film was UK made in Wales, there was no fancy sword play, and that's where a lot of Robin Hood film let them selves down using moves that are out of context for the 12th Century, but there was plenty of action both with swords and bow and arrows, this is a good film in my opinion and l give it 8 out of 10.
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Shazam! (2019)
Absolute rubbish
6 April 2019
What have they done to Captain Marvel he is not a fun character, he's fights crime, but they made him look like a Buffoon, l didn't even stay till the end very disappointed, my advice is watch the 1941 serial "The Adventures of Captain Marvel" with Tom Tyler as Capt. Marvel and Frank Coghlan Jr as Billy Batson, it had everything, a terrific villain called the Scorpion, dressed from head to toe in a black mask and coat covered in white scorpions, the story lie was excellent better than this rubbish l have just tried to watch, l would hasten to add that l was not alive in 1941 but l collect old Saturday kids Matinee serials and A.O.C.M was one of the best, special FX were by brothers Howard and Theodore Lydecker, superior in every way.
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It's ok
2 January 2019
I have read quite a few of the reviews and can't believe some of them, it's a film for goodness sake, people are talking as though they are real people, some of the FX are very good and l quite enjoyed this film, and there are several asides and quick one liners, l think people expect far too much, the two stars work well together and l thought is was pretty good, l've been watching films since l was about 6 or 7 first film was Bambi, that was 57 years ago, l have seen some really poor film in that time, but this is not one of them.
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29 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What a fantastic film is Charlotte Grey, she is a young lady who joins the British Government and trains as an agent and sent to France during the 2nd world war to liaise with the underground to fight the German Army. Unofficially she is searching for her airman lover Peter who has been shot down, that's all l'm saying, the acting is first class, and there are quite a few good actors, James Fleet (Vicar of Dibley) Rupert Penry-Jones (Spooks) Michael Gambon, Billy Crudup is so good as the hot head who is calmed down by Charlotte played by Kate Blachett who takes the character to the next level, the music is excellent, and the photography is beautiful, all in all this is a great film, and l gave it 10 out of 10 and would recommend it to anyone, you may need a hankie for the final scene.
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Excellent, But
1 September 2015
This is a pretty good film as it goes but the main character of Long John Silver was the worst casting error in Eddie Izzard that l have ever seen, there was no 'Ey Jim Lad' Izzard just spoke in a cultured English accent, l have noticed that a lot of remarks on this film say they had never seen any version of Treasure Island before this, let me recommend the Disney version made in the 50's in colour with the wonderful Robert Newton, now here is an actor who 'was' Long John Silver, eyes rolling, the right type of accents, and as sly as they come.

The other actors in this 2012 version did a fair job, Daniel Mays was good as Dr Livsey, as was Phil Glenister and Penry-Jones, so in all this film was good but Eddie Izzard as Silver oh no.

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5 December 2013
This is just one of the best Scarlet Pimpernel series l have ever seen, Richard E Grant is ideal as the Pimpernel and Martin Shaw stands out at the evil Chauvelin, the series also benefits from having the same director Patrick Lau all through series 1 & 2.

It's not hard to get these films as most can be bought from any of the Pound shops, but well worth the £6 if you can get all 6 parts, l have to mention also Elizabeth McGovern who plays the Pimpernels wife Marguerite, all in all a well acted, well staged production, and seeing that guillotine from time to time makes one shiver at the very thought of it...
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18 April 2013
Olympus has fallen is just a stunning piece of filming, l would like to see very soon The Making the special FX were out of this world, Morgan Freeman was great, but the film belonged to Gerard Butler and it just goes to show he would have made a great James Bond, better than D.Craig. Back to Olympus... without giving any of the plot away the special FX of the White House being subject to all sorts of bullets, rockets, you name it it's there, it looked so real, l've seen a lot of action films but this was James Bond, John McLaine, Rambo, all rolled into one, l could go and see it again tomorrow and still enjoy it 100%, l really recommend this film if you like action films, there are a lot of negative remarks on this site, take no notice, if you want a great action film this is it, l don't want a film to give a message l just want to be entertained and boy was l.
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12 October 2011
Well what a lot of hype for a load of nothing, this is a very poor adaptation of a great story, Logan Lerman (who) as D'Artanyen looked like a Sixteen year old doing a school play, the two brightest actors was Matt MacFadyen as Athos, and Orlando Bloom in his best role to date as the "baddie". Someone has already said that the Charlie Sheen/Tim Curry version of a few years back is much better, with more action all through the film and not just in the last 20 minutes. And whats with all this 3D stuff, every film that comes out now is done in 3D, why, l saw Three Musketeers in 2D as this 3D hurts my eyes and it adds nothing to the story, all the TV ads that have been on is very misleading because it shows most of the action at the start or end of the film, it's a great pity l love this type of film and have been looking forward to is for weeks, but what a let down.

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Rough Diamond (2005–2007)
26 January 2011
I can't imagine why one reviewer would say this was a poor series, l have them all on DVD and watch them every few months, The Diamond Geezer was a wonderful series, it had humour, sadness, adventure, and fun, especially funny was in the episode Old Gold when David Jason is in discuise as an effeminate art critic, it was priceless to see him in that disguise, also two others actors should be given a mention Stephen Wight as Des's son he is a really good actor and hope we see more of him on TV, and Gary Whelan as Mrs bad guy in both the pilot and a Royal Affair. All in all l think this was a great series, pity there was not more of them made, l would really recommend this series and l'm sure it will get re-runs either on ITV or Cable, watch out for them you will have a good laugh.
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SIS (2008 TV Movie)
13 January 2011
Hi, What do people want now days for goodness sake all CGI, well there is non of that in S.I.S l thought it was excellent, gritty, with a bit of character development, and what made it all the more real is that the cast was unknown (well in the UK anyway). I was a bit disappointed in the ending, but then l suppose that will happen in real life as well (not telling you what l mean as it would spoil it) The actor who played the bad guy was a real B*****d, and you really wanted to see him get his comeupance, l've seen a lot of TV series that could be cancelled and I just can't understand why they did not continue with the TV series, but anyway if you get the DVD enjoy it it's well worth a good watch l give it 8/10
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Not all that bad
7 July 2010
OK Matt Frewer is no Jeremy Brett, but l feel there has been a lot of poor remarks about his portrayal of Holmes, l could not fault his accent he dressed well, and you must remember the actors like Charlton Heston and Edward Woodward have played Holmes and no one chastised them.

The story is the same we all know it well, but the photography was stunning, the music added to the overall action, l have to mention the actor who played Watson, superb, a bit like Nigel Bruce from the 40's but not as bumbling, l have been a life long Holmes fan, raised on Basil Rathbone's Holmes, but not until Jeremy Brett has anyone come near the character as Conan Doyle wrote him, but l think Matt Frewer has done a good job and l would recommend anyone to see this film and make their own mind up 7 out of 10
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26 December 2009
I'm sorry but this film is of very poor quality, as an adventure film OK but as Sherlock Holmes no way, Robert Downey is to fat for Holmes, in fact the actor who played Blackwood was more like the Holmes we know, and why did they pick an American actor to play Holmes which is a very British Character l'm sure there are some excellent actors who could have been better, Jude Law was quite good as Watson (having been in the Jeremy Brett TV series when he was a young man) also l did not like the way Holmes was always unshaved and in filthy clothes, one review has said that Guy Richie has made Holmes right for a newer audience why change things that a a proved worth, also one real bad error in the film Holmes says to Watson's bride to be how pleased to meet you at last, Mary Mosten came to Holmes in The Sign Of Four after receiving a pearl every year on her birthday so he had met her already Guy Richie should do his homework, l suggest that you watch the Jeremy Brett TV series or listen to the BBC Radio series with Clive Merrison and Michael Williams as Holmes and Watson, sorry but this film in my opinion only rates 5- out of 10
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How Action Films Should be made
28 March 2009
I cannot understand why people condemn a film like this, what do they want, Scott Glenn is fantastic in the lead role, he hates everyone, but even though he is an old time cop (Just like Frost in the UK) he gets the job done in his own way, and along that way there is plenty to enjoy, he is a hard drinking swearing son of a bitch, and as l have said he hates everyone, there are some funny moments, but plenty of action as well, there are the usual Police Lt. who shouts all the time, there is a faggot who is the hotel clerk, and a real nasty baddie-well 2 of them really so you really root for The Last Marshall l rate this movie as one of my favourites and l give it 9/10
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14 September 2008
I have just watched this film and it's terrific, the young actors were super, the story was great and the ending very moving, it was nice to see Mr Patrick in a different type of role, up to now he has been in action type films but here he plays a father, just an ordinary Joe, this is truly a film for all the family, but in my case there was just me and my dog, the only film to ever make me cry was "Inn of the Sixth Happiness" with Ingrid Bergman and that was way back the but "Bridge.." did just that l found tears rolling down my cheek it's that kind of film and it must have got me just there, do watch this film it is amazing...oh in case you wonder l'm 63, never to old to show your feelings.
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22 May 2008
I have no idea what these so called critics want from a film but l have read many of their comments about Indiana and the Crystal Skull and some were scathing in the content, l have just got back from the first showing at the local cinema and l can tell you it's great, from the first few minutes it's Crash Bang Wallop, and so much fun l think Lucas and Spielberg have come up with the goods and whats goods they have come up with, Indy gets involved with Russian Agent, and atomic bomb blast, and something from Area 51...but l'm not saying anything else as l don't want to spoil it, all l can say is go and see it you will not be disappointed, l will have to see it again it's that good, l give it 9/10
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Green Sails (2000 TV Movie)
Pretty Good
30 March 2008
Will Patterson (Marcus Graham) is a rising young executive with CCT, a multi international business, their future rests on the building of a dam on the land of the Lucean Tribe, Will finds out that CCT are using deceitful tactics to get their own way, and his career and life are in danger, he meets up with John Scott (Michael Ontkean) who is the original owner of CCT and who does not know of the problems the company faces. Along with John and a young crew Will joins this wonderful clipper of the title and tried to help the primitive tribe and stop the corrupt leadership of CCT. This is not a bad film made in Australia with little known actors and that makes it more realistic, even the baddie has an accent, some of the scenes of the ship and views are beautifully filmed, the only thing l found was that all the cast were handsome young man and beautiful women, there were no glasses, no plump people, no one with bad breath, but even so l would recommend this film as a good family film with an explosive climax

l give it 7/10
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