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Upgraded (2024)
Rom com ruined by pointless romance
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Can we not just have a film where a girl gets a happy successful ending without also having to "get the guy"? As if boring Will is a happier ending than Ana achieving her dreams and opening her own gallery. After the initial meet, Will's character could have been cut from the rest of the film, saved 15 minutes of runtime, and it would have been even better.

Otherwise it was a pleasant enough watch. Camila Mendes is a wonderful actress.

What else should I say to fill out the "required characters"... I haven't previously seen much representation of art auctioneers in film and television (except for season one of Love Life starring Anna Kendrick, which is great). So that was interesting.

Oh and Ana's sister's boyfriend is a jerk.
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Surprisingly wholesome
21 July 2023
If you look an inch deep below the surface of this show, you will be rewarded with beautiful moments and endearing stories.

The diversity of brides is really impressive on this show, and I've only just started season 2. Some women are trying on their first ever wedding dress, some their 30th. I think a common misconception when you see a snapshot of this show is that it's brainless fluff, and orchestrated drama. Gok and all the staff at this bridal shop manage to do something really special.

They reinstall self confidence, they allow women to feel like the most beautiful women in the world. The transformation that some of these women go through is truly heartwarming.

Perhaps as a soon-to-be bride I'm a little biased, but I think there is something really magical about the impact that finding the right dress can have on someone.

For so many women, the issue is self-confidence, body hang-ups, never feeling "beautiful" enough, and yet one's wedding day is perhaps the one day in a woman's life where she truly feels un-self-conscious and unequivocally beautiful. This show is able to produce that spectacular moment for (virtually almost) every woman, and it's so lovely to see.
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Hack My Home (2023– )
Ignore the sour reviews unless you're made of wood
10 July 2023
This show is charming, kind of like Queer Eye but for home solutions. I do find some of the hosts a tad annoying, but I have seen much worse (plus I'm British, so my threshold for American TV presenters is pretty low).

The best parts are the first 5 mins and the last 5 mins - meeting and family and their problems and then going through the final reveal. The bit in-between is where I tune out and scroll through my phone and glance up everytime they say "HACK!" And that's fine, not every show has to be a 5* blockbuster.

The designs are pretty clever, and there's 4 hosts with different things to consider so they all work together to make sure things are safe and functional.

The styling is a bit underwhelming, but for a (presumably) free makeover (money is not mentioned once in this show) it's not bad really.

Everyone in the reviews asking "why don't they just move house, why did they have so many kids" is so ignorant. There are tonnes of valid reasons for people to upgrade their current home than move to a different one.

The very best part is the joy of the homeowners when they see the reveal. It's really humble and heartwarming. I would continue to watch this forever if I could!
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Sex, Love & Goop: Thank the past. (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Not for the faint of heart....
3 May 2023
I've surprised myself by enjoying the series so far. This episode however has a very different tone to the rest of the series and the concept is significantly more "woo-woo".

I couldn't convince myself that I could buy into what was going on, and I don't understand how the therapy worked (though it appears to have worked!). At the end I just felt like like.... Eh?

It also felt like the revelations the couple experienced by the end could probably have been achieved with traditional talk therapy, but hey ho, it seemed to have worked so good for them.

My advice: skip this episode, you won't miss anything.
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I couldn't get further than the trailer
9 August 2022
Even the trailer is god-awful. I wanted to see what all the negative reviews were about, now I wish I had that 2.5 minutes of my life back.

This is more of a "previously on..." montage than an actual trailer. It's basically just clips of the film stuck together for 2.5 minutes. The story looks boring and far-fetched.
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Coco (I) (2017)
Pixar's greatest film
20 February 2022
Coco is by far Pixar's greatest film.

I do not see how you couldn't enjoy it. Perhaps you don't have a heart. Want to test that theory? Go and watch it.

I also cry like a baby everytime I watch it. Happy and sad tears at the same time.

Ugh it's just the best.
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Gerald's Game (2017)
Near perfect
21 September 2021
Do NOT watch the trailer. It basically gives away some of the best parts of the film and would spoil their impact.

It was darker than I expected, but in a good way. Great cast all round, especially Carla Gugino, and a really well-paced, well thought out story. I haven't read any negative reviews on here but I am surprised it's not higher rated on IMDB. Might have contributed to why I waited so long to watch it, and I wish I hadn't.

*Mild spoilers ahead if you like to know a bit about what you're in for....*

Remarkably similar to 127 hours. Even the escape is just as gruesome, so if you're squeamish be prepared to look away.

It's a happy / satisfying ending thank goodness, which I wasn't really expecting but was very grateful for.

I only wish there hadn't been so many flashbacks. I would have preferred more real time storytelling from Jess to keep the audience focussed in the room. And the eclipse thing was a bit overdone.
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If you loved the first two movies, you'll love this one...
5 December 2019
The film starts off a little awkward, maybe it's just because I'd forgotten how cheesy it could possibly be, but it all falls into place fairly quickly. We're reintroduced to all the characters, the plot is set up, then there's some lovely character development at the story unfolds, until BAM the big twist at the end.

These films always make me smile and just ooze of Christmas. It *is* ridiculous in the grand scheme of things, but it's on-brand.
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Ms. Matched (2016 TV Movie)
Ridiculous... Avoid at all costs
2 November 2019
What more can I say?

I just can't believe this movie got produced and nowhere along the line nobody said "you know what... This is a pile of crap. Let's just not."

The best part of the movie was when I discovered the lead actress was Carmen Cortez in Spy Kids. Also kinda sad because clearly that was the highlight of her career.
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One that everyone should watch
20 September 2019
I never leave reviews, but holy crap, this punched me right in the gut.

Nick Yarris' story is so compelling, so detailed and retold wonderfully all in his own words. He tells his incredible story from start to finish, although not necessarily in that order - the structure of the storytelling makes sense as revelations unfold but it is easy enough to piece everything together.

The general synopsis sounds fairly straightforward - "death row inmate tells his story" - but this is one remarkable story and not at all one that I was expecting (for the better).

Can't think of what else to say without spoilers but watch it, watch it now.
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