17 Reviews
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Stargate: Atlantis: Epiphany (2005)
Season 2, Episode 12
Ok episode with an ending that falls flat
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While most of the episode is ok, the ending very much feels rushed. Like the show only had 42 minutes so they had to wrap things up. Which is too bad given that it could have been a cool episode. The villagers all go from being against fighting the beast in one minute to all standing up against it. It doesn't feel particularly earned.

Also operating a time dilation field for 10,000 years, even a small one, seems like it would be well outside the power of a single ZPM. Especially given what later episodes establish. At the very least this point about powrt should have been properly addressed and not just handwaved away.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Terrible acting and terrible writing
1 September 2022
The acting in this show is so stilted. The good news for the actors is that the terrible writing, boring dialog, and uninspiring storyline all cloak how bad their acting is.

The tone of the show jumps all over the place. It really doesn't know what it wants to be and honestly it doesn't succeed in any respect.

It's also just a topic (fighting demons/pseudo Christianity) that has been done to death. If you are going to tread on such familiar ground you really need to distinguish yourself in a unique way. The show doesn't do that.

Maybe it will get better in later seasons but I seriously doubt it. It's current rating on IMDB is frankly very generous.
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Tedious and boring
24 August 2022
The people in this movie walk at unrealistically slow paces. Everything about the movie is slow paced in fact.

The plot is ok and the acting is good. But it is definitely not a movie people need to see. Frankly, I think a lot of the praise for this movie is coming from fans of the original and nostalgia. This movie was not that good.
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Murder Maps: In the Shadow of Jack (2015)
Season 1, Episode 2
Kristian did a really good job here.
23 August 2022
Seriously every second he's on the screen you feel uncomfortable (in a good way). This includes when he's interacting with the other actors (who all were good in my mind).
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They clearly needed to wrap up the Ori story with no time to do it
7 August 2022
This movie was awful. They clearly needed to wrap up the Ori storyline and came up with the most contrived way of doing it.

It's also a very boring movie with what are quite frankly some of the least interesting enemies.

It's a very cringey movie and stargate deserved a better conclusion to this storyline.
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Stargate: Continuum (2008 Video)
Kind of surprised the rating for this is so low
7 August 2022
This was a solid, fun movie that creates a nice end to SG1. It's miles better than the Ark of Truth.

In no way is this a 7.4/10 movie (especially given the Ark of Truth is a 7.2). This is certainly a 8/10 movie at least.

Is it perfect? No. There are definitely plot holes in it. But it's great ending for a great franchise that manages to deftly bring back a lot of familiar characters in a very short period of time.
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MGM clearly was just looking to extend their control over the TV license with this
17 July 2022
It's not a coincidence it came out like just before 10 years after Stargate Universe ended. The sole purpose of this "show" was to extend their right to the TV license for the franchise.

It's clear the writers of this never had watched anything more than the Stargate movie. It gets basic things wrong that the show already establishes.

There is nothing redeeming about this and no one should watch it.
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Stargate SG-1: Forever in a Day (1999)
Season 3, Episode 10
What a mess.
14 July 2022
This episode is so disjointed. It doesn't even gain anything by being this way either. It feels very much like they needed to wrap up this storyline and were trying to be creative with the storytelling. But also that they didn't know how to do it.
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The Orville: A Tale of Two Topas (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
It's at least 20 minutes too long
4 July 2022
I have no objection to the topic of transitioning/detransitioning but holy cow this episode felt like it was never going to end.

It's an hour and 15 minutes long. It very much felt like they could have easily cut 20 minute from this episode and it would have been better off.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Ridiculously bad writing
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why does Vader command only one star destroyer in the hunt for Obi-Wan?

Why couldn't the star destroyer chase after the rebels once Vader followed Obi-Wan to the planet?

Why does Obi-Wan not kill Vader? Leaving him alive allows him to kill countless innocents. Is letting someone do that the Jedi way? Also if the Jedi don't kill then what was Yoda planning for Sidious at the end of the prequel movies? It is unbelievable that Obi-Wan wouldn't kill Vader when given the chance. Which is why the writers should have never made it an option.

Why does Leia seemingly forget his help during a New Hope? (in the prerecorded message)

The whole episode just feels so contrived.
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Definitely one of the weaker episodes so far
17 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole person we thought was legitimate turns out to be the bad guy has been done so many times before.

Everyone on this show seems to be required to act stupid in order to ensure the bad gal gets her way, including not checking into her background more.

I didn't find the plot to be interesting even when you ignore the plot holes. Hopefully next episode is better.
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Star Trek: Discovery: All Is Possible (2021)
Season 4, Episode 4
This was the episode where I just had to stop watching the show.
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really shows how shields and sensors regularly never work in the Kurtzman universe because if they did they would actually have to write around their existence. So instead they just get ignored or bypassed easily. Its not even the first time this season that this has come up and I'm sure it wasn't the last.

Somehow the shuttle doesn't detect anything before the ship is impacted, despite this show being set 1000 years after other series. I guess sensors just aren't a thing anymore?

For some reason Tilley gives up so easily at reviving a dead crew member despite them being at a point in time where even a shuttle craft should have access to at least some actually useful life saving equipment. Because again it's 1000 years into the future.

Everything about this show and its plots feel so contrived. There is nothing logical about the characters actions and everything is about expediting the plot at the expense of the show making sense.

The characters in this show are extremely unlikeable. Everything feels very self congratulatory and superficial. This episode doesn't change that opinion for me it only reinforces it.
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Murdoch Mysteries: Sweet Amelia (2022)
Season 15, Episode 22
Nothing on this show is about Murdock or mysteries anymore
7 April 2022
They are now focussing on the least interesting characters. They really need to put an end to these awful villains they keep creating. Enough with having the cast members getting kidnapped by psychos. It's been done before. Show us something we haven't seen and would actually want to watch.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
The original show worked because the characters seemed like believable friends
10 March 2022
This show has none of the charm of the original. Hillary Duff is fine but she can't carry a show where there is no chemistry in the cast.

It just feels very generic and like a bad ripoff of the original.
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Frankie Drake Mysteries (2017–2021)
The writing on this show is so bad
8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First, there are huge leaps of logic in this show. In one of the season 4 episodes I watched the lead character concluded that because someone locked their shed they must be guilty and hiding something in there. Of course they were, because the plot required it, but there was nothing leading up to that moment to suggest to that character that this was the case. Her entire line of thinking was "they lock their shed so they must be guilty"

The show does this all the time too. It is really poorly written.

Four seasons in and there is very little substance to these characters. Except for the title character (given its in the title) I've honestly forgotten their names already. The acting is fine but the writing is so bad.

All the men in particular are written so poorly. The men bicker over the women in the show like school children and everything is so over the top with them. You can literally predict what the men are going to do at all times in the show because they are either over the top sexist and misogynistic or bickering school kids.

Seriously. Name a single well-written male character on this show. They had to borrow Crabtree for an episode because of how bad the show is at writing them.
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Murdoch Mysteries: The Ministry of Virtue (2021)
Season 14, Episode 6
The ending of this episode felt rushed
9 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The people responsible just kind of give up even though the evidence against all of thrm is shaky at best.

Also the topic of self defense could have been explored.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
I didn't laugh once.
30 May 2020
Honestly there wasn't anything funny about this show. On top of that the characters were completely forgettable and the acting was stiff.

I can't see myself watching any more episodes.
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