
231 Reviews
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It (I) (2017)
A rare combination.
5 April 2024
I have seen this movie many times and it does not get bored. The acting of the kids is phenomenal. The movie itself is a rare combination with everything in one movie; horror, thriller, drama, romance, comedy. Your emotions will go all places. This is a movie that kinda is perfect. Well cast, well written, camera work awesome. They should make more movies with ingredients like in this one.

Where I would think Pennywise would take over the movie, fortunately that did not happen. Skarsgard as Pennywise is great, but the focus on the kids turned out to be an excellent choice. Unfortunately we have to do it with two movies. But they are worth watching again and again.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Looks like The last samurai to me.
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like this kind of miovies and series. So I was very pleased these episodes scored very high on IMDb. So I had to watch it.

For me, after watching the first three episodes, this is a no go. It looks very much like The Last samurai, although the Samurais are replaced by Shoguns. There is a white fellow who gets captured and learns the way of the Shogun. Similar story, stretched out over many episodes, does not have the heart and soul of The last samurai. But still manages to get a higher score. That's strange.

So Hiroyuki Sanada has played in both as well; Shogun and The last samurai. But in Shogun he is the leader of his tribe and his part is played by someone else. Tom Cruis has been replaced by an other white guy and that's it.

What disturbed me the most is that there is a lot of talking going on. During the talking, a younger man gets emotional and shares his anger in front of everyone. By doing so, he says that his bloodline will end. And so it happens that his ashes and the ashes of his baby ends up in two doggy bags for his wife. That did not make any sense. Cutting his thumb off would have been enough.
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Ferrari (2023)
Story going all over the place.
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Since Ron Howard's Rush 2013 is like to watch car racing movies. Ron set the bar really high and ever since there was no movie to top it. Not Le Mans '66 2019 and not this one.

First of all the story goes all over the place. Every scene gives you an insight of Enzo's life without connecting the dots. There is no character development to share some sympathie for the characters. It is just a sort of study about the man's life what should have stayed as a story.

The race sequences were not exciting. Something I excepted to see in a movie about Ferrari. When you know that Masserati was terminated there was no rush in finish the race as a race. So why didn't Portage change the tires or why did Enzo leave that choice to Portago? At the end it was Enzo's car and his name on the line.

Acting was average. Did not know what Dempsey was doing there. Penelope wasn't acting great, come on. I hear people say she acted Oscar worthy. I still have to see that movie with her in it. This wasn't it. I guess I expected to much of this movie as a Ferrari car lover myself in combination of a fan of the movie Rush 2013, that in all aspects this movie was about to fail. But then again, if you can't top a movie made ten years ago, just don't give it a try. Leave Ferrari as a book. Not everything has to be transformed into a Hollywood movie, just because there had to be a movie made.
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What's up with the singing?
18 December 2023
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I have seen the movies with Katniss and I liked them. This one not so much. I did not like the female main actress. Her acting was not loveable and I just did not believe it. Why did she have to sing?

The writers have been up and down in every corner to make links between this movie and the movies before, but the links could easily be forgotten as well.

There were so many flaws and ideas that made no sense at all, like the birds who could copy human voices with a device. What was up at the end of the movie? Since this is a prequel, what kind of effect did it have for the other movies? Was Katniss Snow's child?

The only plus was the male actor. But he could not carry the whole movie on his shoulders. This movie is just a waste of my time. It was better if I wasted on Napoleon, but can't go back can I?
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Jawan (2023)
A mix of everything what makes you want to throw up.
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If I would have to write a review about all the things that are wrong about this movie, it would be a very long review. Nowadays movies are not what is used to be. Movies with srk in the past had a soul (DDJL), a heart (Mohabbatein), were thrilling (Darr). Movies of today are poorly written with a lot of action that makes no sense at all. We get to see the scenes in normal speed and when someone important shows up we get to see him or her in slowmotion. That effect wears out.

The writer didn't know if this movie had to be a thriller, action movie, romantic or a comedy. So he mixed it all up and turned it into a turd with a flague on top of it with the letters SRK written on it in the hope it would save the movie.

It didn't. IT's a soulless, heartless movie. Yes, the situation about the farmers in India, breaks my heart. But to use that as an excuse to make a bad action film around it makes me cry.
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Mark is a Strong actor, but this movie has flaws.
5 November 2023
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This movie is about an astronaut that travels alone to Mars. When he leaves earth he looks outside the window and sees earth. How is that possible? When you leave earth, the bottom of the spaceshuttle faces earth. There's no window there.

The astronaut faces little problems and meets weird other astronaut in space what has to make the movie a bit exciting, but as the movie progressief, the events did not really matter.

Then a fuse burns and a part of the water supply gets dirty. How did that happen? If a fuse in my house burns, the water in my watercooker stays as it is; it is a closed system. But not in the spaceshuttle. So it leads to more so called problems. He gets condens in the shuttle and his Plants dies but ultimately he also fixes that problem.

He talks to a guy on earth who says that if there is an error, he has to go back on earth. As a viewer I don't get how that is a bad thing, so I am not engaged to the story or the astronaut.

Movie is not interesting. Even the acting of Mark Strong cannot save a movie that has a lot of flaws and doesn't make sense.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Was OK.
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Heart of Stone is a movie about a secret service team within a secret service team. I must admit; well found. I watched this movie because Matthias is in it. Fine actor, had a smart role unfortunately.

This movie is full of cliches. The movie starts with a Cameron - Schwarzenegger feel; True Lies. Fun humour (what gets away when the movie proceeds in this case) seeing a lot of Galdot action in the snow. In the middle lot of talk about this device called the heart. Bit boring. At the end kind of a Schwarzenegger feel again, Total Recall; where a team gets out of air.

Action sequences are fun to watch, a thrill. Gal Galdot is a beautiful woman to watch, nothing more than that. She comes up for equal rights for women in movies. Or maybe for her own paycheck even though she puts in less work in the result (Red Notice). What I don't get is she didn't defend her female boss being called "the king" like only men can be at the head of teams. Why wasn't she called "the queen"? Why didn't Galdot stand up against that? I guess standing up would not affect her paycheck in a good way.

Fun movie to watch, for once.
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Acting is not the only thing that is bad.
19 August 2023
I watched this movie with two girls; one 14 and the other 4. The last one liked it, but she likes everything you give her to watch.

The story is stupid, boring, something like we have seen before. A girl want to go to a danceschool but because it is in a different area code than where she lives in, she has to switch with a girl who attends that school. That already does not make any sense.

Acting is terrible. When the actors talk, they shake their heads like they have Parkinson. These people don't talk like that in real life. The main actors act as bad as the background actors. The dancing isn't high level. I'm not a dancer and even I was not blown away by what I saw.

I thought the main actress was bad and it could not get any worse; I was wrong. The Asian girl is very cringe worthy to watch.

The only one who can dance, Timor, didn't dance. What was up with that? He shared the same stage with Michael Jackson once, and now we get to see him in a low quality dutch movie.

If you like dutch movies with bad acting and predictable storylines, this one is definately one for you to watch.
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Adipurush (2023)
Skeletor was in the wrong movie.
16 August 2023
I watched ten minutes of this crap. That was enough to know not to watch te rest of it. I pity the people who watched this in cinema.

What I didn't like is that men move in slowmotion. There isn't really happening anything. So I fastforwarded it a bit. Then there were a bunch of dementors of the Harry Potter movies and even Skeletor came by. Maybe because Netflix' Grey Skull ain't happening anymore, Skeletor still needed a movie to play in.

Even though I was curious to know what more funny / stupid stuff would happen, I also knew it would be a waste of my time, so I shut it off to write my review about the first ten minutes of the movie.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Wasn't that great, was the writer on a strike?
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Flash begins good. Good action. Affleck had great action on the highway, the kind of action Batman deserves. Miller is fun to watch. But when he goes back in time to meet himself the movie gets boring. The cgi is indeed awful to watch. Overall you get to see the difference between Marvel and DC. Spiderman no way home was awesome. This was kind of a cheap knock-off. Somewhere at the end putting Reeves in it, Nicolas Cage, George Clooney and so on, was misplaced. They had no significant part in this movie whatsoever.

Barry did go to the past two save his mother and father, but never got to find out who killed his mother and why. That's what I would have liked to know if I was him.
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Fast X (2023)
Mamoa rocks!
4 June 2023
Every time a F&F movie comes out I think, WHY? Nobody asked for it. And every time I love it. I don't like the afro American actors anymore. They don't add much to the franchise. Vin Diesel is leaning too much on his "Family" concept. Michelle is cool and Mamoa, oh come on, he was funny, awesome, great! He might be the next best Joker character.

There was a lot of action going on. Of course far fetched and not possible, but that's what F&F has become after part 6. If there are going to be Two more movies after this, it will be Mamoa versus "the cringe Family". And that's fine by me. Mamoa, kill the F&F family and with that, the franchise and start your own spin-off.

Btw: my daughter and I did not like it much for Dom's brother to die. I don't know what the actor's name is, but he is fun to watch.
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From (2022– )
First two episodes were great, the rest mediocre.
25 May 2023
I read in an article that these Stephen King like series were great and yes, the first two episodes were great. You get introduced in the madness of killing people in a small village. Concept is great, dark. People get killed in a gruwesome way.

From the third episode it gets boring. Not much happens. We get to see the stories behind the village people and not much from the killing people. The edpisodes become more like a drama instead of horror.

Acting is ok. Some actors like the old Asian man, the parents of the two kids, are very bad actors. They make it hard to watch. The extras aren't great either. Every episode there are different extras. How did these people get in that town? They don't add much to the story.

Overall, ok series, not worth the watch.
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The Mother (2023)
Made no sense at all.
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Enough, starring JLo, with my 14 yo daughter and we liked that one a lot. Since this one is rated 16 (don't know why) I pre-watched it. It was boring.

  • We have all seen it before.

  • Stupid things that made no sense were piling up.

  • JLo is a beautiful woman, but she is not a bad-ass like Noomy Rapace.

I don't know why people who are that rich still bother to make movies. Just go enjoy your life. Do good things for people. Skip making mediocre movies no-one asked for.

The movie was predictable, not exciting at all. When there was a bit of action with the snow scooters, it lasted not long enough. The background music wasn't solid, the story about bad people going after a teenage girl because they wanted her mother, but they managed to kill a bad-ass CIA agent in a second, did not make any sense. Seeing a woman like JLo putting back her dislocated shoulder was hilarious. And of course, at the end of the movie, out of the blue, she was the mother of the year. I am a guardian to a little girl who isn't my child. It took us a very long way for her to call me her dad.

This movie did not make any sense.
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Sanctuary (2023– )
Ok tv series with great acting.
6 May 2023
I did not know what to expect when I heard about Sanctuary. But after the first episode I was hooked. Enno plays a young "cowboy" making a mess in the traditional sumo Wrestling like an elephant in a porselain closet.

Acting is good. The elderly people who play villains are cringe worthy to watch. They are just bad and act without depth or emotions. In the Western society people talk more about emotions or they would not let an elderly treat them with disrespect, only because they are older. Eastern customs are so different, sometimes in a good way like Enno discovered, but sometimes the Eastern customs are different not for the better.

The episodes were ok to watch. From time to time exciting, but most of the time what we have seen before. I must support a fellow review writer, who wrote that the ending was weird. The ending, the final battle that did not take place, was a missed opportunity. We get to watch 8 episodes to get a crippled finally, what's up with that?

Overall I give this series a 7. People who rate it a 10 and dislike reviews which are lower, are as bad losers like the sumo wrestler who wrote bad postings on the internet about Enno. This is not a 10, but still I would recommend to watch it.
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John Witch.
24 April 2023
I have mixed feelings about this movie. It is way too long! The first half was ok, acting was good, story was quite interesting. The girl, who is the witch, evolves into a female John Wick; great action, top notch gun fights. She is a scary boogywoman.

Towards the half of the movie you get to see the villains. Villains in Korean movies are, mostly, very bad actors and actresses. They exaggerate their acting. Blow the villainous up towards psychotic characters what makes their performances not real. It becomes "Power Rangers" quality, and I am not talking about the movie.

Towards the end the girl transforms into an overconfident killer who copies the psychotic behaviour of her opponents by smiling all the time. I did not like that. It's like her personality she had in the beginning, suddenly wasn't good enough anymore. She transformed into a villain herself; bad acting and a not likeble person. So shy should I watch the sequel? For me, the witch died.
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Beef (2023– )
Great endings, mediocre episodes.
9 April 2023
The subject of these episodes is new, unique. The angle starts with two people getting a fight in a car quarrel. I liked the fact that both were willing to go through a great length to beat the other person.

The episodes themselves were mediocre. They were from time to time funny, but most of the time boring. The acting is good, so you have an amount of sympathie for the people. The endings of the episodes are great, what makes you want to see the next episode. You want to know what happens next. And then again you get confronted with mediocracy.

Because of that it is hard to say of I would recommend to watch this. I am also not sure if there would be a second season, if I would watch it. Maybe I would. Not because the episodes are good, because they are not, but maybe only because I want to know what happens next.
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The Glory (2022– )
Was so promising.
31 March 2023
I liked the first few episodes. The story, idea of where this is going to, is exciting. But then you get to see the "villains" of the story; these people can't act. When they are angry they can only scream and curse. They don't give any depth to their character by acting with real emotions. That makes their appearance cringe-inducing to watch. And that's a pity, because the main idea itself was promising.

The real reason why series like this fails, is because they try so hard to create a significant difference between the good and bad people. Look at real life; you can't always see the difference that clear.
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Good movie, but the ending though...
26 March 2023
I like the John Wick movies, Keanu Reeves is a love able man to watch as an actor. The Wick movies are action packed and well maintained at that point.

The thing I don't understand is that he is a Baba Yaga, the boogyman, but still he is not hard to find by killers. He kinda is a step backwards compared to the men who want to kill him. There is no boogyman anymore. He is shooting at men, they are shooting back, but nobody shoots him in the head.

The scene in the building from above was amazing. It looked like a John Wick's version of a Franklin mint clue game.

John get fired at, besten, thrown out of a building. But because of the kevlar suit he is like a duracel bunny; he just goes on and on. Yes it is fun to watch, but not very believeable. Storywise and for the action; fun to watch.
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Fun movie.
25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts funny with a hilarious joke about mittens. Although the movie is not completely action packed and from time to time it is boring (the girl with the horns was a miscast), it still is fun to watch and you get to see some surprises.

When there is action, you get an overload. That's a pity. So the ups and downs between boring and exciting are far away from each other. But still it is a good maintained movie. At the moment you think the movie is over, you are wrong.

The best treat I got was in the maze, where I got to see the group of the cartoon version of Dungeons and Dragons with the Viking, wizard, the girl with the Cape. Thank you for that, it made my day. Maybe there will never be a movie made about them, but still I got to see this.
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Awful acting, nothing much happens.
14 March 2023
I watched one episode when I was at my mother's house. Old people love watching crap like this. Acting is horrible. From the mature people as well from the overfed kids. The kids talk with very annoying voices, like they are spoiled kids.

When someone talks, you get to see the reaction of every people in the room and then it's time for the commercial that takes more time compared to what came before.

Besides that, there are stupid sound effects during the conversations. Please India, stop making stupid series. The acting is worse than the acting of most Dutch people. That's not a good thing.
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M3GAN (2022)
Nice doll movie.
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like movies with dolls in it, like Chucky, the Terminator and so on. In that category this movie sure delivered. The combination between horror and the bond between Cady and M3gan really worked. If there will be a sequel, that's the First thing that van get lost.

Some actors acted very exaggerating, like the boss and Cady. That made the movie hard to watch. Luckily M3gan took care of the boss. Yes, this Cady actress is a young girl, maybe the child protection services will send her to a far different place, away from the sequel.

I notice I am already asking for a sequel; bring in like five different mean dolls. They get mean, but when the original M3gan, who is good, interferes with their pairing, they get a malfunction. So the five dolls join forces to hunt down the original M3gan. 😄

Make the look and feel different, but keep the combination of heart and horror. That combination made T2 one of the best movies made... Ever.

Nice movie.
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Acrimony (2018)
Good movie, but the ending is plain stupid.
5 January 2023
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The movie is about Melinda having a relationship with Robert at highschool. Even though Robert cheats on Melinda, she still marries Robert and chooses to be with him for the rest of her life.

Robert does not have a job, so Melinda has two jobs. Robert has faith in his energy invention, but after 20 years Melinda loses all hope when Roberts mistress comes back in het picture.

Movie was good, acting too. The movie was all about Melinda and her borderline disorder. That was a shame. I resulted in a stupid overdone ending on the boat. This movie lost the maturity to tell Robert's story. And that was a pity. When he was handed the check, there was no background music. At that moment I knew; this movie will not be what it could have.

So all the acting, conversations, building up till the end, got lost due to poor writing of the end. It's like Billy from It : chapter II wrote the script. The most beautiful part of the movie was Roberts new wife. Oh my God, that woman is heavenly gorgeous.
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Liked it.
28 December 2022
Finally after 13 years Cameron made a sequel to Avatar (2009). I was hoping for a spectacle like the first movie, but this one was a bit messy and was wrapped around family issues. Was that a bad thing? No.

Avatar (2009) builds up slowly and gets his way towards the second half of the movie where all hell breaks loose into a war. There are so many friends, like Max, Trudy, Augustine, the other avatar driver (skinny guy, don't remember his name). They are mostly gone in the sequel. They are kind of replaced new people; Sully's family.

In the sequel the war begins very fast. Bringing back the same threath of the first movie. Then we get to see the sea clan. That really is a treat. The bonding with the other clan, water animals. It was a delight to watch.

Last part was a war again, messy, long. Villain still lives, don't know why. Then again, there are three more movies coming up. With the same war? Same villain? Is avatar about to become a bad Netflix series? Please don't. Stay creative. Don't deliver the same trick over and over, or avatar is doomed to die like The Terminator and The Matrix. For now, I give it the benefit of the doubt.
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Alone (V) (2020)
Remake of Gone (2011).
4 September 2022
Good movie, good thriller. Acting was good, as well the choice of actors. However, not original. It is a direct copy of Gone (2011). That's a pity. Why copying movie when the original version is good as well?

The story is great. It is not predictable. It's not original that a woman overcomes her attacker nowadays, but the first movie came out in 2011, at that time it was less comon. I wish I had seen the original first. As a movie this one was great too. My advice if you have not watched this one yet; watch the version of 2011. That's the one that made people want to make this one. Only thing is, the first movie is not in English. 😏 But if that does not bother you, you will get to see the movie how it is suppposed to be.
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Good acting, very modest.
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I must say that I love the way Park Eun-Bin gives herself in this authistic character. With her childish voice and her clumsiness she gives you as a viewer a very loveble character.

What happens in the series is very modest. There is never some kind of explosion like a fight or very nasty things that happen, like you see often in American tv series. Still Extraordinary Woo is fun to watch.

You get to see a bit of the life of a woman who struggles with her own condition. What she goes through on her daily job, she reflects on herself on her daily life. What people go through in life, she projects on herself, like every human being does durig their own character development. That makes these episodes so relatable.

On the other hand, the big things she goes through, stay small. Like her relationship with Lee Jun-Ho or her mother Tae Soo-Mi. I like the way Kwon Min-Hoo turned around. But even a relationship for him, wheter it is with Choi Sue-Yeon or Dong Geulami, stays under water. And that's a pity. There are a lot of loveble characters, but nothing much happens around them.

I am looking forward for the second season. My daughter is watching the first season now and she loves it too.

I hope in the second season there won't be an other woman with autism who becomes Woo's competition. I hope her relationship with Lee Jun-Ho will reach a whloe other level. Spice it up a little. But please take care of Woo. She's very cute.
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