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Action Overkill, holed up plot, mediocre script...all in all felt like they should have given it more time.
30 July 2015
When it comes to entertainment, Tom Cruise is the one guy you can count on. His last release, Edge of Tomorrow, is a spectacular example of intelligent entertainment, with not a dull or lifeless moment in it. The last MI was the best action flick of the year. The reason it worked so well was that none of the action was forced and everything seemed to be in a flow.

Not so much in this one. Even the most publicized stunt, with Cruise hanging on the airplane in mid-air seemed too hurried and poorly executed.

The plot seemed repeated and predictable.IMF in trouble, Ethan is the lone wolf..the one man army, throw a sexy female agent and a villain who talks funny, too many Beemers, multiple intelligence agencies with secrets of their own, and there you have it !

The only thing constant in the film was its flaws. Hunt running down a narrow pathway while a guy shoots him from behind with a machine gun from point blank range and ...guess what. Misses! The same with the bike chase scene. Too forced and too clichéd. The casting was pretty much the same. New women, same guys, a villain so big that he controls major international happenings and disasters, can start wars with his actions, yet personally goes to murder a movie store clerk cum IMF sub agent while exposing himself to the 'living manifestation of destiny' ( cant believe that was an actual piece of dialog, uttered by the wasted Alec Baldwin).

The only standout was Simon Pegg as Benji ' when the cuss am i gonna get to wear a mask' Dunn. The action in some scenes was mindblowing. The underwater scene was done well. Rest all ranged from mediocre to rubbish.

McQuarrie and Cruise have had some fruitful collaborations in the past. Edge of tomorrow, Valkyrie, Jack Reacher all good movies. MI5 is the odd one out i guess.

Hope they come up with something new next time, not like this recycled James Bond wannabe mediocre-fest.
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Reasons why you'll forget this movie 10 minutes after viewing it.
7 March 2014
I'll be honest here. I wasn't a big fan of 300. The script was pretty basic but what worked was the production values, the action, casting and .. the dialogues. That it what made it the moderate entertainer that it was.

Now comes the sorry sequel. Here you'll find a short list of things that make this movie un-watchable --

The story- Its like 300 all over again, minus the intensity and masculinity. Its terrible. There is no innovation , clearly the writer and director were short of any inspiration that could make the story adequately satisfying on any level. There was a kind of side story involving a father and son which was probably the worst part of this distasteful movie. By the end , i didn't care what happened to anybody as long as it happened quickly .0/10

The dialogues- So amateur, so freaking juvenile. Probably due to absence of script, the actors (oh the wretched actors!, will come to that later) were made to improvise and blurt whatever seems to be right-ish.


Warrior: There will be death and destruction!

Themistocles: Yes... (long pause)

Themistocles: There will be.

And not to forget ,SEIZE THE GLORY!!. 0/10

The casting- The actors ,all of them, even Queen Cercei, were just going through the motions. The lead guy was seriously miscast. He tried to pull a Butler, but failed...epically. Eva Green tried to do what she could with what she had, but she never had enough. Her scenes became monotonous after a while. The side actors could easily have been crew members who were given roles just to get on with this crap-fest. The only strong character , i.e Xerxes was given about 6 minutes of screen time. Its almost as if Zack 'The Hack' Snyder wanted this movie to fail, and fail it did. 2/10 (only for Rodrigo Santoro)

The production- Now this is what made the original...well mediocre. I honestly believed that the movie will stand out in this department. Now heres what i observed. Although made on a budget of 100 million, the effects were god-darn terrible. At times it felt like i was watching a TV show. Spartacus has 20 times better production value than this mess of a movie. The battle scenes felt like the opposite of epic. Has this director ever shot any action scene before, let alone a battle! I think not. I've seen better choreographed fights in Monty Python and the Holy Grail and i believed that about sums it up. 00/10

The direction- Probably a first timer, a clueless director just trying to follow a blind man's footsteps. I am not saying that a good director might have been able to pull it off, but this guy just added insult to injury. 0/10.

The climax - Don't care. Just Frickin end it and i'll be off. 0/10

And the absolute worst part-- There's gonna be another one. When people will forget how bad this was , Mr Snyder will lay another crap on us. YAY!!

Don't watch it. Please. Or if you're so darn inclined to punish yourself, i'd suggest you go easy on yourself and just watch 2 back to back recent Adam Sandler Movies.
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True Detective (2014– )
Stellar cast , super interesting plot , brilliant direction , well written thats what i call Good Television!
13 January 2014
When i first heard about the show , i thought to myself that with a premise and cast like that , what could go wrong with this show? Well there could have been a lot of things. For example the plot may have been overdone or under thought , direction may have been all over the place , but the first episode proved that it was not to be so.

The plot looks delicious...yes it does and the neat direction just purely compliments the smooth design of the show. Even though story telling is non linear at times , but it has been managed very well with subtle dialogue and the growing suspense. It does get dark at times but handles all its complications with ease.

The casting is clever...very clever. Both Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson are brilliant actors and at the same time have a certain mystery about them that is Perfect for the show. They have a firm grip of their respective characters and seem dissolved in them.

This show is NOT just a regular cop drama or a clichéd murder mystery. It is much much more and has already proved so in the first episode. Much is expected from it and the future looks bright for True Detective.

UPDATE ( Episode 2-6 ) - Now 6 episodes have gone by and i believe my views have changed a little. The richness of the show in the first couple of episodes completely PALES in comparison to the speed, smoothness and uniqueness in the latter episodes. From the 4th episode is when the show actually picked even more momentum and proved its worth as possibly the greatest thing on television at the moment. McConaughey is truly having the golden period of his career. The future (probable) Academy Award winner (For DBC) is at his freaking best as Rust Cohle. Harrelson is brilliant as the angry and flawed Marty Hart. I liked this show. But now i am addicted to it.

With 2 more episodes of the season to go , one can only expect the best from this fast-paced , beautifully crafted show.

So far, an obvious 10/10.

Final update: ( Episode 7 & 8 )-- Well the series ended last night on a very thoughtful note. Up until the 7th episode, the show had picked up so much speed and given us so much to think about that i was expecting a little too much from the last couple of episodes. Who wasn't.

*********** If you haven't seen the series , please Don't read on*********

The 7th episode was truly amazing as it set the stage for Rust and Marty's final adventure of the series. There was too much anticipation for the final episode, but did it deliver. Yes and No, depending entirely on how you look at it. There were no unusual shocking twists and there were no unrealistic happenings. It was quiet a daring and a brilliant end to a show that explored beyond any other show's reach. But to be very honest, as a single episode , the finale wont stand out. But as an entire series , i believe we have been treated to one of the best television series ever made. The writing and direction have been top notch. Acting has been flawless. Am gonna miss it.

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South Park: Ginger Cow (2013)
Season 17, Episode 6
Best Episode of the far!!
7 November 2013
Just when you think that South Park , might have , lost it just a little , it comes back.

This episode was hilarious from the beginning till the end.

So far , most of the episodes in this season started of all right but lost in the middle and went bland.

But this episode was consistent and funny throughout.A must watch for all fans.

The plot is basically how a little lie told by Cartman helps bring world peace and how Cartman uses the lie to mess up Kyle.

Hope to get more such episodes from Trey and Matt.

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World War Z (2013)
THE Summer Blockbuster I Was Waiting For
23 June 2013
This movie is seriously underrated at IMDb. I got everything i had expected from this and then some.

This year has so far been terrible for the movies. There have been big names but for me most of them have been a no-show,specially 'man of steel' which i believe was complete and utter commercial bull crap.Going in with not so many expectations,i was impressed with this movie.

Without dwelling into the story I'd say that World War Z does what most action filled blockbusters forget , i.e to surprise the audience.I cared for what happened to the protagonist. The direction and the pace kept me interested. The casting was good and production values were brilliant. But most of all it was Brad Pitt who added to the excellence. I have seen him in a large variety of roles and this is another winner for him.

If you haven't seen this movie , all i can say is, please do.This movie is worth the time and money.

I saw it in 3d and the effects were good but however , i felt this would be more enjoyed in 2d where you can experience all the colors and the visual detail.

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Not what i thought....much much much WORSE
18 June 2013
A man seeks answers about life, death, and the existence of God as he plays chess against the Grim Reaper during the Black Plague.

That fooled me.

The movie is not that interesting. Some people might analyze each and every scene and dialog and come up with their own interpretations of what Bergman wanted to say. Jacksh*t.

Now usually i love such kind of movies. I am not a fan of commercial craps like fast and furious or the recent man of steel. I am a sucker for good stories, script and character development but this movie had nothing.The dialogs were so darn lame a 14 y.o. could have written them. The pace was so slow the movie felt more like 150 minutes instead of its 90 minute run time.

This is the second Bergman film i have viewed, the first being Persona which i also felt was overrated but at least kept me interested and concerned with it all along.

I am sure this guy knew his movies but one doesn't make movies only for their fans but for a wider audience. How could you call this guy an artist. All he ever does is try to make a deep engrossing movie that asks its viewers certain important questions about life and the idea of a god but what he ends up making is a sh*t sandwich that should never be viewed under any circumstances.

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Man of Steel (2013)
Buildings blowing,pumps exploding,guns blazing,CGI and special effects overflowing...NOT WHAT I WANTED
15 June 2013
I had been waiting for Man Of Steel for more than a year. Watched all its trailers on IMDb itself. And look what they did.

Snyder wanted to make his masterpiece. He probably considers himself a genius. But seriously are we so foolish that we consider such a movie with no decent plot and no clever twists or character development not only good but GREAT.Well its not.

The first half is basically introducing kal-el and his extraordinary abilities and hiding them from the world. It is slow , uninteresting but however provides decent possibility of a lift up in the second half

Now is when it gets worse.

The second half is filled with special effects, CGI and nothing more.The last half hour had me yawning and cursing zack snyder.

This could have been a masterpiece. It had all the elements but missed the thread that ties it all together. And i do not think that nolan was associated with the project in any creative way. The first half was nothing special and the second half was just blowing stuff and 'aliens' beating each other,buildings been torn apart and similar BS.

Almost all the actors were wasted.Although Kevin Costner was good in the screen time he had. Russel Crowe was completely wasted and so was adams. Henry Cavill didn't have to do much but to make weird sex faces while flying. Nothing special about the others either.

I had great expectations from this but they were not met. Rather i left the theater bored, cheated and poorer.

So i suggest not to waste your money on this.The 3d was nothing special either. Overall this was a huge disappointment.

And please don't compare this to Batman Begins. Its not even in the same class.

1/10 and thats because i am a generous fella........and i don't have a choice.
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Game of Thrones: Mhysa (2013)
Season 3, Episode 10
You Really Think A Crown Gives You Power
10 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is no denying the fact that nothing could quiet beat last week's deaths of Robb Stark and Catelyn Stark.'The Rains of Castamere' was grand, shocking and one of the best episodes of the series.

Now the last episode of the season set the stage up for the next season in a quiet like way. The writing was great and the small council scene was praiseworthy. But overall i was left thinking that nothing much happened and i did not get the last scene shock that i got from the first two seasons , i.e. the dragons in season 1 and the white walkers in season 2.

All in all , i think i am just sad that there is gonna be a 9 month wait for the next season to begin.

But the premise is set. Daenerys is stronger than ever , Jon Snow is back to the wall, Jaime back home, Greyjoys preparing to get Theon back , and most of all Stannis finally seeing the big picture .

An EPIC season comes to an end .
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Game of Thrones: The Rains of Castamere (2013)
Season 3, Episode 9
It All Fell Apart
3 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 episode 9-Baelor- It took me a few minutes to absorb what they did and how that episode ended. I haven't read the books and when Ned Stark's head rolled on the ground i was shocked .

Now that shock , if i may say so , pales in comparison to the shock i experience during the last 10 or so minutes of this episode.

The first 40 odd minutes of this episode felt lazy , incomplete , as if there was something missing. Now i being an amateur did not realize what they were building all this while. I wont dwell into the story much but this was by far the best episode of the season so far.

I am now eagerly waiting for the season finale and something tells me its gonna even top this episode.
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Why so much hate people??
2 June 2013
After reading some of the reviews here , i felt i should just avoid avoid this movie like the plague.

Heck i watched it anyways and liked it. If you stop comparing it to the original you will like it too. The action was not bad at all and the comedy was there often and here wasn't a dull moment . Wont dwell on the story much but if you enjoyed the previous two movies there is no way you will be disappointed. Watch it and enjoy and don't let the negative reviews fool you.


Still one line peace out.
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Furious 6 (2013)
Why don't they make something different ? Always the same old.
24 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***************************** SPOILERS*********************************

Instead of writing a boring review about this adrenaline filled , fast paced,at times headache inducing movie i'd just write a list of clichés it contains :-

1.Like every movie nowadays that promises action ,f6 has no 'well thought plot'. The mindless plot is there just to get to the car sequences and over the top special effects and stunts.

2.There are too many characters that we don't care about. Most of them, like the two black guys are there purely for the one liners although they do work sometimes.

3.A previously 'dead' character is actually ALIVE. OMFG i could never have thought of that. And his/her entire life memory is wiped. CLEVER!!

4.One of the guys has a wife and a kid and you could tell from the beginning that one of them will later on be kidnapped just to throw on us one more nauseous chase sequence.

5.One cop actually turns out to be a bad guy. How do they come up with this stuff!!

6.At one stage the cop hobbs (johnson) could shoot antagonist (luke evans) right in the face and spare us an hour or so but doesn't. "See you at the chase while you'll be pancaking civilians with your stolen tank and firing a few regular missiles".

7.In the end everything turns out right.I mean cmon thats genius. None of the 'important good guys' lose anything and get their records cleaned. Although the Asian guy loses his girlfriend because she is killed horribly but that does not stop everyone from enjoying beer and steaks in the end.

8.Dont even get me started on the runway.

However there was good stuff too.



Anyways, There is a final scene when a 'new bad guy' makes an appearance. Oh yes we're not yet done with this franchise. However that appearance was stunning!

To conclude, only watch if you are a fan of this franchise and love brainless, plot less action.

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Lot of mind payed to Special effects , NONE whatsoever to the storyline
28 April 2013
What can i say about the movie that has not yet been said in 184 reviews...well.. A LOT! The early critical reviews are so unreasonably favorable it almost seems like a conspiracy to get the people to the theaters . Well its been happening a lot lately , early reviews being so great that people expect all these movies to be potential game changers like 'The Dark Knight'.

Robert Downey Jr. is a great personality , an amazing actor and the only one who breathes any life to this franchise . But a movie depending on an actor's name can never be great. An actor should never be bigger than the movie.NEVER. The movie starts like every superhero movie does , leaving you with plenty of expectations. Apparently , the experience with the wormhole has had an effect on Tony Stark and he begins to suffer from these anxiety attacks and insomnia and becomes a workaholic spending a lot of time in his private 'lab'. Enters new villain.

And then begin a series of action clichés all of them been done already...too many times. There were a couple of comic moments and maybe one hilariously twisted twist.

Other than that no attention is played on the screenplay. Things happen just because they have to in order to get to the (boring) climax.How people get where they do without any hurdles is comical. Why don't these guys learn from Mr. Nolan that the writing, story and screenplay is MORE important than the meaningless special effects.

There is nothing special about this movie but i gave it 3 stars simply because of the cast. Apart from RDj , the star who shines out is Sir Ben Kingsley. He simply steals the show and i wish there were more of him. The guy is a class apart and does a brilliant job as The Mandarin. Oh how i wish there was more of him. Guy Pearce is potentially wasted and so is the talented Rebbeca Hall. Gwyneth Paltrow is the same old and so is Don Cheadle. And yes there was this clichéd cute kid who served no purpose whatsoever except for making the movie more cheesy.

Shane Black's directorial debut Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was an amazingly crafted crime comedy. With Iron Man 3 he disappoints. But the positive that we take away from all this is that IM3 is the last of the installments.

Regardless , like me , people will rush to the theaters to watch this and most of them will be , for the lack of a better word , disappointed ....and let down.

And for all those who wait for the credits to roll so they can watch a post credit scene , let me save you those 10 precious minutes to say that nothing epic happens. Let me rephrase that. Nothing happens.

Looking forward to Man Of Steel now.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Pretentious Snoozefest
28 March 2013
Seriously.....7.8 !

The movie started and i waited for it to grow on me....a wait that lasted 3 hours and ended with this boring piece of crap . So it deals with various timelines and tells us how our acts influence or destroy other worlds in the possible future....MY A$$ !

The makeup was pretty good...acting was mediocre but that don't make a movie. The script was overly long and never provided any important info or entertainment.

Since inception (10/10) came out , movie makers feel that if you confuse your audience a little and make them use their heads sometimes you got a fine recipe. WRONG

Avoid this movie at all costs and save your 3 hours.

I mean seriously....7.8 !
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
GREATEST TV SHOW of all time....The best 50 minutes of TV
19 March 2013
when i started watching GOT.I thought that its gonna take some patience to get myself to like it. Wrong

By the middle of the first episode i was hooked. By the end of it I was addicted. Every episode has the tendency to surprise...or id rather say shock you and keep you thinking about it for some time.

The fact that its on HBO promises violence....and hell of a lot of nudity, but not forced. Things don't happen just cause they gotta.

The characters are perfectly placed and cast well. The writing is powerful and at times dark.

All in all if you haven't started watching yet , now is the best time to watch the first two seasons because its a helluva good show .
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A good ol' zombie flick.....entertaining and worth a good watch
2 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well i saw this movie just a few minutes ago and wanted to write a review because it is hopelessly underrated on IMDb.

If you are a fan of 'the undead movies' , or even if you are not , you are bound to enjoy this one.....just don't expect a lot.

So its about a group of college friends trying to survive a zombie apocalypse with the addition of modern technology and our dependence on it. It does not rely on cheap thrills and horror clichés. The acting,i wont lie, was plain bad at times but the proceedings of the story and the premise pretty much make up for it.

If you are a fan of AMC's the walking dead , you are bound to find a lot of similarities. In fact i'll call this movie a faster , no nonsense and a more effective (and badly acted!) version of the walking dead.

A pretty good one time watch
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Skyfall (2012)
Weak scripted....lame storyline and a BIG nothing of a movie
13 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers

Honestly...i never had much expectations from this new bond movie but considering the last 2 in its series and of course D.Craig,i believed this would be a game changer.It was possibly the worst movie i have seen this year....since prometheus,which was pretty bad too. So the movie starts OK with some clichéd action sequences...nothing great. So Bond is shot but recovers and leads a life of retirement.Now is when it gets worse.

I wont dwell into the story much but it sucked...big time...there was no substance,no character development and no interesting action sequences...It was a wannabe movie that had nothing to give...commercial Bullsh*t made to rip people off their time and money

To say it was inspired by nolan's TDK would be an insult to Mr. Nolan. Cant believe mendes made such a bad movie

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