20 Reviews
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A Small Light (2023)
Very good series
4 June 2023
I'm a Dutchman, I was born in 1966, my parents 40 years before me in 1926 and their parents 36 years before them in 1890. In our family we lost members during those years. So as you might imagine I was raised and educted with what happened during those days. Even though my family's origins lie in Rotterdam, I reckognize a lot of what my (grand)parents told me.

No1 thought the war would come to The Netherlands and all of a sudden it was there. And once it was, it got from bad to worse and worser.

But my parents were relatively young when it all started and when I asked my mother what it was like in those days she said: "Kind of exciting". I guess the burden of that hell fell to the older generation. But due to my upbringing the stories my family told me are ingrained in my memories.

This series managed to capture a lot of what I've been told and was educated in school (when they still thought WWII was important). What a hell it must have been. Always worrying about the next day, the food, wood to burn your stove (1944 was a really really cold winter). And in 1944 every1 thought "we" would get liberated, but it took the Allied until 1945 to set the whole of Holland free.
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Poker Face (2023– )
An "acquired taste" needed?
12 February 2023
I guess there's no arguing over taste and seeing the high ratings apparently my taste differs a lot from the majority. I found the first episode slow and boring but decided to keep going because of the rating this series has. But episode 2 didn't rang any happy bells for me either. For me there's no cohesion and a lack of continuity and missing excitement. I've seen a lot of references to the old series Columbo, which I watched +/- 40 years ago (in The Netherlands it was broadcasted years later) but Columbo was watchable, a bit predictable but with funny characters. I fail to recognise any of that in this series and also missed any valid references.

Maybe it's my age (57) but if you think after watching episode 1 that it is as boring as I did, don't pain yourself with watching any more episodes. Concerning my rating of 5; I thought a 1 would make a bigger statement but that would be way to harsh and I guess others would do it the other way around too. That's the big flaw in the rating system. Anyway, as I said no arguing over taste but rating this with a 10 is really way over the top.
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61st Street (2022– )
My "bad" review
10 August 2022
It's too bad we can't rate with 0.5 points because I would have given this a 7.5 but after looking at the numbers and other reviews I decided on an 8. This is a typical example of politized scoring and reviewing. This series shows and discusses the institutional racism that is present everywhere in the world and unfortunately everywhere in the police force(s). I'm Dutch, I live in Spain and lived in Italy, England, Austria and I've seen it everywhere. We can deny or ignore it, but deep down we all know it exists. But a part of the ppl get offended by this, not because it's not true, but they choose not to see it.

These series is way better than it's get credited for by the users. It's not great but aboslutely not a 6.2 the score it had when I (re)viewed it.
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So angry
19 June 2021
I remember the case. Around that time my family moved back from Italy to The Netherlands and I started to hit puberty. My parents were enraged how politics and politicians were trying to cover the whole affair up. Mind you, most of the ppl who lived through WWII were still alive.

While watching the series I felt the anger again. That POS should have been stripped of all his money and possessions and locked away for eternity. Since that didn´t happen either, by the time I went to bed I was furious. So it´s a real bad idea to watch this series before bedtime, especially if you know what actually happened during WWII and the time after.
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Pro or not pro Trump, that´s the reactions here
16 October 2020
Was this an informative documentary? I say yes. Was it a pleasure to watch? I say no. Do I agree in a political way with the facts they try to depict? Well, I can check all of that myself.

I see ratings of 1´s and 2´s because people don´t like to see Trump being criticized, but what does an opinion has to do with facts? Look it up, check it, if you find errors write them in your review. But to slash something because it doesn't fit your views, that´s kind of silly to me.

I think it´s worth to watch but don´t expect to be happy at the end. Because this is about the failure of a corrupt system and the people managing it.
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Operation Buffalo: Episode #1.1 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Highly irriating that ppl misquote in a review ...
11 September 2020
The very bad review written by Hedley-finger can hardly be based on his/her own experience. (S)he has "read" a/some reviews online and badly misquoted those.

Where James Cromwell said in a review "I hope viewers are appalled" he didn't mean about the quality of the series, Cromwell was referring to how aristocracy at the time was behaving.

So please if you want to share YOUR opinion, let it be yours and don´t misquote others. It´s bad form and disgraceful towards the actors as well as the readers.
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8 August 2020
Look, I get it that ppl don´t want to be confronted with bad news, situations or truth, but ...

If there´s a reality show with Kim Kardashian, ppl love it, but when it´s about what is really happening in the world of "ordinary ppl" than we tend to switch off and judge it with a 1.

Episode1 is about healthcare workers and immediately ppl start to judge it very very harshly because it´s not what they want to hear or see. This has happened in NY and is now happening in more states all across the US.

You can close your eyes or look the other way, but at this rate it will come to a lot of us.

Basically, if you´re hoping for an uplifting story or something with a happy ending, don´t watch nor judge it. If you want to know what actually happened, hear it from the ppl that were there "hands on" it´s worth the time.

It won´t make you happy, but it´ll give you the info that others are desperately trying to avoid, alter or deny.

August 8, let´s see where we´re at in 3 weeks from now ...
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Magnum P.I.: Desperate Measures (2020)
Season 2, Episode 12
Combi with Hawaii 5-0
4 January 2020
Is it really necessary to get viewers involved in another series? I liked Magnum so far, never liked Hawaii 5-0 but now I have to watch the "combi cast". No thanks, I´m out.
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I don´t get it ?
19 December 2019
Maybe because I´m an "over 50 year old European" (when I look at the votes) but I don´t get it. A cast filled with big names of which have very good resumes. But this movie gives me the idea: Let´s push 1 more out "for the team". A team that seems to be growing with extra superheroes with every sequel.

Not a movie I would watch alone, nor with my children who are 27 and 29 years of age. Maybe in 10 years time with my grandchildren but than it´s prolly outdated, like I might be atm. But these cash cow movies don´t do it for me anymore.
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Adjust your expectations ...
5 November 2019
This is a reading of the history surrounding the Mueller (and Comey before him) report. It´s not a play nor a movie, just an account of what has happened.

If you realize this it´s all pretty straight forward and it gives you a good picture of what has happened during those 3-4 years.

Don´t watch it if you´re a Trump supporter because you´ll probably don´t like to hear the truth put in chronological order. Don´t watch it either when you expect to be able to sit on the couch with a bag of potato chips, hoping to be entertained.

If you like to get informed and want to get a clear view on the situation, watch it !

You can find it on youtube
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The Unlisted (2019)
About the critics & critsism ...
22 October 2019
Look, this is a low budget series made with teenagers for teenagers (as I see it). If you can´t grasp that within the first episode, than you shouldn´t write reviews.

Secondly; If you expected something else, but you got to see what it is and you´re disappointed, do´t write a negative review, but write something informative.

Personally I thought the series is pretty well made, considering the target audience and budget. Acting could be better, but what do you expect with a handful of 16-18 year olds?

Plz judge it for what it is and that´s a lot better than a 1 to 6 ...
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Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
I don´t get the negative reviews ?
20 October 2019
Usually I don´t write reviews because I don´t pretend to be a expert in this area. But in this case I make an exception. This is a very credible "this could actually happen" kinda series. No over the top violence, no over the top sex scenes just some days in a life of the main character, a criminal.

With time it gets better and better. I take my hat off for Scott Ryan who (co)wrote the series. Well done mate ;-)
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Preacher (2016–2019)
Totally absurd but so close to reality
14 September 2019
The more the series evolves, the absurder it gets. But absurdity in a way that is understandable and recognizable. Especially in the strange times we´re living in now.

That said, it needs an acquired taste. If you´re a rigid, staunch believer in any religion or set ways, you´ll hate this. It questions everything that are set values. However if you´re a bit open minded and you can laugh at absurdities, you´ll love it.

I gave it an 8 but in season 4 it´s nearing a 9 as far as I´m concerned.
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Well done but ...
23 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Gordon Ramsay as a Scottish/English chef I´ve admired fot years, even though he had his temper-tantrums when he was young(er). But when he started sniffing the money in America and adjusted his programs/shows likewise my admiration started to wane a wee bit.

He was/is in his element there, because everything goes quicker, more violent and more competitive over there, but for me it took the "British edge" off.

In this program he found it again. As I see it he was genuinely (dis)respectful to all parties involved and trying to get a taste of the food that´s locally cooked. He treated all people with respect ...

But ffs can´t the man lose 1 time? He´s cooking out of his comfort-zone with strange ingredients for local people and he still pulls a 50-50?

Come on Gordon ...
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Chernobyl (2019)
After reading the bad reviews ...
29 May 2019
Ok, historically seen not all is correct, they don´t have Russian accents? and some info is missing. All true. But the sense of the situation, the era and the enormous difficulties they faced, I really understood.

I was 20 years of age back then and had no clue, neither comprehension or interest in what was going on there. But still I do remember those days because in the back of my head I (apparently) knew something was well wrong.

This is, more or less, the sense I got while watching the series. Something was well wrong, nobody told you so to avoid mass panic, so they all, east and west alike, decided to cover it up.

This is what I felt while watching, a grey power struggle over something that could have "influenced" half the western world.

I think it´s pretty well done and fairly close to the truth as we possibly can know it. And very happy about the absence of the accents because you either speak Russian or ...
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A well done "feel good" series
29 May 2019
After reading the negative reviews, which are (very) partially correct, it depends how you look at it, I decided to write my own. Especially when I read that they´ll stop after S01 ...

Ok, it isn´t realistic, there´s no real depth to the stories, you might even say that it´s "one more of the same". But, according to me ...

It´s fun to watch, not pretentious, no big messages, just an adventurous series about something lost or needs to be found. Chemistry between the actors is well present, at least I think they had fun in doing their jobs and that´s what I saw. A bit like watching Magnum PI or The A Team way back then.

I really liked the series and I think it´s a bummer if it gets cancelled. It´s way much better then the average pulp they turn out these days. But that might be me. Anyway, if you want to watch something uncomplicated, fun and entertaining, go for this one, it´s worth it.
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Good enough if you don´t expect a roller coaster
15 January 2019
After reading other reviews I decided to put in 1 of my own, because I really don´t get the criticism. It´s a British movie starring Brit actors all over the age of 65. What do you expect, a roller coaster?

Of course it´s a bit slow and under cooled but I found it an entertaining movie. It might not be what we´ve come to expect in 2019 but if you know that, it´s worth a watch.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Very strange Netfilx stopped
1 December 2018
Of all the titles Netflix has, especially in this genre, this was 1 of the better ones. That they stopped "Iron Fist" and "The Punisher" I understand, but Daredevil was really nice to watch. Well maybe to end on a high?

Anywayz, I liked Daredevil and I gave it 9 out of 10 just to tease Netflix :-) When I judge it honestly i would award it 8-ish
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The Americans: START (2018)
Season 6, Episode 10
Bad series end
31 May 2018
The series as a whole I give an 8 the last episode a 3. That´s maybe a little harsh but they could have shot this whole hour in 15 minutes and the result would have been the same. Lot of slow drama but unanswered questions. That´s why I think this might not be the last because too many possibilities are still on the table.
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NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–2023)
Going down hill rapidly
21 May 2018
For a spin-off the series started reasonably good and got better while it went along. But as with most series that go over the 5th season, because of lack of inspiration, the relationships became more important. So from an action series it slowly becomes a soap.

And then the characters/actors ... Also in this the series started quite well but especially since series 9 some terrible changes/additions have been made.

Basically they should stop with all 3 series of NCIS. The original is going from badf to worse, NCIS LA is going in the same direction, while NCIS Orleans has been bad from the start. Create something new mr. Bellisario, these have been dragged out too long and it´s getting painful to watch.
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