
2 Reviews
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what I remember - what do you remember
20 May 2006
Yeah it was low budget. In Australia our government owned station ran the "Degrassi" series. First came junior high, then heaps later on in about 1992 they aired "The kids of degrassi street". It was really poor, however it was kind of funny to see the junior high school students as kids. It played the same theme song but a little slower.

Episodes i remember very very vaguely are : - They look after a neighbors rabbit - they see a "phisic" for future readings - the milk bar incident.

overall degrassi series was one of my favorite shows as a pimply teenager and it was interesting how the "Canadians" re-invented the wheel.
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16 August 2004
This was easily the worst movie I have ever had to sit through.

I was felt very embarrassed for Carey. I was so looking forward to it as I was really likes his nerdish and shy character in the waynes world movies.

Not only what was he thinking but also what was he doing in half of the scenes? Did he do half of them himself or did the director also go to sleep with his performance and not yell cut ? ? ?

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