
4 Reviews
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Fifteen-Love (2023)
Surprisingly terrible
8 September 2023
I'm a huge tennis fan and I expected this to be full of in accuracies and take liberties in the name of making good TV. And it was utterly inaccurate in just about everything about tennis.

That would be fine if the show itself was good. Unfortunately after a semi decent start it falls of a proverbial cliff in terms of well.. pretty much everything.

Let me list a few of the worst things: Horrible acting from most of the cast, the directing, pacing, script and story are all over the place. You get endless repetitive scenes of the coach talking in a ridiculous voice saying pretty much the same lines.

By episode 3-4 it seems like they're out of ideas or trying to fill time because they reach for pretty much every TV trope you can think of.

The main actress is actually pretty good. Especially for an unknown.

Why use Wimbledon and Roland Garros in a story and you can't even mention it them by name? There are plenty of other big tournaments? Why is the main character acting like she's broke when she would have won nearly £1million from the French Open? Why is the grass completely worn out down to mud on DAY 1 of Wimbledon? Oh and news flash for the writers... tennis players regularly rant and scream at their coaches in front of millions of people - no one cares, it's not the dramatic moment you think it is.

I'm mystified how stuff like this gets made.
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Shrinking (2023– )
Bill Misses the Mark With This One
24 April 2023
Being a massive Scrubs fan (not so much Ted Lassso) I had high hopes for this.

The first episode is pretty good except for the tired trope of middle-aged white man is terrible at everthing bit.

However from the second episode onwards its just full of left-wing Twitter style drivel about white priviledge and how things are "too white".

It's only a 30 minute show but it gets pretty relentless. If you like racism (its not reverse racism because it's against white people) then maybe you'll enjoy it but personally I got tired of that kind of humour fast.

Harrison Ford is great as always. Segel is his usual amusing self too.

So much potential. What a shame.
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Visuall great. Sadly the rest is pretty poor.
5 September 2022
It looks great which must be where the $1bn mostly went because unfortunately nearly everything else is either barely average or just plain poor.

The armor looks plastic/cheap. I'm not sure why they didn't get someone to actually make real metal armor.

No name or experienced actors. What we do have are soap opera level actors with no gravitas. Most of the cast have barely been in a single tv show or big project. I'm not sure why you would risk it that with such a large brand and budget on the line. I mean sometimes it works (Expanse for example). In this case is really doesn't,

The dialogue is embarrassing. I mean it is just horrific. Not much else to say about that really. It sounds like someone trying to sound deep but not actually saying anything leading to superfluous lines that don't add to the characters or story.

The characterisation: The elves don't seem very ethereal, wise or mystical. Certainly not like creatures that have lived for 1000s of years. Galadrial just seems like a permanental angry warrior. The halffoots are just plain annoying and for some reason dirty despite having access to water.

But the obsolute worst crime is it utterly boring. It's literally hard to stay awake watching this.

Hopefully it will improve as it goes on but not a great start sadly. Being a huge fantasy I had some hope for this.
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Horizon Line (2020)
An Entertaining Lightweight Disaster Movie
17 July 2021
Everything doesn't have to have a twist, a deeper meaning or have something to "say" to still be entertaining.

If you like a classic disaster movie then you'll love this. It's a fun romp into what you could go wrong on a small flight in the middle of nowhere. Ok, some of it is a bit far-fetched....

I think if you're a hard science guy or a in aviation at all you may struggle to maintain suspension of disbelief at certain moments. I certainly did but that didn't stop me being entertained (hence the 7 out of 10).

It looked glorious from start to finish with nice sound and decent enough acting. Some really beautiful aerial photography or CGI or both.

Check it out if you wanna switch you brain off and sit back and enjoy the ride for 90 minutes.
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