
5 Reviews
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Great Movie
31 January 2014
This is a great movie that different people will enjoy, for example this couple like the romantic story (her) and all the thrills (him). The performances are fantastic by both Rachel Weisz and Ralph Fiennes, who both give this adaptation of the John Le Carre book great dignity and presence on the big screen. I think Rachel Weisz and Ralph Fiennes both deserved to win Oscars for their superb performances and this was one of the best movies of the entire decade in my opinion, very great job by all involved. I would recommend this to anyone who likes a great romantic movie with great characters, or just an interesting and thrilling movie, or just to see great performances by actors at the top of their game. Well done.
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Five Dollar Fine is pretty stupid
26 January 2005
This is one of those movies that you watch and then just think hey that movie didn't ever need to be made and realize you just totally wasted your time. Luckily it is a short film only so you don't aren't bothered to much by it but you should also not be surprised because it is only a student film, I was surprise to see it broadcast at the royal theater. Basically it is about a tiny five dollar fine for littering in some side walk and then there is a bunch of gags that happen to the guy who is trying to raise the five bucks so he can pay that fine and not end up going to jail for it. Pretty stupid and most of the gags you can see coming a mile away, there was a good laugh not worthwhile for making a whole film. But overall I will still go see these short film night and recommend them to everyone because it's a chance to see something different that you probably can't ever see again, or you might see a great director on his way up before he gets famous. So those gems you get sometimes make it all worthwhile to have to sit through a few movies that don't have much to offer like this one.
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The Consultants (2000 TV Movie)
7.5/10 from me...
15 January 2005
I think this fake documentary was very funny in places but over all there was no big story line. The plot was to thin for me to get to interest in these characters or there problems. There was just the one plot of helping the two guys with their wives but we don't learn about so we don't care about the wives them selves. It is a good time filler though simply because of all the big laughs you will get and the story line does play out okay it is just that there is not the sub plot story lines you get in the most films. This film won't win any awards or anything but it is worth seeing if it is free on TV. The actors were all pretty funny in there rolls but they are not great actors, it is more they are funny than that they are good actors.
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Ham & Cheese (2004)
"Ham and Cheese"? More like "Waste of Time".
15 January 2005
I recommend that you skip this movie if you want to see a good comedy or a good drama or a good anything really. I completely disagree with all of the other comments that are posted here in the review section. When I saw this film in Toronto at the rep theater I know that we were not alone in not liking this film one bit. A couple people even walked out about three quarters threw. I recognized a lot of talented people in this movie but the material they have to work with was obviously not thought out very well and there are plot holes you can drive a truck through like the big one being why are these two hacks acting like they are and how on earth do they think they will succeed? What are they even trying to do? Samantha Bee is in this film and fans of the Daily Show will recognize her but her part is very small. Lots of recognizable people in it but they are unfortunately all in small roles. Or maybe it is fortunate because if they are in big roles with such bad material it would make their image less to me. The two actors playing the leads in the film (2 guys who are trying to make it big and become stars) aren't big names or anything and I was not impressed but we should give them credit or O should say not blame them too much because they did not have good material to work with, like I said before. The big problems I think were the direction and most of all the script which seems like it was written in a few hours by drunken high school drama class who thought it would be fun to make a movie. I was literally squirming in my seat by the end of this one to get out of there but did not walk out I have never walked out of a movie but this one was close. Don't waste your time on this movie you will regret it. Trust me. Or if you do watch it in the first five or ten minutes and see how bad it is go ahead and turn it off because trust me it does not get better that's what I was hoping for.
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Buzz (2000– )
Darren Jones and Mista Mo should be sent back to the evil planet that they are from.
29 August 2004
This show is the lamest waste of time I have ever seen and none of us will ever figure out how this show could possibly have won a gemini award for their writing. The show is just annoying and lame with two "wacky pranksters" mugging for the camera. Their monologues and opinions and practical jokes are not even mildly funny. Why does the comedy network keep churning out crap like this is it because there are no funny people out there? The camera work is not good and the sound is not also it is like watching amateur hour on some basic small town cable access channel. This show is thankfully finally being cancelled and I know how many people are glad about that but I still want to know how in the world it was made in the first place let alone how it lasted for more than one season! Hey at least it didn't last as long as Bullard though right?
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