
15 Reviews
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Sorry, Not a Good Movie
4 May 2023
We all know the story: James Gunn was fired from Marvel over some old tweets, people whined, GotG cast threatened to force Marvel to let get them released from their contracts if Gunn didn't come back, etc., with some of them even saying that Gunn had planned the perfect end to the trilogy, so Gunn was brought back ... For what?


GotG vol. 3 is NOT a good movie. It's unfocused, there's not really a story. Nebula who had an awesome arc in Infinity War and Endgame didn't do much here but scream and yell at people.

We were promised spectacle and heartbreak. It delivered on none of that.

Star-Lord will be back, they say. I hope to heck Gunn is gone for good.
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Room 104: Ralphie (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
23 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The set-up was good, the pay-off could have been creepy, but are you trying to tell me that the babysitter didn't go to the bathroom in the almost 5 hours she watched the kid?

And going of what the kid says, it's plausible to think that he's had lots of babysitters before, and neiher of them needed a bathroom break either?

I'm not one looking for plot holes, but when they scream you right in the face I get annoyed.
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The Stand: The End (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not impressed at all.
17 December 2020
Weird tonal shifts, weird editing choices, like, jumping back and forth between past, present, and future to a degree where you get lost to as what is happening when, switching between scenes too often so you never get a feel of the urgency or danger they're in, and in a way that you never really get to know - or care about - the characters. Even the handful of actors I normally like are horribly miscast, as is almost everyone, and especially the girl playing Fran Goldsmith (Odessa Young, the first I've ever seen of her) is atrocious. I may give it an episode or two more before deciding if I want to finish it.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 13: The Jedi (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Fun, but...
27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first review of a Mandalorian episode. It was a fun episode, better than some, worse than others. As I never got into any of the animated SW shows I have no connection whatsoever to Ahsoka Tano (although I did watch the Clone Wars movie), so I could take or leave her being in this show. It was fine, she was fine, but the plot did nothing to progress the story. At the end of the story we're at status quo, with Mando looking for someone to train Grogu (yes, we got a name for Baby Yoda). It felt like filler just to get Ahsoka in the show for pure fan service and nothing more.
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Slight spoilers, nothing serious
31 October 2018
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The writing in the first three episodes were below par, but I thought it just might be because the show was still finding its footing. However, with this episode the writers showed that they are just interested in soap opera-level stuff. Case in point: the scene where Ambrose meets Luke at a café. WHY did they have to stoop to that artificial drama between them, where Ambrose says "This was a mistake", so Luke will think that Ambrose means it was the meeting that was a mistake, when we KNOW that Luke is a warlock, so Ambrose could have told him what was up. For pete's sake, bad writing, it annoyed the heck out of me.
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Derren Brown: Sacrifice (2018 TV Special)
Not his best
22 October 2018
I am a big fan of Derren Brown, through the years he has made me laugh, think, and be struck with awe. This, however, felt a little too staged at times. I get that they have to edit it down to a length and pace that don't scare people away, but it would have benefitted from 10-15 minutes more. I was entertained, though.

What baffles me the most, is the other reviewers here who bash it for its "political agenda". To you I will just say, that when you write stuff like this, it looks like you're okay with people hating, and killing, others for no good reason. Also, you obviously didn't pay attention, as Derren ended the show with talking about how both extremes could come together to find a solution. But maybe you had already turned out, because you were hurt that they told you that killing is bad. Seeing this as a political agenda doesn't reflect well on you. Not killing shouldn't be a left or right issue, it should be a human issue.
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15 July 2017
Underwhelming. The acting and effects were good, of course, but it is too long. A LOT of the scenes could have been cut in half, it would have cut a good half hour of the movie. And there were too many situations where a stupid decision combined with an unbelievable coincidence work in the apes' favor. And the comic sidekick was funny maybe two times, then he became annoying. Not a worthy end to the trilogy.
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It Follows (2014)
Skip it *may contain spoilers*
19 April 2015
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I lowered my expectations quite a bit, since The Babadook got so rave reviews last year and that movie was rage-inducing bad. This isn't much better. Aside from the obvious "if young women have sex, they will die", I kept thinking that this was like The Ring but with genitalia. So, yeah. There were, of course, a few jump scares (one of which, admittedly, was effective). Then there's the score... never have I heard such an obtrusive, annoying, obnoxious score for a movie. And it was there THE! WHOLE!! TIME!!! Every time the music started I rolled my eyes and thought "Jeez, not again" and then it stopped... and not even 20 seconds later it started up AGAIN! And again... again... and so on. I think a LOT of the scenes would have worked better if they had been played out in silence. Also, the panning of the camera. Time and again the frame rested on or strolled along something that had NADA to do with anything. This also became eye-roll moments for me. Avoid; if you're hungry for some good, new horror, go for something like As Above So Below.
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The Strangers (2008)
Take the basis of Them/Ils...
28 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
...mix it with a middle-passage reminiscent of Vacancy and then, near the end, throw in some Funny Games for good measure, and you come up with this crap fest. As others have stated, it starts out well, and then descends into nothing rather rapidly. Whereas Them/Ils is a little masterpiece in building nail biting suspense and Funny Games is, at least, thought-provoking, The Strangers mostly reminds one of Vacancy in non-existing suspense. Plus the ending is stupid. Some reviewers said that the lack of motif bothered them, which really isn't an issue for me; I don't mind "making up" the background myself, but that's all a matter of taste. This movie could have needed a good twist. The 2 stars is only for some creepy moment within the first 25 minutes, and for the rather small cast that did a not great, but acceptable job.
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The Cave (2005)
"The Descent" for the teen-crowd...
26 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
...and that's NOT a good thing!! Everything The Descent got right, this movie got wrong, i.e. believable characters, characters you CARE for, and monsters for the most part barely glimpsed. Oh, and also the feeling of really being in danger. That never happens in The Cave.

It is also tired and formulaic; starts with something 30 years in the past about some soldiers looking for something in a church or whatever, then they fall into the underground cave, and flash forward, a bunch of mostly good-looking people go looking for...what, exactly?? And, to no-one's surprise, the first to bite the dust are the not-so-good-looking guy and the older guy. 'cause this is intended for young people, so we can't have "ugly" people around for too long, can we?

The weirdest thing is, this movie is PG13, when the only ones I could imagine would enjoy this, are kids UNDER that age. Not even one bare breast or a dirty word ("friggin'" is the closest we get), only some confusing shot scenes of people/beasts fighting.

Oh, and the ending; well, an attempt to leave room for a sequel does not a twist-ending make. Who actually got surprised by this??

Avoid this movie. Watch The Descent instead, it has genuine scares and tension.

The only reason I gave this 2 instead of 1, is because Eddie Cibrian is a looker. If he'd shown some skin, I might have given it a 3.

That's how bad it is. I don't watch movies just because the cast is good-looking, and Eddie Cibrian was the only redeeming thing about this flick.
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High Tension (2003)
I'm sorry...
5 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
...but this movie is just not any good. I mean, I love horror and splatter as much as the next guy - and maybe more - even some of the lowest of the lowest, and I love movies with plot twists. But this crap fest really takes the price for being one of THE worst "horror"-movies ever. Where to begin? (Oh, and I won't even BEGIN on the Intensity-thing, it's clear that those who like this movie, have never even HEARD of Intensity. I can live with "being inspired by" other stories, but totally rip-offs??). I can accept the fact that Marie is the killer and has multiple personalities and whatnot, but the way it was executed was very, very bad. I mean...what with the scene where she's found Alex tied up, and she looks out the window to see the kid brother running from the killer who shoots him? Huh? And when she's hiding in the closet when the mother sees her, and AT THE SAME TIME she presumably kills the mother?? HUH?? And so on. Like, when she leaves the gas station in the van, and oh, wait, she follows herself in another vehicle. It could have worked if done properly, but it is so badly put together that you get really annoyed when you find out what is going on. Plus, tension never builds. I really tried to get into this movie (and trust me, when you have to TRY, it's not working). Everything falls flat. There are many other flaws and plot holes that I thought of when the identity(!) of the killer was revealed, but have happily forgot most of them, and it's maybe 15 hours since I saw it. It doesn't get much worse than this, really...stay away. Watch or read Intensity instead. IMDb really needs to make that feature where you can give 0 or minus star ratings.
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Den attende (1996)
It's really good...
10 February 2006
And I don't say this, just because I was an extra on it, 'cause during filming it seemed rather messy, didn't know where the story went, etc. But I was really positive about the outcome. It's not a "big" film, and to the other poster: It was made on a VERY small budget, even for a Danish film, so of course it could never be on par with the big blockbusters who have gazillions of $ in their backs. I think it shows some rather poignant things about love, life and death, But see for yourself, don't just take my word for it. I don't think the writer/director tried to make an "artsy" film, I think he just tried to tell an every day-story.
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Paradiset (2003)
I liked it!
1 June 2005
How come that most people hate this movie? It is as good as "Sprängaren", and Helena Bergström is one of the best actresses in Sweden, if not THE best!! Also, it was funny to see Lisa Nilsson in a movie.

Are people so used to high octane US-action, that those more subtle, character-driven movies now seem boring??

Anyway, both I and some of my friends here in Denmark like those two movies a lot.

And about you have to have read the book to understand it?? Not true, I don't think it was that difficult to follow. But then again, I really don't have a short attention-span. Give it a try.
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Wolf Hour (1981)
11 December 2004
How can anyone say that this is boring?? It can only be because people don't understand it!! This is NOT a movie about wolves or werewolves, it's a movie about a crumbling marriage that's threatened by the appearance of a younger and more exciting woman. It's a very strong movie, and it's a damn fine thriller, too!! One of the other users mentioned "Nattevagten/Nightwatch"...but what, exactly, was new in that movie?? No, this movie is the one to see if you want Danish horror. True horror isn't about ax-wielding maniacs, true horror is taking the clue from everyday life, and then plant normal people in weird situations. Anyone who fails to see that, should stick with the teeny-bop movies and let the rest of us enjoy art!!
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I disagree...
11 November 2004
...with the other user. On the contrary, I find Things You Can Tell... to be a very intense drama. Even I, being male, could easily identify with all the characters. The title says it all, you know what these characters feel and think just by looking at them, and it's done in a very subtle and under-acted way. I must agree, though, that I, too, was surprised by Cameron Díaz; I knew all the other actresses to be first rate, but up until this movie, I'd always thought of Díaz as a dumb blonde; I'm glad she proved me wrong. I know a lot of Americans (and I'm NOT saying ALL) want big emotions, larger-than-life drama, and a lot of FX...but life isn't that way, life is like this movie: funny, touching, sad, lonely, full of love and, yes, even repressed. 10/10
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