
8 Reviews
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Great Dialogue
11 August 2005
This movie probably has the best dialogue I've ever seen in a movie. It's just so very funny movie. It has a very subtle sense of the ridiculous which I find works more than crude punchlines or slapstick. Everything about is so "cool" and "hip" that although it's about 2 hours long and doesn't really contain that much action , there is a fluidity about it that doesn't make it seem as long. I did enjoy the interwoven scenes and the lack of chronology but I would have really liked a less anti-climatic ending. I found myself waiting after the credits just to be sure there wasn't an added scene at the end that would pull everything together. I do think it's a tiny bit overrated , but it's still an interesting film to watch. 7/10
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11 August 2005
It's rather puzzling that this film should be placed within the comedic genre as I truly did not laugh once. It was too slow and cold to be considered funny in wacky sort of way , not smart enough or interesting to be considered funny in a clever way and takes itself too seriously to be funny in a mocking or satirical way. All you get is clumsy direction , a sub par acting performance from said clumsy director and plot trying very hard to be funny even though it's apparent that the writer knows nothing of the essence of comedy. With a clever subtitle such as " Pardon me but your teeth are in my neck" , I was expecting much more. How disappointing.
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11 August 2005
Now this is the sort of movie I like! Instead of just sitting in front of my TV and letting the information download into my brain without much mental effort , my mind was actually being engaged . The movie kept me guessing and second-guessing myself throughout it's entirety , which made for a very interesting cinematic experience. It was a bit confusing at times as the basis of the movie is basically to blur the lines of reality and dreams but all becomes clearer after additional viewings. This was the ideal "twist ending" type of movie though , as knowing the ending does not inhibit any future enjoyment and may even provide a greater understanding as to what's going on.
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Killer Condom (1996)
Worth the rental just for curiosity's sake
11 August 2005
The concept for this movie alone is worth renting it. For all of it's flaws , you cannot say that "Killer Condom" is unoriginal or unimaginative. I was actually surprised , during the first hour of the film , to see that I had actually been able to stomach a Troma film. The movies tries to have a B-movie type feel to it but numerous scenes within this actually lead me to believe that it was actually made by someone quite competent. The humour is crude and largely genitalia centered ( that's a given with a title like "Killer condom". ) which you would think could keep you entertained for close to two hours. To my dismay though , it gets old rather fast and the movie just seems to go on and on like a really funny sketch that goes on a little too long and ends up being awkwardly unfunny. Meh , Rent it anyway.
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I admit to not "getting it"
11 August 2005
During the entire movie , I kept having the distinct feeling that something very important was being transmitted throughout the movie and yet I was unable to capture that message. The camera lingers meaningfully on certain subjects in a few scenes which lead the audience's attention askew( or perhaps just mine ) from the main story , and yet never really justifies the diversion. No doubt because it was originally a play , the acting is really over the top and dramatic to the point of cheesiness , which might have been intentional characterization . The character study is amazing for Petra , however. Her psychological portrait is intriguing but it's not enough to save this tedious movie.
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Frosty (1965)
sweet traditional children's movie
13 November 2004
It's a simplistic low budget movie intended to be viewed by children and so it's shouldn't be surprising if it's not up to an adult's standards.

Kids don't generally look for deep realistic plots nor do they care for exaggerations or less than stellar effects. What they truly want are imaginative tales and silly physical comedy and this movie provides on both.

It's really nothing special and it doesn't warrant any feuds over whom is lacking in culture and other such pretensions. Disliking this movie is not an attempt at belittling anyone's origins. It's just a matter of opinion.
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Man on Fire (2004)
Horribly good movie *spoiler*
7 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Yes , it's predictable. Yes , it depicts a somewhat racist view of Mexicans. Yes , it's an unoriginal plot that is riddled with holes and poor character development. Yes , it is , in itself , a bad movie. Yes , the cinematography is reminiscent of a bad music video. It is , however , the most entertaining movie I've seen in a while. It's just so bad that it's good.

The whole vengeance half of the movie is probably the most amusing thing I've ever seen. To watch Denzel go from surly alcoholic to a cuddly gentle bear to his final incarnation , a vicious killer is deathly funny. In any case , it has an anally injected bomb and if that doesn't spell quality , then I don't know what does.
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8 September 2004
I decided to watch this trilogy with a completely open mind to see what the fuss was all about. I was rather embarrassed by the fact that I had never seen any of these movies which were heralded as great cinematic classics. Instead of the masterpiece I was promised however , I was left with a great mediocrity. The characters were barely 2 dimensional , the plot was riddled with holes and horribly rushed and the dialogue was cheesy . Episode V was perhaps the least painful to watch but still isn't close to being good. I don't know if it's a case of a movie aging very badly but I can't for the life of me understand the allure of it. To each their own , I guess.
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