
15 Reviews
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The Woman (I) (2011)
The use of music ruins the movie.
28 July 2019
For some reason the director seems to have thought he was making a 90s music video. He constantly shoehorns awful music into scenes that basically ruins them. It feels like a young adult movie. The music completely ruins the scenes, and it feels like there is a constant BGM of awful music. It's either constantly playing under people talking, or way too high in the mix like a music video. About 10 minutes in we get an incredibly cringe scene with ridiculous, overbearing metal music that completely destroys the scene.

I don't even feel like commenting on the actual movie, because the music seems to be the only thing the director cares about.

It's an interesting idea for a movie ruined by awful direction and creative control.

It seems the director is a 15 year old boy, trapped I 1996.

Bottom line: the use of music in the movie ruins it completely.
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Porsalin: The Worm Has Turned (2018)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
One of the greatest documentaries ever made.
28 September 2018
As I said in the headline, this is one of the greatest documentaries ever made. Perfect in almost every way possible. Although, I would have liked it to go on longer, as I feel there is still more people need to know about the Worm (Norton).
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Oculus (2013)
Boring, and LONG
13 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The story goes all over the place, and isn't really very interesting. The constant jumping back and forth between periods might have been a good idea, but it got annoying. Fast. No real background to WHAT the mirror actually is. The acting isn't very good either. The girl was really annoying, and so was her brother. She was supposed to be 23 or something, but looked like she was 38. The "exposition scene" was way too stupid, and was basically her talking really fast and telling us just about nothing.

More than anything though, it feels like it is 30 minutes too long. I just wanted it to f*ucking END! Felt like it was on for 3 weeks. Unnecessarily drawn out. 1 out of 10.
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Holy Motors (2012)
F*****g awful
29 April 2015
I HATED this movie. Absolutely HATED it! It is the most pretentious and boring film I have ever seen. It is absolute s**t!

The only thing this is good for, is getting blind drunk and laughing at it. Anyone who thinks this is a good film, is a moron. I don't know how anyone could give it any praise whatsoever. It STINKS. It is garbage. A pretentious s**t from start to finish.

Do yourself a favor and stay the f**k away from this. Utter crap. I am surprised I stuck it out to the end, because I was ready to tap out after the first 5 minutes.

A silly, pretentious, dog**** of a movie.
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V/H/S/2 (2013)
Was this made by children?
3 June 2014
Okay, I like the first V/H/S movie. It was a good watch. This one however, is dog**it.

The story of the 2 people going into the house, and the woman watching the videos was BORING and very badly written. When she is lying down unconscious on the floor and the guy comes in, shouts for help, then does NOTHING was some of the worst writing I have seen in a while. Oh, yeah, your girlfriend/partner/whatever is lying unconscious on the floor of a creepy house, and instead of calling an ambulance or something, you watch a video?!?

The first video is about a douchebag who gets a robot eye or something. We can tell he's a douchebag because he wears "douche-bands" on his left hand. The actor playing him is awful- even more so because of the douche-bands that he is wearing that look stupid on him. The story is awful, and there is almost zero exposition. The dumb woman with the pierced nose annoyed me right from the start, and the whole "having sex to scare away the ghosts" or whatever it was about thing was stupid, and just seemed to be an excuse to see some sub-par tits. The ending was probably the worst part. Absolute garbage.

The second one MUST HAVE been written and produced by high-school kids. It. Was. Crap. The story was stupid. The characters were paper-thin and unbelievable. What there was of a story was stupid. The make-up effects sucked donkey-balls. The kids they got to do this for their school project should be expelled for being pretensions t*ats. It had to be kids, right? No adult would make something so dumb...

The third one started out okay, but the way it unraveled towards the end ruined it. Despite it more than likely was supposed to be scary/serious, the obvious "guy in a long-necked goats-head (or alpaca?) costume" at the end was one of the funniest things I have ever seen in a movie. Oh, and that sloppy booger at the end was both hilarious and disgusting at the same time. Ruined potential.

The slumber party story was probably the most interesting, but the aliens looked silly, and the dog-camera didn't really work.

I can't believe that this rates higher than the first movie.
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The Grey (2011)
Well made
12 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie. I watched it on cable TV and was expecting it to be awful. But, it was well made and kept my interest to the end.

So many people on here are complaining about it not being realistic and that "wolves don't act like that!", 3 words for you guys "shut up, idiots".

It isn't a documentary. IT'S A ****ing MOVIE!! Your mouths must be really dry from all that breathing you do through them. Do you critique James Bond movies the same way? "We don't have invisible cars or exploding pens! This movie is dumb! Rah rah rah harrumph harrumph". Or Star Wars movies, "if it's a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, why do they speak English!? Star Wars is SO unrealistic! It sucks!".

Movies don't have to be realistic. If you want realism, don't watch a movie: go live your boring life.

Anyway, this was a decent movie. Nothing amazing, but fun.
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Wail Away (2012)
It's the movie equivalent of a bag of runny dog****.
2 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first time I have said this and really meant it: This is the worst movie I have ever seen. If I could give a minus vote on here, it would be minus 58 or something. It STINKS!

I know people mention The Room when they talk about bad movies, but even if it was a ridiculous one, at least The Room had a story. This movie doesn't.

The synopsis for this is: "Uncovering the truth behind his recently euthanized grandfather, film director Torsten plans the unthinkable. In an attempt to relive the torturous experiments his grandfather performed as a Nazi guard, Torsten hatches a plan to put himself in the shoes of the tortured, for the sake of self redemption and making sense of a past he had no idea existed. With two willing volunteers he gets to work in an abandoned industrial facility on the outskirts of town. With the experiment continuing to take its toll on all three, cracks begin to surface which eventually halt his deranged plan. The experiment maybe over, but the torture is only beginning.. Written by Mark Iipkin"

The synopsis should be: "Bad acting around a storyline that doesn't exist. Watch something you don't care about or understand for an hour and a half."

"In an attempt to relive the torturous experiments his grandfather performed as a Nazi guard, Torsten hatches a plan to put himself in the shoes of the tortured, for the sake of self redemption and making sense of a past he had no idea existed". Sounds interesting, but none of that happens. You see him carrying some tires around. That is it. Is this movie holocaust denial propaganda or something? Because if prisoners in concentration camps just had to move tires about, I'm betting less would have died. Did he make sense of a past he didn't know existed? I don't ****ing know, and I'm never told!

Anyway. The first thing you think when watching this movie is: the main character can't act to save his life. He is really bad. It's like watching a bad soap opera.

The second thing you think, and continue to think throughout the movie is: I have no idea what is going on, who's who, and what relationship they have with any other character.

Another thing I was screaming at the screen after about 10 minutes was: Enough of the smoking!! It isn't edgy or anything. Stop shoehorning it in every scene. The first 30 minutes of this movie can be summed up like this: people who we know nothing about, talk about things we never get to understand, while smoking a lot.

Who the guy in the bed is at the start and what significance does he have? I don't ****ing know! You find out it's Torsten's grandfather, who was a Nazi who kept a diary but that is it! Due to there being ZERO interaction between them you find out NOTHING about why Torsten is so affected by this revelation.

Who is the woman Torsten talks to? What is their relationship? I don't ****ing know, and I'm never told!

What happened to Paulo? Did Noah kill him? I don't ****ing know, and I'm never told!

The ending is ****ing awful. I can imagine the assholes that made this garbage high-fiving each other thinking it was cool. Well, here's some news for you guys: it wasn't. It was stupid. Almost as stupid as the rest of the God awful movie.

Also, why name him Torsten? If there was a competition for The Man Who Looks Least Likely to be Named Torsten, this guy would come 2nd after Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje. Call him Bob or something because the name Torsten is pointless.

I literally had no idea what was going on throughout the whole movie. There is ZERO exposition about anything.

Complete ****.

You never get to know what is going on, or who is who, and it ended that way. No one could ever give this a positive review; because it's crap, and you don't even know what you are watching!

You never find out what was written in the diary. You just get some arty-angsty bull**** shots of people reading it. So you have no idea why anyone would get so upset after reading it.

The doctor dude at the beginning is pointless as is the whole assisted suicide bit because we know NOTHING about ANYTHING that is going on. You could have had the old guy just die. Or not even be in the movie. Torsten could have found it while cleaning his stupid house

Noah is one of the worst characters ever on film. He just turns odd for no reason. Was it because he read the diary? I don't know because we never got to read the diary. Also, does Noah read German? Because I assume it was written in German. He is supposed to have been building a load of sets or something. But you never see any of the stuff he built. Only that round door/cover he puts on that whatever-it-is. That is another thing. People seem to teleport all over the place with, of course, no explanation as to how they got there. Torsten ends up in the whatever-it-is. How? I don't ****ing know, and I'm never told!

The "I'm trying to eat my sandwich" bit is moronic. I wanted to punch both people, repeatedly, in the face while it was going on.

The "Come and see the fackin' view!" scene was probably their idea of a set-piece scary line scene. But it failed because it meant nothing, wasn't scary, and ended nowhere.

Who the **** financed this trash and why would anyone think it is good!???

This won't even turn into a cult movie because I have no idea what went on so there is nothing to find even remotely interesting.
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The Possession (I) (2012)
Boring and clichéd
10 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start with this s**t?!

Firstly, one thing that screams at you every time she's on the screen: Kyra Sedgwick looks like she's about 65. Jeffrey Dean Morgan isn't any spring chicken, but she looks like she could be his mother.

The acting is awful at times. Some of the lines are delivered like the take was just a run-through. The demon isn't even remotely scary, and neither is the film.

The only interesting thing is the whole Jewish aspect of it. It was new to have a possession story that wasn't based in Catholicism. Matisyahu was good in his roll, and acted better than I expected.

The kids were annoying, especially the ugly little main kid, who just seemed like a bad rip-off of the kid in the Exorcist, even down to appearance.

The ending was your typical clichéd crap. Hopefully there will be no sequel.
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Alright... I suppose.
16 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First thing, Harry Potter needs acting lessons, not wizardry classes. Every line he delivers is wooden and empty. His expression is either bland; or furrowed brow. He could get away with it in the Harry Potter movies, because they had so much crap going on, and to be honest- for the first 2 or 3 movies, all the kids were awful actors. But, not anymore. I think he's the Keanu Reeves of his generation.

Ciarán Hinds was perfect, as always, and he made up for Radcliffe's woodenness.

Another thing: this movie is NOT scary. I can't believe anyone could be frightened by any scene.

The ending is... interesting, and I quite liked it. I don't know why she "would never forgive" Radcliffe, since he has ZERO connection to the village, or her son's death; and if anything, he tried to help her reunite with her son. I can only assume it was a "thank you" for doing that- to get him to be with his dead wife.

I don't know.

Anyway, it was an alright movie.
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84C MoPic (1989)
One word to describe this movie... s**t.
4 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
God! The dialog is awful! Truly terrible!

It doesn't feel real, which is the first and last nail in the coffin for a "found-footage" kind of movie. All the characters are badly written. The things they do, like smoke cigarettes while in the jungle on LRRP- which would give any enemy close by notice they were there, are stupid.

There is not a single character you care about. The ending is crap, and is just annoying.

5 Minutes in and you are begging for these clichéd, awful characters to trip a huge mine and blow everyone to pieces.

Badly written. Badly directed. Badly acted.

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Solo (II) (2008)
4 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this documentary. It is one of the most emotional and interesting documentaries I've ever seen.

His final radio message is haunting and incredibly sad. The descriptions given as to what kind of conditions he faced on his attempt were interesting and moving, and helped give you an added respect for him, knowing that he survived such terrifying weather, only to be taken out by a set of rogue waves that came out of nowhere when he was in seeing- distance of his goal.

The camera footage is also fascinating. The breakdowns he has, and him describing how bad it was when he had to bail out the canoe by hand were captivating.

I really enjoyed this, and have watched it more than once since.
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Grizzly Man (2005)
Great documentary
4 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this documentary. Right from the get go, you know that you're going to hate Timothy Treadwell. He was annoying right from the first scene, and when you know that he died, you feel no remorse whatsoever while watching him and his closet-homosexual antics with creatures that, as in the words of one of the interviewees, "probably thought he was retarded".

Two things that bugged me are:

1) Treadwell's friend Warren Queeney.

He is such a douche-bag. He seems to be attempting to do a screen test for some stupid melodrama acting job or something. He gives this really forced monologue, complete with wrinkled-brow looking-in-the-distance, unnatural pauses for dramatic effect, and amateurish looking deep into the camera, about when he found out Treadwell was dead. It's embarrassing to watch.

He is awful, and I can't believe he has ever had any acting jobs other than commercials for car insurance or something. Looking him up on here, I'm astounded that he had some actual work.

2) His ex-girlfriend, Jewel Palovak.

Whenever she opened her mouth it seemed scripted.

As the documentary goes on, Treadwell gets odder and odder. It's like he was going crazy, and he probably was. His pathetic hissy-fit about a cub being cannibalized, and the attempted rerouting of the stream so salmon can get through, make you hate him even more.

I have never known someone who died such a tragic and horrific death, who I didn't feel even slightly sorry for.

Anyway, this is a great documentary.
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The Strangers (2008)
Worst movie I've seen in a long time
2 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I start with this crap?

Watching this was like watching lead settle. It was awful. Anyone who says this was scary, needs to watch more movies. It wasn't scary at all. It starts out dull and ends dull, with a ton of dull in the middle.

At about just over halfway through, you start to want at least SOME exposition as to why the people are trying to kill them. Just a little, you get NOTHING. They are wearing some "Ooooh, look at me I'm wearing a silly mask, I'm so ironically scary, oh, how post-modern of me" masks, that just look so hacky and pretentious at the same time.

The complete lack of any kind of explanation is incredibly annoying. The ending is boring, and sets up the possibility of a sequel, which I hope they don't make. Two movies of s**t like this should be a capital crime.

This movie is the directors failed attempt at making an interesting movie- interesting by means of making you think. However they give you nothing to think with. Just dull, pretentious characters (who under 50 years old people listens to that stupid music they listen to anymore?!? It's just there as an attempt to create an "odd" atmosphere. It doesn't work.)

It could be the most boring film I have ever seen.

EDIT: I have to address some comments from other reviews on here about this garbage movie.

"The masks and the idea of not being able to see the faces made the movie unique."

Yeah, right. People wearing masks in horror movies is "unique" to this movie. Halloween, Friday the 13th, to name just 2 are actually figments of my imagination...

"Not guts spewing everywhere, not cheap jump scares, just plain fear."

Really? "not cheap jump scares" you say. I think we watched different movies. Because the one I watched WAS FULL OF CHEAP JUMP SCARES. And it's NOT SCARY. Only children under the age of 10 would find this scary.

"I can't believe the half-wits that had the gall to give this one star. Their taste is in their ass!"

Hey, sorry that we saw that this movie is a pretentious piece of s**t and you didn't. Although, anyone who like this trash is a moron, so I guess you're going to like it. Sucks to be you.
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Bad, just... bad
16 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie. I really did. Even though I know most of the stories Clive Barker writes that become movies are usually crap, I hoped this one would be different. It wasn't. It was crap.

The thing that really ruined it for me was the AWFUL CGI. There is a scene where an eyeball flies through the air- it looks like something from an old Sega CD game. So obviously CGI. Did that flying eyeball absolutely need to be in the movie? No. It did nothing to the scene other than ruin it.

What was with the boils that Vinnie Jones was cutting off and putting in jars????? Did I miss the explanation for that??

Also, you can only suspend your disbelief so much. In this movie, you are supposed to believe that hundreds of people (if not thousands) have been going missing over the years, all of them being seen last in the subway, and only 1 cop is assigned to the case? And that cop is able to keep ALL the other cops in the city from investigating any of the disappearances? Come on! That is just ridiculous.

Why did Vinnie Jones have to work in the abattoir? Was he short of cash? Did the "monsters" think he needed a taste of working class America?

Why did he dress in a suit to go to work in the abattoir? Was he just trying to look cool?

The cameraman, who takes crappy instagram-worthy garbage, is pretentious and annoying. As is the stupid gallery owner woman, and the cameraman's dumb friend "Jurgis".

What kind of name is that anyway? Call him Bob or something. Any character who has a name like that, you just want them dead as soon as possible because their name makes you hate them instantly.

This movie is awful.

One of the worst movies I've seen in a long time.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Not scary, just boring
14 March 2013
I saw this movie because I'd seen a lot of reviews that said it was great and pretty scary. It is neither.

The acting was alright. That is about it for the good points.

The demon or whatever it is looks like Darth Maul with a big nose- it looks silly. The ghosts or whatever they are, are all annoying and not original- I was waiting for a guy with a mustache, holding his head under his arm to come strolling along at any moment.

The part where it turns really bad is when they start talking about the astral projection. That could have been a good, interesting twist, but it just ended up being silly.

When the psychic woman gets the guy to draw pictures for her, it seemed pointless. Why does she need him to do that?? What is the point??? Why does she need him to write down what she says too?? What is with the sandman mask? Why can't she just talk normally?? Too many things in there just for the sake of trying to make it "spooky".

This movie is like a really bad Freddy's Nightmares episode.
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