
8 Reviews
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Best Star Wars movie since Disney took the reigns of the franchise
12 September 2021
It feels like a original trilogy movie and although it's supposed to be a spin-off it manages to perfectly close the gap between Ep. III and IV.

And, in all honesty - It is so good, that thinking of what Star Wars movies we generally have... Yes, I would say its #3 in the ranking of best-to-worst, right after "Empire Strikes Back" and the original "Star Wars" ( Episode IV ). Only comes #3 in fact, because, well - It would be heresy to put it above IV, It's the movie that started it all.

But yeah, regardless - this is the best and greatest Star Wars film in a LONG LONG time.
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Red Dead Redemption II (2018 Video Game)
27 November 2018
What can I say that already hasn't been said a million times about this title.

Instead I'm going to say what this title is NOT. It's not a simple game, I find it hard to categorize it as such. It's more than that. The storytelling, the characters, the absolute beauty of the world as it is presented, the gameplay itself, all these, make for something more than a game. It's a experience, one experience that will be remembered fondly for long after it comes to an end.
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Fury (2014)
Waste of time
1 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Don't make the error to be fooled by what the title says... This isn't a war film. Its a action movie that just happens to be taking place in WW2 Germany.

Let's start with the Only somewhat redeeming qualities I can say. It is indeed gritty and dirty, and doesn't do much justice to the characters. Even Brad Pitt's "Wardaddy" character, he is apparently a war criminal even. Shoots a German POW to the back of the head in cold blood. Also, it is impressive to see all the tanks and weaponry etc - considering especially that a real German Tiger was provided for this movie. The only Tiger tank still in working condition, Tiger 131 from Bovington museum in the UK.

Now the bad stuff.

Acting is very obviously forced by the actors, and although none are particularly bad actors or do that bad a job presenting their characters, they act more like caricatures ( or stereotypes, depending on who is portraying whom ) of people, than like normal humans.

The film has long periods where nothing happens ( notably the 2 German women's house ) cut by scenes of fighting which are very unrealistic - Notably, "Fury", Brad Pitt's tank, takes 2-3 hits from a Tiger and survives, all the Germans in the film have forgotten how to operate anti-tank weapons, etc.

The last scene especially is by far the worst - and could be summarized in this sentence: around 200 Hapless Germans run around a lone immobilized Sherman tank like headless chickens, and are getting mauled in the process by Brad Pitt handling a machine gun and Shia Labeouf throwing grenades from a hatch.

Note: Brad Pitt can be killed, but apparently he is indestructible. 2 grenades exploding to his face, inside a tank even, and he is still whole. What is he made from ?

Anyways, If this is your idea for a historical war drama, then sure go ahead watch this film. Otherwise avoid it like the plague, it is ridiculous.
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Interesting, enjoyable, somewhat repetitive.
6 March 2018
This is a very good series, and very well presented. Shines a light on the inner circle of the mafia-like organization that was the Nazi regime and the inner fights between the senior members. Very interesting to see how these horrible people fought each other, hungry for power and/or survival, and still the show constantly reminds the viewer that these interesting characters, were also the monsters responsible for some of the worst crimes of the 20th century.

Only flaw I think is that it is a bit repetitive sometimes, since we have to be constantly reminded who was who. It is understandable of course that not everyone is a history buff who would always recognize historical figures, so that is excepted.

In general is a very good documentary series, highly recommended.
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I cannot find ONE redeeming quality for this movie
28 June 2016
It is true that when you are young, you see movies like the original "ID4" from a different perspective, most often you judge them better than what they really are, and this undeniably is a fact of life. It holds true for most people. Yet, the original movie, even when judged by my 41 years old brain now, without considering the nostalgia factor, and even in all its cheesiness ... still manages to be far far superior from this absolute garbage!

This sequel really is a let down of epic proportions, and I felt like I wasted my money. It manages to be what the first movie totally wasn't ...and that can be summed up in one word: BORING. The bad guys ( the aliens ) are laughably stupid - even more than the first time ... the main characters could all be replaced by cardboard cutouts of people and it wouldn't make any difference. Even the CGI is bad... Avoid it at all costs.
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Indiana Jones IV in a game
26 January 2006
This adventure game has it all ... a great story that unfolds in the right way, hard ( but not insanely hard ) riddles to solve, and long playing time - even longer due to the 3 ways to play it. 3 paths as the game names them. The "fists" path a way to play the game with more action ( fights etc ), the "wits" path, a way with more riddles, and the "team" path, where Indy brings along Sophia in his quest for Atlantis and is a sort of combined action and riddles.

But the best feature of all is that this game has a true "Indiana Jones" feel. You feel that you are really inside a Indy movie! Everything from the original films is here, the action, the feel, everything.

The story is completely new. This time Indy goes for the search of the mythical city of Atlantis. In his quest he will face many dangers and enemies, and in the end he will discover a great secret of the Atlanteans.

The cast of the characters is also almost completely new to the "Indy" series, since from the original cast we see only Indy himself and Marcus who makes a very brief appearance. Sophia Hapgood plays the role of a new "Indy girl" beside Indiana Jones.

Everything combined this is a great game. Its story would alone make a great Indy movie ( easily it could have been a "Indiana Jones IV" based on this ). Do not stand back because of the game's dated technical abilities ( VGA 256 color graphics, MIDI music and a voice-over that isn't very good - the voices of the actors are great, but the sounds were not recorded very good - other times they are too loud, other times too silent ), it sure worths every minute you spend playing it.
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a indicative movie of the years of the Greek "Junta"
15 November 2005
This is a very mediocre movie saved only by the acting abilities of Iliopoulos & Stayridis. Around the first 10 minutes of the film you get the feeling that what you see its big advertisement of the Salonica exposition. In fact the whole script of the movie is built around the salonica exposition - something that it is normal since the "junta" always tried to show that everything is fine and everyone is happy etc.

The actual story of the movie is the story of a poor man ( Iliopoulos ) Who tries to win the song contest in the exposition ( as well the heart of the woman he loves ) and has troubles with someone who looks exactly like him.

The acting of Iliopoulos is as always great ( as it is also of Stayridis ) and this is the only thing that really saves the movie.
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One of the best films - ever.
20 June 2005
"Last of the Mohicans" Is one of the best films of the nineties - and probably one film that will remain in movie history as one of the best ever.

The characters are colorful and the actors have done a great job playing them. The script unfolds very good, and the viewer is never bored with long pauses in the action or scenes with no actual meaning in the story.

it does a great job mixing romance with action. Also it has a outstanding musical score ( by many people it is considered to be the best music that has been ever written for a movie ) and it has great cinematography.

10 stars out of 10. easily. If i could give 11 out of 10 i would give them
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