
18 Reviews
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Volver (I) (2006)
pretty clean for a movie that deals with incest , murder , cancer and ghosts :D
28 May 2015
very bright drama about incest in several generation of women with some quirky humor and comedy in it . plot is interesting but its all over the place and it never came together . you see the plot twist coming from miles away. some of the actions from characters just don't feel real , the way sisters react to their mother being alive really annoyed me . besides that , the acting in the movie was very good . I understand that it's not important for the story but seriously nobody started to look for Paco ? maybe its because movie tries to be more artistic . If Almodovar is trying to tell us that mens are pigs rapists and womens need to stay bond together and be strong to live among mens i guess he succeed......... overall pretty good movie with bright colors , quirky Spanish humor ( that i don't like but some people may enjoy ) and strong performance from Cruz.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
Boring and clichés , clichés everywhere
28 May 2015
the movie was more about journey to Tomorrowland than actual Tomorrowland . and even there i can't say it was a successful adventure Fci-Fi movie . IT starts very promising but than falls apart the jokes are flat one-liners that must make you laugh are not working , action looks good but there is only 1-2 action scene in the entire movie. the storytelling is dull and there is not enough plot so you feel bored, we never really get to know this future sci- fi world . and the whole third act of the movie can be described with one word "Cliche" . Hugh Laurie is a bad guy just because the movie needs villain , and his motivations are just so clichéd and seen so many times before that it makes you roll your eyes....... the massage of the movie is there and it's pretty good , but reminding about it 100 times during the movie did not work for me . Clooney gives solid performance and the ending looked like in sequel we gonna get more of actual Tomorrowland . overall movie can be enjoyable as a family sci-fi adventure movie but it lacked on comedy , action and TOMORROWLAND
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not bad but not among Coen's best films
28 May 2015
Raising Arizona has funny moments and the quirky humor of Coen Brothers for most of the part . The Movie's Narration did not work that well for me to be honest , i thought movie was slow for its type and had a lot of not interesting or funny secondary characters and stories , i am talking about escaped cons and the Hell Rider . the details in the movie are very well made and it's back when Nicolas Cage was acting well so you enjoy performances in the movie but during the movie u get bored because the whole movie feels stretched and ending suddenly goes a little too serious than it should be in my opinion... still

Decent movie from Coen Brothers
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very good romantic drama
10 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Handsomely crafted, with good performances this movie is a gem for romantic drama lovers . characters are complex , environment is beautiful and the music is just amazing ( Alexander Desplat won Golden globe for it ) . the few problems i have with the movie is that it plays a little monotone and the Kitty's character falling in love after all what happened felt a little too easy too simple . characters definitely had potential to show more depth . Love how they handled the love story in the movie , in the beginning Walter falls in love with Kitty but it does not work since she is not in love with him and ends up with affair on the side . during the movie they get to know each other with all their problems , weaknesses and nature and the feelings start to come . the movie shows that you can't truly love someone you don't know . one of my favorite scenes in the movie was when Walter was watching Kitty playing piano and falling in love with her but this time he knows what he loves her for . The Story is happening during a cholera epidemic which makes it story more interesting to watch and gives good side plot to the movie . overall the story is predictable but the result is more than satisfying .
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Hunger (2008)
Brutal !!
9 May 2015
great acting from Fassbender , very realistic shot movie with a lot of violence and brutality . the Dialoge between Bobby and the priest was the best part in the movie , loved it and the whole hunger strike part was just painful to watch ( in a good way ) . i still think movie had a lot of scenes that were used for no reason , seen with the guard or the guy trying to play with the fly or the guy cleaning the walls, i understand that those scenes were helping to make realistic look and atmosphere but still did not work for me at least...... 1 thing that movie was lacking was emotions , movie felt a little flat . maybe director made it so it will look more artistic which it definitely did .
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Mommy (I) (2014)
good directing weak script
9 May 2015
very good directing , the cast was good music and songs were great , using 1:1 aspect ratio worked as well helped to focus on characters tho if going wide screen 1st time was nice trick , 2nd time it was a letdown . main problem of the movie was the script , there was no 1 strong dialog or monologue from characters , movie felt too long for that script and it made some plot holes . the best parts in the movie were the scenes with no talking . and i did not get why so many people find this movie funny , some idiot talking rude to his mom is funny ? not for me . and Steve was very far from Gump or rain man in terms of creating sympathy to care for him .
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Four Rooms (1995)
9 May 2015
1st room just painful to watch 2nd room again nothing interesting very bad 3rd room had some funny moments and 4th room is the only room you feel directors work , the ending shot was very good but that's it . the only thing that was really really good in the movie was the music and Tim Roths overacting if you like him you gonna enjoy it . everything else was just terrible especially first two rooms they just killed the movie and before you get into 3rd and 4th room you already want to quit........... this movie had sounds its gonna be fun and it had everything to be so but the result is complete opposite . Even Bruce Willis was not able to save this movie
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one of the most overrated movies EVER !
9 May 2015
one of the most overrated movies ever !!! ye it has interesting visuals and art decoration that makes the movie look surreal it is pretty well acted movie and it has good music, mostly its classic music playing on background and that's it so many plot holes , so many scenes that make no sense . Alex's character that we don't get to know during the movie , they never show us why is he that way , the reason behind his actions . the movie tries to tell that if people around you are assholes its okay to be one yourself ? or is it trying to say that crazy Alex was more normal and making less harm than the kind polite Alex ? the movie is complete mess...........
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great !
9 May 2015
movie convey the difficult situation and the anger , violence of that time in Ireland . It shows threw what pain and grief people went fighting against British , fighting for something they believed in. Acting was excellent same as Cinematography . Any conflict, once started, takes on a life of its own. One act of violence leads to another in retaliation and the cycle continues . you clearly see how Cillian Murphy is getting affected by this events and how they transform him , the movie came a little short on human drama until the late ending of the movie which was heartbreaking to watch . "it's easy to see what you are fighting against but it's harder to know what are you fighting for" Great Movie . the movie is similar to Breaveheart but a little less powerful on emotional level
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Navy Battles like you haven't seen before
2 February 2015
movie tells us story of the battle for Roaring Currents during the invasion of Japanese to Korea in 1597. the main character of the movie is Admiral Admiral Yi Sun-Shin who fought with 13 ships against 133 ( 330 in movie ) and he really was a legendary navy admiral in real life , on same level with Nelson . the best thing in the movie are the navy battles scenes , its the best navy war movie i have ever seen in my life its just pure joy to watch those massive battle scenes loved it , the battles are similar to some other Korean movies like ( Mu SA or Arrow the ultimate weapon ) . however the movie suffers from character development , there are some cheesy moments that feel totally not necessary. Japanese people look like evil guys without personalities overall i recommend to see it , even if you wont like the whole movie , you will definitely enjoy amazing navy war scenes which are like half of the movie .
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Clint Eastwood Brings us another great movie !
29 January 2015
American sniper it's a story about Navi seal Sniper Chris Kyle who had 160 confirmed kills from 250+ possible. The movie doesn't try to show why America invaded Iraq ,was it right or wrong , it doesn't show any political stuff that has to do with this situation . It's the story of Chris Kyle on only his . The movie is violent , disturbing and it captures the sense of sorrow around this story . IT shows Chris as ordinary man not a superhero or a legend , a man who is very patriotic and believes in his purpose to protect his country. Film shows how war does affect soldiers and their families after they come home will it be enemies you killed , violence you saw or comrades you didn't save .The only problem i have with the movie is they showed Chris Kyle a little more anti-war person than he really was , who after going all this still kept loyal to what he believed . Eastwood focused more on his humanity side which i have to admit worked damn well . Bradley Cooper gives an amazing Oscar worthy performance , best one in his career , he transformed not only physically but mentally too. Directing is very good everything works around main character , helping us to understand him more and using close up shots letting Cooper Shine as a diamond . overall movie is shot very well battle scenes are real and very very intense sometimes you just hold your breath , the stories transition between Iraq and U.S. is done in right moments so the story wont suffer from it . the movie keeps good balance between action and drama and the cinematography is really good something not so usual for Eastwood tho a little to colorful for his movies one of the best movies of Clint Eastwood and definitely of the year go watch it
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I Origins (2014)
Interesting idea... bad execution
17 January 2015
the battle between science and religion is interesting and the movie tries to tell us that both of those things are part of us and have great impact on our lives and its not just about only one of them . but the movies execution is really bad there is no character development , characters don't feel real . the dialogs in the movie are TERRIBLE they put you to sleep they are not helping to move forward the plot or develop the character . everything in the movie feels gloomy but for no reason the characters don't suite with that film atmosphere and it feels fake . scenes in the movie are stretched, they feel longer they then should be , the plot feel very rushed and u don't have time to get into it and care about people involved . overall Mike Cahill tried to make something like his Another Earth and failed ( which wasn't a great movie either but was better than this one ,definitely check it out if you liked this movie ) the music in the movie is pretty good , Micheal Pitt's performance is good, there is Glen from walking dead. the idea that the movie is based and tries to explore is interesting but the execution was just not good enough.
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Ridley Scott did same thing to Moses , what Aronofsky did to Noah
8 January 2015
Before saying anything about the movie i wanna say i am not a religious person fanatic and i am fine with Hollywood making bible movie . Let's talk about strong parts first , the movie has good cinematography the shots are massive , they look beautiful , decorations and costumes are done excellent ( something to expect from Scott ) special effects are looking cool and the action scenes are good and pretty much that's it . Ridley Scott fails to show spiritual aspect of the story completely .You never really see the feelings between 2 brothers . Aaron Paul , Ben Kingsley , Sigourney Weaver they hardly do anything on the film .And though Christian Bale is one of my favorite actors and he do decent job in this movie i think Jim Caviezel would fit much better for the role of moses ( more spiritual and less fighting moses though ). a lot of scenes felt rushed even thought he movie wasn't short . 7 sins looked fantastic but lacked the emotional power you see in "prince of Egypt" and the last sea scene didn't actually looked that cool , which should have been best scene of the movie :) overall it's a good blockbuster movie and you will have fun watching it on a big screen but don't expect much or you will be disappointed . 6.5/10
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Battle Royale (2000)
Tarantino's Fav movie since 1990
4 January 2015
film is about a world in the near future where school children have decided anarchy is their weapon against the world of adults. the adults pass a law that allows them to choose 1 class every year to fight against each other until 1 child stands alive. This movie has humour , irony violence, tons of blood , it's shocking and super entertaining no wonder why it's Tarantino's favorite movie, it can be considered even as a satire. the biggest flaw of the movie in my opinion is that it never really go deep into the society problems that created this Battle Royale thing . Director decided to mostly focus on teenagers killing each other i must admit it works well . and tho i can see the idea behind all this it just doesn't make sense how playing Battle Royale is gonna help to solve the problem of the society in the movie, i think they could come up with some more logical reason . though to be honest plot in this type of movies hardly ever make sense acting from students is maximum mediocre but Takeshi Kitano is good Fukasaku choose to use a classic music here and it works great. i enjoyed this movie much more than hunger games which was to soft compare to BR .I highly recommend this film to any Tarantino fan
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Fury (2014)
missing something
3 January 2015
Fury is a good world war 2 action movie but nothing more . the director wanted to show us the horror of the war and the character Norman is there for anti-war massage but it is done pretty poorly , i have seen a lot of antiwar pictures this is not one of them . There are a lot of battle scenes in the movie and all of them are done well especially the tank battle with the German tank Tiger ,it was intense and well shot ,the best scene in the movie in my opinion . Details, cities , battlefields everything are done well.Brad Pitt is good as always so are other members of the crew. But Tere is too much of unnecessary fancy stuff in the movie . and tho there are really some rough and violent scenes you never feel the horror of the war .the movie succeed as an world war 2 action but fails on dramatic and emotional level and the reason for that are the storytelling and character development issues , you never feel connection with them .the movie was good but it could have been so much better that i was a little disappointed
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The Drop (2014)
Leon and the flower ? now we get Bob and the puppy
3 January 2015
another great story from Denis Lehane , the guy who gave us "gone baby gone" "shutter island" and my favorite Mystic River . this time the storyline is more predictable but not less enjoyable to watch . the film has very dark atmosphere u know something wrong can happen any second and it creates tension . the acting is the strongest part of the film in my opinion , Tom Hardy was just on other level , officially in my favorite actors list after this :) James Gandolfini was as good as in sopranos and Noomi is an expert in playing such characters so it works out well . the movie pretty much does not have any dynamics and action ( which i really liked ) movie slowly progress to his third act were it lets Tom hardy shine and give strong finale to the movie. the main thing that i felt was bad was the detective character who was trying to bring philosophy but director kinda fails on that part it was not well developed and didn't work out . cinematography was good not bad but could have been better . objectively this movie has flaws but overall its a very good criminal drama movie , with amazing acting and lovable characters and good plot . this year i enjoyed this movie the most along side with interstellar and Foxcatcher that's why i give it

we need more puppies in the movies nowadays
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Seven Samurai (1954)
best movie ever made !!!
3 January 2015
Seven Samurai" is the greatest filmmaking ever . Every scene is necessary and perfectly directed. Kurosawa succeed to make a perfect movie that will combine drama ,comedy, romance , philosophy and definitely most powerful. dynamic and intense battle scenes ever filmed ,( nowadays directors should watch it and learn how to direct a battle scene ) .despite 200 minutes of running time "Seven Samurai" doesn't bore at all. this movie has such a strong spirit it's epic . the storyline is strong and the character's are amazing ,each of them is very well developed, which gives the movie more depth. visually the movie looks beautiful , pure and perfect cinematography . Kurosawa was undoubtedly one of the most influential directors of all time a lot of movies nowadays use techniques from him. they way he used weather to set atmosphere and mood , the Rashomon's effect , transition between the scenes etc i can talk about this movie all day long and it still wont be enough it's a movie for generations..... a true masterpiece of cinema
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Magnificent Movie !
17 December 2014
a great movie from Clint Eastwood , he is one of the best directors in terms of getting best performances from his actors, he pretty much always picks stories about underdogs and he never fails to show humanity in his characters and stories he is telling ,his movies always have a strong moral side no exception here too , acting in the movie is just perfect , Clint plays usual role for him but that is kind of roles he always plays and does them well ( i agree he does not have a great range but in his range he is the best) Hilary swank is just incredible, Morgan freeman is playing and narrating the movie which makes it more interesting to watch !!! won't talk much about the plot to not spoil tho its a 2005 movie . its not just a boxing movie it's about human relationship , loyalty about struggle of making hard choices, about what are we ready to sacrifice for achieving our dreams . of course there are some cons (mostly clichés that is not necessary a bad thing but i really don't like them ) Clint doesn't use camera tricks there is no special effects . there is just some quite piano playing here and there that he composed by himself this movie doesn't need all that , it punches you so hard you won't get up at least i didn't
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