
6 Reviews
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4 October 2020
If the reason for making this movie was to convey the idea that life is meaningless, then they accomplished exactly that. That is really the only take away from this movie, because nothing meaningful happens at any point. Everytime you think something might go somewhere interesting, it just goes nowhere. The two characters have much to learn from each other, but they never do.
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Great Combo of Horror, Comedy, and Time Loops
1 August 2020
I am not a fan of horror movies in general. Comedy always helps. So do time loops. So I gave this a shot and it is now one of my favorite movies ever.

Is it perfect? No. Are there logistical issues? Yes. Are there lots of little things you could pick apart if you wanted to do so? Yes. But the movie is just so darn fun that I didn't care about any of that. I did not figure out the killer on my own, but some people I watched it with did, though it didn't affect their enjoyment of the movie. Like me, they just thought it was so fun that they overlooked it.
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A Definite Love It or Hate It Movie
1 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I completely understand all the low ratings and reviews. This is definitely a movie that if you don't like it, you are going to absolutely hate it. It is very dry comedy with lots of deadpan and significant fourth wall breaking. If you don't find anything amusing in the first 10 minutes, then you should probably move on to something else.

Over the top political commentary. Side stories that go absolutely nowhere and are seemingly just forgotten. Random plots events that make no sense to the rest of the movie. All things I normally hate in a movie, but this time it just works. The reason for this is a fourth wall break that you don't initially realize is a fourth wall break. Very early in the movie and throughout it, Adam Driver's character says, "This isn't going to end well." It isn't obvious that he's talking about the movie itself. So when all the ridiculous plot points happen and the side stories are abandoned, it is HILARIOUS because he's been telling the viewer all along that was going to happen.
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A Fun Ride
1 April 2018
If you are expecting this movie to be exactly like the book, then you haven't been paying attention to the trailers. The very existence of the car racing scene should have been enough to prepare you for major changes. In order to follow the novel completely, they would have needed a trilogy or maybe even a mini-series. In addition, much of the novel takes place inside Wade's own thoughts, which was never going to translate into a good movie.

In fact, the movie differing from the book is actually keeping true to the novel! As Wade states early on in the novel, "Dozens of books, cartoons, movies, and miniseries have attempted to tell the story of everything that happened next, but every single one of them got it wrong." It is only fitting that the movie and book differ.

So if you go into it knowing to expect a whole new adventure, then it is hard to not enjoy this movie. It is full of fun references, both obvious and fleeting that will require many re-watches to catch (and the ability to pause once it is released for home viewing!). The same summary can be used for the novel and this movie, but we are given a whole new adventure to enjoy. I found this refreshing, as it gave us a whole new set of challenges for the High Five to overcome.

Sure, the movie does not have as much depth as the novel, but what adaptation does? The important thing is that they did not lose the fun nor the heart of the novel. So many adaptations don't feel anything like the source material, but this movie certainly does.
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Nothing More Than An Average Episode
25 July 2008
Before I begin, let me start by saying that I did not dislike this movie. I did not, however, feel that it was worth paying good money to see. As tight lipped as FOX was about the plot of this movie, people were led to believe that something big was going to happen. That simply wasn't the case. In reality, this movie was nothing more than an extended mystery-of-the-week episode of the show. There was nothing about it that made it worthy of being a feature length film. It really was more of a two hour reunion episode that could have aired on FOX.

My advice? If you don't mind paying to see a stand-alone episode of X-Files, then go ahead and see it. You'll probably enjoy it. It's not a great episode, but it's good to see Mulder and Scully again. Otherwise, wait till it comes out for rental or even TV. You won't be missing out on anything ground breaking by waiting to see it.
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The Rocket (2005)
Average Movie, Great Story
19 June 2008
First of all, I must say I was blown away by the story of Rocket Richard. I knew of him only as a hockey player, I had no idea that to many people, he was so much more. I always loved the Rocket, and this movie only adds to that. I have even more respect for the man than I did before.

As for the movie, the lead actor was good and looks very much like the Rocket. The problem, however, is the directed audience. The movie clearly was intended for a Quebecois audience. Parts of the movie were somewhat difficult to follow if you are not familiar with the history of Quebec. While not a huge problem, it did detract from my viewing experience. I thought they could have done a better job framing the movie with a little more information. The other negative of the movie was the lighting. I checked the brightness on my TV and it wasn't the problem. The whole movie is very dark, makes it difficult to see.

Overall, I'd say this is a must-see for any Canadians fan and any big hockey fan. If you don't follow the sport much, then the movie probably isn't for you. It's not quite the stand alone story that other great sports movies tend to be. I enjoyed it very much, but I don't know that a non-hockey fan would get much out of it.
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